Why is my CSS drop-down menu opening behind a DIV in IE7? - css

Here's a link that shows the problem: http://xotics.equivalenceclass.com/test.php
In IE7 it opens behind the blue "home-banner" and "home-banner-wrapper" DIV. I'm not sure why. When removing the background image for "home-banner", but I don't believe that this solves the problem. I tried playing with the z-index CSS properties of the elements to no avail.

It's because you have position: relative on the containing div. The z-indexes will apply only within that div. Add a z-index to #header and it should work.


CSS3 Transform Scaled Image Hidden by div

I am working on a BuddyPress theme where there will be some images floating right on the padder div using add_action="bp_before_blog_post". On Linux/Firefox everything works as expected. The transform expands out and overlaps the sidebar div.
On Chrome and Safari the image expands to the sidebar div but then is hidden. I have tripple checked BP-Default theme and there isn't a css overflow: hidden value for the sidebar, or padder div. I have checked every line of bp-default.css, and used Chrome Web Developer and Firebug to check the live css.
I can't try a position:absolute as it needs to float on the right of the blog post. I setup a jsfiddle to try to show the behavior except that unless I created a div with overflow:hidden I couldn't replicate it. When you hover over the bottom image on the right you can clearly see the clipping. I found a public site with the BP-Default theme here, if you need to take a look at the css.
Since the container div does have overflow: hidden I am wondering if it is being inherited. If that's the case the theme doesn't work properly when I do overflow: transparent or remove it entirely.
Can you find where/why the image is clipped on sidebar div edge?
Is there a way to bust out using z-index or some other CSS method?
Is this a bug on Chrome/Safari to clip at the div edge or maybe a bug in Firefox 23 Linux that it doesn't?

Problems with z-index on child element

I'm experimenting with jquery.scrolling-parallax.js for parallax backgrounds.
The background elements has z-index 333.
On all elements on the site i can make the backround be behind or in front of the elements by using z-indexes below or over this.
But i have problems with my header.
I have a header with fixed position and z-index 232 to have the backgrounds be seen over it.
However, in the header div i have two other divs containing logo and menu. These are position:relative and have z-index:999 since i dont want the background to be on top of them. But this does not work!
If i switch the whole header div to z-index over 333 it works fine, the background appears behind it. But i only want it to go behind those child divs!
Appreciate your help
If I understand your problem correctly, I think the problem is that your logo and menu should not be using position:relative. Try either using a different type of positioning or placing their div outside of the header div.
By using relative the child is probably taking the header divs z-index.

z-index in IE7 not rendering properly

I am struggling to make a webpage backwards-compatible with IE7 (I know, 'IE7?!', but that's what is on our school computers). I am trying to show a div the full size of the page to darken the body and show two specific divs on top of that. However, when I view the page, the dark div appears over all other elements on the page - even those with a higher z-index.
You can see the page here and view it in IE7 using netrender.
I have applied positioning to all of the elements and it seems to have done nothing. Maybe it is just my eyes?
I think if you pulled the modal box div out of the #wrapper div, it might work. It appears older versions of IE compare sibling z-index values, so the #blackBg div is comparing itself to the #wrapper div, which has its z-index set to auto. If the modal box was a sibling to both and had its z-index higher, it just might solve the issue.
As far as I am concerned, it is not possible so I gave up in the end.

Content inside div unclickable

I have a div and I have content inside of it. When I make this div position:relative; it renders all the content inside unclickable only in IE7. When I change it to absolute, static or fixed it works again. Only happens in IE7. Anyone know why? Thanks
See this post: http://verens.com/archives/2005/07/15/ie-z-index-bug/
I will say you have some z-index conflict and the DIV goes on top of your clickable elements rendering them unclickable. The solutions can vary, can you post the whole HTML code you have.

YUI Menu positioned behind div

I have implemented a YUI split button with a menu. The button with menu appears in a scrolling div between header and a footer divs. When exposing the menu near the footer div, the menu appears behind the div.
I have tried positioning the footer div with a z-index of -1. I have tried positioning the div (within the scrolling div) containing the button with menu using a z-index of 500. The menu always appears behind the footer div.
I am not using a YUI layout. Yet. If I did would it help?>
In addition to setting the z-index property, you also have to change the position property. The easiest thing to change it to is position:relative.
Try setting both of those properties.
I don't think YUI layout will assist you in this particular problem.
I started using YUI layout and my issues no longer exist.
