CSS browser cache issue, Is img would have same issue - css

There is known css cache issue when you change your css, browser is not going to realize it unless time expires and everyone seems to be using querystring like ?version=29347 to update css when it changes on server.
But does img has the same issue? When img changes on server, is browser detects it? or do i need similar implementation for img?
Reason i am asking is because i am writing generic implementation for css and would like to know if there are any standards related to img so that it does not have same problem. Instead of just relying on my testing as i can't test all browser or real work scenario

Yes, images would have the same problem (as would flash, javascript files, or any other media that is cached by the browser).
Using a random dummy query string parameter in your <img src=> or <script src=> tags should solve the issue for those other cases as well though.


CSS gets broken when minimizing

I have a website, where we are using a tool to minimize and compress css code. It is called JCH, it is a plugin for Joomla, I think you can use it on Drupal too. I have an issue this css code:
#sp-user3 .help-menu .nav.menu :not(.user-menu){
display: inline-flex;
It is being converted to:
#sp-user3 .help-menu .nav.menu:not(.user-menu){display:inline-flex}
As you can see ".nav.menu :not" is converted to ".nav.menu:not" which causes the css rule to not be applied as intended.
This can be an error on the tool. How can i rewrite it or add a character to avoid that confusion? any ideas are welcome.
This is indeed a bug, and this is not the first time I encountered it.
The StackSnippet editor on this site used to have the very same bug in its Tidy button. See my bug report. It was fixed soon after.
So you can file a bug report with JCH and then wait for it to be fixed as well.
Meanwhile, you can insert a * before the : in the CSS as a workaround.
:not() is a shorthand for *:not() anyway, so you won't be changing the meaning of the selector, just writing out in full what was implied.
It's a definitely tool issue, web minifiers like Minify generating correct code.
#sp-user3 .help-menu .nav.menu :not(.user-menu){display:inline-flex}

Box-sizing on Blackberry

I'm almost done with a project and now I'm facing a problem I don't know how to solve.
I did the whole css styling with the box-sizing: border-box (with ie6/7 polyfill) applied and it worked like a charme on every device I tested, until I picked up a blackberry. It doesn't support box-sizing (actually it does, but only from the very last version) and now all my layout is broken. Since the project is almost finished I don't want to go back and update every single stylesheet to not use that css rule. What do you think would be the best way to tackle this?
speaking about this:
Thank you
The first suggestion is that you could perform a server-side detection of the BlackBerry browser and if the version detetcted doesn't support the box-sizing property just send to the client an overriding stylesheet on the cascade, containing all the necessary rules (with an higher specificity, of course) to correct the wrong style.
Otherwise, if this method still need too much work to fix, you could try to serve a non-strict doctype for that specific browser only and see what box-model is used by that browser. For sure it's a bit hacky method, but maybe this change could have some good impact and "straighten" your layout.

Why won't IE7 recognize class calls to an external stylesheet, but will recognize inline styling?

When using IE8 to view IE7 through the developer tool's browser mode feature, I am having an odd recurring problem with CSS. When I make changes to an external stylesheet and then reference that class in the HTML, it's like IE7 won't recognize it at all. If, however, I put that same styling inline, IE7 will obey it. Has anyone heard of this before? Here's a simple example to help illustrate what I'm saying:
External stylesheet:
.bold {
Call in HTML:
<p class="bold">My paragraph here</p>
No changes will be effective in IE7, although all other browsers are fine.
If however, I do this:
<p style="font-weight:bold;">My paragraph here</p>
IE7 seems happy. What's the difference? Do I really have to make CSS changes this way, or is there another workaround?
I'm baffled as to what the issue could be. I don't know if the developer tool's browser mode has a quirk and doesn't quite work as a real-life version of IE7 would, or if this is something completely different. I am using IE8 (I can't upgrade to IE9 at this government computer), but I've heard the problem persists with my changes in IE9's browser mode of IE7 too.
We're using ColdFusion to generate the HTML, using an HTML5 doctype (), and I've added a timestamp parameter to the 2 external stylesheet references so the browser is forced to grab a new copy every time.
Any help with this mystery would be hugely appreciated - thank you!
For #Stano or anyone else who is interested in recreating the exact problem, here is a stripped down version of it: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B02DZPpIlMwGSk1VZHRDUHNCTkU (Can click File > Download to get the zip). Notice in IE7, "Photographer" is fine because it has inline styling, but the others aren't picking up anything.
With regards to your comments, you're right in saying that it could be a caching issue, but it could also be an issue with that stylesheet (though it doesn't look like that's the case), another stylesheet, or invalid HTML.
One of the things that I want to correct you on, because I think it may influence your understanding of how CSS and HTML interact, is that class attributes in HTML elements do not call CSS. Rather, CSS rules tell the browser agent how to render things with certain attributes. This is why we are able to use the elements ID, name, groupname, class, and other values to identify which elements to apply which class to.
I mention this because if you have invalid HTML (a missing end tag, a missing arrow, etc.) it can do all sorts of weird things. A few days ago it helped me solve an issue where a misplaced tag was actually causing a script of mine to loop on one of my pages.
Take a quick second and validate your HTML using the W3C Markup Validator.

HTML un-styled is shown first and then changes to styled version, what could cause this?

It doesn't always happen so it makes me think it happens when the browser doesn't have the css cached. What happens is the page loads and you see the entire page without any css and then it "pops" in styled. The css files are hosted off a different domain and they're all in the header of the document. Any thoughts?
Browser around the source I noticed that we have google optimizer code on some pages. Could this cause this to happen?
There might be many reasons, behind this, but as you described:
Your CSS are not included in inside the <head>
Is this perhaps a flash of unstyled content.

What's the CSS Filter alternative for Firefox?

I'm using CSS Filters to modify images on the fly within the browser. These work perfectly in Internet Explorer, but aren't supported in Firefox.
Does anyone know what the CSS Filter equivalent for these is for Firefox? An answer that would work cross browser (Safari, WebKit, Firefox, etc.) would be preferred.
<style type="text/css">
.CSSClassName {filter:Invert;}
.CSSClassName {filter:Xray;}
.CSSClassName {filter:Gray;}
.CSSClassName {filter:FlipV;}
Update: I know Filter is an IE specific feature. Is there any kind of equivalent for any of these that is supported by Firefox?
Please check the Nihilogic Javascript Image Effect Library:
supports IE and Fx pretty well
has a lot of effects
You can find many other effects in the CVI Projects:
they are also JS based
there's a Lab to experiment
Good Luck
Could you give us a concrete example of what exactly you're trying to do? You'd probably get fewer "Your brower sux" responses and more "How about trying this different approach?" ones.
Normally CSS is used to control the look and feel of HTML content, not add effects or edit images in clever ways. What you're trying to do might be possible using javascript, but a behavior-oriented script still probably isn't very well suited for the kind of tweaking you want to do (although something like this is a fun and very inefficient adventure in CSS / JS tomfoolery).
I can't imagine a scenario when you would need the client to perform image tweaking in real-time. You could modify images server-side and simply reference these modified versions with your CSS or possibly Javascript, depending on what you're doing exactly. ImageMagick is a great little command-line tool for all the image effects you would ever need, and is pretty simple to use by itself or within the server-side language of your choice. Or if you're using PHP, I believe PHP's GD library is pretty popular.
There are no equivalents in other browsers. The closest you could get is using a graphics library like Canvas and manipulating the images in it, but you'd have to write the manipulations yourself and they'd require JavaScript.
filter is an IE-only feature -- it is not available in any other browser.
SVG filters applied to HTML content.
Only works in Firefox 3.1 and above, though I think Safari is heading in the same direction.
None that I know of. Filter was an IE only thing and I don't think any other browser has followed with similar functionality.
What is there a specific use case you need?
I'm afraid that you are pretty much out of luck with most of the cross-browser filter-type functionality. CSS alone will not allow you to do most of these things. For example, there is no way to invert an image cross-browser just using CSS. You will have to have two different copies of the image (one inverted) or you could try using Javascript or maybe go about it a completely different way, but there is no simple solution solely in CSS.
There are filters, such as Gaussian Blur et al in SVG, which is supported natively by most browsers except IE.
Pure thought experiment here, you could wrap your images in an SVG object on the fly with javascript and attempt to apply filters to them.
I doubt this would work for background images, though perhaps with alot of clever positioning it could work.
It's unlikely to be a realistic solution. If you don't want to permanently modify your source images, Rudi has the best answer, using server side tools to apply transformations on the fly (or cached for performance) will be the best cross browser solution.
This is a very very old question but css has updated to now support filters. Read more about it at
With a function, use the following:
filter: <filter-function> [<filter-function>]* | none
For a reference to an SVG element, use the following:
filter: url(svg-url#element-id)
Not really, and hopefully there never will be. It's not a web standard CSS feature for the reason that you're using CSS to format the webpage, not the browser itself. The day that other web designers and developers think they should style my browser how they wish and are then do so is the day I stop visiting their pages (and I say this as a front end web guy).
