Custom catch-all parameter in routing -

I recently want to have a special routing rule : {*whatever}/details/{Id}/{itemName}
I know an exception will be thrown once I run the application. In my application, for example my url pattern is
but the current routing doesnot support this. How can custom the routing handler to make it work?

A class has been written that supports this
I've written such a class that can handle catch-all segment anywhere in the URL. There's quite some code to it, but it works as expected and I've used it on a real life project.
Check it out yourself and see if it fulfils your needs.

The problem is... how will it know when to stop?
the {*whatever} segment will match:
Because the catch-all parameter includes anything, it will never stop.
The only way to implement this would be to create a different route for each place you use details...
Of course, that is already provided in the default {controller}/{action}/{id} route

I think you may want to look at extending the System.Web.Routing.RouteBase class and override the GetRouteData() method. With it you can look at the requested url and decide if matches your pattern and if so construct and return a new instance of RouteData that points to the controller and action that you want to handle the request. Otherwise if you don't match the requested url you return null.
See the following for examples:
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework
By Steve Sanderson
Custom RouteBase


What's the right way to call an action from a different controller in ASP.Net MVC 6

I'm getting a
No route matches the supplied values
while trying to return a RedirectToAction("Action", "Controller"). The method signature says "actionName" and "ControllerName". I'm assuming actionName is the method name in the Controller, Am I correct? For ControllerName I'm using the Controller File Name without the Controller Sufix. Ex.:
return RedirectToAction("Index", "WebApp")
where Index is a method of WebAppController and the command is being issued from a method of AnotherController
Both the caller controller and the called one are on the same Controllers directory on the same application.
I'm cofused because in this MVC application there is also Route attributes and Action attributes where you can put names on methods, different than the real method name. In my case I have no Route["Name"] nor [httpXXX("route", Name="dasdasdas")] configured for the methods involved in my attempt.
I have been reading MS docs and some examples but It appears I'm doing the thing right but for strange reasons it's not working. I even tried using Redirect("Controller/Action") and with it the problem vanishes but the new problem is this way of redirect doesn't support passing data parameters to the target route.
At this point I'm not working with Action links in Views, different from Form related ones.
I would really appreciate if at least anyone can give me a hint about where can I find info.
The right way to call an action from a different controller is the one I was using:
return RedirectToAction("AnActionMethodName", "AControllerWithoutControllerSufix"[, object values]);
My problem, after several hour spent was that I added two useMvc calls in the Startup.Configure(...)method:
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=MyApp}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
This was due to copy + paste of code. It was obviously confusing the MVC component in charge of attending the redirection part, as the right way I supose is tho use only one. (I'm newbie on .Net Platform and its frameworks)
Anyway I leave this as a reminder about the risks and consequences of copying and pasting code. At some point something weird can happen to your app and the cause can be a simple copy + paste error.

Symfony2 dynamically select controller based on query result

I'm trying to create an extendible cms. I have URLs in my database like "/menu-item/content" for each of these urls there is an action specified in format "AcmeDemoBundle:Default:index".
I would like to resolve this action and call the appropriate controller based on the matched URL.
My main goal is to call the controller stored in the db directly. Before i used a method when i put a route in the end of the routings which matched all urls associate a controller with it that found out the target controller from the db, than used Controller::forward() to get the expected results. The main problem with this approach is that i need to create an unnecessary subrequest for each page load. The other problem is passing post variables to this new subrequest.
So far i've tried to listen on kernel.request event and modify $request->attributes to contain the matching _controller value, but it seems like it has no effect.
Any advice in the subject is appreciated.
I think you mixed up the forward and redirect calls. Redirect performs 301 or 302 redirects (permanent and temporary respectfully), which creates the subrequest, as you call it. Forward performs internal call (same request) to the new action. As for your second problem, as forward is an internal call within the same request, everything global stays the same (including POST variables). In my opinion, using forward might be a good solution for you (if you don't have any other low-level requirements or if you want to be even more flexible than the usual MVC operation allows).
Hope this helps.

DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping for portlets vs. servlets

I have been developing with Spring MVC in a Servlet environment for quite some time, mostly on Spring 3.1.x and 3.2.x, but recently moved jobs to a company that uses a mixture of Portlets and Servlets using Spring 3.0.6.
Fist, there seems to be two versions of DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping, one for Portlets and one for Servlets. My limited knowledge of Portlets makes me believe they are just an extention of Servlets, so I can vaguely understand the need to have two separate HandlerMappings, one to handle generic Servlets, the other to handle specifics to Portlest. What is throwing me is how they each seems to behave differently with regaurds to how they handle the #RequestMapping annotations, and how my new employer has chosen to set things up.
In my past, I have had one DispatchHandler for the entire application. I know you can have multiple DispatchHandlers, but I never saw the benefit past segregation of sub-context XMLs. Anyhow, in the past I would have a DispatchHandler mapped to "/", and then each Controller set a mapping on top using #RequestMapping("/someUrl") and then another #RequestMapping on each handler method further extending the URL mapping. So, from a browser I would get something like:
where the first "/myWar" is mapped to the WAR deployment, the next "/" is mapped to the DispatchServlet, "/myController" is the Controller's mapping, and anything after is matched to some method using a combination of URL signature, request method, parameters, etc.
Now lets evaluate what I am seeing at my new firm. First, each Controller gets its own DispatchServlet, so there is like 20-30 DispatchServlets defined, all with different base URIs mapped, some with the same base Application Context XML, some with different ones, all using the same Application Context from the ContextLoaderListener. Each of the subsequent DispatchServlet's path is the same as the #RequestMapping on their "mapped" Controller, so in the above example DispatchServlet would have the path "/myController" and the Controller would have #RequestMapping("/myController"). On top of that, at the Controller's method level, the value specified on #RequestMapping seems to totally ignore any additional pathing applied to it.
So, for instance, if I have a Controller with #RequestMapping("/myController"), followed by a method with #RequestMapping("/edit"), hitting the URL gives me a 404. However, if I change the method-level #RequestMapping to #RequestMapping(parameter="actionMethod=edit"), and the URL to, it maps just fine and I get my page. Further, if I change my method-level #RequestMapping to #RequestMapping(value="/edit",params="actionMethod=view") neither nor work at all. The problem is that now to get to anything besides the default mapping at the method level requires me to take on "?actionMethod=edit", instead of simply extending the URI with the added paths. Also, it prevents me from using a RESTful approach, since now I can't define something like #RequestMapping("/somePath/{id}").
I have so much confussion in my brain, like why is the DispatchServlet mapping in the web.xml overlapping the Controllers #RequestMapping, and why is the #RequestMapping at the Controller's method level not working when I set the value property to a valid URI mapping, but works fine when I set some parameter mapping?
Oh, and sorry for the long posting. I just want to get a better understanding of what is happening here so I can either deal with it with an intellegent approach, or go back to my new group and say "this should be changed, and this is why". I can extend this lengthy question with some simplified code examples if that helps. MVC RouteBase and IoC

I am creating a custom route by subclassing RouteBase. I have a dependency in there that I'd like to wire up with IoC. The method GetRouteData just takes HttpContext, but I want to add in my unit of work as well....somehow.
I am using StructureMap, but info on how you would do this with any IoC framework would be helpful.
Well, here is our solution. Many little details may be omitted but overall idea is here. This answer may be a kind of offtop to original question but it describes the general solution to the problem.
I'll try to explain the part that is responsible for plain custom HTML-pages that are created by users at runtime and therefore can't have their own Controller/Action. So the routes should be either somehow built at runtime or be "catch-all" with custom IRouteConstraint.
First of all, lets state some facts and requirements.
We have some data and some metadata about our pages stored in DB;
We don't want to generate a (hypothetically) whole million of routes for all of existing pages beforehand (i.e. on Application startup) because something can change during application and we don't want to tackle with pushing the changes to global RouteCollection;
So we do it this way:
1. PageController
Yes, special controller that is responsible for all our content pages. And there is the only action that is Display(int id) (actually we have a special ViewModel as param but I used an int id for simplicity.
The page with all its data is resolved by ID inside that Display() method. The method itself returns either ViewResult (strongly typed after PageViewModel) or NotFoundResult in case when page is not found.
2. Custom IRouteConstraint
We have to somewhere define if the URL user actually requested refers to one of our custom pages. For this we have a special IsPageConstraint that implements IRouteConstraint interface. In the Match() method of our constraint we just call our PageRepository to check whether there is a page that match our requested URL. We have our PageRepository injected by StructureMap. If we find the page then we add that "id" parameter (with the value) to the RouteData dictionary and it is automatically bound to PageController.Display(int id) by DefaultModelBinder.
But we need a RouteData parameter to check. Where we get that? Here comes...
3. Route mapping with "catch-all" parameter
Important note: this route is defined in the very end of route mappings list because it is very general, not specific. We check all our explicitly defined routes first and then check for a Page (that is easily changeable if needed).
We simply map our route like this:
new { controller = "Page", action = "Display" }
new { pagePath = new DependencyRouteConstraint<IsPageConstraint>() });
Stop! What is that DependencyRouteConstraint thing appeared in mapping? Well, thats what does the trick.
4. DependencyRouteConstraint<TConstraint> class
This is just another generic implementation of IRouteConstraint which takes the "real" IRouteConstraint (IsPageConstraint) and resolves it (the given TConstraint) only when Match() method called. It uses dependency injection so our IsPageConstraint instance has all actual dependencies injected!
Our DependencyRouteConstraint then just calls the dependentConstraint.Match() providing all the parameters thus just delegating actual "matching" to the "real" IRouteConstraint.
Note: this class actually has the dependency on ServiceLocator.
That way we have:
Our Route clear and clean;
The only class that has a dependency on Service Locator is DependencyRouteConstraint;
Any custom IRouteConstraint uses dependency injection whenever needed;
Hope this helps.
So, the problem is:
Route must be defined beforehand, during Application startup
Route's responsibility is to map the incoming URL pattern to the right Controller/Action to perform some task on request. And visa versa - to generate links using that mapping data. Period. Everything else is "Single Responsibility Principle" violation which actually led to your problem.
But UoW dependencies (like NHibernate ISession, or EF ObjectContext) must be resolved at runtime.
And that is why I don't see the children of RouteBase class as a good place for some DB work dependency. It makes everything closely coupled and non-scalable. It is actually impossible to perform Dependency Injection.
From now (I guess there is some kind of already working system) you actually have just one more or less viable option that is:
To use Service Locator pattern: resolve your UoW instance right inside the GetRouteData method (use CommonServiceLocator backed by StructureMap IContainer). That is simple but not really nice thing because this way you get the dependency on static Service Locator itself in your Route.
With CSL you have to just call inside GetRouteData:
var uow = ServiceLocator.Current.GetService<IUnitOfWork>();
or with just StructureMap (without CSL facade):
var uow = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IUnitOfWork>();
and you're done. Quick and dirty. And the keyword is "dirty" actually :)
Sure, there is much more flexible solution but it needs a few architectural changes. If you provide more details on exactly what data you get in your routes I can try to explain how we solved our Pages routing problem (using DI and custom IRouteConstraint).

Is it possible to have catchall followed by other parameters in a ASP.NET MVC Route?

I would like to create a route that looks something like this:
routes.Add(new Route("{*url}/{action}.do/{id}", new MvcRouteHandler())
Is this possible? It seems like the catchall has to be last?
The catch-all has to be the last parameter in the route, as it says "match the entirety of what remains of the URL."
You could fake it, though, by having just the catchall and using a custom MyRouteHandler instead of the MvcRouteHandler. Your custom route handler would just manipulate the RouteContext to split the action and id back out of the URL before passing it to the MvcRouteHandler for processing.
From ScottGu:
The MVC framework chooses the
Controller to use by evaluating the
RouteTable rules in the order that
they have been registered
I think you can register after the catch-all, but it won't ever be hit because the catch-all will be hit first.
