Saving nodes with a filefield - drupal

I'm in the progress of creating a bulk upload function for a Drupal site. Using flash I'm able to upload the files to a specific url that then handles the files. What I want to do, is not just to upload the files, but create a node of a specific type with the file saved to a filefield that has been setup with CCK. Since these are audio files, it's important that filefield handles the files, so addition meta data can be provided with the getid3 module.
Now I've looked through some of the code as I wasn't able to find an API documentation, but it's not clear at all how I should handle this. Ideally I could just pass the file to a function and just use the data returned when saving the node, but I haven't been able to find that function.
If any one has experience with this I would apreciate some pointers on how to approach this matter.

I had to do something similar some weeks ago and ended up adapting some functionality from the Remote File module, especially the remote_file_cck_attach_file() function. It uses the field_file_save_file() function from the filefield module, which might be the function you're looking for.
In my case, the files are fetched from several remote locations and stored temporarily using file_save_data(). Attaching them to a CCK filefield happens on hook_nodeapi() presave, using the following:
public static function attachAsCCKField(&$node, $filepath, $fieldname, $index=0) {
// Grab the filefield definition
$field = content_fields($fieldname, $node->type);
$validators = array_merge(filefield_widget_upload_validators($field), imagefield_widget_upload_validators($field));
$fieldFileDirectory = filefield_widget_file_path($field);
// This path does not necessarily exist already, so make sure it is available
$file = field_file_save_file($filepath, $validators, $fieldFileDirectory);
// Is the CCK field array already available in the node object?
if (!is_array($node->$fieldname)) {
// No, add a stub
$node->{$fieldname}[$index] = $file;
$filepath is the path to the file that should be attached, $fieldname is the internal name of the filefield instance to use within the node and $index would be the 0 based index of the attached file in case of multiple field entries.
The function ended up within a utility class, hence the class syntax for the verifyPath() call. The call just ensures that the target directory is available:
public static function verifyPath($path) {
if (!file_check_directory($path, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) {
throw new RuntimeException('The path "' . $path . '" is not valid (not creatable, not writeable?).');
That did it for me - everything else happens on node saving automatically.
I have not used the getid3 module yet, so I have no idea if it would play along with this way of doing it. Also, I had no need to add additional information/attributes to the filefield, so maybe you'd have to put some more information into the field array than just the file returned by field_file_save_file(). Anyways, hope this helps and good luck.

I have done something whith imagefield which worked, I think the structure has to be right otherwise it won't work. It took a lot of trial and error. This is is what I populated the imagefield with.
$image['data'] =array(
'title' => $media_reference_attributes->getNamedItem("source")->value,
'description' => $description,
'alt' => "",);
$image['width'] = $width;
$image['height'] = $height;
$image['mimetype'] = $mime_type
$image['uid'] = 1;
$image['status'] = 1;
$image['fid'] = $fid;
$image['filesize'] = $file->filesize;
$image['nid'] = $id;
$image['filename'] = $url;
$image['timestamp'] = $file->timestamp;
$image['filepath'] = $file_path;
Hope this is of some help.

You might want to look at Image FUpload if you need a look at integrating the flash upload.
To push the files on to another server while still handling them through Drupal sounds a little like the CDN space, maybe look at the behavior in the CDN or CDN2 projects?
If you find a clear solution please come back and post it!


SilverStripe 4.1 Email->addAttachment()?

I have a contact form that accepts a file input, I'd like to attach the file to the email that gets sent from the form.
Looking at the API reference isn't really helping, it states that the function expects a filepath with no clarification on anything beyond that.
The submit action will save a record of the into the database and this works correctly, something like:
$submission = MyDataObject::create();
an Email object then gets created and sent. Both of these are functioning and working as expected.
Trying to attach the File I've tried:
which is the closest I can get to getting a filepath for the document. Dumping and pasting the resulting filepath being output by that call will download the form but that line throws an error and can't seem to locate the file.
I suspect that I'm misunderstanding what's supposed to be given to the function, clarification would be very much appreciated.
P.S. I don't currently have access to the code, I'm looking for some clarification on the function itself not an exact answer :).
In SilverStripe 4 the assets are abstracted away, so you can't guarantee that the file exists on your webserver. It generally will, but it could equally exist on a CDN somewhere for example.
When you handle files in SilverStripe 4 you should always use the contents of the file and whatever other metadata you have available, rather than relying on filesystem calls to load it.
This is how the silverstripe/userforms module attaches files to emails:
/** #var SilverStripe\Control\Email\Email $email */
$file->getString(), // stream of file contents
$file->getFilename(), // original filename
$file->getMimeType() // mime type
I would try $email->addAttachment($submission->MyFile()->Filename); If it doesn't work, you may need to prepend $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to the filename.
$email->addAttachment($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $submission->MyFile()->Filename);

Drupal 7 - Migrate files into custom file type

I am trying to migrate files into a custom filetype with a lot of custom defined fields. However they seem to be getting migrated in the document filetype rather than into my custom created filetype.
I'm using the MigrateDestinationFile as my destination like this:
$this->destination = new MigrateDestinationFile();
I've tried to map the type like this answer suggested like this:
This solution doesn't work, when checking the mappable fields for the MigrateDestinationFile there is no type field specified so I think this is the reason why that solution doesn't work.
If some one could point me to an example of how to migrate into a custom file type that would be highly appreciated. Maybe I'm using the wrong destination? Or did I miss something very obvious.
The other part of the migration doesn't matter for this question.
Apparently I had two issues. The first one being that when we created the file type we called it file which for some reason you can't set as a migrate destination since it's already default in the MigrateDestinationFile constructor (see code below).
* Basic initialization
* #param array $options
* Options applied to files.
public function __construct($bundle = 'file', $file_class = 'MigrateFileUri', $options = array()) {
parent::__construct('file', $bundle, $options);
$this->fileClass = $file_class;
Second issue was the mapping to the field bundle itself. I simply had to set the correct destination like this after re-creating the file type with a different name:
$this->destination = new MigrateDestinationFile('product_download');
After doing this the migrated files where created in the correct content type rather than the document file type.

Referenced node display references

I have a node "Bug/Requests" which references one "Project".
On the project "node" page, I would like to display a list of bugs/requests which link to that project. Is this possible?
here is how I ended up doing it:
Is this good or bad? Is there a better way? (in template.php)
function digital_preprocess_node(&$vars)
$node = $vars['node'];
if ($node->type == 'project' )
$bugs_requests_nids = array();
$query = 'SELECT entity_id FROM field_data_field_project WHERE field_project_nid = :project_nid';
$result = db_query($query, array(':project_nid' =>$node->nid));
foreach($result as $row)
$bugs_requests_nids[] = $row->entity_id;
$vars['tasks'] = node_load_multiple($bugs_requests_nids);
I think you want the References Module (provides node and user reference fields for Drupal 7)
Apologies I didn't read properly, you also want the Corresponding node reference module which makes the node reference bi-directional (D7 versions of the modules given in another answer).
EDIT to address your new code:
I'm guessing you're pretty new to Drupal from your recent questions but either way you've hit on (in my opinion) the best method to do this. If you're comfortable writing PHP code (which a lot of Drupal users aren't) then grabbing the data directly will always be more efficient than using a contributed module that might have a lot of overhead.
A few minor points:
I'd consider moving your code out of the template file and into a custom module, inside a hook_node_load function instead so this data is available throughout the life of the nodes (that way you can re-use it in many different contexts). However if you don't need to reuse this data anywhere except in the template file then it's fine where it is.
If you're going to go directly into the field tables you should probably use the field_revision_field_x tables instead of field_data_field_x so you can take advantage of the revision system and always grab the most recent data.
As fields can be attached to multiple entity types you should make sure you're getting the right field data for the right entity (you may not plan to attach this field to any other nodes/entities but it's good practice in case you do).
This is a slightly edited version of your code taking into account the proper field types (untested but should work):
function digital_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
$node = $vars['node'];
if ($node->type == 'project' ) {
$bugs_requests_nids = db_select('field_revision_field_project', 'p')
->fields('p', array('entity_id'))
->condition('entity_type', 'node')
->condition('bundle', 'project')
->condition('entity_id', $node->nid)
->condition('revision_id', $node->vid)
$vars['tasks'] = node_load_multiple($bugs_requests_nids);

Re-processing attached images in drupal 7

I'm trying to import nodes from my forum to drupal 7. Not in bulk, but one by one so that news posts can be created and referenced back to the forum. The kicker is that I'm wanting to bring image attachments across as well...
So far, using the code example here things mostly work: Nodes are created, but the images don't go through any validation or processing.
I'd like the attached images to be validated against the rules defined in the content type. in particular the style associated with my image field which resizes them to 600x600.
So, instead of simply creating the nodes programatically with my own form, i decided to modify a "new" node using hook_node_prepare and using the existing form to create new content (based on passed in url args). This works really well and a create form is presented pre-filled with all my data. including the image! very cute.
I expected that i could then hit preview or save and all the validation and resizing would happen to my image, but instead i get the error:
"The file used in the Image field may not be referenced."
The reason for this is that my file doesn't have an entry in the file_usage table.. *le sigh*
so, how do i get to all the nice validation and processing which happens when i manually choose a file to upload? like resizing, an entry in the file_usage table.
The ajax upload function does it, but i can't find the code which is called to do this anywhere in the api.
What file upload / validation functions does Drupal call which i'm not doing?
Anybody have any experience with the file/image api for Drupal 7 who can help me out?
For getting the usage entry (in essence, checking out a file to a specific module so that it doesn't get deleted while its in use) look up the Drupal function 'file_usage_add()'
For validating incoming images, I got this example from user.module (if you're comfortable with PHP, you can always look at the core to see how something is done the 'Drupal way'):
function user_validate_picture(&$form, &$form_state) {
// If required, validate the uploaded picture.
$validators = array(
'file_validate_is_image' => array(),
'file_validate_image_resolution' => array(variable_get('user_picture_dimensions', '85x85')),
'file_validate_size' => array(variable_get('user_picture_file_size', '30') * 1024),
// Save the file as a temporary file.
$file = file_save_upload('picture_upload', $validators);
if ($file === FALSE) {
form_set_error('picture_upload', t("Failed to upload the picture image; the %directory directory doesn't exist or is not writable.", array('%directory' => variable_get('user_picture_path', 'pictures'))));
elseif ($file !== NULL) {
$form_state['values']['picture_upload'] = $file;
That function is added to the $form['#validate'] array like so:
$form['#validate'][] = 'user_validate_picture'

How can I associate many existing files with drupal filefield?

I have many mp3 files stored on my server already from a static website, and we're now moving to drupal. I'm going to create a node for each audio file, but I don't want to have to upload each file again. I'd rather copy the files into the drupal files directory where I want them, and then associate the nodes with the appropriate file.
Any ideas on how to accomplish that?
I am not sure if I am going to propose a different approach or if I am about to tell with different words what you already meant with your original question, but as you want the nodes to be the files, I would rather generate the nodes starting from the files, rather than associating existing nodes with existing files.
In generic terms I would do it programmatically: for each existing files in your import directory I would build the $node object and then invoke node_save($node) to store it in Drupal.
Of course in building the $node object you will need to invoke the API function of the module you are using to manage the files. Here's some sample code I wrote to do a similar task. In this scenario I was attaching a product sheet to a product (a node with additional fields), so...
field_sheet was the CCK field for the product sheet in the product node
product was the node type
$sheet_file was the complete reference (path + filename) to the product sheet file.
So the example:
// Load the CCK field
$field = content_fields('field_sheet', 'product');
// Load the appropriate validators
$validators = array_merge(filefield_widget_upload_validators($field));
// Where do we store the files?
$files_path = filefield_widget_file_path($field);
// Create the file object
$file = field_file_save_file($sheet_file, $validators, $files_path);
// Apply the file to the field, this sets the first file only, could be looped
// if there were more files
$node->field_scheda = array(0 => $file);
// The file has been copied in the appropriate directory, so it can be
// removed from the import directory
BTW: if you use a library to read MP3 metadata, you could set $node->title and other attributes in a sensible way.
Hope this helps!
The file_import module doesn't do exactly what you want (it creates node attachments instead of nodes), but it would be relatively simple to use that module as guidance along with the Drapal API to do what you want.
