What is the use of raisePropertyChanged Event? - asp.net

I couldn't understand the purpose of this event from official documantation.
It's commonly used developing controls with clint support (IScriptControl).
get_highlightCssClass: function() {
return this._highlightCssClass;
set_highlightCssClass: function(value) {
if (this._highlightCssClass !== value) {
this._highlightCssClass = value;
Is it used to update the server's-side property from the clint side?
How do I catch this event on server side and get the updated property value?

This article by Garbin explains the use of this (and more).
[Edit to show sample usage]
Suppose you have this in an instance of classA inside ClassB, then you add the following to ClassB:
function onPropChanged(sender, e) {
if (e.get_propertyName == 'highlightCssClass') {
// Do something with this....
[/End Edit]

This event helps you to create observable objects, that is, objects whose changes in state that you can track. Useful for example when using LINQ to SQL, in orde to know which entities have been changed and need to be sent back to the database.


Flex: Which way should I add this event handler?

I use a unit of work pattern a lot in my flex projects. I'll have a class that might call a web service, put the data in a sqlite db, refresh a model with the data then raise an event.
I usually call these inline and pass in some singleton classes:
protected function CareerSynced():void
var process:ProcessWorkouts = new ProcessWorkouts(_dataModel, _trainerModel, _databaseCache, _database.Conn);
process.addEventListener("AllWorkoutsProcessed", AllWorkoutsProcessed);
I'll then get the response like this:
private function AllWorkoutsProcessed(event:DataReceivedEvent):void
//do something here
My question is, am I adding that event listener correctly? I think I might be causing a memory leak, but I'm not sure. I've also thought about using a weak reference. I'm confused about when to use them. Would this be one of those cases?
Should it be like this?
process.addEventListener("AllWorkoutsProcessed", AllWorkoutsProcessed,false, 0, true);
I would either go with the weak reference or just remove the listener:
private function AllWorkoutsProcessed(event:DataReceivedEvent):void
I could list out my reasons but I'll just point you to this.

Flex-IFrame Comm Test Not Working

I'm trying to get the IFrameCommTest example (from the Flex-IFrame site) to work in Flex 4, and, while the IFrame itself works, the communication does not. In particular, I need to get the included HTML page to call functions from the flex app (I already have a way to get the Flex app to talk to the HTML).
I've exported the project to facilitate your help.
The problem, I suspect, is that the "parent.FABridge" doesn't exist. My guess is that something in flex4 changed with regard to how things are located in the DOM.
(This post is related to the earlier post about FABridge.
I thought this would be a clearer example of the problem. )
I've solved this my own self :D
The difference over the mechanism above is in the getFlexApp() function, and it provides a way to, well, get the flex object. Once the objecty it gotten, I just call the EIButtonClicked() function, and pass a value to it.
function getFlexApp(appName) {
if (navigator.appName.indexOf ("Microsoft") !=-1) {
return window.top[appName];
} else {
return window.top.document[appName];
function callFlexFunction() {
var sTxt ;
sTxt = document.getElementById('txt1').value;
alert('HTML/Javascript wants to tell you about ' + sTxt);
getFlexApp('iframeCommTest').EIButtonClicked(sTxt) ;
Meanwhile, the flex side has an external interface callback established. You can see that the "EIButtonClicked" referenced in the JS above is matched by the label for the callback in the AS below.
* When the button is clicked.
public function onEIButtonClicked(data:String):void {
Alert.show("Flash wants to tell you about " + data);
protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler():void {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (ExternalInterface.available) {
ExternalInterface.addCallback("EIButtonClicked", onEIButtonClicked);

Can i get an access to a flash player`s events pool?

I want to trace every event on every object, is there any way to do it?
Yes and no.
The one way is to simply override its dispatchEvent function:
override public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean
// Do something with event.
return super.dispatchEvent( event );
The problem, however, is that this does not always work -- sometimes dispatchEvent is not called if a child object does something. It also will not work if you are unwilling to create a special class for each instance.
Another alternative is to iterate through an array of different event types:
var evtTypes:Array = [ MouseEvent.CLICK, MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,
Event.ADDED, Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE... etc.];
for( var i:int = 0; i < evtTypes.length; i++ )
target.addEventListener( evtTypes[ i ], trace );
The problem with this method is that you'll not be able to capture custom events, only the events you have in your list. I would definitely recommend the second method for most learning and debugging problems.
I suppose a more important question, however, is "What do you want to do with these events?" Most of the documentation lists all of the events an object will dispatch: if you scroll down in the MovieClip documentation, you'll see an example.
You have to create your own registry and access it that way. So yes, there is a way to do it, but no, not easily.

modifying a value in viewstate

Say I have a property like...
public object MyObject
get { return (object)ViewState["myobject"]; }
set { ViewState["myobject"] = value; }
I modify the object like so...
object myObjCopy = MyObject;
MyObject = myObjCopy;
Is this the correct method? It just feels really clunky and I wonder if I'm missing something. Is there some clever paradigm which enables modifying viewstate more intuitively without using temporary copys everywhere in my code.
With the property you have defined, you should not need to do any copying like what you have. I'm not sure what ChangeSomething() does, but you should be able to call it directly on the property. I would normally not pull it out as an object... It's been a while since I did pure webforms development, but my ViewState helper properties usually looked more like:
public string CurrentUsername
if (ViewState["Username"] is string)
return (string)ViewState["Username"];
return null;
set { ViewState["Username"] = value; }
Edit: Thinking about it, I guess the copy is probably there just to remove the potential performance overhead of casting every time you reference the property. I don't think this is a valid optimization in most cases, but if you feel strongly about it, you could hide it with something like this:
private string m_CurrentUsername;
public string CurrentUsername
if (m_CurrentUsername == null && ViewState["Username"] is string)
m_CurrentUsername = (string)ViewState["Username"];
return m_CurrentUsername;
set { ViewState["Username"] = m_CurrentUsername = value; }
Like I said though - I wouldn't recommend this.
The correct answer is that you shouldn't be modifying viewstate at all. Your controller should create the models and populate the viewstate only just before returning the view. If you're writing this code in the view, you've got an even bigger problem. in general, the view should contain little (if any) code that changes or does things.
Edit: Oops, I think I just got ViewData (in asp.net mvc) confused with viewdata. sorry ... to answer your real question, yes, that is just about the only way :-) it's not really clunky when you are dealing with a "bag" API like the viewstate is.

ASP.Net ScriptControl - Add the Javascript get_events method : Possible?

So I've run into a snag, apparently the get_events method is only "included" with the ExtenderControl class.
What I need to do:
Be able to call the get_events Javascript method using a ScriptControl since using an ExtenderControl isn't really possible at this point.
I am hoping there is an easy way to have the scriptControl's javascript object inherit from something (If that's even possible).
Turns out the get_events method is really simple to create. You just need a field to hold a dictionary, a couple lines of code, and something to call the event if needed:
getEvents: function()
if (this._events == null)
this._events = new Sys.EventHandlerList();
return this._events;
And now for access:
onItemSelected: function(args)
this.raiseEvent('userItemSelected', args);
raiseEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs)
var handler = this.getEvents().getHandler(eventName);
handler(this._autoComplete, eventArgs);
Basically events is just a dictionary that holds the name of the event and the reference to the method to call. Once you have the method (handler), it's just a matter of calling it.
