What is free tagging? - drupal

Can someone please give me a proper definition for the term?
What I know so far is that it is an input box that allows the user to enter any data to categorize something. Is that it?

Free tagging (at least how I use it) is when you expose a field that lets a user add any tag to the content node. Essentially you are allowing anyone with permission to add a custom tag to describe the content as they relate to it.
This is opposed to creating a rigid hierarchy of categories.
The most common application of free tagging is to let your users describe the content and then create "tag clouds" out of the results.


How to store user information and allow user to edit, manage and delete it

I am currently working on a website to manage rental properties. I would like users to be able to go to a page, enter information for a particular property (address, owner, etc.) and "submit" that information. The problem I am having is I cannot find a good way to manage the information, as well as give users the ability to delete that information at will. I would like this all done on the front end as I can't think of a good solution without significant SQL injection concerns. Ideally I would like all the information displayed with a small (x) next to each row.
I apologize that may sound very convoluted and vague.
User submits information about zero to many of his rental properties.
User goes to another page (or same page) and can view and manage his properties
User sells property; Deletes one or more of his properties
If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be thankful!
You can use custom post types for properties (you'd have a custom post type called Property) and meta data for storing any arbitrary info related to each property. That's a rough outline of how I would structure things for a project like this.
You'll need to do a fair bit of coding for the front-end forms, validation, storing/updating/listing data. The good news is that WordPress will provide lots of nice things for you out of the box, like authentication/authorization, user management, a great mechanism for listing posts (a.k.a. your properties) and categorizing them.

Drupal 7 - Administration - Find node by it's field value

I'm looking for the way for the site's administrator / moderator to find / filter the list of nodes by some field custom value. Field value could be defined by radio / text / checkbox etc.
Default content listing proposes only few filters, it's not enough for sites with huge amount of custom nodes.
Use an EntityFieldQuery object, documented here:
The documentation has no examples (ugh), but there's a thread here with some:
EDIT: Ah, you're talking about administration and not actually writing a module to do it. If that's the case, use a view with exposed filters, like the other guy said. :)
Maybe it would help to use a view for it, where you set filters, so that you get the desired listing.
I had to test this, but I've just confirmed. Views in Drupal 7 can indeed filter across multiple content types w/ custom fields, and still have filters apply to those custom fields. They seem to treat the nodes w/o those custom fields as empty or null values.
So for instance, I have article and blog content types. Blog has images, article does not. I can sort or filter on the image field, even though article doesn't have it. It simply assumes the field is null or empty.
This however, may not solve your problem of having a large number of custom fields. If these are dynamic (i.e. they grow over time) you might be in trouble. If, however, they are set, and just a very large number, you could manage this.
So while there is no automatic add all fields, which I believe you mentioned in a previous post, you could feasibly search on a large variety of the fields. Even exposing fields that you don't necessarily display in the table, but can then search on. Or changing the fields you expose or display on a per page basis in the view. All from one view. And then you could export the view to bring it over to the other sites.
I was going to try and attach the exported view, but the export is rather large for inclusion in an answer, I think. Please let me know if you think I should still include it, or if you'd rather I can simply send it to you through a PM. Let me know!
EDIT: I decided to include a link to an export of the view. http://greggalante.com/sites/greggalante.com/files/cross_type_view.txt

Drupal 7: Site-wide Taxonomy restrictions--Enforcing 1:1 term:node relationships for specific terms

I'm developing an online magazine, and am using Views to generate blocks for the homepage.
I am using a slightly customized Article as the content type for most of my data, with Views providing blocks with the necessary fields from those Articles. For example: the Latest Blogs View shows the Short Headline and Teaser fields, but the Top Headline View provides a block with the Image and Full Headline fields.
Right now I'm using Views to filter Article by tag, so Articles need to be tagged to show up on the homepage. Most of my blocks are lists and don't need the tightest sorting flexibility. However, some blocks are not lists, or it's important for the end user to have control over the display order of Articles in certain blocks. Is there a way to enforce site-wide 1:1 tagging for term:article relationships. For example, I want to ensure that only one Article is tagged top.news.1 (the first Top News slot), and likewise only one article is tagged top.news.2. When someone wants to add top.news.2 to an Article, the one Article that already has that tag will lose it. Or something like that.
I have played around with Views enough to gather that it is really powerful, so this level of microcontrol might not be necessary with the right configuration, but I think restricting taxonomy versus configuring Views filtration would address the problem more directly.
I've looked around the web and haven't been able to find anything really relevant. Sorry if I missed something obvious.
Thank you!
Is it correct that you (or your site editor) want the ability to:
spotlight a certain nodes
arbitrarily change the order of the spotlighted nodes, or add/remove a node from the spotlight while keeping the position of the other nodes?
If so, your best bet is likely Nodequeue, which does exactly that, and allows you to restrict the number of nodes spotlighted. It's very easy to use and our non-technical clients have no problems with it.
If your use case is different from that or requires more flexibility, Nodequeue may not be the right fit, but it works great for the specific example you're describing.

Drupal Search in Block View

i need to create a block View with a search box attach to the header in order to search nodes for one specific content type. I don't know how to achieve this, so i ask for your help. Something like the attached photo.
I'm not exactly sure here, but it sounds to me like you want to:
Create a view;
add a "filter" which limits the view to only your desired content type;
add an "argument," and then expose this argument, for either title, body, or one of your text fields.
This alone will not search the whole node. If most of your content is in body, this would probably be a good way to do it. But, for example, if for some reason you have a title like "Bicycles in Timbuktu" with a body that does not contain the word "Timbuktu" - were your users to search for Timbuktu, this item would not appear. That said, it's probably a rather rare case, and if you are simply aiming for happy users, and not rigorous perfection, this will likely be enough.
That said, Kniganapolke's suggestion of checking out Custom Search is excellent. The advice here is more applicable if you want to do this as you've designated and using the power you have with Views (and the other possibilities they offer), rather than a more dedicated-type module. If you don't have other specifications which require you to use Views, I'd guess that Custom Search will likely be the better solution.
Have you tried Custom Search module?
If anybody is interested, i have edited the header block view and load a custom_search_block inside it.
Thanks anyway
create a view with the content you want and then filter it by content. Expose the filter.

Drupal 6 - change Author of a node

Is there an easy way to change the author of a node to another user? I can't seem to find it. I found a workaround, which was to setup an "action" to change the author of a node to a specific user, and then temporarily setup a "trigger" so that whenever i update a node, it should run that action. It works, but is ugly. I suppose I could also attack the db directly, but these both seem like rather inelegant solutions.
I appreciate this shouldn't be that common an requirement. This is what happened: I setup the site, including place-holder content, which the publisher users then populated with real content. This was clearly not the right way to go about it, but it's the situation I find myself in...
Can't you simply edit the node, expand the Authoring Information section near the bottom of the page, and change the Author name.
You can also change the Authored on date too.
If you need to change the Authoring information of lots of pages, I'd recommend Views Bulk Operations. Changing the Author is one of the options.
Can't you simply edit the node, expand the Authoring Information section near the bottom of the page, and change the Author name.
It should be noted that in order to change these the administer nodes permission must be set for that account. If this is undesired (and in production environments, it is), you can use the Rules module or use the nodeapi hooks to change the desired fields.
