How to remove unused CSS class in my product? - css

I just want to remove an unused CSS class in my product. It's not a HTML file. It has .jsp XML and .js files. There is a lot of unused classes in my product. Removing them manually is taking a long time. Dust-Me Selectors is a Firefox add-on tool. It's showing only the current page. It's suitable for only HTML files. Mine are all dynamic pages.
What is an efficient way to remove the unused CSS classes?

Dust-Me Selectors actually will work great for this purpose. It goes through all of the code for a page and outputs all of the code that is not being used. To automate this you need to have Java installed, then go to this page and click to start the client.
Once you have this running go General > Handy Tools > Clean CSS
It outputs your fresh CSS code without all of the unused selectors. Just backup your old CSS file and replace it with the new stripped down one.
There is also the Stack Overflow post "How can I remove unused CSS classes from my website project?" which might help.


CSS bundling issue

In my mvc application, I'm using bundling for css. When I created a new css stylesheet and used the same id names as another page in the application, the styles on the first page were messed up.
I must be doing something wrong as I know that the same id can be used on different pages, but I don't find others having this problem when I searched the web on the subject.
Please help. Thanks.
The two CSS files are styling with the same ID (yet intended to style different pages) are bundled together and causing styling problems on those IDs.
This is because the page is loading the bundled CSS file then all the styles (from both CSS files) are applied to that ID regardless of page. The solution is to only load the relevant CSS file (and not bundle) or of course use different IDs.
id re-use throughout an application is unusual and often overcome by using class instead.
^^ summarized from comment discussion
You should be able to look in your developer tools (firebug, chrome devtools) and see which styles from which stylesheets are messing things up. Or am I misunderstanding the problem?

Is there an App that removes unused classes from frameworks?

So to give you an idea of what it is I am trying to do, OOCSS Framework uses a ton of classes, I'm about to package up a mobile site that is about ~2.5 megs and would like to remove all unused classes from the files. Sure, I could do it by hand but it would be much easier if something like this existed for the future.
There is a Firefox extension called Dust Me Selectors
It extracts all the selectors from all the stylesheets on the page you’re viewing, then analyzes that page to see which of those selectors are not used. The data is then stored in your user preferences, so that as you continue to navigate around a site, selectors will be crossed off the list as they’re encountered.
You’ll end up with a profile of which selectors are not used anywhere on the site.
or give Unused Css a try
from Unused Css site:
Latish Sehgal has written a windows application to find and remove unused CSS classes. I haven't tested it but from the description, you have to provide the path of your html files and one CSS file. The program will then list the unused CSS selectors. From the screenshot, it looks like there is no way to export this list or download a new clean CSS file. It also looks like the service is limited to one CSS file. If you have multiple files you want to clean, you have to clean them one by one.
Dust-Me Selectors is a Firefox extension (for v1.5 or later) that finds unused CSS selectors. It extracts all the selectors from all the stylesheets on the page you're viewing, then analyzes that page to see which of those selectors are not used. The data is then stored so that when testing subsequent pages, selectors can be crossed off the list as they're encountered. This tool is supposed to be able to spider a whole website but I unfortunately could make it work. Also, I don't believe you can configure and download the CSS file with the styles removed.
Topstyle is a windows application including a bunch of tools to edit CSS. I haven't tested it much but it looks like it has the ability to removed unused CSS selectors. This software costs 80 USD.
Liquidcity CSS cleaner is a php script that uses regular expressions to check the styles of one page. It will tell you the classes that aren't available in the HTML code. I haven't tested this solution.
Deadweight is a CSS coverage tool. Given a set of stylesheets and a set of URLs, it determines which selectors are actually used and lists which can be "safely" deleted. This tool is a ruby module and will only work with rails website. The unused selectors have to be manually removed from the CSS file.
Helium CSS is a javascript tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. You first have to install the javascript file to the page you want to test. Then, you have to call a helium function to start the cleaning. is web application with an easy to use interface. Type the url of a site and you will get a list of CSS selectors. For each selector, a number indicates how many times a selector is used. This service has a few limitations. The #import statement is not supported. You can't configure and download the new clean CSS file.
CSSESS is a bookmarklet that helps you find unused CSS selectors on any site. This tool is pretty easy to use but it won't let you configure and download clean CSS files. It will only list unused CSS files.

Find all CSS styles used on website

I have a DotNetNuke skin that has a single CSS file over 3,500 lines long. It contains styles for YUI, Telerik, Cluetip as well as the actual customisation of the site. The old developers just kept adding styles and never cleaned up the old unused ones.
I want to cleanup the file and get it to a more managable size. I first thought about scanning through the code base but this is 5,500 files with a mixture of CSS applied in the .aspx, .ascx and .cs files as well as jQuery aplying styles sometimes from generated code and sometimes from js files. Some styles are applied with class selectors and others with id selectors.
Is there a way I can easily check just which styles the website actually needs across all of its pages? Is there some crawler that could do this?
For firefox there is an add-in called dust-me-selectors. If you provide a sitemap, it will find all unused css styles.
If you run dust-me-selectors, remember to run it in every page of your website so you don't delete any styles that are actually used.

How to exclude a specific CSS file from an ASP.NET Theme?

I'm making a website that will have to render correctly on FF/IE6/IE7/Opera/Safari. IE6 came as a late requirement (when I had done all the other browsers) and it just has to be useable, not necessarily the same as on the other browsers. Now I'm tweaking it so that it's useable on IE6 as well.
To this end I've created another stylesheet in my theme called IE6_override.css. As you might have guessed, I want it to be applied only when the browser is IE6. Conditional comments would perfect for this.
The only problem is - ASP.NET renders a <link> tag for every CSS file that is in the theme's folder, thus including this file unconditionally on all browsers.
I would like to stick to themes because it's completely feasible that we might create more skins for our application later (if the customers desire that).
Is there any way how I can make ASP.NET exclude this specific .CSS file from its auto-including?
Added: Thank you for your answers! In the end I found a workaround. Due to some other styling problems I've asked about earlier, I'm forced to have a IE6-workaround Javascript as well. Thus I prefixed all my IE6-specific rules with a .ie6_dummy class selector and then removed it in JS upon page loading. :)
Yes you can... You can just remove the specific page header control in code behind. The css files are added automatically through theming, but u can remove them again after. Like for example u can put in the page load of your master file:
Or if you wanna have all the css files removed at the same time:
var themePath = string.Format("~/App_Themes/{0}", Page.Theme);
var removeCandidate = Page.Header.Controls.OfType<HtmlLink>().Where(link => link.Href.StartsWith(themePath)).ToList();
I don't think you can. We stopped using the App_Themes folder for exactly that reason. This also saved us having to prefix every css file with a number so they load in the right order.
Indeed it's not possible to exclude a specific CSS file. However, there seem to be several workarounds located here. I'd suggest reading through those and choosing an appropriate solution (if any).
There are a couple of posts out on the web which seem to address your problem - looking for "Conditional comments in themes" I came across these which look like they may help:
How to take control of style sheets in ASP.NET Themes with the StylePlaceholder and Style control
Conditional stylesheets in Themes
The first one will also address the media issue with theme stylesheets as well.

How to identify unused CSS definitions from multiple CSS files in a project

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
A bunch of CSS files were pulled in and now I'm trying to clean things up a bit.
How can I efficiently identify unused CSS definitions in a whole project?
Chrome Developer Tools has an Audits tab which can show unused CSS selectors.
Run an audit, then, under Web Page Performance see Remove unused CSS rules
I have just found this site –
Looks good but I would need to thoroughly check its outputted 'clean' css before uploading it to any of my sites.
Also as with all these tools I would need to check it didn't strip id's and classes with no style but are used as JavaScript selectors.
The below content is taken from so credit to them for recommending other solutions:
Latish Sehgal has written a windows application to find and remove unused CSS classes. I haven't tested it but from the description, you have to provide the path of your html files and one CSS file. The program will then list the unused CSS selectors. From the screenshot, it looks like there is no way to export this list or download a new clean CSS file. It also looks like the service is limited to one CSS file. If you have multiple files you want to clean, you have to clean them one by one.
Dust-Me Selectors is a Firefox extension (for v1.5 or later) that finds unused CSS selectors. It extracts all the selectors from all the stylesheets on the page you're viewing, then analyzes that page to see which of those selectors are not used. The data is then stored so that when testing subsequent pages, selectors can be crossed off the list as they're encountered. This tool is supposed to be able to spider a whole website but I unfortunately could make it work. Also, I don't believe you can configure and download the CSS file with the styles removed.
Topstyle is a windows application including a bunch of tools to edit CSS. I haven't tested it much but it looks like it has the ability to removed unused CSS selectors. This software costs 80 USD.
Liquidcity CSS cleaner is a php script that uses regular expressions to check the styles of one page. It will tell you the classes that aren't available in the HTML code. I haven't tested this solution.
Deadweight is a CSS coverage tool. Given a set of stylesheets and a set of URLs, it determines which selectors are actually used and lists which can be "safely" deleted. This tool is a ruby module and will only work with rails website. The unused selectors have to be manually removed from the CSS file.
Helium CSS is a javascript tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. You first have to install the javascript file to the page you want to test. Then, you have to call a helium function to start the cleaning. is web application with an easy to use interface. Type the url of a site and you will get a list of CSS selectors. For each selector, a number indicates how many times a selector is used. This service has a few limitations. The #import statement is not supported. You can't configure and download the new clean CSS file.
CSSESS is a bookmarklet that helps you find unused CSS selectors on any site. This tool is pretty easy to use but it won't let you configure and download clean CSS files. It will only list unused CSS files.
Google Chrome Developer Tools has (a currently experimental) feature called CSS Overview which will allow you to find unused CSS rules.
To enable it follow these steps:
Open up DevTools (Command+Option+I on Mac; Control+Shift+I on Windows)
Head over to DevTool Settings (Function+F1 on Mac; F1 on Windows)
Click open the Experiments section
Enable the CSS Overview option
