Lots of ports with little data, or one port with lots of data? - networking

I've been checking out using a system called ROS (http://www.ros.org) for some work.
There are lots of different types of data that get sent between network nodes in ROS.
You define a struct of data that you want to send in a message, and ROS will handle opening a specific port between the two nodes that will only send that struct of data.
So if there are 5 different messages, there will be 5 different ports.
As opposed to this scenario, I have seen other platforms that just push all the different messages across one port. This means that there needs to be a sort of multiplexing/demultiplexing (done by some sort of message parsing on the receivers end).
What I wonder is... which is better from a performance perspective?
Do operating systems switch based on ports quickly, so that a system like ROS doesn't have to do too much work to work out what is in the message and interpreting it?
Is opening lots of ports going to mean lots of slower kernel calls, and the cost of having to work out and translate message types end up being more then the time spent switching between ports?
When this scales to a large amount of data at high rates and lots of different messages types there will be lots of ports. So I imagine that when scaling each of these topologies that performance will be a big factor in selecting the way to work.
I should also point out that these nodes usually exist on one small network, or most of the time on the one machine in which networking is used as a force of inter-process communication. So the transmission time is only a very small factor in the overall system timing.
ROS being an architecture for robots may have one node for every sensor and actuator, so depending on the complexity of your system we may be talking about 20-30 nodes pushing small-ish (100bytes or so) data between 10-100Hz

It depends. I do not know the specifics of ROS but in networking it comes down to the following constraints:
Distance: speed of light is fast but over a distance it starts making a difference
Protocol Overhead: connection oriented vs. connection-less
On the OS side, maintaining a list of free ports isn't such much of an overhead - of course there is a cost to it but everything is relative: if you are talking about a distributed system with long distance links, then it is easy to argue that cycling through OS network ports ranks as lower concern compared to managing communication quality.
Without a more specific question, I'll stop here.

I don't have any data on this, but it seems plausible that multiple ports might be handled more efficiently by multi-core systems, as opposed to demultiplexing within the program.


Performance of Pipes vs TCP/IP for a lot of requests with small data

We have a system with two micro-controllers and we are developing a simulation environment. In the real system the micro-controllers communicate trough UARTs sending small data back and forth all the time every millisecond (asking for variable values, sending commands, etc.).
In the simulation each micro-controller is a different application and we must find a way to communicate them. I have tried TCP/IP before but I notice from time to time there are very long time delays - for example it works ok and after 20 messages there is a second delay. I assume this is because TCP/IP is not designed to send small packets of ~10 bytes of data every millisecond. I have found some information about the issue but nothing conclusive on how to avoid the problem.
I was wondering if NamedPipes will work better. Will there be a huge performance hit when using NamedPipes to communicate back and forth ~10 bytes of data every ms? Should we look into another alternative? In the past the company has used virtual serial ports but that requires special third-party software and is too cumbersome to set up.

Can i ignore UDP's lack of reliability features in a controlled environment?

I'm in a situation where, logically, UDP would be the perfect choice (i need to be able to broadcast to hundreds of clients). This is in a very small and controlled environment (the whole network is over a few square metters, all devices are local, the network is way oversized with gigabit ethernet and switches everywhere).
Can i simply "ignore" all of the added reliability that needs to be tossed on udp (checking messages arrived, resending them etc) as those mostly apply where the is expected packet loss (the internet) or is it really suggested to handle udp as "may not arrive" even in such conditions?
I'm not asking for theorycrafting, really wondering if anyone could tell me from experience if i'm actually likely to have udp packets missing in such an environment or is it's going to be a really rare event as obviously sending things and assuming that worked is much simpler than handling all possible errors.
This is a matter of stochastics. Even in small local networks, packet losses will occur. Maybe they have an absolute probability of 1e-10 in a normal usage scenario. Maybe more, maybe less.
So, now comes real-world experience: Network controllers and Operating systems do have a tough live, if used in high-throughput scenarios. Worse applies to switches. So, if you're near the capacity of your network infrastructure, or your computational power, losses become far more likely.
So, in the end it's just a question on how high up in the networking stack you want to deal with errors: If you don't want to risk your application failing in 1 in 1e6 cases, you will need to add some flow/data integrity control; which really isn't that hard. If you can live with the fact that the average program has to be restarted every once in a while, well, that's error correction on user level...
Generally, I'd encourage you to not take risks. CPU power is just too cheap, and bandwidth, too, in most cases. Try ZeroMQ, which has broadcast communication models, and will ensure data integrity (and resend stuff if necessary), is available for practically all relevant languages, and runs on all relevant OSes, and is (at least from my perspective) easier to use than raw UDP sockets.

NBAD, Netflow on layer 7

I'm developing Network Behavior Anomaly Detection and I'm using Cisco protocol NetFlow for collecting traffic information. I want to collect information about layer 7 of ISO OSI Reference Model, especially https protocol.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Maybe someone find it helpful:
In my opinion you should try sFlow or Flexible NetFlow.
SFlow uses a sampling to achieve scalability. System architecture consists receiving devices getting two types of samples:
-randomly sampling packets
-basis of sampling counters at certain time intervals
Sampled packets are sent as sFlow datagrams to a central server running the software for the analysis and reporting of network traffic, sFlow collector.
SFlow may be implemented in hardware or software, and while the name "sFlow" means that this is flow technology, however, this technology is not flow at all, and represents the transmission image on the basis of samples.
NetFlow is a real flow technology. Entries for the flow generated in the network devices and combined into packages.
Flexible NetFlow allows customers to export almost everything that passes through the router, including the entire package and doing it in real time, like sFlow.
In my opinion Flexible NetFlow is much better and if you're afraid of DDoS attack choose it.
If FNF is better why use sFlow? Cause many switches today only supports sFlow, and if we don't have possibility of use FNF and want to get real-time data sFlow is best option.

Building a small 4 node cluster - few quick questions about networking

I'm putting together a small 4 node cluster on which I'm going to be running storm. I have a few questions about the networking side of things. First off all the computers are equipped with gigabit ethernet however the hub that I currently have only goes up to 100 megabits. Should I upgrade my hub? Or will the performance gain be negligible? Second I read on a few sites that a hub is not the best piece of hardware to use that a switch would be better for my purposes. I'm trying to use Storm to have one machine pull data down from the internet and then pass it off to the others for processing. Would a switch or hub be more useful? Thanks for all your help folks.
A Router can allow for serious networking capabilities, it's also oftentimes overkill. With only 4 machines you're probably much more likely to want a Gigabit Switch instead: sold in stores oftentimes under the name Gigabit Router -- which is technically a lie as it's usually a Bridge (Hub or Switch, Networking has a lot of overloaded names). Router are many times more expensive than Switches if you have difficulty identifying between the two from just marketing names. A hub on the other hand is oftentimes a dumb Switch with less capabilities (and sometimes speed penalties in high data flow situations).
The question as to if you need to upgrade is dependent on where you bottleneck is. Is the data you're sending large? Do your cluster computer spend a lot of time computing instead of receiving data? First determine if your networking speed will be your bottleneck, then decide if you should upgrade that bottleneck. If you're worried about network speed but aren't 100% sure it will be a bottleneck, a cheap 1 Gigabit Switch won't cost you much and will almost certainly meet you're needs.
Also note that if you're data needs to first come over the internet (isn't generated on your side of the network) you're bottleneck will almost certainly be your internet connection before your local network.
So essentially, profile your problem before making a choice.

Determine asymmetric latencies in a network

Imagine you have many clustered servers, across many hosts, in a heterogeneous network environment, such that the connections between servers may have wildly varying latencies and bandwidth. You want to build a map of the connections between servers by transferring data between them.
Of course, this map may become stale over time as the network topology changes - but lets ignore those complexities for now and assume the network is relatively static.
Given the latencies between nodes in this host graph, calculating the bandwidth is a relative simply timing exercise. I'm having more difficulty with the latencies - however. To get round-trip time, it is a simple matter of timing a return-trip ping from the local host to a remote host - both timing events (start, stop) occur on the local host.
What if I want one-way times under the assumption that the latency is not equal in both directions? Assuming that the clocks on the various hosts are not precisely synchronized (at least that their error is of the the same magnitude as the latencies involved) - how can I calculate the one-way latency?
In a related question - is this asymmetric latency (where a link is quicker in direction than the other) common in practice? For what reasons/hardware configurations? Certainly I'm aware of asymmetric bandwidth scenarios, especially on last-mile consumer links such as DSL and Cable, but I'm not so sure about latency.
Added: After considering the comment below, the second portion of the question is probably better off on serverfault.
To the best of my knowledge, asymmetric latencies -- especially "last mile" asymmetries -- cannot be automatically determined, because any network time synchronization protocol is equally affected by the same asymmetry, so you don't have a point of reference from which to evaluate the asymmetry.
If each endpoint had, for example, its own GPS clock, then you'd have a reference point to work from.
In Fast Measurement of LogP Parameters
for Message Passing Platforms, the authors note that latency measurement requires clock synchronization external to the system being measured. (Boldface emphasis mine, italics in original text.)
Asymmetric latency can only be measured by sending a message with a timestamp ts, and letting the receiver derive the latency from tr - ts, where tr is the receive time. This requires clock synchronization between sender and receiver. Without external clock synchronization (like using GPS receivers or specialized software like the network time protocol, NTP), clocks can only be synchronized up to a granularity of the roundtrip time between two hosts [10], which is useless for measuring network latency.
No network-based algorithm (such as NTP) will eliminate last-mile link issues, though, since every input to the algorithm will itself be uniformly subject to the performance characteristics of the last-mile link and is therefore not "external" in the sense given above. (I'm confident it's possible to construct a proof, but I don't have time to construct one right now.)
There is a project called One-Way Ping (OWAMP) specifically to solve this issue. Activity can be seen in the LKML for adding high resolution timestamps to incoming packets (SO_TIMESTAMP, SO_TIMESTAMPNS, etc) to assist in the calculation of this statistic.
There's even a Java version:
Note that packet timestamping really needs hardware support and many present generation NICs only offer millisecond resolution which may be out-of-sync with the host clock. There are MSDN articles in the DDK about synchronizing host & NIC clocks demonstrating potential problems. Timestamps in nanoseconds from the TSC is problematic due to core differences and may require Nehalem architecture to properly work at required resolutions.
You can measure asymmetric latency on link by sending different sized packets to a port that returns a fixed size packet, like send some udp packets to a port that replies with an icmp error message. The icmp error message is always the same size, but you can adjust the size of the udp packet you're sending.
see http://www.cs.columbia.edu/techreports/cucs-009-99.pdf
In absence of a synchronized clock, the asymmetry cannot be measured as proven in the 2011 paper "Fundamental limits on synchronizing clocks over networks".
The sping tool is a new development in this space, which uses clock synchronization against nearby NTP servers, or an even more accurate source in the form of a GNSS box, to estimate asymmetric latencies.
The approach is covered in more detail in this blog post.
