ASP.NET Virtual application having same look as Root application -

I have a situation where I have several root applications that will reference the same virtual application. The root applications are the "branded" front-ends that are fairly light, with the virtual application doing most of the work.
I was planning on having the virtual application use the Master File of the root application by referencing it with a "/" prefix, but have found out the hard way that this isn't allowed.
I have seen options such as compiling the Master Page as a .dll but I don't think I can apply this to me scenario because the Master Page will be different for every root application.
Does anybody have any ideas on what I can do as an alternative? Is it possible to get creative with an inline Response.WriteFile call from the virtual to the root calling User Controls, or is there a downside to this?
Any ideas or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

One way around this problem is to not create the virtual application as an application in IIS. By doing this, master page files from the root can still be used since there is only 1 app domain. The downside is that you will have to merge your "bin" folders together under the root.

I don't see a very clean way to do this other than what has been proposed by the other users.
Creative thinking:
Cheap hack #1:
One way would be to use mklink on the server to create a directory junction. Cheap but you could easily script it and both folders would get updated at the same time.
Cheap hack #2:
Have your master pages include an iframe to the shared vdir.


Same virtual (global) directory for multiple websites

I am working on multiple websites in mvc. Some websites are top level domains and some are subdomain but all these websites are hosted on same server.
I want all these websites should access same directory for save and retrieve some files in this way i can manage files efficiently.
Currently every website is handling data its own wwwroot directory so when i need these files on different website then i have to do lot of work for retrieval.
For this purpose i have created folder out side the websites directory and point out as virtual directory in one websites. I tried to repeat same process for other websites but can 't do this because hosting server does not permit me to point out virtual directory on same folder.
So my question is this limitation of IIS. Is there any other technique to do this task in better way?
Virtual directory is the only way I know of to do what you ask. It sounds odd that you have a limitation of one virtual directory pointing to the same folder, maybe you need a new host.
EDIT: Just realized how old this question was. Well maybe this will still be of help to someone.....
We run IIS with Approx 5 different web sites. These websites each have their own root directory. We don't typically access things from the other websites, but if we were to do this I would think we would setup another directory on the server for those files to live in. This is assuming that the files you are trying to access are static files.
To Clarify...
Then place the static files in
So to access those static files Website1 (or 2 or 3) would simply look in that shared directory.
I'm not sure if this helps but I would be happy to answer questions if you have any.

Can I Have Multiple ASP.Net Web Sites in Same Solution?

I have a website out there that I seem to keep wanting to add totally new things to each year. So when I go to it does essentially one thing. So when I have a new idea for what is technically a totally different site, I do not want to have to come up with and then purchase a new domain name and hosting plan. I see in my hosting companies control panel that I can have multiple "application starting points." I have also read a bit about URL Rewriting. Not to mention, there is the setting of Virtual Path which I found when researching (Running aspnet web site starts on parent directory)
So my desire would be to have perhaps on solution with many projects (Web Apps) under it:
MySite Folder One
MySite Folder Two
MySite Bin
NewIdea Folder One
NewIdea Folder Two
NewIdea Bin (I suspect each project would of course have its own Bin folder)
Another Idea
Another Idea Folder One
Another Idea Folder Two
Another Idea Bin
I am fine with the users having to go to:
To get to each of these "sites" but technically each of them are totally independent and can change and be published separately as needed. Each has their own web.config of course.
Is this possible and how can I do it? I think I have all of the pieces, I just have not done nor tried it to know.
There's no reason you can't create different applications under your web site in IIS and then deploy different ASP.NET projects to the different applications. The different applications under your site can have different application pools, so you have that degree of isolation.
By default, your users would navigate to your different apps via:
This is probably what you're looking to do. Just create Applications (right click on your site in IIS and select "Add Application...") and then tweak as necessary.
Right click on the solution, click 'Set Startup Projects', and click the 'Start Multiple Projects' settings. Change the action for each project to whether you want to start, start with debugging or not start.
Not my kind of topic, but I suggest that this maybe helpful for you? Reading through they look rather similar, and gives you various options you can go through with and understand each more.
Best Practice for multiple web applications

Sub-Website in IIS - ASP.NET

I have a website in the IIS which is available on internet as now I have been asked to prepare another website which will be accessed via
For this, do I need to create a virtual directory under the website folder XYZ in IIS? or is there any other way to achieve this.
You need to make the subdirectory an IIS application.
Keep in mind that inner apps like yours will be inheriting configurations from the top-most web configuration, so be careful clearing those settings you don't want in the child applications.
Yes a virtual directory will work, however note that if abc is a full-blown app you will have to add it as an application not as a virtual directory

global.asa where does it belong?

I'm moving some ASP code from one server to another. The location names are slightly different and I suspect that now the "global.asa" isn't getting called properly. The location is in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\myApp.
It belongs in the root folder of your application. Also make sure that that folder is a application in the IIS manager. There is a textbox for application name, and right next to it a button "Create", if the folder isn't already an application.
Make sure that "myApp" in IIS is defined as an application. I would also check the .Net application mappings to make sure .Net is handling your requests.
The global.asa should be in the root of your virtual directory. Note that global.asa is used by asp not
You can generally tell by looking at IIS Manager whether or not your directory is a virtual directory as it will not look like a yellow folder. If it does look like the typical yellow folder, right click the parent "Default Web Site" or whatever, and choose new virtual directory.
Alternatively, the global.asa can go in the root of the Web. Which is typically C:\inetpub\wwwroot if you are using the "Default Web Site"
For convenience, I want to keep in a subdirectory. Apparently, you have to designate that directory as an application. Here's a link that describes how:
Generally, I'm against the idea of files which are called auto-magically and not referred to in the code. If you are a noob like me, you can go off the rails for a while, before you track it down. I just lost a couple of hours on this silliness.

How to store an ASP.NET master page in a common library?

We would like to have several internal web applications which use the same master page. Is there a way to store a master page in a common library referenced by all projects?
You can do this, but it is difficult and has quite a few drawbacks.
This process is similar to packaging up user controls as well. Basically you have a web application project that contains your master page. You can precompile this into a set of dlls using aspnet_compiler.
then you can use ilmerge.exe to put them all into a single dll that you then reference from your other projects.
You still need to have the markup in order for your pages to render properly in the designer, so you'll probably have to investigate VirtualPathProviders as well.
It's a kludgy solution and it has many drawbacks.
I've heard this works, I haven't tested it.
Create a separate project to house your master pages, since all master pages are like user controls and built into their own separate assembly. Run the build and try referencing the assembly of the master page.
Again, not tested, just something I've read before.
G'luck with it!
Given that these modules are part of the same web application, you should look at this approach:
Basically, you have one root web, which is set up as the(only) IIS web application.
You may plug in new web modules by creating ASP.NET Web Application projects and place under the root web, physically.
Set the build directory to root web's bin, eg. "..\bin". Don't create a IIS application/virtual directory.
Thereby, each web module compiles into its own DLL, which is itself a good thing.
When compiling, it is "merged" with the root web.
It is a great way for sharing master pages and user controls, and have different parts of the web site in different projects/assemblies.
Master pages and user controls will even work in design mode.
Hope this helps
Sharing master page across the application
Enjoy.. :)
