SEO friendly 301 redirect .htm to .aspx -

I currently have a small-midsize website with .htm extensions. I have redesigned the full website, this time using a .aspx extension. I want to issue 301 redirects to keep my search engine rankings, but am unsure of how to do so from an .html page in a spider friendly way. With research I have repeatedly encountered references to ISAPI redirects (but no where can I seem to find a full explanation, just a link to, which does not load). Other than this I have been advised to run all .htm pages through the engine and issue a redirect through asp code. I have no idea how to get that done.
I am unfamiliar with asp.NET (the new site was not designed by me), and only with LAMP, which seems far more simply managed with .htaccess.
Thank you so much for any help, time, considerations or suggestions

You can use a .htaccess file if you get a license to the Helicon's ISAPI Rewrite module. It might be a familiar environment for you. But you are right, the home page doesn't load.
Here's a link to some information about the product. It does work, it's a good product. I'm not sure I'd recommend ordering it while the vendor's site is down though.
The vendor site is back up and here:


Linking different site extensions

I'm the owner of a domain ajrecruit and from that domain I own 4 extensions.
Now my original site is and is build in WordPress.
My question now is what is the best practice in order that when people use the .com .nl .eu all get redirected to
Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking who to redirect a page as I know how to do this. My question is what is the best practice so Google picks up the different extensions as well?
Do I just redirect from all extensions to mu domain?
What about my sitemap? Do I put the other extensions in my sitemap?
I hope it's a bit clear as I'm having trouble to explain it in English.
I used for this task 301 redirects, it's easy and convenient.

How to locally link pages in worldpress

We are currently building a site on our server that will eventually take over a current site. The problem we are running into is that all of our hyperlinks will change once we transfer over to the new site. Is there a way to link pages without hard coding in the URL?
You will probably want to use mod_rewrite to rewrite your URL from the old format to the new format. You might start at If you search on mod_rewrite, you will be able to find lots of examples and tutorials to help you.

Extract URL's from a website?

I would like to migrate a site, but the new URL's are completely different from the old URL's. I do not want to break my old sites links that are out there on the web. Is there a way to extract all the links from a site so I can generate a redirect table (I will probably put the redirects on the web server level)? The old is on ASP.NET with SQL server 2008 by the way. Am open to crawling the site or mining the SQL database, but need some help or advice.
You could use IIS Seo Optimalization Toolkit for that.
With that tool you can spider the entire website. Then when the report finishes, go to Content -> Host summary and double click the host of the website. There you have a complete list of all spedered URL's.
And ofcourse, when you have these url's, you can make URL rewrite of routing mechanisms available to 301 to the right content on the new website.
The best way is to actually put a 301 redirect to notify all engines that your URL's have permanently moved Search for 301 in this http response code documentation for more info on 301. That is if I am understanding your problem (that you want links from other sites and searches and whatnot to realize that your site moved?).
It doesn't sound like you're running Apache. However, Apache has an available module called mod_rewrite. There may be a similar module for other web servers.
mod_rewrite allows you to do exactly what you are describing.
Perhaps with litle js magic if works for you

how to convert a asp website to wordpress?

i've a small website(with few of pages-- max 20) on asp running on windows server since last 3 years with a lot of traffic and all the pages are indexed and ranked high by google and other search engines, but now i decided to convert my existing asp website to wordpress on that same domain and host.i'll request the godaddy to change my hosting server from windows to linux, and that i'll install wordpress there and i'll recreate all 20 pages there, but the matter is that i'll lose my all there anyway to redirect those asp indexed links to my new wordpress posts?
any kind of help will be appreciated-- Thanks in advance :)
You can use 301 redirect to redirect all your old asp urls to the new wordpress urls using htaccess.
You have only 20 pages so it would be easy for you to do it manually i think. Thanks
I found the following plugins to easily manage 301 redirects. Please use any of the one given below.
You just need to put the old asp url without the domain name and the new wordpess url with domain name. Thanks
Keeping the existing SE rankings must be the top priority and for that you have no other option but use 301 redirect.
It's good to know how 301 redirect works; so this article may be useful;
Since you will be porting your site into wordpress, it makes a lot of sense to use a known plug in for this particular task.
As always, download a known/rated/trustworthy/uptodate plug in.
Here is one that fits the bill, for you.

How should I implement 302 redirect for website transition?

I have an old website that hasn't gotten much love over the years and that's about to change. The existing site is based on a 3.* version of an ASP.NET portal framework called DotNetNuke (DNN).
I'm going to pull that site down and bring up a new site based on a static site generator called Nanoc (Ruby based). I'll be serving the site with nginx.
I'm not sure how to go about redirecting the old pages on the new site. Many of the new pages will be completely new; several of the old pages will not be back up. I suspect there will be a few that I'll want to keep alive in some form, but certainly not with the same urls.
Should I be concerned with doing a fine grained redirect on each of the pages on the site (it's not a large site), or just handle it with a general redirect?
You only need to bother with 301's (permanent redirect, better than 302) on links you want search engines to know changed, or if people might have them bookmarked. Other than that, I would just redirect 404's that look like an old URL to your new home page.
