Input type "hidden" vs text area - http

I'm having a weird issue with an input type hidden and was wondering if anyone has ever seen something like this before. I'm saving about 2MB of data to a hidden field, in a comma separated format, then I'm posting that data to a jsp that simply sets some headers (so the output is recognized as an excel file) and then echoes the data.
I'm seeing that the variable that holds this data gets empty to the jsp side, even though I see that it's getting posted to the server (I'm seeing it with an HTTP sniffer) and all data seems to be contained correctly in the hidden field (I'm seeing that with firebug). However, if I change the object type to be a text area, the data is received correctly on the server's side.
Another weird thing I'm observing is that if I use URL encoding on the data, even using a text area, nothing gets to the server. If I don't use URL encoding but I have the hidden field, nothing gets saved to the field (it's empty when I check it with firebug). I don't understand that either...
I'm wondering if there is any special security setting that prevents the hidden fields to post big amounts of data to a Tomcat web server. Does anybody know anything about that?
If it makes any difference, I'm using the default enctype on the form (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
I'm currently using a text are and setting the style to visibility "hidden" but it bothers me not to understand what's going on *sigh... Any suggestion is appreciated

I think having 2MB of data in a hidden field is a mistake regardless. You should store that kind of thing on the server as part of the session state, not send it back and forth between the server and the user, as you are doing. Instead, use a hidden field or cookie for the session variable*, which will be used to look up the 2MB of data.
*Don't do this by hand. JSP already has support for session state, among other things.

The server can't tell the difference between a textarea and textbox. All form elements are simply posted as name/value pairs.
Most likely, you have a double-quote somewhere in your data that's terminating the value attribute of the hidden input element. For example:
<input type="hidden" value="Double " quote" />
You need to escape the double-quotes by replacing them with "
<input type="hidden" value="Double " quote" />

Related response dual content type

i am sending a large amount of excel content data to the browser using Page.Response.Write("") in a for loop.
before starting the loop i am changing the conetnt type of the reponse.context property to "ms-excel".
if i have an exception during that for loop , i try to popup an error message to the browser by registering an HTML startup script block and Write it to the browser. before the write i change back the content type to be text/html.
but i get an error that say that is not possible to change the content type after sending the HTTP Headers.
How to notify the browser about an error that occured during that for loop?
Is it possible to have more that one respone to the same browser tab?
by the way,right now i don't want to use ASP.NET AJAX.
Did you try Response.ClearHeaders(); before changing the context type?
If that doesn't work because your Response.Write is causing problems, you might think about going the route of building a string before deciding your content type and then setting the headers.
Loop trough the content and add to a StringBuilder
If no error, set contenttype to ms-excel and write out SB
If there is an error, leave contenttype as it is write out your error message as needed.
Page.Response.Write("") will send data to the browser. When you do that the browser needs to know the type of content it gets in order to render it correct. If you already told the browser what kind of content you have(and even if you don't, you are already sening data with Response.Write, it will use the default value which I think is text/html) then you can't take it back. Whatever you are saying to the client is said and you can't take it back.
The way to solve your problem is to cache the reply as suggested by Doozer.

How should I store comments in database so that I can efficiently display them on page as html text?

I have a form where use enters multiple line of texts in a text area.
Some of the lines can have html markups as well. Say one line is bold.
How should I save the text in my database?
Should I store them as like this?
This is a greap post
I love this type of findings.
Thanks for sharing
OR like this?
This is a greap post
I love this type of findings.
Thanks for sharing
During editing:
I must show the text as they were entered. So line break will be replaced by new line
That way use sees there is a line break. Textarea won't unserstand br markup
During displaying:
I must render the text so that it appears like this on the page:
This is a greap post
I love this type of findings.
Thanks for sharing
I want to know the cleanest way to store text that can have markup in them.
Thanks for help
Since you want to output HTML, you will have to store the input in it's raw format in the database. There is only one catch though. You never should trust input, since all input is evil, especially in this case, since outputting HTML directly as it is inputted, opens the possibility of an cross-site scripting (XSS) attack.
You have basically got two options:
Use a HTML sanitizer that let's you remove all tags that are not known to be safe. A good sanitizer is the one that comes with the Microsoft AntiXss toolkit.
Encode the input and decode parts of the result that are known to be safe, for instance:
string[] safeList = { "<br/>", "<b>", "</b>", "<i>", "</i>" };
public static string EncodeInputWithSafeList(string unsafeInput)
// First: encode the complete input.
string safeInput = Encoder.HtmlEncode(unsafeInput);
// Next: decode each tag that is known to be safe.
foreach (string safeTag in safeList)
string encodedTag = Encoder.HtmlEncode(safeTag, false);
safeInput = safeInput.Replace(encodedTag, safeTag);
return safeInput;
Note: The example uses the Encoder class from the Microsoft AntiXss toolkit.
Now the question becomes, at what point should we clean it up. Normally you should encode the output just before you send it to the client and not store it encoded in the database, since it depends on the output type (HTML, PDF, JSON) how data should be encoded. This is amplified by the fact that in case there is a bug in the encoder, there is no way to fix it, since the data is already encoded.
In this case it is a bit more tricky though, since the input is HTML and not just text. I would say that sanitizing is something you still would want to do before hand, because this way you prevent bad input from entering your database. The EncodeInputWithSafeList method is a bit tricky, because it is both a sanitizer and an encoder. When we run it before it goes into the database, it prevents the output from changing when we change the safe list. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing, but I would say that when you add new tags to the safe list, you wouldn't want old data to suddenly change. So in this case I would go with input encoding, instead of output encoding.
When you go with input encoding, name the database column in such way that it is clear that we're dealing with sanitized, encoded data.
Try htmlentities($str, ENT_QUOTES); before you save the data, and html_entity_decode($str) after you fetch it from your db, before you render it to the browser.
saving it to your database like this:
<p>This is a greap post
I love this type of findings.
Thanks for sharing</p>
would work..

Question about a http form GET method, using query arguments

I am looking at a bug in WebSVN where when I get into a file log and click on compare, it looses the repository name as part of the request. The details are unimportant.
However, I've tracked down the bug to a http form that looks like this:
<form method="get" action="comp.php?repname=Binaries&" id="compare">
<input type="hidden" name="KEY" value="VALUE">
Is this supposed to work? Will both the "repname" argument, specified as part of the URL, and the hidden value be sent? It seems Chrome 4.1 only sends the hidden argument, and removes the repname parameter altogether. Is this correct?
I fixed it temporarily, pending more information, by adding another hidden field for repname with the same value, and now everything works, I'm just wondering if Chrome or WebSVN is in fault here.
you should remove the & from the end of the action value, that will likely just cause you trouble. if you need to pass an ampersand through, you should url-encode it as %26
edit: you should definitely do it the way you fixed it - by passing repname as another hidden variable - since some browsers do have weird behaviour when dealing with explicit and implicit url vars in a get :)

question about Character encoding in Web

let's say I have a JSP Page(i just list part of it, please don't mind):
<%# page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
<input type=input>
中華<!--character with BIG5 encoding>
and In server side I use this request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
my problem is:
If i use IME to input Chinese characters into the input box, then when I submit this form, what encoding will the character in the input box is ? WHY?
And if i try to copy the "中華" in the jsp page into the input box and submit the form, in server side, i found the string in the input box is not "UTF-8"(same as the setting in request.setCharacterEncoding) but "BIG5".
And this is in java/jsp, it seems that the request are not really as the setting to be "UTF-8".
why ? can someone tell me something about this ?
But In, whatever character i input into the input box and post the form, in server side, it will always be UTF-8, and seems to never corrupt.
Why ? does handle this automatically? it Change the character encoding in the input box into UTF-8 automatically?
I always think that the form post action just treat all the character in the form as some HEX, and will not process them automatically, it just enclose these HEX with header and then send it to server.
But if this idea is true, why the characters will never get corrupted in
Thanks in advance!
Identify the point of failure.
The characters you have chosen are (as Unicode codepoints) U+4E2D and U+83EF (in the CJK Unified Ideographs block). On the server, if you take the string you receive and output the values of the constituent characters using Integer.toHexString(mystring.charAt(i)), you should see these values. If this is not the case, there is a problem interpreting data from the client.
You are specifying a page encoding of UTF-8. Encoded as UTF-8, the above characters should take on the following byte sequence values in the rendered HTML:
U+4E2D 0xE4 0xB8 0xAD
U+83EF 0xE8 0x8F 0xAF
So, save the page in the browser as a file and open it in a hex editor - you should see the characters encoded as above.
You can also glean information about what is being sent from the client by sending the form to a servlet, dumping the raw byte input to a file, and inspecting it with a hex editor. It is also worth inspecting the HTTP headers and what character encodings the server and client say they will accept and are sending (see Firebug).

Validate Origin of FORM POST to ensure it came from same server/app

I want find a platform/language agnostic solution to ensuring the origin of a FORM POST is from an expected source. I.e. Page1.aspx posting to Page2.php within the same web site.
Specifically what I am attempting to do here is to prevent request forgery.
Use a hidden field in your form, which contains a token your app generated. Store the token in the user session. When the form is submitted, your app will check that the value of the hidden field is identical to the value stored in the user session.
If it is identical, then you know the submitted form comes from where it is expected to come.
Old Thread, but might still be useful.
If you do not have session info set (best option) then you can include a hidden field with an encrypted timestamp then compare it (after de-crypt) to the current time on the process end to make sure it is relatively close and thus as recent as you deem necessary.
You could include into the form a hidden field which would be the SHA1Hash("some-secret" + Remote_IP + PerSessionSecret).
The PerSessionSecret is something you autogenerate in the beginning of the session. "some-secret" is a global secret value - which will help a little bit in case the randomly generated PerSessionSecret turns out not to be very random enough.
Then do the same calculation upon the form submission and you know it's most probably submitted from the same client that it was sent to. (Of course, if you have multiple clients behind the single address, like a proxy or a NAT, you can not distinguish between them reliably).
