Can a URL change on postback? -

I only need to parse URL Request.Querystrings on GET, not on postback, right?
Viewstate["magic_number"] = Parse(Request.Query);
The user can't be expected to modify the URL in the Request for subsequent postbacks, or can they?
Motivation for question-- I don't control the javascript snippet that does the postback, so it's something of blackbox to me.

The URL is not expected to change. But remember that each postback is a new instance of your page class. So if you didn't save the results somewhere on the first view you need to be prepared to do it again on the next one, and so on. In this case you saved it to ViewState, and so that should be fine.
However, I suspect you wouldn't be asking the question unless you had observed behavior that led you to suspect otherwise. So let's consider for a moment what things could cause this to break:
It is possible to modify ViewState at the client where you saved your results (though not trivial and definitely not recommended).
You can fake a postback before the initial page view.
You can use javascript to alter the posted url.
However, for all these things you would certainly know if you have written anything to do that.

Your assumption is correct, the URL is not expected to be modified in subequent post backs and you need to parse the query string only on the GET, which happens the first time the page is loaded.

The URL does not normally change for a postback.
It's of course possible to use a tool like FireBug to edit the URL in the form tag before the postback, but then you probably don't want the value that the user injected anyway, but the original value.

As others have pointed out, The URL is not expected to change. Of course if we lived in a perfect world you would never get email spam and noone would ever attempt to do anything malicious to your website.
In the real world you should expect that malicious people will attempt to hijack your website and need to be concerned with things like injection attacks
You should never make any assumptions that the data received on a postback is valid.


Why is Request.QueryString readonly?

I thought you couldn't change the QueryString on the server without a redirect.
But this code works* for me:
Request.QueryString edit
I'm so amazed.
So here are my questions regarding this:
Why is Request.QueryString readonly?
Why does this code/hack work*?
How safe is it, if you change to readonly as soon as you are done editing, both regarding bad errors or unexpected behaviour, and regarding maintaining and understanding the code?
Where in the event cycle would it make most sense to do this crazy edit if you are only using PageLoad and OnPageRender?
*More details:
I have a page with items that are grouped into tabs. Each tab is an asp:LinkButton
I want to be able to link directly to a specific tab. I do that with a QueryString parameter 'tab=tabName'. It works. But when I then click a new tab, the querystring is still in the Url, and thus the tab specified in the Querystring gets activated and not the one I clicked.
By using Request.QueryString edit this does not happen. Then my solution 'works'.
Thanks in advance.
Well the QueryString property is readonly because it cannot be changed on a single request. Obviously the browser sends only one request with only one string so only one collection is created. The hack uses reflection (i.e. manipulates the code and the memory) to change stuff that you cannot change normally. This hack breaks the encapsulation and the design of the QueryString property. You should not use it. It makes no sense from design standpoint. Your query DOES NOT change so why change the object that represents it? Only the browser can send new query string so you are basically lying to your own code about what the browser sent.
If you want the tabs to use the URL just use Hyperlinks instead of LinkButton.
From what I remember reading, this is a security standard that all browsers adhere to. It's main purpose is to stop phishing attacks, where someone could have the website" and when someone hits the page, rewrite the url to look like The only way to get to that url is to actually redirect to it.
mmm, last post was in Feb 11 - hope its ok to post in this.

Can a control blindly proxy another URL, including PostBack?

It is possible to have a control that would proxy requests to another domain/Web site, including postback?
In this control, you would specify the URL you wanted to execute, and whenever the control executed, it would make a GET request to this other URL, and render the HTML return. (This part is not hard.)
However, when the page is posting back, it would make a POST request, with all of its postback variables intact, to this other page.
I'm really looking for a blind proxy. Some control that will take the incoming request and throw it another URL, and render the results. The other page would really have no idea it wasn't interacting with a human.
I want to think I could develop this, but I can't be the first person who wants to do it, so there has to be some reason why Google isn't revealing the solution to me. I suspect I'm going to run into the same Big Problem that anyone else with this idea has run into.
I'm not exactly sure what the value of this is; which is probably why you haven't found a solution yet.
However, it seems to me that there are two possible solutions.
When the page is rendered have the control modify the form action to point elsewhere; or,
on post back, have the control execute a web request to the alternate URL with the post variables and decide what to do with the results at that time.
In this end, this never had much of a chance of working. I experimented with it for a while, but Postback requires intimate knowledge of the control tree, and there's no way that you're going to be able to apply a postback from the calling page to the other page and have it overlay correctly because the control trees between the two pages are totally different.
Now, if you wanted to write the backend app as a more traditional Web app (even something not in ASP.Net), it might work. During postback, you could iterate the Request.Form values and send them back, and just have your backend app prepared to accept those incoming values and deal with them, but this wouldn't be a traditional postback.

Is javascript reliable for preventing actions on the front end such as form submission?

I have a webservice that I need called, the result of which determines whether or not the user is allowed to submit the form.
Since this call is from javascript and not from code behind is it not reliable? Is there any way the user can get around the check -- by either going in with firebug and enabling the submit button, somehow making the method give a different result than was actually returned by the webservice, any other ways of being able to get around it?
Basically is there any way to call a webservice from javascript and have it's result determine whether or not a form can be submitted, and actually prevent the user from submitting the form at all? -- whether or not they have firebug, etc...
No, not possible.
Just to name a few possible reasons:
what if javascript is disabled?
what if the user submits the raw POST (using libcurl, for example)?
what if the browser, that the user is using interprets javascript in a way, different from your expectations (think, portable devices)?
Javascript validation is there for your users' convenience only and should never ever be used as a means of providing security.
You can never prevent the user from making an HTTP request that mimics submission of the form. While disabling the form via Javascript prevents submission for 95% of the users who both have Javascript enabled and don't want to circumvent your access control, anyone who understands HTTP can make the call and you are correct in showing that anyone with Firebug can do it in a matter of seconds.
Javascript isn't reliable for preventing anything. It shouldn't be seen as a security-wall, as it's too easily disassembled with things like firebug, iedevelopertoolbar, and many other browser toys.
Even if you could prevent them from submitting your form on your page, nothing stops them from creating a brand new form, on their own page, and point it toward the action of your form. Thus they're removing themselves from your "secure" environment, and instead chosing to play in their own.
Your suspicion is correct; the user can easily get around any possible Javascript validation.
You will need to use server-side code.
No, it is not reliable. Try disabling Javascript in your browser to see for yourself how easily you can get around it.
The user could simply disable javascript in their browser, or use something like NoScript. The best you could do is to try setting the form action itself in the return from the Ajax request, that way the form, as loaded, won't submit (except to itself). This will probably stop casual users but would be no impediment to a slightly more determined (or just bored and tech savvy) user. You will need to check on the server side whatever you do.
In general, no. You can make the form hard to submit without going through Javascript. Make the submit button not an actual submit button (<input type="submit">), but a pushbutton (<input type="button">) that submits the form in its onClick handler.
As everyone else said, no you can't do it. The only real solution is to have the web service return some dynamic value which the Javascript inserts in a hidden form input. Then whatever server-side code processes the form submission should reject the request if that value is not present.

How does an UpdatePanel actually work?

What is updated when an Update is triggered? What goes to the server? What comes back?
I was under the impression that only the content of the panel was transmitted to the server and back (without touching anything in the page outside the panel), but I'm experiencing strange results, probably because I don't really understand how it works exactly.
Can someone provide an easy explanation as to how exactly it works?
What is generated is a form submit through AJAX, which means essentially XML HTTP in the browser. When it hits the server, the server sees it as an AJAX call and it routes the Request to the correct method.
As for precisely what is sent, it is anything that the form submit should send, which can very well be information outside of the UpdatePanel. the sever then figures out what to work with and sends back a Response.
This is all well and good as theory, but you are dealing with problems not theory. What strangeness are you experiencing? If you can post, we can focus on the particulars of the problem.
The post that goes to the server contains pretty much all the information of the post, including the viewstate. The difference is on what is actually returned back to the browser.
To process the request, the full page is instantiated, if anything is updated outside the update panel, then you can get some ugly errors.
Update 1: this is different to other ajax approaches, that only send the bit of info needed and doesn't use viewstate i.e. autocompleteextender of the ajax control toolkit - look for json, ajax requests, and other related info.
It might work for you, but you are correct to look into understanding what is going on, that way you need when it is appropriate to just other solutions instead.

Is there any way to modify query strings without breaking an ASP.Net postback?

From reading here and around the net, I'm close to assuming the answer is "no", but...
Let's say I have an ASP.Net page that sometimes has a query string parameter. If the page has the query string parameter, I want to strip it off before, during, or after postback. The page already has a lot of client-side script (pure JavaScript and jQuery).
As an example, say I load:
The QS parameter is necessary to control what appears on the page when it first loads and is set by the page that "calls" it. myPage.aspx has form elements that need to be filled in and has a submit button that does a postback. When the page completes the postback, I need to returned URL to be:
in order to avoid the client-side code that is called when the query string is present. In other words, after a submit I don't want the client side actions associated with the query string parameter to fire. I know I could append the form contents to the URL as query string parameters themselves and just redirect to the new URL and avoid the submit/postback, but that will require a lot more type checking on the codebehind to avoid bad data and casual spoofing. I supposed I could also set a hidden field in the codebehind and look at it along with the query string to cancel the client-side behavior if I am coming back from the postback, but that still leaves the query string intact basically forever and I want to get rid of it after the initial page load.
Any ideas or best practices?
PS - Is there anything I can do with the Form.Action property that won't break the postback behavior?
I would use an HTTPModule to intercept and rewrite the URL and query as it came in. I'm not 100%, but I don't believe this has any impact with viewstate.
It sounds (and looks) complex, but it's actually fairly trivial and open to a ton of refinement and extension (as per .NET in general).
iam not sure this is what you are looking for, but if understand correctly you could do this:
-on page load check for the QS value, if its not there use a hidden input field.
-first time page loads with QS, do your normal processing and store QS value in a hidden input field.
-if no QS then use the hidden input value
-after postback, you could redirect to the same page, at that point you could user Request.Form[] to retrieve the hidden input field, still load the data properly but get rid of the QS.
it made sense in my head, i am not sure it make sense now, but i'll let you decide.
It is probably bad practice, but in those cases (and ones I just need to 'reset' the page), I simply do a Response.Redirect to the same page.
