Quiting the page before a form submission - asp.net

In my application I am showing the warning message when the user want to leave the page before submitting the form. I am using window.onbeforeunload() in the script. My application has a Master page.
I have four different views for a single form. I am inserting record in first view itself.
When user quits the page I want to make some DB change(deletion of record). That's why I want to call a server side function from the script.
How to do it ? Can anybody suggest something ?

Try using jQuery + ajax in your onbeforeunload handler.

The URL that the JavaScript calls should be a form with an onLoad method that does wha tyou need.


How to open multple aspx page one by one on page close event

I am working on ASP.net Web application. I have a aspx page called "print.aspx"
I need to write a logic to load again the same page again on closing of that page (pressing the "close" button of that page.
(attached image)enter image description here
Can you please guide me how can I achieve this ?
I think The best way to use Thread's and implement async method's with await...

Submit form to both code behind and third party url?

I have a legacy app that I need to change to accommodate a new payment processor.
The app is Asp.Net.
Without reconstructing the app (not in the budget) I need to take the final form and save information from it in the code behind, like it currently does, then I need to submit that same form to a third party url. Ideally as one button push to the end user.
I'm drawing a complete blank on a way to do this. Any suggestions?
Forgot to mention that JQuery and javascript are both valid tools for a solution.
You could create a javascript function that's bound to the form submit button's click event, or the form's submit event. The function will need to prevent the default form submission from firing. Use jQuery to serialize the form data, and create a synchronous AJAX request to submit the data to the third party. After the ajax submission has completed, you can trigger the form submission to the code-behind. If the ajax fails to submit properly, you can optionally abort the form submission to the code-behind.
You may need to account for XSS security, so look into cross-origin resource sharing and the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
Another option would be to have the code-behind behave as an http client and submit the form data to the third party.
so currently it's saving the results via code? Well, you could hack it by putting some javascript on the page that read's the forms values and posts them (eg with jquery), before doing you actual asp post.
edit (something like this might help (in some cases):
//change the action of the form (you could just change in code or this
//override the default submit
//extract the form data somehow (depends on form)
var formObj;
$.each($('#myform').find('input').serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
formObj[field.name] = field.value;
//post to old place
$.post('/old_current.asp', formObj).then(
//after posting to old place and getting response...
//submit form to new payment processor
// Cancel the actual form submit click to give time for post
return false;
Another way would be to have the legacy code (after submission) spit out a form with the data in it and some javascript to trigger submit on page load.
After the original process has completed, just take the submitted form data and push it to whichever URL you're working with. It requires minimal modification on the original app.
I have no code to go on, so I have no code to give. Hope that helps!

Validation using navigation

I have some pages in my website and a left menu control. Control helps to navigate from one page to another.
My query is -> While user try to navigate to another page, I want to impose some validation like in the current page if the form is not saved, user will be asked to save it by using a confirm messagebox and if user presses no button, then user will be allowed to navigate otherwise, system will first save the details and then navigate.
Edit - My page is a content page, I meant, this is using a master page.
Use the following steps
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
and a function that stops/continue the page execution.
function confirmExit() {
var email= document.getElementById("email");
if (email.value != "")
return "You have attempted to leave this page. If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?";
The way I would do this is to have an onbeforeunload javascript event fire which gives the user the choice to save the form. I personally would also poll the form saving data back whist they are completing it. I think this is the method SO uses.
There is a pretty decent example over on Code Project that may help http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/AutoSaveFormData.aspx
If you only want to call the save method you can mark it with the [WebMethod] filter and call it using XmlHttpRequest or jQuery's $.post

Partial Posts in asp.net

I am working on asp.net. and i want to implement partial posts in my application. my situation is like that
i dont want to url changed in address bar and even page should not refreshed at all.
for that i used script manager and update panel but still page refreshes and url also changes.
so any one have idea about it what to do?
Thank you
If you are using Update panel and still your page is getting post back in that case check that EnablePartialRendering should be true. If this is not the case then check your configuration and all the handlers as registered properly for AJAX.
I will suggest you to use jQuery instead of update panel for partial page post back. Do a google and you will find lot of example on this.
Check this ASP.NET postback with jQuery?

Running code/script as a result of a form submission in ASP.NET

An outside vendor did some html work for us, and I'm filling in the actual functionality. I have an issue that I need help with.
He created a simple html page that is opened as a modal pop-up. It contains a form with a few input fields and a submit button. On submitting, an email should be sent using info from the input fields.
I turned his simple html page into a simple aspx page, added runat=server to the form, and added the c# code inside script tags to create and send the email.
It technically works but has a big issue. After the information is submitted and the email is sent, the page (which is supposed to just be a modal pop-up type thing) gets reloaded, but it is now no longer a pop-up. It's reloaded as a standalone page.
So I'm trying to find out if there is a way to get the form to just execute those few lines of c# code on submission without reloading the form. I'm somewhat aware of cgi scripts, but from what I've read, that can be buggy with IIS and all. Plus I'd like to think I could get these few lines of code to run without creating a separate executable.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you don't want the page to reload after submission, you will need to use AJAX. that is alot more complicated. you would still need the submit.aspx, you cannot send email with javascript.
Code a redirect after the form submission, so instead of getting the same form back in the main document/page, you could get something like a blank page saying "Thanks for your submission!" or something of that nature.
Might be more simple to redirect the user to a result page using Respone.Redirect that displays some sort of "Your email has been sent" message, or even just redirect back to the base page.
