Retrieving values of MS CRM fields through variable -

I have a question about the Dynamics CRM 4.0 Webservice. I've been using it to get records from CRM into ASP.NET. After the request and the casting, the values of the columns (for instance for a contact) can be accessed through;
BusinessEntity be = getBusinessEntity(service, crmGuid, type, colnames);
contact tmp = (contact)be;
Response.Write("firstname: " + tmp.firstname + "<BR>");
Response.Write("lastname: " + tmp.lastname+ "<BR>");
I have an array of strings which identify which columns should be retrieved from CRM (colnames), for instance in this case {"firstname", "lastname"}.
But colnames can become quite big (and may not be hardcoded), so I don't want to go through them one by one. Is there a way to use something like
for(int i = 0; i < colnames.length; i++)
Response.write(colnames[i] + ": " + tmp.colnames[i] + "<BR>");
If I do this now I get an error that colnames is not a field of tmp.
Any ideas?

Not using BusinessEntity (unless you use reflection). DynamicEntity is enumerable by types deriving from Property. You'll have to do something like (I did this from memory, so might not compile)...
for(int i = 0; i < colnames.length; i++)
string colName = colnames[i];
foreach(Property prop in tmp)
if ( != colName)
if (prop is StringProperty)
var strProp = prop as StringProperty;
Response.Write(String.Format("{0}: {1}<BR />", colName, strProp.Value));
else if (prop is LookupProperty)
... for each type deriving from Property
Reply to Note 1 (length):
Could you give me an example of what you're using. If you are only looking at the base types (Property) then you won't be able to see the value property - you'll need to convert to the appropriate type (StringProperty, etc).
In my example tmp is a DynamicEntity (it defines GetEnumerator which returns an array of Property). The other way to access the properties of a DynamicEntity is using the string indexer. For tmp:
string firstname = (string)tmp["firstname"];
Note that if you use this method, you get the Values (string, CrmNumber, Lookup) and not the whole property (StringProperty, CrmNumberProperty, etc).
Does that answer your question? Also, I recommend using the SDK assemblies and not the web references. They're much easier to use. The SDK download has a list of helper classes if you choose to use the web references, however. Search "Helper" in the SDK.


Extracting max value in GridView column in a Web Performance Test

This pertains to .NET Web Performance Tests.
If I have an ASP.NET page with a GridView that has a column of ints, how do I write an extraction rule to get the largest int in the column?
I tried creating a custom extraction rule by inheriting from ExtractionRule and in the Extract method using e.Response.HtmlDocument.GetFilteredHtmlTags however, the HtmlTags returned don't seem to expose their innerHtml contents.
Perhaps you can write an extraction rule that gets the whole column, then process the numbers to get their maximum value. Alternatively, use a built-in extraction rule to get the whole column, then write a plugin to get the maximum value. In either case your code should expect a mixture of numbers and other text.
Ben Day has a great blog post containing two types that express similar concerns. TableColumnValueValidator and ExtractRandomValueFromTable.
In the Extract(object, ExtractionEventArgs), you need to parse the ExtractionEventArgs.Response.BodyString. Ben uses the HtmlAgilityPack library for this.
Something like this is roughly the code you'd need. This is simliar logic to ExtractRandomValueFromTable.
This does not account for thead/tbody or cells that span multiple columns/rows.
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
HtmlNode table = doc.GetElementbyId(TableId); // TableId is a test property
HtmlNodeCollection columns = table.SelectNodes("//th");
int columnIndex = FindColumnIndexByName(columns, ColumnName); // ColumnName is a test property
HtmlNodeCollection rows = table.SelectNodes("//tr")
int maxValue = Int32.MinValue;
foreach(HtmlNode row in rows)
HtmlNodeCollection cells = row.SelectNodes("./td");
// Todo check for bounds of cells here
HtmlNode cell = cells[columnIndex];
int value = Int32.MinValue;
Int32.TryParse(cell.InnerText.Trim(), out value);
maxValue = Math.Max(value, maxValue);
e.WebTest.Context.Add(ContextParameterName, maxValue);
int FindColumnIndexByName(HtmlNodeCollection columns, string columnName)
for(int i=0; i<columns.Count; i++)
if (String.Equals(columns[i].InnerText, columnName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return i;
return -1;

How use a variable name to point different data types with the same name?

I have 2 List one stores the name of filterable columns(of type DropDown) and another store the values to load in those filterable columns.
List<string> filterableFields = new List<string>() { "A_B", "C_D", "E_F" };
List<string> AB, CD , EF;
Now at the run time I get the data from web service and I have written a function to to extract values for these filterable fields and store the values to 2nd List.
private void prepareListForFilterableColumns(XDocument records)
foreach (var currentField in filterableFields)
var values = (from xml in records.Descendants(z + "row")
let val = (string)xml.Attribute("ows_" + currentField.Replace("_", "_x0020_"))
where val != ""
orderby val
select val
switch (currentField)
case "A_B": AB = values.ToList(); break;
case "C_D": CD = values.ToList(); break;
Now I was thinking that instead of hard coding the assignment in swtich case block, If I could just use the first List name "A_B" and replace "_" from it to point to my 2nd List and assign values.ToList() to it.
I understand that c# is a static language, So not sure if we can achieve this, but IF I can it will make my function generic.
Thanks a lot in advance for time and help.
You could use a dictionary of lists of strings instead of 3 lists to store the values.
Dictionary<string, List<string>> val lists = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>();
And make the keys of the dictionary equal to the filterables: "AB", "CD",..
then, instead of AB you would use valLists["AB"] and could then reference reach list based on a string key.
The other option would be to use reflection but that would be slower and unnecessarily a bit more complicated.

How to get the number of values in an array in .Net?

AX allows arrays to be defined, but while fetching information through the .NET Business Connector, it shows as a single field. E.g: Dimension is set by:
// and so on...
How do I know how many fields "Dimension" have?
AX supports a compile time function dimOf to return the count, but that is not available from .Net!
To rescue comes the DictField class:
X++ code:
DictField df = new DictField(tablenum(CustTable), fieldnum(CustTable, AccountNum));
if (df)
print strfmt("The arraySize is %1.", df.arraySize());
You can make a X++ utility function, then call that:
static int arraySize(str tableName, str fieldName)
DictField df = new DictField(tableName2Id(tableName), fieldName2Id(tableName2Id(tableName), fieldName)));
return df ? df.arraySize() : -1;

Is the Expression.* namespace the only way to create expression trees for EF 4.3 + ODAC?

I am having an issue with ODAC (Oracle Data Access Components), Entity Framework 4.3.1, and expression trees. We have a legacy database (don't we all?) that we are mapping in Entity Framework. The table has millions of records and over one hundred columns (sad face).
Here is an example query on an indexed column:
int myId = 2;
var matchingRecord = context.MyLargeTable.Where(v=>v.Id == myId).ToList(); //Super slow (5+ minutes, sometimes Out of Memory exception)
int myId = 2;
Expression<Func<bool>> myLambda = v => v.Id == myId; //Shouldn't this work now?
var matchingRecord = context.MyLargeTable.Where(myLambda).ToList(); //Still super slow (5+ minutes, sometimes Out of Memory exception)
var elementName = Expression.Parameter(typeof(LargeTable), "v");
var propertyName = Expression.Parameter(elementName, "Id");
var constantValue = Expression.Constant(myId);
var comparisonMethod = Expression.Call(
typeof(int).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(int) }),
var finalTree = Expression.Lambda<Func<LargeTable, bool>>(comparisonMethod, elementName);
var matchingRecord = context.MyLargeTable.Where(finalTree).ToList(); //Super fast
I've read things like this that explain the different between Func<> and Expression> and how Expression> actually gets passed to the database for the query and that's why it is faster. - Whole thing is good, but if in a rush, just read the section titled “Unintended Consequences” for the main takeaway
Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>? - No set of links is complete without a corresponding SO question
My question is this: Are people really sitting there constructing expression trees using Expression.* classes? Any query beyond simple comparisons get really complicated and is almost impossible to read. What am I missing about passing the Expression> to the database? Who do I go punch in the face for this manually constructed expression tree solution? Oracle? EF? What am I missing?

Define dictionary in protocol buffer

I'm new to both protocol buffers and C++, so this may be a basic question, but I haven't had any luck finding answers. Basically, I want the functionality of a dictionary defined in my .proto file like an enum. I'm using the protocol buffer to send data, and I want to define units and their respective names. An enum would allow me to define the units, but I don't know how to map the human-readable strings to that.
As an example of what I mean, the .proto file might look something like:
message DataPack {
// obviously not valid, but something like this
dict UnitType {
KmPerHour = "km/h";
MiPerHour = "mph";
required int id = 1;
repeated DataPoint pt = 2;
message DataPoint {
required int id = 1;
required int value = 2;
optional UnitType theunit = 3;
and then have something like to create / handle messages:
// construct
DataPack pack;
DataPack::DataPoint pt = pack.add_point();
// read values
DataPack::UnitType theunit = pt.unit();
cout << << endl; // print "km/h"
I could just define an enum with the unit names and write a function to map them to strings on the receiving end, but it would make more sense to have them defined in the same spot, and that solution seems too complicated (at least, for someone who has lately been spoiled by the conveniences of Python). Is there an easier way to accomplish this?
You could use custom options to associate a string with each enum member:
It would look like this in the .proto:
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional string name = 12345;
enum UnitType {
KmPerHour = 1 [(name) = "km/h"];
MiPerHour = 2 [(name) = "mph"];
Beware, though, that some third-party protobuf libraries don't understand these options.
In proto3, it's:
extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
string name = 12345;
enum UnitType {
KM_PER_HOUR = 0 [(name) = "km/h"];
MI_PER_HOUR = 1 [(name) = "mph"];
and to access it in Java:
