Can I develop a Mobile website using Drupal? - drupal

I want to develop a website using Drupal that can be accessed on mobiles. Can I do that?

I found a page on google full of useful links
An overview of Mobile modules for Drupal
Then theres the mobile theme and modules
Adds the ability to choose a mobile theme in admin/build/themes/settings which is used for serving users on mobile devices.
The Browscap module provides a replacement for PHP's get_browser() function. get_browser() is difficult (or impossible) to configure for most users in shared webhosting situations, and requires attention to keep the underlying data (browscap.ini) up-to-date. This module avoids the configuration issue by storing the data in a database table, and the freshness issue by automatically retrieving the latest data on a weekly basis (if cron.php is run regularly).

Yes, sure. Drupal allows you full control on the HTML generated, so you just need to create a theme that is optimized for mobile users. You may be able to find some themes that already have support for this, you should search.


Is there any way to add CMS to Nextjs website (such as Wordpress)?

I developed a website using Nextjs (Client side only, and used Nextjs for the SEO).
I wanted to ask if there is a way to convert this website somehow from Nextjs to Wordpress or anything else, or even somehow connect it to CMS application, so my client can modify images and content any time he want by his own.
Currently, the web application in Nextjs is pretty static, all the pages and conntent are hard coded wroten.
All my data are in JSON files and such are the images in the website.
Yes! This is a pretty hot topic right now, and there are many ways to accomplish it.
Here are the general guidelines:
Set up a "headless CMS" - this can be WordPress (set up in a special way so you are using just the backend) - or there are many other popular options, such as Contentful, Sanity, Prismic...
Your CMS needs to have an API for Next.js to use. If you go with WordPress, you can use the built-in REST API - or you can use the WP GraphQL plugin
This is such a popular topic, that if you search around, you'll find many helpful guides that go into more detail. You'll want to search "Next.JS with WordPress headless CMS"
Here's one example I found that uses GraphQL and looks fairly thorough.
Or, if you're not set on WordPress, check out Next.js-specific information for other popular headless CMS's - most of them will have specific documentation and guides for Next.JS - for example Sanity's Next.JS Guides.
WordPress is solid and flexible - but if you're not already a fairly strong WP developer, then I might recommend going with one of the more pre-packaged options (like Sanity, Prismic, Contentful, etc.) - many of them have a free tier.

Prevent CMS identification

I have a little curiosity. I often use extensions like Wappalyzer to try to understand certain sites about which CMS are based and, in this regard, I would have a question: is there a way to prevent extensions similar to the one mentioned above from identifying the CMS used?
You can try, but I don't think that you can successfully hide CMS behind your site and that attempt is waste of time. For drupal check on this page:
Most CMS can be run as headless CMS, decoupling backend and frontend. They either render a static set of html pages, or a JSON file with all the sites data, which is then rendered by some kind of Javascript app. This way no one can figure out where the data is coming from, or if there was a CMS involved at all.

Using wordpress as external content management system

We are planning to create an website (probably mvc), that needs a cms for news items.
Our content managers and others who require to publish news have asked if they can use wordpress for content management.
Our users have different roles, and news items should be visible to certain roles, or even specific users if possible.
The reason they want wordpress is the manager's user friendliness, so if some other alternative with the same kind of user experience would be ok.
Could anyone please point me in some direction?
NOTE: I'm still doing research at the moment, so I've got nothing holding me back at this point.
There is an API plugin that has been developed to spit out information in JSON, but I have not actually implemented a site with it:
Perhaps you could have the authors work on a wordpress install and create your app to draw content via that plugin?
I too was facing the same issue, little different. We want to have WP as CMS so that our site can take the benefit of SEO which is very easy with WP. SO we installed WP under a folder in the Main based website. Initially there were issues, I was unable to run it. Finally managed to run it. Solution is posted here - Hope it will help someone. Actual site where we implemented this is
Now I want to have specific section of WP to be accessible on my site. SO I am exploring different options and will post, if found something
DotNetNuke is the most popular ASP.NET based CMS (source). I am implementing my first project in it and so far I am very happy with it.
Note the free edition will not work for you since you need customizable security roles and free has a limited set of predetermined roles. You'll need the pro edition.
I don't know how similar it is to WordPress. Overall, WordPress is much more popular but of course there are platform issues with WordPress since it is Apache based and you want to create an ASP.NET website.

Could I use a pre-built CMS or should I build one from the ground-up?

I am working on a project for a client that started out as a simple CMS with pages, posts, and a directory. The client is constantly expanding the scope of this project with requirements for customization of just about everything. As a single developer, I am having trouble keeping up with the clients time-table. I have googled for software packages that might already exist that proved the features my client needs but I have not found anything. Does anyone know of any pre-built software that allows for the following customization or at least better words to describe this type of package?
Here are some examples of the customization that is requested:
A page or directory listing needs to be formatted from an admin-defined template. Within this template there needs to be admin-defined sections that contain admin-defined data types. (This is so the look and feel of the site can be maintained while users can easily build content, add listings, and etc.)
Advertising-tiles need to be able to be defined and populated globally and at page level.
All user generated content, pages, posts, and directory listings need to be associated with user and have flexibility to show all other user generated content for inter-linking between same users content.
Site would need billing/e-commerce system for premium listings, premium posts, advertising tiles, and etc.
Approval system for all user added or edited content (pages, posts, directory listings, etc.)
( and mvc are definitely preferable)
Site would need billing/e-commerce system
This is the number one reason you should not roll your own. Find an established CMS and take the time to learn to use it.
My dear friend, I've read your question & I may suggest that you should try some open-source CMS software with your own which can generate, display admin-generated templates & other stuffs. You should use the
Pre-bulit CMS software for keeping track of pages.
Your own small customized cms for maintaining templates.
osCommerce (open-source) for eCommerce support.
I've not had a change to use it, and I'm not sure if it will provide for you all of your demands or not, but I've heard a lot of great things about the project. Have you tried the open source project Drupal?

Drupal Site accessible to Mobile

I have some 20 sites with common codebase and database via Drupal Multisite installation.
Whats the best way to make a multisite Drupal installation also accessible via mobile.
For example, I have sites like,, etc all poiting to same codebase and a common database of a Drupal multisiste installation which uses Domain Access Module as its key module. Whats the best way to make a multisite Drupal installation also accessible via mobile. So now I would like when accessed via mobile to show the mobile version or get redirected to
Use and associate plugin
Use Drupal Mobile Plugin
Make a page in php using Drupal database.
The mobile version just needs to show the last 3 items while the web version is a complex magazine layout.
Whats the best solution considering the following points
low server load
fast response time
Alternate solutions are also welcome
There is a good overview of options here
Option 1 and 3 are fails when it comes to most of your criteria.
Mobile Tools seems better supported and used than mobileplugin, but it is probably worth experimenting a bit to see what works best in your environemnt.
