linq to sql "Contains" -

if i have a field in my table that i want to verify exists, how do i use the contains method to determine if it exists.
i would have thought the contains method just takes in a string but it seems to take in my whole linq data object

Contains is an extension method for IEnumerable that determines whether a given object is present in the enumerable. That's not what you want here.
I'm guessing that you have a LINQ query like this:
IEnumerable<string> productNames = from p in db.Products select p.ProductName;
And now you want to verify that the ProductName field actually exists to avoid run-time errors. There is actually no need to check that. Try replacing p.ProductName by a field that doesn't exist. The compiler will complain.
Of course, this assumes that the actual database schema matches the one used to generate the database class with MSLinqToSQLGenerator.

Not sure how to do it with LINQ but you could do:
then based on the count returned from the query you will know if the column exists or not.


Do you need parameterized SQL searches if you check the inputs?

I'm writing an R Shiny/SQLite app. In the app, I have a function that returns a column from one of the tables in my SQLite database, with the function taking the table name as an input.
Before sending the query to SQLite, the function checks that the table name equals one of the table names that the user is allowed to access. However, I am not using a parameterized query, because the term I'm changing is not a variable used for comparison but the name of the table to extract information from. (There might be a way to make this work anyway with a parameterized search, I suppose.)
My question is whether this is safe from an SQL injection? Can the query be altered on its way from the server to the database, or only from an alteration in the ui input to the server?
(Bear with me, I am new to SQLite.)
Assuming your query is being concatenated as follows:
tbl <- "yourTable"
sql <- paste0("select * from ", tbl, " where some_col = 1")
Then there should be no chance of SQL injection, assuming you check the incoming table name and verify that it matches a table name in your whitelist. Note that this step is critical here to keeping things safe. Let's say that you didn't sterilize the incoming table name. Then, consider this:
tbl <- "yourTable; delete from yourTable"
This would result in the following query being submitted for execution:
select * from yourTable; delete from yourTable where some_col = 1;
Assuming your SQLite driver allows multiple SQL statements to execute, the above hack/trick might end up deleting data from a large portion of one of your tables.
So, your approach should be safe provided that you check the table name. Note that strictly speaking the table name itself is not a parameter in a parameterized query. Rather, only the literal values in the query are parameters.
SQL query parameters cannot be used in place of a table name anyway, so comparing the table name to a list of known authorized tables is your only option.
Yes, it is safe. If you're in control of the set of values that can be interpolated into the SQL query, then you can prevent unauthorized SQL injection.
Note that some other elements of SQL queries cannot be parameters:
Any identifier, e.g. a table name, column name, or schema name.
Lists of values in an IN ( ... ) predicate. Use one parameter per value in the list.
SQL keywords.
A query parameter can be used only in place of a single scalar value. That is, where you would use a quoted string literal, quoted date literal, or numeric literal.
The problem of SQL injection is only the user input. Nothing happens to the query on its way from the server to the database (well a malware could in theory alter it, but then even a parametrized query wouldn't help).
I.e., if you create a SQL string like this (C#):
sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tableName;
Then a user might enter a tableName like
MyTable; DROP TABLE MyTable
Guess what happens.
So, if you check the table name, you are on the safe side.

Find unused labels

Is there any way I can find labels which are not used in D365 FO (labels which dont have references)?
The cross references are stored in database DYNAMICSXREFDB. You can use a sql query to generate a list of labels that have no references.
This query uses two tables in the database:
Names holds an entry for each object in the application that can be referenced.
The Path field of the table holds the name of the object (e.g. /Labels/#FormRunConfiguration:ViewDefaultLabel is the path of the ViewDefaultLabel in the FormRunConfiguration label file.
Field Id is used to reference a record in this table in other tables.
References holds the actual references that connect the objects.
Field SourceId contains the Id of the Names record of the object that references another object identified by field TargetId.
The actual query could look like this:
SELECT LabelObjects.Path AS UnusedLabel
FROM [dbo].[Names] AS LabelObjects
WHERE LabelObjects.Path LIKE '/Labels/%'
FROM [dbo].[References] AS LabelReferences
WHERE LabelReferences.TargetId = LabelObjects.Id)
Make sure to compile the application to update the cross reference data. Otherwise the query might give you wrong results. When I run this query on a version 10.0.3 PU27 environment, it returns one standard label as a result.

Is it okay to use .Query<table_name> when updating SQLite using Xamarin?

I have taken over some code and I see that database updates are performed like this:
dbcon = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
public void UpdateAnswered(string id)
dbcon.Query<Phrase>("UPDATE Phrase SET Answered = Answered + 1 " +
"WHERE Id = ?", id);
I am new to using SQLite with Xamarin but it looks strange to me that this update is handled with a dbcon.Query and that the table name is passed as . Can someone confirm is this the optimal way to handle a table update? Also why is it coded as a query with the table name being passed?
This method allows you to pass in an instance of an object that this stored in the database which has a primary key. SQLite then recognizes the primary key and updates the rest of the object's values.
You would just call connection.Update( phrase ); where the phrase is an instance of the Phrase class with properties you want to set. Be aware that all columns except ID will be updated.
Performs a query and returns the results. The type parameter specifies the type of the items returned. This is most appropriate for SELECT queries.
This returns the number of affected rows by the query as an int. This is probably the best choice for your UPDATE query after the Update<T> method.
Use for queries that return scalar types - like COUNT, etc., where T is the type of the value.
In summary, Update is the most natural way to update a row in the database (with an instance you have), but Query<T> and Execute<T> are very useful if you just want to UPDATE one column like in your example.

where clause does not work in GAE datastore viewer

I am new to GAE, please excuse for being naive.
datastore viewer query with where clause returns "No results in Empty namespace.".
For instance:
select * from GaeUser
returns all the entires.
Something like,
select * from GaeUser where firstName = 'somename'
select * from GaeUser where dayOfBirth = 5
returns nothing but the message No results in empty namespace.
I am expecting some pointers on how to debug this.
Thanks for reading this!!
Simply you just wrote an incorrect/misspelled query.
Note that GAE datastore is schema-less. Writing a query for a nonexisting entity or for a nonexisting property or specifying a filter condition where you use an incorrect data type will not result in error but rather in an empty result.
Being schema-less also means that 2 entities of the same kind might have the same property with different types. For example you might have a Person entity with an age property of type int and another Person with an age property of type String. Obviously in this case if you write something like
select * from Person where age='5'
will not return the person who has age=5 property having int type.
So just simply double check the names and types of the entity and properties and try again.
Another important note:
Properties are indexed by default. This means when saving an entity, index records for an indexed property will automatically be created and saved, this allows you to find this entity by this indexed property. Properties can be made unindexed. When you save an entity with an unindexed property, index records will not be saved (or if there were any, they will be removed) for this unindexed property and you will not be able to query/find this entity by this unindexed property.

Object Mapping from stored procedure using the columnname attribute in EntityFramework CodeFirst

I have an existing db that I am using entityframework 6 Code-First on to work with. A requirement though is that all work with the db has to be via stored procedures. So I started out using the mapping that is new in 6.0:
The issue is that this only supports mapping Insert, Update, and Delete sp's not the select sp's, I need to be able to us a sp to select. (I do not have access to edit any of the existing sp's)
My poco's have attributes on them specifying the column name's to use using the column attribute. Apparently though the built in mapping does not support using those unless you are doing a direct selection on the table via a dbset object.
Originally I had (which worked):
return (from c in DataContext.Current.AgeRanges orderby c.StartAge select c);
Then to switch it to the sp I tried (using the database sqlquery call):
return DataContext.Current.Database.SqlQuery<AgeRange>("[DIV].[GetAgeRangesList]").AsQueryable();
This returned valid objects, but none of the columns marked with the Column attribute had anything in them.
Then I tried (thinking since it was against the actual dbset object I'd get the column mapping):
return DataContext.Current.AgeRanges.SqlQuery("[DIV].[GetAgeRangesList]").ToList().AsQueryable();
Nope, this instead gave me an error that one of the properties in the POCO object (one of the Column attribute ones) was not found in the returned recordset.
So the question is, in entity framework (or best solution outside of that) what is the best way to call a stored procedure and map the results to objects and have that mapping respect the column attribute on the properties?
I would even be willing to use an old school Table object and a SqlCommand object to fill it, if I had a fast easy way to then map the objects that respects the Column Attribute.
SqlQuery does not honor Column attribute. If the names of the columns of the returned result set match the names of the properties of the entity the properties should be set accordingly. Note however that SqlQuery does only minimal amount of work (for instance it does not support relationships (.Include)) so you are limiting yourself if you decide using stored procedures for queries.
Enhancing SqlQuery to use ColumnName attributes is being tracked here: - feel free to upvote this codeplex item.
