excluding first and last lines from sed /START/,/END/ - unix

Consider the input:
If I wish to process only =sec1= I can for example comment out the section by:
sed -e '/=sec1=/,/=[a-z]*=/s:^:#:' < input
... well, almost.
This will comment the lines including "=sec1=" and "=sec2=" lines, and the result will be something like:
My question is: What is the easiest way to exclude the start and end lines from a /START/,/END/ range in sed?
I know that for many cases refinement of the "s:::" claws can give solution in this specific case, but I am after the generic solution here.
In "Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial" Bruce Barnett writes: "I will show you later how to restrict a command up to, but not including the line containing the specified pattern.", but I was not able to find where he actually show this.
In the "USEFUL ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR SED" Compiled by Eric Pement, I could find only the inclusive example:
# print section of file between two regular expressions (inclusive)
sed -n '/Iowa/,/Montana/p' # case sensitive

This should do the trick:
sed -e '/=sec1=/,/=sec2=/ { /=sec1=/b; /=sec2=/b; s/^/#/ }' < input
This matches between sec1 and sec2 inclusively and then just skips the first and last line with the b command. This leaves the desired lines between sec1 and sec2 (exclusive), and the s command adds the comment sign.
Unfortunately, you do need to repeat the regexps for matching the delimiters. As far as I know there's no better way to do this. At least you can keep the regexps clean, even though they're used twice.
This is adapted from the SED FAQ: How do I address all the lines between RE1 and RE2, excluding the lines themselves?

If you're not interested in lines outside of the range, but just want the non-inclusive variant of the Iowa/Montana example from the question (which is what brought me here), you can write the "except for the first and last matching lines" clause easily enough with a second sed:
sed -n '/PATTERN1/,/PATTERN2/p' < input | sed '1d;$d'
Personally, I find this slightly clearer (albeit slower on large files) than the equivalent
sed -n '1,/PATTERN1/d;/PATTERN2/q;p' < input

Another way would be
sed '/begin/,/end/ {
/end/ !p
/begin/n -> skip over the line that has the "begin" pattern
/end/ !p -> print all lines that don't have the "end" pattern
Taken from Bruce Barnett's sed tutorial http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html#toc-uh-35a

I've used:
sed '/begin/,/end/{/begin\|end/!p}'
This will search all the lines between the patterns, then print everything not containing the patterns

you could also use awk
awk '/sec1/{f=1;print;next}f && !/sec2/{ $0="#"$0}/sec2/{f=0}1' file


Sed line match plus line below

I can find my lines with this pattern, but in some case the info is on the line after the match. How can I also get the line following my match line?
sed -n '/SQL3227W Record token/p' /log/PLAN_2015-08-16*.MSG >ERRORS.txt
Firstly, this looks like a job for grep:
grep -A 1 'SQL3227W Record token' /log/PLAN_2015-08-16*.MSG >ERRORS.txt
(-A 1 means to print an additional 1 line After the match).
Secondly, if you're using GNU sed, you can use a second address of +1 thus:
sed -n '/SQL3227W Record token/,+1p' /log/PLAN_2015-08-16*.MSG >ERRORS.txt
Otherwise, (if you really must use non-Gnu sed), then each time you match, append the following line to your pattern space. Delete the first line, before continuing loop (in case the second line is also a match).
Untested code:
#!/bin/sed -nf
/SQL3227W Record token/{
sed is for simple substitutions on individual lines, that is all. For anything even slightly more interesting just use awk:
awk '/SQL3227W Record token/{c=2} c&&c--' file
See Printing with sed or awk a line following a matching pattern for other related idioms.

How to find a pattern using sed?

How can I combine multiple filters using sed?
Here's my data set
I want to identify all lines which contain MALE AND OXFORD. Here's my approach:
sed -n '/male/,/oxford/p' file
You can associate a block with the first check and put the second in there. For example:
sed -n '/male/ { /oxford/ p; }' file
Or invert the check and action:
sed '/male/!d; /oxford/!d' file
However, since (as #Jotne points out) lines that contain female also contain male and you probably don't want to match them, the patterns should at least be amended to contain word boundaries:
sed -n '/\<male\>/ { /\<oxford\>/ p; }' file
sed '/\<male\>/!d; /\<oxford\>/!d' file
But since that looks like comma-separated data and the check is probably not meant to test whether someone went to male university, it would probably be best to use a stricter check with awk:
awk -F, '$1 == "male" && $2 == "oxford"' file
This checks not only if a line contains male and oxford but also if they are in the appropriate fields. The same can be achieved, somewhat less prettily, with sed by using
sed '/^male,oxford,/!d' file
A single sed command command can be used to solve this. Let's look at two variations of using sed:
$ sed -e 's/^\(male,oxford,.*\)$/\1/;t;d' file
$ sed -e 's/^male,oxford,\(.*\)$/\1/;t;d' file
Both have the essentially the same regex:
The interesting features are the capture group placement (either the whole line or just the age portion) and the use of ;t;d to discard non matching lines.
By doing it this way, we can avoid the requirement of using awk or grep to solve this problem.
You can use awk
awk -F, '/\<male\>/ && /\<oxford\>/' file
It uses the word anchor to prevent hit on female.

Remove every x lines from text input

I'm looking to grep some log files with a few surrounding lines, but then discard the junk lines from the matches. To make matters worse, the stupid code outputs the same exception twice so I want to junk every other grep match. I don't know that there's a good way to skip every other grep match when also including surrounding lines, so I'm good to do it all in one.
So let's say we have the following results from grep:
Obviously the grep match is "MatchExceptionText" (simplified, of course). So I'd like to pipe this to something where I can remove lines 2,5,6,7,8 and then repeat that pattern, so the results look like this:
The repeating is where things get tricky for me. I know sed can just remove certain line numbers but I don't know how to group them into groups of 8 lines and repeat that cut in all the groups.
Any ideas? Thanks for your help.
awk can do modular arithemetic so printing conditional on the number of lines read mod 8 should allow you to repeat the pattern.
awk 'NR%8 ~ /[134]/' file
Sed can do it:
sed -n 'N;s/\n.*//;N;N;p;N;N;N;N' filename
Come to think of it, this is a little better:
sed -n 'p;n;n;N;p;n;n;n;n' filename
With GNU awk you can split the input at appropriate record separators and print the wanted output, eg.:
awk 'NR%2 {print $1, $3}' RS='--\n' ORS='\n--\n' OFS='\n' infile
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n 'p;n;n;p;n;p;n;n;n;n' file
sed -n "s/^.*\n//;x;s/^/²/
/^²\{1\}$/ b print
/^²\{3\}$/ b print
/^²\{4\}$/ b print
/^²\{7\}$/ b print
/^²\{8\}$/ b print
b cycle
: print
# your treatment begin
# your treatment stop
: cycle
/^²\{8\}$/ s/.*//
" YourFile
Mainly for reference for kind of "case of" with relative line number, just have to change the number in /^²\{YourLineNumber\}$/ for take the other relative line position.
Don't forget the last line number that reset the cycle
First part take the line and prepare the relative line counter
Second part is the case of
Third part is the treatment (here a print)
Last part is the reset of the cycle counter if needed

modifiy grep output with find and replace cmd

I use grep to sort log big file into small one but still there is long dir path in output log file which is common every time.I have to do find and replace every time.
Isnt there any way i can grep -r "format" log.log | execute findnreplce thing?
Sed will do what you want. Basic syntax to replace all the matches of foo with bar in-place in $file is:
sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' $file
If you're just wanting to delete rather than replace, simply leave out the 'bar' (so s/foo//g).
See this tutorial for a lot more detail, such as regex support.
sed -n '/match/s/pattern/repl/p'
Will print all the lines that match the regex match, with all instances of pattern replaced by repl. Since your lines may contain paths, you will probably want to use a different delimeter. / is customary, but you can also do:
sed -n '\#match#s##repl#p`
In the second case, omitting pattern will cause match to be used for the pattern to be replaced.

grep: how to show the next lines after the matched one until a blank line [not possible!]

I have a dictionary (not python dict) consisting of many text files like this:
-capital of Germany
-3.5 million inhabitants
How can I show one entry of the dictionary with the facts?
Thank you!
You can't. grep doesn't have a way of showing a variable amount of context. You can use -A to show a set number of lines after the match, such as -A3 to show three lines after a match, but it can't be a variable number of lines.
You could write a quick Perl program to read from the file in "paragraph mode" and then print blocks that match a regular expression.
as andy lester pointed out, you can't have grep show a variable amount of context in grep, but a short awk statement might do what you're hoping for.
if your example file were named file.dict:
awk -v term="earth" 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1}{if($0 ~ "##"term){loop=1} if($0 ~ /^$/){loop=0} if(loop == 1){print $0}}' *.dict
just change the variable term to the entry you're looking for.
assuming two things:
dictionary files have same extension (.dict for example purposes)
dictionary files are all in same directory (where command is called)
If your grep supports perl regular expressions, you can do it like this:
grep -iPzo '(?s)##Berlin.*?\n(\n|$)'
See this answer for more on this pattern.
You could also do it with GNU sed like this:
sed -n "/$query/I"'{ :a; $p; N; /\n$/!ba; p; }'
That is, when case-insensitive $query is found, print until an empty line is found (/\n$/) or the end of file ($p).
Output in both cases (minor difference in whitespace):
-capital of Germany
-3.5 million inhabitants
