ASP.NET :URL masking -

I have an ASP.NET web application where i have a page Signup.aspx and a home page.aspx.In my home page i have link to the signup.aspx page.I want to Hide the file extension.aspx from the addressbar when someone clicks on the signup link in home page.I want to show it as . Is there anyway to do this ? I am using VS 2008
thanks in advance

If you are using ASP.NET 3.5 ASP.NET Routing could be a good choice for you.
MSDN page:
Using it with ASP.NET MVC at ScottGu blog:
Using it with ASP.NET 3.5:
If your website runs under ASP.NET 2.0 Helicon ISAPI Rewrite could be a good choise for you. This is an IIS filter that redirects requests to your pages according to regex-based configuration file. They have a free version for one website.
Have a look at Helicon:

The simplest way would just be having a folder named "signup" with a default page that redirects to signup.aspx

Another option which does not involve rewriting the URL yourself is using the ASP.NET MVC Framework which will handle that kind of stuff pretty easily.

Related url routing in application having more than one page

I am using URL routing to make links to users profiles in, its work but the rest pages of the application not work , did i have to define a route for all pages or i miss something in somewhere.
I don't work with mvc but with web forms.
For profile page i want the routing but there is pages i just wont to use a asp x link to it
but all the pages now have the same URL defined in the routes in the global file.
I write this problem before two days always i have a problem.
You can debug your routes with ASP.NET MVC Routing Debugger Visualizer
or take a look at the blog of Phil Haack

How to create a blog in ASP.NET and not ASP.NET MVC

I have created a blog application with ASP.NET MVC and MSSQL. I must say, i really enjoyed the process of creating an application with ASP.NET MVC. Clean URLS(with URL routing), No view States and so on.
BUT i was wondering how would this would have been done if i choose web-form style coding? will the aspx would be created in the fly as i create a article.(take this url for ex: though the URL is not clean but still makes sense. if yes then what about its corresponding cs file? if no how is the URL so clean?
Would be great if someone throw some light on how it is done in ASP.NET.
Thank you, Faraaz.
If your using .NET 4, you can make use of MapPageRoute to accomplish the clean URL's with regular Web Forms.
routes.MapPageRoute("MySuperCleanRoute", "some/clean/url", "~/ActualPage.aspx");
With the addition of MapPageRoute, you no longer have the feeling "I should use ASP.NET MVC because i want clean URL's".
Choose ASP.NET MVC if you like the pattern. If your used to Web Forms, use it - and use MapPageRoute to achieve clean URL's (or use a URL Rewriting module if <= .NET 4)
A blog in ASP .NET would have been done in much the same way. The idea is to use one file and URL rewriting. IIS7 has URL rewriting built in but for IIS6 you can use something like ISAPI_Rewrite to handle .htaccess style files (which is what Apache uses).
ASP .NET MVC handles all this for you in its routing but you can do it yourself using a URL rewriting tool. The difference is that for MVC, the application handles the rewriting but ISAPI_Rewrite, IIS Rewriting are done by the server. This can change a URL like to
The second link is only internal to the server (it doesn't actually change the URL in the user's address bar). In the case of a URL like on Scott's blog, you could store the 'announcing-nupack-asp...' bit in a database as part of the article row so your blog article page has something to look for. The files don't actually exist on the server but the rewriting passes all requests to an existing file with parameters.
Note that this technique is common for lots of different sites - not just blogs. Notice the Stack Overflow URL, Twitter URLs, etc.
MSDN has an old article on URL Rewriting in ASP .NET, along with some examples of filters you can use.
See IIS URL Rewrite Module
You can use the URL Rewriting that is in MVC with WebForms if you are using .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (if you don't have access to .Net 4)
Here's an MSDN magazine article explaning...

Having URL without .aspx extension

I noticed a lot of ASP .Net sites does not have the URL ending with ".aspx".
An example would be:
Did they create a Questions folder and put a Default.aspx inside?
In that case, wouldn't there be A LOT of default.aspx in many folders which is hard to maintain (even though it is user-friendly)?
Thanks y'all.
StackOverflow is written using ASP.NET MVC. The MVC framework does not use .aspx files.
The way it works internally is by using routing tables - see an overview here.
You can also do this with ASP.NET and .aspx files or you can use URL rewriting. You can read about the differences here.
You can refer to any URL rewriter or a routing technique for that. If you look at the new AS{.NET MVC, it works on that model only.
You can use Url Rewriter to remove extensions from the urls of your website. has a routing framework you can use even if you are not using MVC
Official documentation:
Also as previously stated MVC works like this out of the box and you can also use URL Rewriting
With ASP.NET 4.0, you get the benefits of URL routing (nice, clean URLs) with ASP.NET webforms, too — see:
Routing for Web Forms in ASP.NET 4.0
URL Routing with ASP.NET 4 Web Forms (VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 Series)
Basically, what you do is define a route like
/question/{id} or /question/{title}
and you then define what ASPX page this is being routed to. Quite nifty!

How to hide/change page extension from the viewer?

How to hide/change page extension from the viewer at the client-side?
I.e. while accessing a page, the viewer would only see or
You need to look into using URL rewriting. If you are using IIS 7 then you can use Microsoft URL rewrite. I also use the URL rewrite software ISAPI Rewrite. Basically you'll end up creating rewrite rules to append the .aspx extension to the IIS page requests which have no extension. Then all your links created in your code should be created without the .aspx extension.
I realize this response is a bit abbreviated, but I suggest you start learning about URL rewriting.
EDIT: I'm not sure if you'll get this, but I created a screencast and posted it to my blog which covers the basic idea of how to hide the page extension for ASP.NET. I hope it helps :-)
You can use the routing built into MVC. It's not in any way required to only be used with the MVC Framework, and is quite agnostic.

ASP.NET Ajax feature in existing ASP.NET website

I have a ASP.NET Website which was developed in ASP.NET 2.0.
Now I want to add a new page to the project which will make use of the ASP.NET AJAX features like Partial page updating.
Is there any options to do this ? Do i need to change any settings for this in my already existing project /Solution ?
The only problems you may run across is inside you web.config file if you don't go in and register the ajax assemblies.
Other than that you should be able to add a scriptmanager control and work with the page like any other ajax page.
Edit: Here is some documentation that should help you configure ASP.NET AJAX to an existing website.
There is a great tutorial about how to implement AJAX on a regular ASP.NET web site.
