How to add filtering to the File Explorer opened by the asp:UploadFile control -

Is there any way to open the file explorer setting the filtering options like a desktop application does?, and I don't want to validate the file after is selected, I want my users to view only valid files throught filtering them before.

NO, this is not possible using the asp:FileUpload Control.
How to filter files in file upload control
seems like there is a way using JavaScript.

There is an "accept" attribute which can be set for the upload control however as discussed here, many browsers don't impliment this attribute.
Your best bet is to use Javascript as astander recommends so that you can check the extension of the file being uploaded before it hits the server.
You'll also want to do a check on the server side since client-side validation cannot be relied on for this type of thing.

No, for web applications there is no way yet (Dec 2009) to set the File Selector filtering. According to the INPUT tag (used by the UploadFile control to render) documentation it should be possible by adding the 'accept' attribute and setting the file mime type(s)... so bad that any major browser supports the accept attribute of input tags.
The best workaround is to validate the files on the client and server side.


How can we save multimedia components using external resource types if the URL doesn’t end in with a file extension?

We have a Tridion use case related to curated content where we are creating multimedia components for images associated with our content which are pointing to External resource types instead of uploaded resource types.
One of the issues we have run into with this use case is that despite explicitly setting the Multimedia Type for the resource, if the URL of the image has either a query string in it: or uses a ‘friendly url’: when we save the component, Tridion barfs with error messages similar to : ‘Invalid value for property 'Filename'. Unexpected file extension: jpg?w=160&h=120&mode=crop&404=default. Expecting: jpg,jpeg,jpe.’
So far, the only way we’ve been able to figure out to potentially get around this issue is to do something hacky like appending an extra query string parameter to the very end of the urls which end with the expected file extension: Obviously, this is not the best solution and in fact may not work for some images if the site they are being served from strictly validates the requested URL.
Does anyone have any ideas on how we can work around this issue?
Unfortunately I can't really think of an easy solution to this, since Tridion "detects" the Mime type by checking the file extension.
You could perhaps add it while saving and remove it when reading (via Event System)? Definitely a worthwhile enhancement request, to my knowledge this behavior has not been changed for the soon-coming Tridion 2013... See comment below, it has been changed for 2013.
+1 for Nuno's answer. Recognizing that the title of your question is specific to multimedia components, you may want to consider another approach which is to use normal Components, not Multimedia Components. You can create a normal component schema called something like "External Image" that has an External Url field to store your extentionless url.
Content authors will then include these images via regular component linking mechanisms in the Tridion GUI.
You will then need a custom link resolver TBB that will parse the Output item (via Regex) looking for any Tridion anchor tags <a tridion:href="tcm:x-y-z"> and for each one replace them with an <img src=...> tag where the src path would come from this linked component.
For an example of a similar approach, but with videos, and sample code for a custom link resolver TBB have a look at the code in the following post:

'Open files based on content, not file extension' in IE 9

I am supporting a site for a client on the intranet. The site contains links to xml files. These xml files have a unique extension and are intended to be opened by a specific application. Using IE 8, we could support this by setting the option ‘Open files based on content, not file extension’ in Internet Options -> Security -> Custom Level. In IE 9, this option has been removed. Now these files open a new tab and display the xml.
Ideally, I’d like the file to just download through the download manager, but opening file in the application on the client machine would be acceptable as well. What is the best way to do this in IE 9? Is there a setting that I should adjust? Server side, I have tried adjusting the MIME type, but it seems that if I sent it to something unknown (e.g. application/octet-stream) IE determines the content. The last option I could think of would be to adjust the links such that they call an page that loads the contents of the xml into the response object but changes the header to contain Content-Disposition:"attachment;filename=file.ext”.
Any advice on the best way to solve this problem?
Content-Disposition:attachment is what you are looking for, yes. That is how you instruct browsers to download the file separately, and not try to display it.
You could use routing or rewriting to keep your file URLs, but have an ASHX handle the file so it can set that header. (don't use an ASPX; it's more than you need to just set some headers)
I think the work around that I was looking for was the fact that the 'Open files based on content, not file extension' option in IE8 was renamed, 'Enable MIME Sniffing' in IE9. But Andrew Barber's answer is the correct solution.

Google Fonts CSS Include

Since Google Fonts came out, I have had this question in mind. First see this below:
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
Here Google is linking to an external CSS file that doesn't have a file extension (.css)! Then Google also has another feature that if you want to inlude another font to this then just add the "|" sign and type the font name. How do you do this? Using Javascript, PHP or something?
Help is appreciated!
Thanks :)
The extension of a file does not have to mean anything at all about the contents of said file. It is merely a convention (one that Windows, for instance, uses to the point of making it seem like a requirement).
Any dynamic 'file' on a web site can return what ever kind of content it wants, any time it wants. The extension means nothing - aside from expected convention.
That URL could be a directory named css with a default 'document' that is a script, which handles the parameters to decide what content to give. Or, it could be a literal file named css which does the same thing. Or, it could not be a file or folder at all, instead merely part of a routing mechanism, which calls a controller based on the URL, and passes the parameters in.
Web servers return information in the response indicating what the MIME Type of the return value is, and the browser determines what to do with it based on that - not based on the extension of the file.
Yes, they have to be doing some sort of server-side processing when this URL is requested
The querystring is parsed, and a text stream is returned with the CSS output. Allowing the user to add additional font families to the CSS is pretty trivial, as the server is just spitting back what you append to the query string.
You could do this in PHP or ASP.Net (and many others), but there is no indication of the underlying technology from Google's URL.
The easiest way to do this yourself would be to create a folder on your web server called "css", and then have a default script in there that does the processing. The URL could basically be almost identical to the Google url.

what is style.css?ver=1 tag?

I found out that some websites use css tag like style.css?ver=1. What is this?
What is purpose of ?ver=1?
How do I do it in code?
To avoid caching of CSS.
If the website updates their CSS they update the ver to a higher number, therefore browser is forced to get a new file and not use cached previous version.
Otherwise a browser may get a new HTML code and old CSS and some elements of the website may look broken.
Adding '?ver=1' makes the HTTP request look like a GET query with parameters, and well-behaved browsers (and proxies) will refuse to cache parameterized queries. Of course well-behaved browsers (and proxies) should also pay attention to the 'Cache-control: no-cache', 'Expires', 'Last-Modified', and 'ETag' response headers (all of which were added to HTTP to specify correct caching behavior).
The '?ver=1' method is an expensive way to force behavior when the site developer doesn't know how (or is too lazy) to implement the correct response headers. In particular, it means that every page request is going to force requesting that CSS file, even though, in practice, CSS files change rarely, if at all.
My recommendation? Don't do it.
The purpose of the ?ver=1 is to parameterize the css file, so when they publish a new style.css file they up the version and it forces the client to download the new file, instead of pulling from the cached version.
If you are developing a web application in HTML and CSS or any other technology, and you are using some external CSS or JS files, you might notice one thing that in some cases if you made any changes to your existing .css or .js files then the browsers are not reflecting the changes immediately.
What happens in that case is that the browser do not download a fresh copy of the latest version of the .css and .js files, instead it uses those files stored in your local cache. As a result the changes you made recently are not visible to you.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=1.1">
The above case when you load the web page the browser will treat "style.css" as a different file along with "?v=1.1". Hence the browser is forced to download a fresh copy if the stylesheet or the script file.
I think that ?ver=1 is for the version no. of the web app. Every time a new build is created, the app can update the ver to the new version. This is so that the browser will load the new CSS file and not use the cached one (both use different file names).
You can refer to this site:
IMO a better way to do this would be to include a hash generated off of the file size or a checksum based on the file contents or last-modified date. That way you don't have to update some version number and just let the number be driven off of the file's changing properties.

Can an attacker change the src attribute in an iframe?

I have a website that uses IFrame in a page that loads other pages based on server side logic. So, if I do a View source, I would see something like this:
<iframe src="DeterminedOnServerSide.aspx" id="myFrame">
My question is - Is there any way, an attacker can change the src attribute to point other users to a malicious website considering that the src is determined on the server side?
Yes or no. You have not specified how "DeterminedOnServerSide.aspx" is determined. If your code for this consists of DeterminedOnServerSide = Server.Request["frame"] then it can clearly be 'hacked'. If you use a method that ensures only valid urls are chosen, then it is not vulnerable.
No, not unless they've compromised your server and can access and modify those source files. And if that's the case, changing of the 'src' attribute in the iframe is the least of your worries.
Yes. A XSS attack has the capability of changing the src of an iFrame.
Check it out:
The page you "include" using the IFRAME can navigate to a new page, changing the source.
Any user of the site can change the src value of the IFrame, using Developer tools like Firebug and IE Developer Tools
Any sucsessful man in the middle attack can change all your html source including the src attribute. If the attacker is in control of a proxy or network between your customer and your server they can change any of your html including the src attribute.
Any sucsessful hack into your server can change all you sourcecode and change the attribute.
What Hacker are you thinking of? you should only iframe to people/sites you trust, as this is a common way for cross site scripting attacks.
The only ways to change the src attribute of your iframe (or anything in your website) are:
The webpage which load the iframe has an XSS vulnerability and the attacker use the DOM to change it.
He (or she) get access to your source code. Then the change of a iframe attribute is your less important concern ;-)
