Cross domain cookie access (or session) -

While I realise that this is usually related to cross site scripting attacks, what I'm wondering is how can a session remain valid throughout multiple subdomains belonging to a single domain (example: a user logging in only once, and being able to access both and with the same session). I guess I first need to understand how it works, but so far I haven't been able to find much that would be of any relevance.
But then again, maybe I wasn't asking the right question.
Thanks in advance :)

Inproc sessions cannot remain valid, however you can code your web application to allow cookies across multiple subdomains. You will need to set the domain equal to:
Response.Cookies("CookieName").Domain = ""
Remember the period.

There are quite a few ways to share session data or cookie data across domains. The simplest is to share it on the server side through a shared data store. But you would not be asking this question if it were that easy.
The other way to do this is equally simple. The domain contains some session data say name=aleem and id=123 and wishes to pass this along to It will follow these steps:
Make a call to
When gets the data via query parameters, it creates a cookie with the data. This cookie will be stored under the domain. will then redirect back to the REFERER which in this case happens to be
This is a simplified scenario. The domain needs to be able to trust and not only that but it needs to know that the request is authentic and not just crafted by the user so you need to use public/private keys to mitigate this.

By default, all cookies for a site are stored together on the client, and all cookies are sent to the server with any request to that site. In other words, every page in a site gets all of the cookies for that site. However, you can set the scope of cookies in two ways:
Limit the scope of cookies to a folder on the server, which allows you to limit cookies to an application on the site.
Set scope to a domain, which allows you to specify which subdomains in a domain can access a cookie.
You can learn more here.

The comments about the cookie being set for the domain to allow subdomains to receive that cookie give you that side but what's missing is the consistency of session.
I think this is very much like the problem of maintaining state across servers in a farm and the solution is probably to ensure that your session store is consistent across both sites (if they are not server from the same 'web site' in IIS). You can move the Session store into SQL Server (HOW TO: Configure SQL Server to Store ASP.NET Session State) which would probably serve the purpose as each site would query the same store when looking for the session data related to the cookie they've been presented with.
I hope that gets you on the right track.

If you have the ability to set up a common subdomain, you can do this:
In your subdomain html files, include a javascript file at the top like this:
<script src="http: //"></script>
In check.asp, look for your logged_in cookie and if not present, show a page say, using something like
if (cookie_not_found){
location.href = "http: //";
Once a person submits username password, submit it back to the same login.asp and set the session cookie, (which will be set in domain) and then redirect to
What will happen now is, a call will be made to the embedded "", and cookies for will be sent by the browser along with the request. So you will know whether your session is valid or not, even when you are in

You can set a cookie for a specific domain.
In php, the setCookie() method contains a parameter in which you can specify the top-level domain, so the cookie is valid for all subdomains. Based on your tags, I see you are working in Probably this also exists for asp...
after a little search for asp:
try this:
Response.Cookies("CookieName").Domain = ""
or read this

Here is a solution which works:


Can we block, restrict, control cookies set on browser by from external sources?

Can we restrict/block cookies from being set on browser from external sources? For example in the below picture of usatoday (just used for reference) we can see that various cookies are being set by varirous partners besides its own cookies set by (
However as a website owner I might be uncomfortable with cookies that are being set by parties like -
The above cookies are no way related to the website functionality and they are mostly advertising cookies which are also able to collect data about my user through their own ways.
I want to find an option where I might allow and only to set cookies whereas rest of the partners should not be able to set any cookies on my website.
Is there anyway I can set a server side solution that will monitor and control this?
perhaps something like "Set-Cookie" header in my Nginx web server or any other approach.
This would be of much help if you can let me know the same.

Session Object Lost between pages with redirected domian on IE

I have two domains. Something like:
Temporarly, i must redirect Domain 1 to Domain 2, so when someone use y redirected him to
The problem I'm facing is that (only on internet Explorer) session object is now losted between my sub-pages inside my web. I créate a session on default.aspx, and when i redirect with response.Redirect to let's say main.aspx, the object has no value. Does anyone have any idea why? Thanks!
Sessions are stored on the server, but the client needs to keep track of the sessionid. Usually a session cookie is used to store the sessionid.
What is causing this behaviour is that the sessionid cannot be resolved. Probably because the domain name is different and the browser interprets this as a third-party cookie, which can be (and probably is) blocked by the browser.
Since the sessionid cannot be resolved, all session info on the server is inaccessible. The link is broken.
Is it an option to copy the entire website to the temporary location and redirect all calls made to the original website to the equivalent page on the temporary location?
Otherwise you can solve your issue by using cookieless sessions:
For more information concerning cookies:

How to Use Session or Cookies On Differnt Domains

I want to share session between two different domains .
How can I do this using cookie . I want to share user id across two domains.
For example.
First website : In ASP.NET
Second website : IN PHP
When user comes in first website , after login it will redirect to second website.
I want to get user id from first website cookie. How can I achieve this using cookie. My both website are on different platform and hosted on different server.
Code :
// Create cookie on First website :
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("example ");
cookie.Values.add("Username", "user1");
//Want to retrieve on Second website
HttpCookie LoginCookie = Request.Cookies.Get("example ");
string x = LoginCookie["Username"].ToString();
Thanks in Advance
Cookies are tied to individual sites/servers via (weak) encryption. What you will need to do is tell IIS that they are the same via the Machine Key inside your config. Arguably you could do this inside of IIS but then there is no source control.
Milan Mathew provided a decent start for you here ( Basically in both sites you apply the same encryption information.
validationKey="6FA5B7DB89076816248243B8FD7336CCA360DAF8" />
Keep in mind that depending on which version of IIS and .NET you are running will dictate how you set this up and which configs you apply this two. There have been recent modifications to how this is done.
Please provide more information for a more details on your setup for more specific assistance.
Any case, base your search criteria on this concept and you should be fine.
the HTTP protocol says, two different sites can share a cookie if and only if both sites are deployed under the same domain (or, sub-domain). Internally, your browser stores the cookies locally (either in disk or in memory) against the web site's URL. When you hit subsequent requests to any site, the browser reads those cookies which have matching domain or sub domain names comparing to the currently requested URL and sends those cookies with the request.
With JavaScript/HTML5's "LocalStorage" feature, if you're on and you set a value in local storage, but then redirect to, the local storage will be different, and the value will be lost.
How can I store a simple value that exists across all domains in my browser?
If it makes a difference, this is for a Chrome extension.

How to respect "Serve static content from a cookieless domain" page speed rule in IIS6?

How to respect "Serve static content from a cookieless domain" page speed rule in IIS6?
To create a cookieless site (or subdomain, which is a very common best-practice) in IIS6/IIS7/IIS7.5 is simple : you need to tell the website that you are not to use cookies :) Which means in IIS terms, not to use a session.
This can be achieved in IIS6/IIS7 via two ways.
Modifying the Web.config file (my personal recommendation)
Using the IIS Manager GUI to find the setting and changing it.
Before you do any testing, you must must must clear all cookies (or all cookies for the domain u are testing) otherwise, they will get passed along even if u have done all the steps.
1. Via Config File
You need to define the session state to off.
<sessionState cookieName="What_ever" mode="Off" />
NOTE: Please note that the attribute cookieless (true|false) does NOT mean 'send cookies/do not sent cookies). That's for using sessions with/without cookies ... and passes some cookie guid into the url instead (if set to true).
2. Via Gui
Hope this Helps (i assume u know how to test that no cookies are working/not working...)
What this means is that your content needs to come from a domain that has no cookies attached to it. is an example of a site that does this. You will notice that all SO's static content comes from a domain called
This is so that the client and the server don't have to waste resources on actually parsing and handling cookie data. The good news is, you can use a sub-domain, assuming that you set your cookie path correctly.
Yahoo Best Practices for Speeding Up
Your Web Site
Use Cookie-free Domains for Components
When the browser makes a request for a
static image and sends cookies
together with the request, the server
doesn't have any use for those
cookies. So they only create network
traffic for no good reason. You should
make sure static components are
requested with cookie-free requests.
Create a subdomain and host all your
static components there. If your
domain is, you can
host your static components on However, if you've
already set cookies on the top-level
domain as opposed to, then all the requests
to will include
those cookies. In this case, you can
buy a whole new domain, host your
static components there, and keep this
domain cookie-free. Yahoo! uses, YouTube uses,
Amazon uses and so
Another benefit of hosting static
components on a cookie-free domain is
that some proxies might refuse to
cache the components that are
requested with cookies. On a related
note, if you wonder if you should use or for
your home page, consider the cookie
impact. Omitting www leaves you no
choice but to write cookies to
*, so for performance reasons it's best to use the www
subdomain and write the cookies to
that subdomain.
create subdomain ( for example ) and store all static content(images, css, js) here

Should I support '' and ''? OpenID Problems?

I implemented OpenID support for an ASP.Net 2.0 web application and everything seems to be working fine on my local machine.
I am using DotNetOpenId library. Before I redirect to the third party website I store the orginal OpenID in the session to use when the user is authenticated (standard practice I believe).
However I have a habit of not typing www when entering a URL into the address bar. When I was testing the login on the live server I was getting problems where the session was cleared. My return url was hard coded as
Is it possible that switching from to caused the session to switch?
Another issue is that is not under the realm of
What is the standard solution to these problems. Should the website automatically redirect to I could just make my link to the log in page an absolute url with containing www? Or are these just hiding another problem?
Solve the realm problem that you mentioned is easy. Just set the realm to * instead of just If you're using one of the ASP.NET controls included in the library, you just set a property on the control to set the realm. If you're doing it programmatically, you set the property on the IAuthenticationRequest object before calling RedirectToProvider().
As far as the session/cookie problem goes with hopping between the www and non-www host name, you have two options:
Rather than storing the original identifier in the session, which is a bad idea anyway for a few reasons, use the IAuthenticationRequest.AddCallbackArguments(name, value) method to store the user's entered data and then use IAuthenticationResponse.GetCallbackArgument(name) to recall the data when the user has authenticated.
Forget it. There's a reason the dotnetopenid library doesn't automatically store this information for you. Directed identity is just one scenario: If the user types '', you probably don't want to say to them 'Welcome,!' but rather 'Welcome,'! The only way you're going to get the right behavior consistently is to use the IAuthenticationResponse.FriendlyIdentifierForDisplay property to decide what to display to the user as his logged in identifier. It gives more accurate information, and is easier than storing a value in the callback and getting it back. :)
I dunno how OpenID works, but LiveID gives you a token based on the combination of user and domain. I just would have forwarded www to
The cookies and sessions and everything else get lost between and I don't have patience enough to thoroughly read all the specs, but states that
A is a FQDN string and has the form
NB, where N is a non-empty name
string, B has the form .B', and B' is
a FQDN string. (So,
domain-matches but not
Note that domain-match is not a
commutative operation:
domain-matches, but not the
I think that means yes, you do need to forward to www. I have always added domain correction code to my sites when cookies and sessions are being used.
