SyndicationFeed Class doesn't handle RSS version 0.91 - syndication-feed

The SyndicationFeed Class in .NET only seems to support RSS version 2.0. How do I go about supporting RSS version 0.91?

In short, you need to create a class that handles the serialization and deserialization of the RSS 0.91 standard. Such a class should derive from the SyndicationFeedFormatter class.
I've created such a class and provide its source code and a description of how to use it here:
Syndicating and Consuming RSS 1.0 (RDF) Feeds in ASP.NET 3.5.
Happy programming!

I would suggest using the CodeHollow.FeedReader package which supports multiple RSS versions (including 0.91):


How to use WebSockets in .NET core 2.0

I found the WebSockets-Namespace in the .NET core documentation.
There is an abstract WebSocket class, I understand that I cannot instantiate this class directly, do I need to inherit the class and implement it by myself or is there a complete implementation somewhere else?
Link to documentation
I googled a lot, but everything I can find is for ASP.NET core.
Microsoft do provide a client implementation of the WebSocket class called ClientWebSocket.
You can find it as a NuGet package: System.Net.WebSockets.Client
As far as I know, this is the only official and available implementation. If you need more than this, I do believe you have to find a 3rd party library or implement it yourself.

MonoGame 3.5 Pipeline Tool and using XML serialization

I'm new at MonoGame and I have been googling tutorial videos on youtube.
However, it seems that everybody uses the old XNA content manager and XML serialization
What I'm wondering is how would I follow their methods in the new MonoGame 3.5 with the new MonoGame pipeline
I've heard you can use class libraries but I can't seem to get them working and there are no video tutorials explaining what these old methods actually did and why people used them vs the the new ones
I've heard you can't serialize and deserialize XML assets since the new MonoGame doesn't support them which is confusing for me and also needs explaining.
I'm not very good at reading and understanding what people mean
that's why I usually use video tutorials.

Getting started with Caliburn.Micro - where is the 'Bootstrapper' class referenced in the documentation?

I am trying to use the Caliburn.Micro framework.
However the first page of the documentation refers to a class that doesn't exist anywhere, called Bootstrapper.
Unlike other versions of Caliburn Micro the WinRT version doesn't use a Bootstrapper, the non ranty reason for this is that Windows.UI.Xaml.Application exposes most of it's functionality through method overrides and not events. Therefore it makes sense to have a custom Application rather than forcing the developer to wire the application to the bootstrapper.
This quote is taken from the documentation on Working with WinRT from the official wiki documentation.
You can look at the complete list of documentation wikis at the official site at Codeplex.
This is an issue with the WinRT version of Caliburn.Micro where there is no bootstrapper type.
I found this WinRT-specific tutorial that covers things:

Where is System.Json.DLL?

I'm trying to follow some examples using JSON with the Http Client, but they refer to a System.Json.DLL that I cannot find. See this reference to see the reference to System.Json.DLL, but I cannot find that DLL installed on my machine. Is it an add-on? I googled but found no other result...
That's a class library for Silverlight, but not [ASP] .NET.
If you really wanted to use it, there is an equivalent version in .net 4.5,
I would suggest you to take a look at Json.Net, it's one of the most popular .NET JSON libraries.

Best way to parse JSON data into a .NET object

What's the best way to parse JSON data into a .NET object? I am trying to assist a coder friend of mine and he is trying to dump some data from a JSON string into a database using Are there any prebuilt scripts that would make this happen?
Thanks in advance to any help.
The .NET Framework 3.5 has the JavaScriptSerializer class that can ease the deserialization. You can also use third party libraries like JSON.NET.
Actually you should really look at the DataContractJsonSerializer as the JavaScriptSerializer was listed as Obsolete in the .NET 3.5 framework.
Admittedly ScottGu stated that it may have been a mistake and it may be reinstated in the future.
If you are using .NET 3.5, you probably don't need a third party library. The JavaScriptSerializer class can be used (just repeating what was mentioned before) but you also have access to the DataContractJsonSerializer, which offers a different model for mapping between CLR objects and JSON.
Arguably the fastest way is to use JSON#, which avoids reflection and the associated performance overhead - this can be significant in web applications. It also gives you much more control in terms of the parsing process itself.
