Making a text field flow like a paragraph in Adobe Livecycle Designer - adobe

I intend to create a form using Adobe Livecycle Designer 7.00 in which I want a field to flow as does a paragraph in a text editor.
To be more specific, I have a text object before and after the text field which is contained in a subform. As there is some text before the text field, it naturally would not start from extreme left. Now when the user starts filling the field it should grow rightwards (that is easy by clciking "fit to width") however, instead of growing out of paper, it, like a parqagraph in text editor, goes to next line which starts from the exteme left of the form and continues rightwards.
Looking forward to your help.

If I'm understanding your question correctly, what you need to do is change the Subform's type to Flow Content, then changing it's Flow Direction to "Western Text".
Hope that helps.

Based on your description, you can achieve this by using a floating field (if the data is coming from the backend).
You can add the pre and post dynamic data in the text object and create a floaing field in the middle of the text object.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.


Acumatica - Shrink text to fit Textbox

I have a label that prints out Stock Item info, and will go on a bin that stores that item.
Q: Some descriptions are longer than others. Is there a "shrink to fit" feature for Acumatica Report text fields? In other words, I'd like the text to fi tin the text box. If a short description, the font will be larger. The longer the description, the smaller the font so that it fits in the textbox.
I feel I have seen it with a 3rd party add in, however this isn't something new so was hoping I was just missing something.
Thanks in advance
This functionality is not available in the Report designer.
The closest functionality available is the CanGrow property that expands the control size vertically to display the whole value.

Dynamic moving spans On Click

I have several spans that contain text options. Below it I have an input text input field. What I would like to have happen is when a user clicks on one of these text options, that option will move into the empty text field and the text options will reconfigure to fill it's place.
I could probably do something with CSS3 here but I'm looking for other options.
What I'm looking for is similar to what you'll find on stackoverflow at the bottom of the page when you're asking a question. You select tags from a dropdown list and when clicked on they move into the text field.
Is there an efficient way of doing this that won't rely exclusively on CSS3 and that is also relatively backwards compatible?

Qt. getting item position of item on view problems

well I'm having a very hard time figuring out how am I going to do this:
I have a tablemodel. I want to print some fields of that model that contain text. I need a widget to be able to position each field on the "paper" arbitrary. Like making a collage with the text data. I want the data of each field to printed on the position that was selected through the widget.
To do this I thought on the Graphics/View framework, creating a scene containing graphics items that are reference to the fields and the relative position I want them on the paper, example: "name" near up-left corner, "address" in the center of the view, etc
Until now, I have created a view but the main problem is I don't know how to get a particular item position after I added it to the scene. I need to know the "address item" position so that I draw the "address field" text on the to-be-printed paper in the same relative position.
Can anyone guide me on how to do this? Please ask for clarification if you can't understand what my problem is? It has been difficult to me to explain it.

Is it possible show a tree view in a tooltip in Qt?

Is it possible show a tree view in a tooltip in Qt? Or represent a tree view with a QString and then show it in a tooltip?
doc states:
The tip is a short piece of text reminding the user of the widget's function. It is drawn immediately below the given position in a distinctive black-on-yellow color combination. The tip can be any rich text formatted string.
Rich text displayed in a tool tip is implicitly word-wrapped unless specified differently with <p style='white-space:pre'>.
Then I would suggest the simplest way could be to use a nested HTML list, something like <ul><li>...<ul><li>...</ul>...</ul> that could be easy to get from your structure
I think you need create treeview dynamically and show it when user stop moving mouse.
Create widget containing QTreeView and name like ToolTipTree
Make TooltipTree to follow mouse
When user stop moving mouse, set ToolTipTree shown. I user move mouse again, hide ToolTipTree

Inability to store long list of values

I am not able to figure out how to store long list of values (like a big text) in a dropdown list or in intellisense of search box. I see that it is displaying only half of the text but not full. How to make it appear full in the intellisense or dropdown?
Yes, dropdownlist control or the other similar controls are not suitable for displaying long texts. You should increase their with and it's not look pretty. My recommendation is to develope a tooltip client side script that display the full text, this would help you to show much text than the actual one.
