Where is qembed tool in QT4.5? - qt

Or how could i embed .qm files into my application?
I'm using qt-creator.

The qembed tool was made obsolete by the Qt Resource System.


How to generate compile_commands.json with QT project?

I'm not familiar with QT but have to work with a QT project(.pro) recently. I hope to generate a compile_commands.json for this project, so I can read codes inside emacs's lsp mode. Unfortunately, I cannot find any way.
Build/Generate Compilation Database for "yourprojectname"

QML Extension Plugin

How do we use the dll file created by QML Extension Plugins?
The link regarding dll file creation, doesn't give enough information about how do we exactly use the dll file in other projects (Qt Quick applications).
A simple example on this with step by step explaination would be helpful.

Creating help files in Qt

I have been looking at QHelpEngine and QHelpEngineCore, and I was wondering if there is a nice guide on how to start making a help file.
QAssistant was theviewer for html help files.
The new QHelp framework uses a single compiled help file and includes a set of classes to implement a viewer in your app and some standalone tools to build the help file
Ironically I find it difficult to locate this information in the Qt manual. It's under QAssistant.

Using lupdate tool

I'm using Qt 4.7.1 on window vista.I want to make my qt application to be translatable.
How can I use the Lupdate tool to generate .ts files?
From where I can run it from Qt creator or Qt linguist?
or where ever your QT files are found, just check the bin folder.
Google told me this:

Documentation of Qt in CHM format

Is it possible to find some information about Qt? I need chm file with all documentation of all classes (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/classes.html). Does somebody knows where can I find it?
If you have installed Qt in your machine, use Qt Assistant. The help available are pretty much the same as that in the online.
Qt Assistant is just an application which requires no internet connection and useful for offline help..
You can use the script from this site: http://www.interclasse.com/scripts/chm.php in order to generate chm file from an online tutorial you find anywhere in the web. Like this one: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/nokia-qtsdk-1.0/index.html
I haven't tried it myself, but seems rather promising.
Good luck!
I've made a little script that will automatically build a CHM file out of the latest available documentation for QT. All credits to char101 for the main script that actually converts HTML docs into the CHM project, my part was only a little automation.
