ViewState is taking 20% of my pages even though it's disabled! -

I disabled viewstate in the web.config file (and there's no EnableViewState = true anywhere on the pages), but despite this, the pages are rendered with a quite large view state (8k for a 40k page). I checked the viewstate contents with a viewstate decoder and discovered that the multiview controls I'm using on my pages are the guilty ones. Is there anyway to make the multiview controls stop using the viewstate?
I'm thinking about creating a control class that inherits from MultiView and override the LoadViewState and SaveViewState methods but I'm leaving this as a last resort, any suggestions?

here is a wonderful way to just get rid of viewstate from being sent over wire for each post-back. basically, it stores the complete viewstate as a session variable on the server and only transfers the identifier in the viewstate field.
compression will save you little bit in terms of bandwidth whereas putting getting viewstate out of the page will have quite dramatic performance improvement
the following articles explains several techniques with performance measurement metrics as well eggheadcafe

Since ASP.NET 2.0 the internal content of the ViewState hidden field is made up of the "old" ViewState (the ViewState state bag / dictionary) AND the ControlState. The Control State unlike the ViewState cannot be disabled and it is intended for the minimal information that a Control needs to function properly.
You cannot disable the ControlState and you either live with it either use a different (kind) of control on your page.

You could override the render for your page (or base page) scan for the viewstate hidden input and remove it from the writer.
do the base.render
output the htmlwriter contents to a string
remove input with __viewstate
write the new string to the HTMLWriter.

To answer my own question, I managed to get rid of the viewstate by removing the form runat="server" I had in my master page, now I only enclose the controls that really need postback in a form tag with runat=server. It seems to be discarding the control state as well (which is what I want, the page doesn't post back), will still have to investigate more though.
The only problem that's left is that when I add a form runat=server tag anywhere on the page, the Multiview finds my form tag and add its trash in the hidden viewstate field, I was thinking this would happen only if the multiview is enclosed in a form runat="server" tag but it's smart enough (or dumb enough in this regard) to find the form tag anyway.

The System.Web.UI.Page class has a property called PageStatePersister that you can override in your pages. Here you can return a PageStatePersister type object that overrides the default persistence mode for the pages viewstate.
As Vikram suggested you can use a SessionPageStatePersister to store viewstate in session instead of a hidden field. But you can also implement your own PageStatePersister that stores the viewstate in the Cache or a database or a file. Whatever you need really.
The thing you shouldn't do is to use the PageStatePersister to discard viewstate, for the viewstate is needed by some of your controls.


How to reduce viewstate size of server control?

I have developed a server control which inherits from CompositeDataBoundControl and INamingContainer. It has 2 TextBoxes and 1 small image.
But when rendering in GridView its ViewState size is up to 500 bytes. It also has about 20 properties, but I don't use ViewState here.
I only use get;set; and I bind it again when postback.
Now I am wondering how to reduce this ViewState size and how I can examine this ViewState . If I can examine the values of ViewState , it would be helpful to fix the problem.
Paste the ViewState into a base-64 decoder. I always find it enlightening to see what is taking up the space.
Keep in mind that the ViewState field also includes ControlState.
It has got 2 TextBoxs and 1 small image.
Some controls can function quite well without ViewState, due to their constant presence in the HTTP request. A TextBox is a good candidate for explicitly disabling ViewState because its value is always posted back to the server as part of the request.
An image is also a good candidate for disabling ViewState, unless calculating the URL requires processing time (e.g. a database call versus static assignment).
But when rendering in GridView...
A GridView almost definitely adds to the ViewState itself. Are you accounting for that?
you could disable the viewstate with
this.EnableViewState = false;
you could also check this link Disable View State for a Page to disable a viewstate from a page.
If you wish to check the viewstate, you could use ASP.NET ViewState Helper or a tool such as Fiddler to analyze the viewstate.

Large viewstate in HTML source

This is 10KB in my HTML source:
This represents ~50% of the entire size of the page.
Why does it do this, why so long? Can I do anything about it? It's bad for mobile users.
What is this view state anyway and how to mitigate its size
In WebForms every control saves its state because HTTP protocol is stateless and WebForms pages bypass that by saving every control's state in this Base 64 encoded string. This is the only way for framework to know whether some control's value has changed or not. But... This automatically means that static controls that don't get POSTed back to server (like label for instance) don't need to save their state. You can always set their EnableViewState="false".
Unfortunately this can't be set without any other code changes on other controls, that do get POSTed back (every server-side control that renders some sort of an input in HTML). This basically means that setting EnableViewState="false" on page level (within #Page directive) will have consequences that are seen as controls loosing their values, controls not firing certain events etc.
So, the more server-side controls you have the larger it will get (without turning it off on certain controls).
But I wouldn't worry if its size is 10k. That will go back and forth rather fast and painless. You will have problems when it gets much larger. I once worked on a project and we had an issue with a certain page (done by less experienced developer) where view state grew over 1MB. Imagine that. What a slowdown!
How to turn it off completely on page level
When you turn view state off on page level you have to be aware that certain controls that were loaded (or better said data bound) in on of your page's events, will have to be reloaded each time your page gets POSTed back at server. Otherwise they will show up as empty when your page gets back to the client.
Your server controls are filling the ViewState with data they will need on postback. If your page does not postback you can just disable the ViewState for the page.
To disable ViewState for the page you can just add EnableViewState="false" to the #Page directive. Please be aware you should only use this as a solution if you are 100% sure the page does not postback.
You also might want to check this MSDN article to get a better idea of what the ViewState does.
Disable viewstate for static controls, like a gridview.
Check out this question for more info:
If you are concerned about the viewstate on the client side, then think about storing it on the server side. Perhaps in a session variable. Take a look at this article as there is statistical comparison given. Download the solution and check out how to store it on the server side.
An Analysis of Keeping ViewState out of the Page
This article explained it neatly to me in the past: Taking a Bite Out of ASP.NET ViewState.
Basically viewstate's on by default and, depending on which controls you use, it can get out of hand pretty fast. Especially data controls like the gridview are responsible for massive injection of viewstate. You can disable that on a per control basis by setting the EnableViewState property to false. Be careful however as taking out viewstate might also take out functionality of the controls. So do it one by one and test test test.
Another way, and likely better for mobile, is to make use of ASP.NET MVC instead which doesn't have to deal with automatic viewstate injection.

How to persist ViewState for reuse later?

Is it possible to save ViewState information, e.g. to session, so that when you navigate away from the page it is persisted somehow? Then when you return to that page you can reload the view state and the choices you've made are preserved.
I have two pages, a report page, where you can pick data, do some filtering and sorting etc. and a chart-page, where the data you picked from the report page can be presented in different ways, with different choices for presentation.
If the user has tested different presentations, simply using the back-button could mean quite a few clicks before the user's back at the report page. I'd like a direct link to the report page.
Using QueryString to save control states is not an option.
I can't customize the ViewState storage for the whole application.
Yes, it's possible to store the Viewstate in something like a database. You just need to implement one of the viewstate providers. See here for an example using the SqlViewStateProvider.
Edit: Just re-read your post, and saw that you said you couldn't customize how the viewstate is stored for the whole application. If that's the case, you might want to look into storing it in a session. Scott Hanselman discusses that here.
Your link could automatically navigate back the required number of pages using JavaScript. Look at window.history, if you can count the number of pages forward you can navigate back that many.
The ViewState is already designed to persist the state of the user controls. If your user has made a selection and that selection is processed server side with a full page postback the new state of the controls will be saved in the ViewState (hidden input __VIEWSTATE).
If your report is using AJAX and partial page postbacks then you won't get the ViewState on the page anyway.
Just to clarify, the SQLViewstateProvider is NOT an application wide implementation. You have to create a class which inherits from the System.Web.UI.Page object and overrides the Save And Load viewstate methods of the Parent Page class. For each page that you want the viewstate to be saved on server side you then have to inherit from your newly created Page Template (Which in turn inherits and overrides the System.WEb.UI.Page class).
So it is applied on a per-page basis, not on an application-wide basis.
HEADS UP: Some controls might contain some client-side javascript code which may reference the viewstate on client-side (duh). If the viewstate is now stored on server-side you will get a null-reference exception (for instance, clicking a commandfield in a gridview). I'm working on a workaround for this problem, but unfortunately I do not have any concrete solution as of yet.
This is a bad idea, just use querystrings. I would be interested to know why they are not an option.

How to disable viewstate and other hidden fields in ASP.NET

I would like to remove these hidden fields in my ASP.NET pages. Alternatively change the names or make sure the server code ignores them.
(I know I will loose some functionality, but I think it is better to handle it than removing 'runat=server'. The only thing I am worried about is Updatepanel, which i really need)
(The above is complete, further background is here )
As far as I'm aware, you can't get rid of the ViewState altogether - i.e. you can't get rid of that hidden input field called __VIEWSTATE.
Controls can still access the ControlState when the ViewState is disabled. The ControlState is actually stored within the ViewState, so it winds up in the __VIEWSTATE hidden field.
Thus turning off the ViewState for the whole page will only make this hidden field smaller - it won't get rid of it altogether.
I believe .NET puts a small amount of its own secret information in there too, so if you really hack it and override how the page renders to get rid of this hidden field altogether, you'll probably find that your site stops working.
You may also remove "form" tag from aspx, but then server controls postback won't work.
I used this in Ajax loaded popup.aspx and shows OK.
You have not mentioned what exactly it is about ViewState that is bothering you and why you want to ignore the field, so it is difficult to provide a better solution without understanding the context of the problem.
You can disable ViewState at the page level by setting the EnableViewState attribute of the Page directive to false.
<%# Page enableViewState="false" %>
Alternatively, you can turn off ViewState for Server controls by setting the respective control's EnableViewState property to false. ViewState - Even when disabled, some viewstate exist. Why?

Even when on the page, the EnableViewState property is disabled, I am still seeing some viewstate existing on the page:
"<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="VkBAB3n5LZYtY+nTzk1vEu1P/6QLf4qzFIKzpFRJe3DMf8UseUA/1RsO409HJX4QhkROSP0umoJvatjK/q+jXA==" />"
My question is why?
It's the control state.
If you really want to get rid of viewstate and controlstate you can use this code in the code-behind for the page, or in any class that the code-behind derives from
class MyPage : Page {
private class DummyPageStatePersister : PageStatePersister {
public DummyPageStatePersister(Page p) : base(p) {}
public override void Load() {}
public override void Save() {}
private DummyPageStatePersister _PageStatePersister;
protected override PageStatePersister PageStatePersister {
get {
if (_PageStatePersister == null)
_PageStatePersister = new DummyPageStatePersister(this);
return _PageStatePersister;
// other stuff comes here
Be very careful when doing this, though, since you're violating the contract with the controls. MSDN explicitly states that control state is always available. In practice, however, it has worked for me.
Since I was downvoted, I like to point out again: Don't do this unless you know exactly what you are doing. In my case, almost the entire application was written in client-side javascript, and on those few occations where postbacks occurred, I always used the Request.Form collection to retrieve the values. Do not use server-side controls for anything but simple rendering if you do this.
This could be controls that are using ControlState. Any control that has control state will ignore your ViewState settings.
This article is a little old but to my understanding most of the points are still valid:
You must have a server-side form tag () in your ASPX page if you want to use ViewState. A form field is required so the hidden field that contains the ViewState information can post back to the server. And, it must be a server-side form so the ASP.NET page framework can add the hidden field when the page is executed on the server.
The page itself saves 20 or so bytes of information into ViewState, which it uses to distribute PostBack data and ViewState values to the correct controls upon postback. So, even if ViewState is disabled for the page or application, you may see a few remaining bytes in ViewState.
In cases where the page does not post back, you can eliminate ViewState from a page by omitting the server side tag.
This is an absolutely fantastic article on ViewState if you develop in ASP.NET read it!
ASP.NET ViewState Helper is also a nice tool for seeing what's going on in your ViewState
Controlstate can be the causes. Control state can not be disabled. In ASP.NET 2.0 there is a distinction between data necessary to make a control work (controlstate), and other data (viewstate)
And yes some of the controls don't work without controlstate.
If you want to know which one is causing it or what the viewstate contains check out a viewstate viewer
The Controls which implements IPostBackEventHandler like Textbox, Checkbox, etc. will retain the state even after disabling the viewstate. The reason is during the Load Postback Data stage, these controls will get state information from Posted back form.
But controls like label which do not implement IPostBackEventHandler will not get any state information from posted back data and hence depend entirely on viewstate to maintain the state.
