IIS 7.0 on windows 2008 server. 500.19 error - iis-7

I tried setting up a virtual folder on IIS7.0 on windows 2008 server.
when trying to browse the aspx pages, i received an error like "HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error" and had few more lines saying the config file is incorrect.
Few google results pointed to applicationHost.config file might be incorrect.
just by trial and error I checked up the space in the server and found its just having 1MB free space.
SO freed up 1 GB space and then the error was gone
My question:
whenever a website is accessed first time in IIS7.0 does it try to update applicationHost file?
what is the role of applicationHost in IIS7.0

The 500.19 error is indeed caused by errors in configuration files but not necessarily applicationHost.config, it can also be caused by errors in the web.config file for the application or any web.config file that applies to the application/virtual folder/site
Link to MS Support article about this error - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942055
The following link is to an article that introduces the applicationHost.config file -
If you read it you'll see that the main role of the file is to configure the general setup of the web server and control what configuration can be overridden in web.config files. It also tells IIS all the Sites, Virtual Folders and Applications that are running on it.
Given that your web server has a measly 1MB free space (how did you get that low without the entire machine crashing!!??) I would suspect that IIS 7 may do something with the file and was unable to update it on disk correctly due to the lack of space leading to the corrupted configuration.


Configuration section not allowed to be set below application - Error Code 0x80070021

supposedly godaddy did a cache refresh, which I would not think change any basic parms or website setup but now 2 applications don't run
found this post:
0x80070021 Server Error in Application "application name"
HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error
HRESULT: 0x80070021
Description of HRESULT
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
This problem can occur when the specified portion of the IIS configuration file is locked at a higher configuration level. To resolve this problem, unlock the specified section, or do not use it at that level. For more information on configuration locking, see How to Use Locking in IIS 7.0 Configuration.
I don't know of any config files above my app and I thought when I have specified my app directory as the app root how could there be any higher config files anyway?
unless there is some other problem cause some body can suggest. called godaddy no help there, they are suggesting some how might site is hacked which is really far fetched

Runtime Error on Website (asp.net versions mismatch)

I'm quite new to this and was playing around with a website today. I decided that, since I had tinkered with most pages I'd just upload the whole thing via Filezilla anew but when I tried to access the website afterwards I only got this:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
I have backups and tried uploading them (again - the whole thing) but its coming up with the same error. What should I do to get my site back online?
Check the application pool the website is using matches the .net framework version site was developed using. Amend the IIS application pool to match and restart the site.

IIS7 Website Configuration [Server Error 500.19]

I created a Windows Server 2008 virtual box with IIS7. I have two websites configured, one is my actual development site and the second is a test site to help troubleshoot this issue.
Website 1 (WS1) - the root of this website is on a drive which is mapped to my development machine (Mac Book Pro). The mapping seems to be working and I can access all files fine (W:\www\dev.frogquest.com).
Website 2 (WS2) - is a very simple website with one ColdFusion page just to prove that everything works. It's root is a local directory on the C:\ drive of the VB (C:\sites\localtestsite.com).
I've added host file entries for both sites ( ...)
WS1 - Throws a Server error when I try to access it...
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid
Here's what I've tried so far...
Uninstalled both .NET 4.5 and URL Rewrite 2, rebooted, reinstalled .NET 4.5, rebooted, reinstalled URL Rewrite 2 Module… retried… FAIL! I took these actions because of information I found here...
HTTP Error 500.19 on IIS7 "Malformed XML" in web.config
Per the same article as above, I tried deleting the web.config file. Strangely, this had no impact, even after restarting the website, restarting the virtual box instance, etc... which I've done frequently btw just to rule that out.
I tried adding IIS_IUSRS to the WS1 directory, but because it's a mapped drive I didn't get a "Security" tab. So, this was fruitless. This was per this article...
IIS 7.0 Error - 500.19 Internal Server Error
I tried playing with the AppPool security, changing it from "pass-through authentication" to connecting as the administrator of the machine. When I clicked "Test Settings" I did get different results, but they didn't have any material affect in the actual server response. I have screenshots of the test setting results.
I copied the contents of WS1 into WS2 and this works! So, it has something to do with the fact that it's a mapped drive and very likely a permissioning issue in my opinion.
I am now out of ideas and in need of competent help and fresh ways of thinking about this!
UPDATE: Adding a screenshot of the actual error for more info...
IIS does not support any type of mapped drive,
You will have to use the recommended workarounds, such as UNC paths.

Directory browsing without using a web.config on IIS 7.5

I'm trying to set up directory browsing for a file share to which my IIS server (7.5 on Windows 2008) has read-only access. I have tried configuring directory browsing using the IIS Manager, and also by directly editing the \Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config file.
Despite my best efforts each time I attempt to view my virtual directory in IE I am met with a HTTP Error 500.19 (Cannot read configuration file) exception. It appears that IIS is attempting to locate a web.config file in the physical file share (which obviously doesn't exist).
Given that my file share will only ever be read-only, is there any way to configure directory browsing on my virtual directory without the requirement for a web.config file in the physical directory?
After spending considerable time on this I finally conceded to the HTTP 500.19 error. Despite my best efforts to convince it otherwise, IIS insisted on the web.config being present in the file share.
I ended up writing my own file system wrapper which essentially produced the same output as the default directory browser, and then deployed it with a dedicated service account with read access.

Windows Server 2008 R2 + IIS 7.5 - Resource cannot be found

I have migrated our company web apps from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008 R2. The are all .Net 2.0 classic web apps. They all seem to work fine, except when accessing any resource with a path starting with /Reports/...
In one app the physical path on disk is c:\Websites\app_name\WebService\Reports... In this reports folder PDF files are dynamically generated and written to disk. They can be accessed via a URL such as this:
where /Reports is a virtual directory mapping to the physical path above. This worked fine on 2003 server & IIS6 but on IIS7.5 & 2008 R2 I keep getting the following error:
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Reports/xxxx.pdf
I have another web app that generates the reports dynamically and streams them directly to the client browser for saving to the local disk, rather than being written to disk on the server. Similar to the above example, the page that generates the report is found under path as follows:
In this case there is no virtual directory being used. The URL referenced in the browser is:
Once again I get the same error message as above... HTTP 404 - The resource cannot be found.
I have tried all the permission settings under the sun to try and get it working but to no avail. I've use built in accounts, created new accounts with permissions from very minimal right up to full admin rights. I've also played with the new AppPool Identities with no success. It doesn't seem to matter what permissions I set specifically on the directories, or the accounts configured for the app pool or basic settings on each website itself.
Once thing I have discovered though, is that whilst the browser is getting the HTTP 404 error, there is no record of this request appearing in the IIS log files for each website!! This is really confusing me, as I would definitely expect to see a failed 404 log entry on the requested resource.
Something else to note, I'm running SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on this machine with Reporting services installed and enabled. It's a stretch, but could there be some contention over the /Reports path in my websites vs something else running on the machine? I'm using different bindings/host headers for each individual domain and website running on the server.
Check Reports folder conflict. And remember, Google is faster than SO.
IIS gives 404 errors for more than just File Not Found these days - so it doesn't give away too much to attackers. Have a look at the event log (application), and also try accessing it from the server itself.
The other thing to check is that your IIS app pools are correctly configured - especially with the correct pipeline mode and .NET framework version.
At a command prompt, type:
netsh http show urlacl
See if there are any bindings with /reports/ --maybe a left over from a SQL Server Reporting Services install?
