I'm writing a predicate to find all possible successor states for an iteration of A* and put them in a list like [(cost, state), ...] , which stands at this at the moment:
addSuccessors(L, [], _).
addSuccessors(L, [X|T], OrigList) :- memb(OrigList, Index, X),
add((X, Index), L, List2),
addSuccessors(List2, T, OrigList).
addSuccessors(L, [X|[]], OrigList) :- memb(OrigList, Index, X),
add((X, Index), L, L2),
addSuccessors(L2, [], OrigList).
Add adds something to the end of a list, memb gets the (index)th element of a list. I know they work, and when I look at L2 in the bottom predicate I get something like this
?- addSuccessors(X, [1500, 3670], [0, 0, 0, 1500, 3670]).
X = [] ;
[ (1500, 3), (3670, 4)]
X = [] ;
X = [_G1175] ;
[_G1175, (1500, 3), (3670, 4)]
X = [_G1175] ;
X = [_G1175, _G1181] ;
[_G1175, _G1181, (1500, 3), (3670, 4)]
X = [_G1175, _G1181] ;
Which is very frustrating because the [(1500, 3), (3670, 4)] list is what I want X to be after I call it so it looks to be doing what I want just not... where I want.
Please, how can I fix this?
It's been awhile since I programmed in Prolog, but I think you need to separate the list that you are building up from the list that you return (i.e., add another parameter). Your rule for [X|[]] should bind the output variable and not recurse.
Think about how L actually gets it's initial value. Well the thing is it doesn't. What you're trying to do is build up a list from scratch, so you need to start with an empty list, not an unbound variable. One way to solve this is to write a wrapper predicate which allows your current predicate to act as an accumulator predicate.
This might look something like this, where addSuccessors_acc will contain the clauses that you have already defined.
addSuccessors(L, X, Y) :-
The idea is that the second argument to the addSuccessors_acc predicate acts as your accumulator, which is the list that is being built up with each recursive call. Then in the base case of the accumulator predicate you just need to unify the accumulator variable with the first argument, to pass along the final list. eg:
Also, as ergosys points out, your third clause can actually be the base case. Since you are dealing with the last element in the list there is no need to recurse - all that is doing is delaying the base case one extra call onwards.
I am trying to print the size of a list created from below power set function
fun add x ys = x :: ys;
fun powerset ([]) = [[]]
| powerset (x::xr) = powerset xr # map (add x) (powerset xr) ;
val it = [[],[3],[2],[2,3],[1],[1,3],[1,2],[1,2,3]] : int list list;
I have the list size function
fun size xs = (foldr op+ 0 o map (fn x => 1)) xs;
I couldnt able to merge these two functions and get the result like
I need something like this:
Could anyone please help me with this?
You can get the length of a list using the built-in List.length.
You seem to forget to mention that you have the constraint that you can only use higher-order functions. (I am guessing you have this constraint because others these days are asking how to write powerset functions with this constraint, and using foldr to count, like you do, seems a little constructed.)
Your example indicates that you are trying to count each list in a list of lists, and not just the length of one list. For that you'd want to map the counting function across your list of lists. But that'd just give you a list of lengths, and your desired output seems to be a list of tuples containing both the length and the actual list.
Here are some hints:
You might as well use foldl rather than foldr since addition is associative.
You don't need to first map (fn x => 1) - this adds an unnecessary iteration of the list. You're probably doing this because folding seems complicated and you only just managed to write foldr op+ 0. This is symptomatic of not having understood the first argument of fold.
Try, instead of op+, to write the fold expression using an anonymous function:
fun size L = foldl (fn (x, acc) => ...) 0 L
Compare this to op+ which, if written like an anonymous function, would look like:
fn (x, y) => x + y
Folding with op+ carries some very implicit uses of the + operator: You want to discard one operand (since not its value but its presence counts) and use the other one as an accumulating variable (which is better understood by calling it acc rather than y).
If you're unsure what I mean about accumulating variable, consider this recursive version of size:
fun size L =
let fun sizeHelper ([], acc) = acc
| sizeHelper (x::xs, acc) = sizeHelper (xs, 1+acc)
in sizeHelper (L, 0) end
Its helper function has an extra argument for carrying a result through recursive calls. This makes the function tail-recursive, and folding is one generalisation of this technique; the second argument to fold's helper function (given as an argument) is the accumulating variable. (The first argument to fold's helper function is a single argument rather than a list, unlike the explicitly recursive version of size above.)
Given your size function (aka List.length), you're only a third of the way, since
size [[],[3],[2],[2,3],[1],[1,3],[1,2],[1,2,3]]
gives you 8 and not [(0,[]),(1,[3]),(1,[2]),(2,[2,3]),...)]
So you need to write another function that (a) applies size to each element, which would give you [0,1,1,2,...], and (b) somehow combine that with the input list [[],[3],[2],[2,3],...]. You could do that either in two steps using zip/map, or in one step using only foldr.
Try and write a foldr expression that does nothing to an input list L:
foldr (fn (x, acc) => ...) [] L
(Like with op+, doing op:: instead of writing an anonymous function would be cheating.)
Then think of each x as a list.
I've been learning Erlang and tried completing some practise functions. I struggled making one function in particular and think it might be due to me not thinking "Erlang" enough.
The function in question takes a list and a sublist size then produces a list of tuples containing the number of elements before the a sublist, the sublist itself and the number of elements after the sublist. For example
sublists(1,[a,b,c])=:=[{0,[a],2}, {1,[b],1}, {2,[c],0}].
sublists(2,[a,b,c])=:=[{0,[a,b],1}, {1,[b,c],0}].
My working solution was
sublists(SubListSize, [H | T]) ->
Length = length(1, T),
sublists(SubListSize, Length, Length-SubListSize, [H|T], []).
sublists(_, _, -1, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
sublists(SubSize, Length, Count, [H|T], Acc) ->
Sub = {Length-SubSize-Count, grab(SubSize, [H|T],[]),Count},
sublists(SubSize, Length, Count-1, T, [Sub|Acc]).
length(N, []) -> N;
length(N, [_|T]) -> length(N+1, T).
grab(0, _, Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
grab(N, [H|T], Acc) -> grab(N-1, T, [H|Acc]).
but it doesn't feel right and I wondered if there was a better way?
There was an extension that asked for the sublists function to be re-implemented using a list comprehension. My failed attempt was
sublist_lc(SubSize, L) ->
Length = length(0, L),
Indexed = lists:zip(L, lists:seq(0, Length-1)),
[{I, X, Length-1-SubSize} || {X,I} <- Indexed, I =< Length-SubSize].
As I understand it, list comprehensions can't see ahead so I was unable to use my grab function from earlier. This again makes me thing there must be a better way of solving this problem.
I show a few approaches below. All protect against the case where the requested sublist length is greater than the list length. All use functions from the standard lists module.
The first one uses lists:split/2 to capture each sublist and the length of the remaining tail list, and uses a counter C to keep track of how many elements precede the sublist. The length of the remaining tail list, named Rest, gives the number of elements that follow each sublist.
sublists(N,L) when N =< length(L) ->
sublists(N,L,Acc,C) when N == length(L) ->
sublists(N,[_|T]=L,Acc,C) ->
{SL,Rest} = lists:split(N,L),
The next one uses two lists of counters, one indicating how many elements precede the sublist and the other indicating how many follow it. The first is easily calculated by simply counting from 0 to the length of the input list minus the length of each sublist, and the second list of counters is just the reverse of the first. These counter lists are also used to control recursion; we stop when each contains only a single element, indicating we've reached the final sublist and can end the recursion. This approach uses the lists:sublist/2 call to obtain all but the final sublist.
sublists(N,L) when N =< length(L) ->
Up = lists:seq(0,length(L)-N),
Down = lists:reverse(Up),
sublists(_,L,Acc,{[U],[D]}) ->
sublists(N,[_|T]=L,Acc,{[U|UT],[D|DT]}) ->
And finally, here's a solution based on a list comprehension. It's similar to the previous solution in that it uses two lists of counters to control iteration. It also makes use of lists:nthtail/2 and lists:sublist/2 to obtain each sublist, which admittedly isn't very efficient; no doubt it can be improved.
sublists(N,L) when N =< length(L) ->
Up = lists:seq(0,length(L)-N),
Down = lists:reverse(Up),
[{U,lists:sublist(lists:nthtail(U,L),N),D} || {U,D} <- lists:zip(Up,Down)].
Oh, and a word of caution: your code implements a function named length/2, which is somewhat confusing because it has the same name as the standard length/1 function. I recommend avoiding naming your functions the same as such commonly-used standard functions.
Define a function that, given a list L, an object x, and a positive
integer k, returns a copy of L with x inserted at the k-th position.
For example, if L is [a1, a2, a3] and k=2, then [a1, x, a2, a3] is
returned. If the length of L is less than k, insert at the end. For
this kind of problems, you are supposed not to use, for example, the
length function. Think about how the function computes the length. No
'if-then-else' or any auxiliary function.
I've figured out how to make a function to find the length of a list
fun mylength ([]) = 0
| mylength (x::xs) = 1+ mylength(xs)
But, as the questions states, I can't use this as an auxiliary function in the insert function. Also, i'm lost as to how to go about the insert function? Any help or guidance would be appreciated!
Here's how to do this. Each recursive call you pass to the function tail of the list and (k - 1) - position of the new element in the tail of the list. When the list is empty, you construct a single-element list (which was given to you); when k is 0, you append your element to what's left from the list. On the way back, you append all heads of the list that you unwrapped before.
fun kinsert [] x k = [x]
| kinsert ls x 0 = x::ls
| kinsert (l::ls) x k = l::(kinsert ls x (k - 1))
I used a 0-indexed list; if you want 1-indexed, just replace 0 with 1.
As you can see, it's almost the same as your mylength function. The difference is that there are two base cases for recursion and your operation on the way back is not +, but ::.
You can call it like this
kinsert [1,2,3,4,5,6] 10 3;
It has 3 arguments; unlike your length function, it does not wrap arguments in a tuple.
Here's how I'd approach it. The following assumes that the list item starts from zero.
fun mylength (lst,obj,pos) =
case (lst,obj,pos) of
| (xs::ys,ob,0) => ob::lst
| (xs::ys,ob,po) => xs::mylength(ys,obj,pos-1)
What I want to do is simple:
collection = {'a':[], 'b':[], 'c':[]}
values = [1,2,3]
I want to make a function that produces the following: (append the values into the list element of the dictionary, the dic and the list are the same length)
{'a':[1], 'b':[2], 'c':[3]}
This is simple enough and I can do it using, a couple of for x in. But I want to do this in one line. (using two loops in the same line) and I can not get the syntax to work.
I have tried some things similar to this, but they all result in syntax error:
collection[c].append(value), for c in d.iteritems(), for value in values
You can't do what you want to do on one line. You can create a new dictionary on one line though:
{k: collection[k] + [v] for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values)}
>>> collection = {'a':[], 'b':[], 'c':[]}
>>> values = [1,2,3]
>>> {k: collection[k] + [v] for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values)}
{'a': [1], 'c': [2], 'b': [3]}
This is called a dict comprehension. Like a list comprehension and a generator expression, you can use multiple loops in one of those, but you don't need one here. zip() will pair up the keys from collection with the integers from values.
To modify a dict in-place, you'll have to use 2 lines at least:
for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values):
Python does accept that on one line, but that goes against just about every styleguide I can look up for you:
for k, v in zip(collection.keys(), values): collection[k].append(v)
Python throws a syntax error because it interprets your line as a tuple of expressions (the commas make it a tuple), and two of your expressions are for statements, which cannot be used in an expression.
I have a clause like following:
this clause succeed. But I want to know how many times conditional_combination() is called before equal(X,[8,6,5,3,6,9]) is become true. the program is to generate a permutation by following some rules. And I need to how many permutation is need to generate to get a particular value like 865369.
What you actually want is something slightly different: You want to count the number of answers (so far) of a goal.
The following predicate call_nth(Goal_0, Nth) succeeds like call(Goal_0) but has an additional argument which indicates that the answer found is the n-th answer. This definition is highly specific to SWI or YAP. Do not use things like nb_setarg/3 in your general programs, but use them for well encapsulated cases as this one. Even within
those two systems, the precise meaning of these constructs is not well defined for the general case. Here is a definition for SICStus. Update: use unsigned_64 in newer versions instead of unsigned_32.
call_nth(Goal_0, Nth) :-
Nth \== 0,
\+arg(Nth,+ 1,2), % produces all expected errors
State = count(0,_), % note the extra argument which remains a variable
arg(1, State, C1),
C2 is C1+1,
( Nth == C2
-> !
; nb_setarg(1, State, C2),
call_nth(Goal_0, Nth) :-
State = count(0,_), % note the extra argument which remains a variable
arg(1, State, C1),
C2 is C1+1,
nb_setarg(1, State, C2),
Nth = C2.
A more robust abstraction is provided by Eclipse:
call_nth(Goal_0, Nth) :-
shelf_create(counter(0), CounterRef),
shelf_inc(CounterRef, 1),
shelf_get(CounterRef, 1, Nth).
?- call_nth(between(1,5,I),Nth).
I = Nth, Nth = 1
; I = Nth, Nth = 2
; I = Nth, Nth = 3
; I = Nth, Nth = 4
; I = Nth, Nth = 5.
So simply wrap it around:
lock_open :-
call_nth(conditional_combination(X), Nth),
X = [8,6,5,3,6,9],
If you are using SWI prolog you can use nb_getval/2 and nb_setval/2 to achieve what you want:
nb_setval(ctr, 0), % Initialize counter
nb_inc(ctr), % Increment Counter
% Here you can access counter value with nb_getval(ctr, Value)
nb_getval(Key, Old),
succ(Old, New),
nb_setval(Key, New).
Other prologs have other means to do the same, look for global variables in your prolog implementation. In this snippet I used the term ctr to hold the current goal counter. You can use any term there that is not used in your program.
While working on a module "micro", I recently invented pivots. They are inspired by the thread / pipe pattern to pass around data. A pivot is a bounded queue of maximum length one, the pivot_put/1 does a copy of the given term as well. But for performance reasons they don't use a synchronized and are non-blocking.
In as far they are very similar to nb_setarg/3, except that they don't destruct a Prolog term, but instead they update a Java data structure. As a result they are little bit safer than the non-logical term operations. Also they don't need some call_cleanup/3, since they are Java garbage collected.
In as far they are more similar than nb_setarg/3, than using some explicit allocate and dealloccate of structures. So for example a solution for SICStus Prolog could be:
call_nth(Goal_0, Nth) :-
new(unsigned_32, Counter),
call_cleanup(call_nth1(Goal_0, Counter, Nth),
call_nth1(Goal_0, Counter, Nth) :-
get_contents(Counter, contents, Count0),
Count1 is Count0+1,
put_contents(Counter, contents, Count1),
Nth = Count1.
With pivots, there is even no 32-bit limitation, and we can directly do:
call_nth(G, C) :-
pivot_put(P, 0),
pivot_take(P, M),
N is M+1,
pivot_put(P, N),
C = N.