Get Changed Rows of GridView ASP.Net -

How Can I find all the rows that has been changed in gridview. I can not use Ajax in any form

First get the contents of your grid before it was changed (such as caching the results of the original gridview datasource binding). Then go through the dataset/datatable/however you want to store it, and compare the contents with the current rows of the gridview.

There's no real efficient way to do this, no method like GridView.GetAllChangedRows(). So, what you might do instead is keep a behind the scenes List that you add to each time a row is modified (use the RowUpdated method), then clear this list when needed.

It depends upon how many columns you want to edit in a row.
If you have only one editable column in a row then you can associate a javascript method with that control which you want to modify and in that method you can get a rowid which you can save in another hidden field and in server side you can get all rows whose ids are stored in hidden field.
If you have whole row editable in that case the best approach I think you should save the original data source somewhere and also set a javascript method with rowclick event to get rowid which user selects. Then when user clicks on submit button get all rows whose row ids are stored in hidden field then compare those with same rowid in datasource. This is the best approach from my point of you.
Let me give you an example, suppose there are 1000 rows in a grid and user clicks on only 180 rows. In that case we will compare only 180 rows and wont compare rest of the rows.
Please let me know if somebody has better idea then this.


How to loop gridviews for each database row?

I am developing an web form application that displays some info on separate gridviews based on parameters. The second gridview depends of the values in the first one (Salida and Llegada, they work as a time range). This works only when the data displayed on the first GV has just one row.
This is how it works:
But, is there a way to loop the same gridviews for each row stored in the database? something like this:
Or maybe there is an easier option I haven't considered.
Thanks in advance.
Ok it should be simple, first sit your gridview1 paging to fetch only view only one record, Then after you fill your gridview1 i assume that you have putten an ID either as Datakeys or what ever method you have used, the index of the row should be 0 since it's always viewing one row only. Get your id and fetch your data and bind it the second gridview2.
After that on the Gridview1_Paging event you bind your data again and the use the same method above to fetch the data for the next record.
Seems a bit clunky, but the simplest option may be to add GV1 and GV2 to a repeater. Each row of the repeater would essentially be the data source for your GV1.

Two tables on one page Asp.Net

My project is in Asp.Net Webforms using C#.
On one of my web pages, I want to have two tables. One is going to be a summary table and the other a more detailed breakdown of the summary. When the user clicks on one of the rows of the summary table, I want the corresponding breakdown rows to appear in the breakdown table.
These tables can have anything between 60 and about 500 rows.
I have thought of two possible ways of doing this and I'm not sure which is best, or if there is another, better way of implementing this:
1) When a user clicks on one of the rows in the first table, a postback event happens, and the data for the second table is loaded from the code behind.
2) When the webpage is loaded for the first time, both tables are filled with all of the possible data, but all of the rows in the second table have the "display: none;" CSS attribute. When a user clicks on a summary row, the CSS of the corresponding breakdown rows is changed using JavaScript.
I'd go with your first thought and perhaps either
load the data for the second table through an AJAX request returning only row data in JSON (or maybe even the HTML for the table)
use an UpdatePanel
if the user only needs to view the data, I would go for the former, but if they need to edit the data in some way, I would probably choose the latter (even though I'm aware that UpdatePanels are effectively a full postback in async clothing, I feel their use can make the UI more fluid).
You could also make an AJAX call when the user clicks on a row in the summary table to return the data for the 2nd table.
second way no way, loading all of data and then hiding showing is not a good idea, it will be slow and if you add more functionality it will only get in your way...
I recommend this two approaches:
1)first table with pagination
click on row triggers ajax call to page method
page method return second table
here, you can see how to that:
2)using of uframe

Easiest method to build where clause from checked items in DataList of PreviousPage

I have a selection list that is generated dynamically, it lists a number of checkboxes that are based on an end-user editable table, as such I have no idea what data, or how much, might be contained in this table and how many checkboxes or what they might contain, other than the primary keys of the table.
The user will select the checks they wish to see, and then control is passed to another page via PostBackUrl. The second page has to figure out which records to show (build it's where clause) based on the checkboxes checked in the previous page.
So, my problem is several-fold. First, asp:CheckBoxes don't have values. This can be worked around by a number of methods. Right now, i'm using a placeholder and dynamically creating the checkboxes in the ItemDataBound event of the DataList. I set the ID to "CheckboxKey1Key2" (where Key1 and Key2 are the primary keys of the check items).
Second, I have to walk through the controls of the PreviousPage to dig out all these values. That in itself is also a pain, but doable.
Now, my thinking is to build the where clause of my Linq2Sql query based on the keys I got from decoding the checked checkbox names. This all seems like a lot of jumping through hoops for something that shouldn't be this difficult. Am I missing something? Does anyone have any better solutions?
Make a class with a structure for your values that will be useful and easy for you to use on the result page. Then when the user clicks whatever it is they click to go to the result page, loop through the DataList, create a collection from the checked items, and you will only need to grab one object instead of everything, when you need to format your query.
Then when you get to the result page, loop through the collection and build the query in the loop. Pretty easy and not much code.

Limiting gridview row selection in ASP.Net web page

Have a gridview control which will show X amount of rows. I want to the user to be able to select y number of rows, but limit the maximum selected rows to a set view, such as 3. If the user tries to select a fourth row I don't want them to be able to until they unselect a row.
Anyway to do this?
Since the GridView works with single selections, how are you allowing them to select the values in the first place, on the client or server? If on the client, you can use JavaScript to do this; simply store an array of the table rows that are selected, if the length is three, then block adding to the array until the user deselects...
Please update how you are doing it, and I can post further.

Edit first column of GridView

I've got very dynamic GridView and I need to allow to user to edit first column of it. After he edit first column of grid it must be updated on DataBase.
Is there any ways to handle it ?
My only idea is to put some changeable element to first cell of each Row so it must be able to set / get my values for each row but can't find yet any examples of it ...
Additional info :
GridView takes data from Object data source and all columns are dynamic (yes, maybe except first, but I add it in dynamic way) and load complete DataTable... \
Currently Using jQuery+Ajax methode on dynamic button but can't disable button's PostBack so with a PostBack it just disappears and dont make the event it must to make...
Since you have dymanic columns, for each column, specify the read-only property (If a column is read-only, it may only be looked at, and not edited when in the GridView's Edit-Mode).
So, the first column of would be readonly="false" (or omit it entirely) and the other columns read-only="true".
