Refactoring to separate business logic from code behind -

I've inherited a project and I'm finding that the code behind pages contain a lot of business logic.
I've decided that in most cases it's better to leave the working code in place than try and do a massive refactoring. However there are pages that perform functionality that could be re-used in command line utilities for batch processing. I'd like to focus my energies on these pages, refactoring out the business logic and referencing that in other utilities.
I am currently looking to refactor this particular page which has 6200 lines of code in the code behind. What I'm finding is it's very tedious work trying to locate the dependencies between the code behind and the page specific objects.
I'm wondering if anybody knows of a tool, a VS feature, or a method that would allow me to systematically locate and attack these dependencies? Something that will allow me to identify any area of the code that references ViewState, a textbox, panel, drop downlist, etc..., so I can move these references to method parameters and ultimately move this functionality out of the page class.

I would begin by examining any method that doesn't follow the Single Responsibility Principle and break them down so that they do. Once that's done you should have a handle on what the code does and you should be able to group the code more easily and move it into dedicated classes for those groups creating the necessary objects to use as you go. I find ReSharper is a very useful tool to help do all this. Ultimately you will always need to have a solid grasp of the fundamentals within the code before you can successfully refactor.
We've all been there at some point and you have my deepest sympathy but your willingness to attempt it at all means you're already heading in the right direction. Good Luck!

Wow first of all sorry to here that. Anyone who would put 6000 lines of code in code behind deserve to be smacked :)
Now I have done this kind of refactoring before. I would approach this in few steps:
(1) Create Logical Regions #Region and #EndRegion
Like - Save Methods , Load Methods or
(2) See if you can create physical business objects based on these regions in your business
(3) Once you are done just refer all your code to appropriate class.
I understand you want some tool to make this all go away but I am afraid by doing this you will dig the hole dipper. Understanding the code and moving it method by method will give you better understanding.

One way I can immediately think is Compile then into Assemblies and Analyze the assembly using NDepend


SSIS asynchronous component source code?

I'm building a custom SSIS data flow component that, as part of its process, takes multiple inputs and rolls them into a single output (along the lines of what the UNION ALL component does). I'm having a little bit of trouble implementing the runtime methods and having been looking for source code for asynchronous transformations that use multiple inputs that I can use as a model for my own code.
Does anyone know of available source code or have their own code they'd be willing to share with me to help get me on the right track? Much appreciated!
Off the top of my head, I'd look at the Programming Samples from MS's IS team as well as the Community Transform. Some of those are open source so if you can find one that's async, you should be able to see what you're missing.
My half-remembered logic is that you'll need to look at all the InputCollections for a given IDTSComponentMetaData100 and then work with that data.

How to write Use case(s) & Test Driven Development for binding a gridview Example

I'm still trying to understand and use Use Cases and Test Driven Development, but having a hard time crossing the line. I'm hoping someone can provide a good example of how setting a datasource and/or databinding a gridview could be accomplished using Test Driven Development.
Here is my pseudo approach at it.
Create an aspx page and add the gridview control to it.
create a method in the code behind called BindGrid(datacollection,gridview) that passes the collection and gridview to a method in a class outside my website so I can actually write the Unit test for the method, and returns a databound gridview.
On the BindGrid method, I right click and select "Create Unit Test" which creates a new test project for me with an outline test for my BindGrid() method.
Now I guess there are a number of test I could write, for example: testTrueDataCollectionBindstoGridView() to see if the collection datatype actually binds? I'm not sure the other test to write?
This is how I currently understand I would go about TDD and Unit testing my example. It feels very clumsy and I'm hoping for some feedback as to what I'm doing wrong, and ideas for improvement.
I've decided to try to simplify my question in hopes of getting more ideas.
How would you go about writing a test for a collection binding to a control? For example say I wanted to bind a dictionary to a drop down list. What test should I be writing, and how would I go about writing them?
To some extent, your question describes why the ASP.NET MVC frameworks was created. It is very difficult to write tests against the ASP.NET Web Forms model (of which the GridView is part of). Also, you seem to be close to writing tests to test the Framework itself, not the code you are writing. If you go too far down that path you will write tests forever and never release any code. It would be more productive, in this case, to seperate out whatever code you used to generate the collection you are binding to the GridView and thouroughly test the scenarios around creating that (and especially any exception conditions and possible conditional logic) and trust that the framework binds the data to grid correctly. If the data generation method can produce any exceptions that you want to handle at the UI-level, try test how your code handles that, but again, this is where the MVC frameworks are helpful, b/c it is extremely difficult to test code that needs to be run within the Web Forms lifecycle.
Just speaking in general terms, since I'm mostly doing Java these days and not .NET stuff. I find that TDD does feel rather clumsy at first for most people, but give it some time, and see if you like it or not.
As far as writing tests, take this general approach. Create a method that you want to test, but without any body to it. Create a test that exercises some particular behavior, and keep it simple. Run the test, and it should fail (run red, assuming your IDE does that). Then, write the line or couple lines of code that make the test succeed (go green). Now, write another test, and repeat. If you have conditionals, make sure all paths are tested. That is, write one path, then the other, writing the test for each first.
When you have a method that works the way you want, you can now refactor it to your heart's content, since the test will always be there to check your work. Look at the method. Perhaps there's 4-5 lines that go together, and could be pulled out into a method. Give the method a good name, so that when you're reading the calling method, the name tells you what's going to happen without drilling in. There are other possible refactorings, especially inasmuch as you can see design patterns that you can leverage.
Make sure you re-run the tests frequently as you proceed with your refactoring.
TDD is about adding functionality. It encourages minimal logic in UI components - mostly they should be pure delegates to the code that does the real work, that you can test.
I would recommend, for the purposes of learning TDD, don't bother writing tests about UI behaviour (eg binding data to a control).
To learn TDD effectively, I think a good place to start is try a few code katas. A code kata is a small problem which you do repeatedly. The solution you develop is not the important thing - learn from the process of getting to the solution. So do the problem 10 times, and deliberately choose different designs for the solution each time. TDD is about the process.
There is a list of katas here:
The Roman Numerals kata is a good one, but just pick one that appeals to you.

Exploring a ASP.NET website's code

I have been set a new project at work and have been given the code beforehand to give it a good look. Since time is limited, can anyone please give me the best way to get a good feel of the project. What are the things I should be looking for within the code?
Well, first I'd get the app running and get a sense of the functionality (the business functionality) of the application. If you're not familiar with the business functionality, keep notes on your questions.
Next examine the code. things like:
1. Database access methodology (ASP.NET Core, Linq2SQL, EF, NHibernate etc.)
2. Take a look at the database and the data model
3. Examine the areas you're not comfortable with in regards the ASP.NET/C# etc.
Keep a note of questions you have through this phase. If they want you to hit the ground running, you'll need your questions answered. Asking the right (intelligent) questions shows you've spent time examining the code (as they would expect)
Set a breakpoint at the page_load or init event handler of a page of interest and step through the code (F11) to see where it goes and what it does.

Can you create an ASP.NET editing system for a class just by defining it?

I was watching a tutorial on Rails and was very impressed that you could so easily create an editing system for a class just by defining it.
Can this be done in ASP.NET?
I know there are ORMs out there, but do they come with an editing system?
To explain what I mean by an editing system, consider a class for defining people
class Person
string First_Name;
string Last_Name
And then perhaps with one bold stroke something like this:
You would get the functionality below in a browser:
And this functionality would extend to all the UML definitions – inheritance, association, aggregation etc. In addition, there would be a simple way of adding customisable validation and so forth.
I currently use DataGrids and a lot of manual coding to achieve these results.
You can do it with reflection. Using reflection, you can enumerate over the members of a class, and therefore create a form to edit the members.
Creating the code for rendering the web form based on the members of the class is a bit more code then I'm willing to type out here, but if you look into reflection you should be able to come up with your own solution in a couple hours.
Sure. This is off the top of my head, but I believe you could connect your class to an ObjectDataSource component which would in turn connect to a DetailsView control. So it's a hair more work, but it would be pretty trivial to have a method that created the needed items on the fly and bound them together.
This is called "Scaffolding".
It really depends on what you are using for your data layer or ORM. Entityspaces, for example, comes with a scaffolding generator.
Absolutely! Scaffolding in Ruby is known as Dynamic Data in ASP.NET. Scott Hanselman speaks to Dynamic Data here.
There's a screen cast from Scott Hunter that shows it off here. It's of note that it's pretty new (still in beta).
You can for simple sites/purposes but it quickly breaks down when you want to do something more complex. Like what happens if you don't want certain fields to be visible, what happens if you have a relationship to a subset of a certain class etc.
Having been down this path before I'm guessing you came at the issue by realizing that:
You spend alot of time creating similar forms/lists etc for similar entities.
You want to minimize this time and are considering if your forms can be automatically generated.
Basically, if you want it to be done automatically then you'll end up creating an overcomplicated system that does half of what you want and actually takes longer to implement.
If however, you want to drastically cut the amount of time doing and maintaining writing repetitive gui code then then I suggest using a declarative style form builder and table builder (like the form builder in ROR).
This lets you quickly create forms/tables without repeating yourself any more than necessary and also gives you the flexibility that you need for complex scenarios.

What Does the DRY Principle Actually Look Like in ASP.NET MVC?

I keep hearing about the DRY Principle and how it is so important in ASP.NET MVC, but when I do research on Google I don't seem to quite understand exactly how it applies to MVC.
From what I've read its not really the copy & paste code smell, which I thought it was, but it is more than that.
Can any of you give some insight into how I might use the DRY Principle in my ASP.NET MVC application?
DRY just means "Don't Repeat Yourself". Make sure that when you write code, you only write it one time. If you find yourself writing similar functionality in all of your Controller classes, make a base controller class that has the functionality and then inherit from it, or move the functionality into another class and call it from there instead of repeating it in all the controllers.
use filter attributes to manage aspects (authentication, navigation, breadcrumbs, etc)
use a layer supertype controller (apply common controller-level filters to it, see mvccontrib for an example)
write custom actionresults (like in mvccontrib - for example we made one called logoutresult that just does a FormsAuthentication.Logout()
use a convention for view names
most importantly - keep you controller actions dumb, look for reuse opportunities in services
Don't Repeat Yourself. It can apply to many different aspects of programming. The most basic level of this is prevent code smell. I haven't used ASP.NET so I can't get specific to it and MVC's.
In C++ Templating prevets multiple copies of the same function.
In C void * pointers can be used in a similar fashion, but with great care.
Inheriting from another function allows function allows other functions to use the same code base without having to copy the code.
Normalizing data in a database minimizes redundant data. Also adhereing to the DRY principle.
When you go over a "thought" in a project. Ask yourself.
Have I already wrote this code?
Will this code be useful elsewhere.
Can I save coding by building off of a previous class/function.
DRY is not specific to any one technology. Just make sure you look at your classes from a functionality standpoint (not even from a copy/paste coder view) and see where the duplication occurs. This process will probably not happen in one sitting, and you will only notice duplication after reviewing your code several months later when adding a new feature. If you have unit tests, you should have no fear in removing that duplication.
One advantage of MVC as related to not repeating yourself is that your controller can do tasks common to all pages in the one class. For example, validating against certain types of malicious requests or validating authentication can be centralized.
DRY should not only be applied to code, but to information in general. Are you repeating things in your build system? Do you have data which should be moved to a common configuration file, etc.
Well, the most common example that I can give about DRY and UI is using things like MasterPages and UserControls.
MasterPages ensure that you have written all the static HTML only once.
UserControls ensure reusability of code. Example, you will have a lot of forms doing basic stuff like CRUD. Now, ideally we want all users to see different pages for Create and Update though the forms fields in both will almost be the same. What we can do is combine all the common controls and put them into a control that can be reused over both the pages. This ensures that we are never retyping (or copy-pasting) the same code.
DRY is especially important in MVC because of the increase in the sheer number of files to accomplish the same task.
There seems to be a misconception that everything in a domain model has to be copied up as a special view model. You can have domain models be domain models but view models be something that know nothing of domain specifics and be more generic. For example:
Domain Model classes: Account, Asset, PurchaseOrder
View Model: List, Table, Tuple, SearchFormBackingModel:Checked options, Outputoptions, etc. The view itself might be much more view implementation specific.
The Tuple/Dictonary/Map might map to Account, Asset and PurchaseOrder single instances but a Table might be useful for a collection of them etc. You still have MVC but you have session data, not ready for transaction yet in a view model without necessarily having it violate the rules of your domain model which is where the rules should go. They will be less anemic and anti-pattern that way. You can pass these rules up front and use them there or just in back or both depending on how the system reads from clients etc.
