save state of a dataGrid: visible columns, columns width and order - apache-flex

I want to save remotely (on a database) the state (visible columns, columns width and order) of a Flex3 DataGrid.
For width and visibility I can simply save them by accessing each column attribute.. ugly but possible..
But for the order? Do I have to create the dataGrid dynamically??
Any idea is appreciated

In my case I have saved the order by header name (I'm making an assumption that your DataGrid always has the same columns and header names).
for (var n:Number = 0; n< datagrid.columns.length; n++)
var thiscol:DataGridColumn = DataGridColumn(datagrid.columns[n]);
Then I can restore the column order by retrieving the ordered list of column headers, and swapping the position of columns in the datagrid as required.
for (var n:Number = 0; n < colArray.length; n++)
moveColumnTo(String(colArray.getItemAt(n)), n);
I have defined a function moveColumnTo() to perform the switch.
private function moveColumnTo(columnName:String, columnIndex:Number):void
// Find current column position
var i:Number = -1;
for (var n:Number = 0; n < datagrid.columns.length; n++)
if (DataGridColumn(datagrid.columns[n]).headerText == columnName)
i = n;
if (i == -1 || i == columnIndex) return; // Don't shift column
this.mx_internal::shiftColumns(i, columnIndex); // Shift column to required position

Why can't you just save the order as you're looping through each column?
for(var i:int = 0; i < dataGrid.columns.size; i++)
var column:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[i];
arr.push({column.visible, column.width, i});


How to script editor to clear cells but keep formula in certain cells

Is there a way to keep formulas in certain cells when I have a clear cell script. At the moment it clears everything and removes my formula.
Cells with formulas are - 'H2' & 'K2'
function reset() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
Clearing your content will always clear the formula in a cell. A cell has a text/number literal or a formula in it. There's not a function that will clear one and not the other.
But, you can check to see if a cell contains a formula, and if so, don't clear the content for it. That will functionally do what you want.
function reset() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var range = sheet.getRange('F3:K8');
var numRows = range.getNumRows();
var numCols = range.getNumColumns();
for (var i = 1; i <= numRows; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= numCols; j++) {
if (range.getCell(i,j).getFormula());

How to compare values between a 2 dimensional and one dimesional array?

[[P01, 153425], [P02, 3951990], [P03, 106658], [P04, 4563594], [P05, 60198], [P07, 326292], [P08, 1265], [P09, 108293], [P10, 183698], [P11, 5084]] this comes from BigQuery.
[[P01], [P02], [P03], [P04], [P05], [P06], [P07], [P08], [P09], [P10], [P11]]
this array is fetched from google sheet column using sheet.getSheetValues(3,1,11,1);
Based on this i should update a column in google sheet based on the matching values between Array1 and Array2:
eg: [153425,3951990,106658,4563594,60198,326292,1265,108293,183698,5084]
if value does not match the corresponding value should remain empty.
Compare Array1[i][0] with Array2[j] inside for loop, if it is equal take the value of Array1[i][1]
for(var i=0; i<Array1.length; i++){
for(var j=0; j<Array2.length; j++){
if(Array1[i][0] == Array2[j]){
//do something
//if it can be equal to only one number, you can break it here
Then you should compare Array2[i] with Array1[j][0]
for(var i=0; i<Array2.length; i++){
var isExist = false;
for(var j=0; j<Array1.length; j++){
if(Array2[i] == Array1[j][0]){
//do something
//if it can be equal to only one number, you can break it here
isExist = true;
//do something if it does not exist

XRTable in devexpress report with more then 282 rows empties the report

If you add more than 282 XRTableRow dynamically into a XRTable, the XRTable and any subsequent contents will not show in the report.
Please note that it is always required to call the XRTable.BeginInit and XRTable.EndInit methods if you modify XRTable.Rows and XRTableRow.Cells collections at runtime.
As for the height of a table, explicitly specify it only if cells' content is not expected to stretch the cells (e.g. this may happen when their CanGrow property is enabled).
public XRTable CreateXRTable() {
int cellsInRow = 3;
int rowsCount = 3;
float rowHeight = 25f;
XRTable table = new XRTable();
table.Borders = DevExpress.XtraPrinting.BorderSide.All;
for (int i = 0; i < rowsCount; i++) {
XRTableRow row = new XRTableRow();
row.HeightF = rowHeight;
for (int j = 0; j < cellsInRow; j++) {
XRTableCell cell = new XRTableCell();
return table;
then add this table to report specific band i,m adding this to Detail band

AdvancedDataGrid Flex - Row not getting added under correct column

I'm dynamically adding rows and they don't seem to go under the proper column. I have all of my headers in 'headerArray' and the data i need to add is in the string 'item'.
//create an item to work with
var chartItem:Object = new Object();
for( var j:int = 0; j < columnResult.length ; j++ )
var item:String = removeformat(removetd(columnResult[j]));
//grab the header (this is which column the value will be added
var head:String = headerArray[j];
//set the value to header (pair)
chartItem[head] = item;
//add the chartItem (row) to the main collection
tableCollection = arr;
It's getting all the headers properly and setting the chartItem (from inspection with debugger). When it gets to a row (building from html) where there is an item that only has values for some of the columns, it doesn't add the information under the right column, it just goes from left to right and adds it in the next one.
The behaviour is kind of strange because the chartItem clearly has the right header value and corresponding item value in it, but like I said they don't end up under the right column.
tableCollection gets set as the dataprovider for the grid later (not modified since)
var chartItem:Object = new Object();
var span:int = 0;
for( var j:int = 0; j < columnResult.length ; j++ )
var colSpan:int = this.getColSpan(columnResult[j]);
var item:String = removeformat(removetd(columnResult[j]));
//grab the header (this is which column the value will be added
var head:String;
if (colSpan >1){
head = headerArray[j];
span = colSpan;
} else {
if (span == 0){
head = headerArray[j];
} else {
head = headerArray[j+span-1]
//set the value to header (pair)
chartItem[head] = item;
//add the chartItem (row) to the main collection
If i read the span attribute for the row, i set the NEXT row to be at column+previous colspan. then all the rows line up properly.

Selecting and Setting Style to DataGridColumn after passing the DataProvider

I have a Datagrid thats being populated by different Arrays... (headers/columns change for the same DataGrid)...
I would like to Select a Column of the Datagrid after it was generated by the Dataprovider and Bold it, and place it as the 'last column"
This is what I have.... and throwing an error:
private function populateGrid(evt:Object):void {
dg.dataProvider = evt as Array;
if (dg.columns.length > 0) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < dg.columns.length; i++) {
if (dg.columns[i].dataField == '_user_total') {
DataGridColumn((dg.columns[i].dataField)).setStyle('fontWeight', 'bold');
This way I would like to have One Datagrid (for different Arrays) )without having the Columns fixed and declared (like in MXML), but dynamic, and would like a 'specific' column to be Bolded, and placed as the last column, in this example, the column with dataField _user_total.
private function populateGrid(evt:Object):void {
dg.dataProvider = evt as Array;
if (dg.columns.length > 0) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < dg.columns.length; i++) {
if (dg.columns[i].dataField == '_user_total') {
(dg.columns[i]).setStyle('fontWeight', 'bold');
So the code above does it for me
After finding the Column in question dynamically... we bold it!
