Flex renderer recycling with browser scrollbars? - apache-flex

Is it possible to get flex renderer recycling while using browser scrollbars?
I have a flex tree control with custom item renderers for rich editing of a server-side data structure which may have any number of child nodes. If at all possible, I'd like to avoid using a flex scrollbar if the content exceeds the viewable range, instead preferring to scroll with the browser's scrollbar. I could use javascript and ExternalInterface to resize the application when the tree's size changes, but my understanding is that this would cause renderers to be created for every row in the tree, which I would like to avoid for performance reasons.

The Flex Tree component doesn't support something like that out of the box. It will create enough renderers to fill it's entire height, assuming the data provider is that large. Since you want it to be larger than the browser window, it will create more renderers than those bounds.
If you were willing to subclass or patch the existing Tree, you could probably add new properties to override the starting value and the height used for the calculation of the number of renderers needed. I'm not sure how much work this would be, but it could be as simple as overriding a single function where this calculation happens.
Obviously, when the browser scrolls, you'd need to pass new values for the start and end values of what's displayed in your Tree.


ListView scrolling issue in JavaFX2

I'm developing a application which has a ListView which contains items which needs complex cell layouts. The cells are in variable heights and some of the cells tends to be larger than the view port height.
But when the ListView is filled with items the scroll thumb tends to resize its self while scrolling, which makes it hard to hold onto the thumb while scrolling. This happens mainly when passing through different size of cells.
This is not a problem in Swing if I create a same kind of a cell render to be used with the JList. This problem is there in JavaFX 2 and JavaFX8 both.
When looking at the VirtualFlow which is responsible for layout of the ListView and handle scrolling, it seems that the scrollbar thumb side (lenghtbar) is calculated based on the cell count and the visible cell count, which is actually a problem when it comes to lists which has variable heights of cells.
So is this the future of the scroll bar behavior for Java FX list views? or is there any solution available for this problem? Or should I try to hide the scrollbar and provide a different user interaction to scroll?
This problem is already reported under https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-25059 and fixed in Java8 upto some extend. So if this fix is needed on JavaFx2 we have to backport the changes under commit http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8/controls/rt/rev/81cc13fe6f96
To get this changes in JavaFX 2.2 you need to apply the required changes on to FX2.2 VirtualFlow.java class and load those changes before the jfxrt.jar is loaded. Another approach is if you don't like to mess up with the jfxrt classes is to have you own ListView which uses your own Skin and the patched VirtualFlow version may be with a different name. But this might require lot of customization compared to first solution.
More approaches are welcome :).

In Flex, for manually resizing datagrid, how can I keep the column widths reasonable?

Whenever you resize a datagrid by hand (not via code), the last column seems to retain most of the width. What's worse, whenever you extend it and shrink it to a large degree, the other columns can get smushed. Here's a perfect example:
The ideal solution would distribute width equally or in proportion to the length of the text. In addition, if would avoid covering text when it's not necessary. Now, setting the width to 0.5 in the example above does seem to alleviate the issue, but not prevent it entirely.
What I'd also like to know if there are any well polished, custom datagrids out there that solve this. From trying to find a solution, I suspect the only solutions available are more ad-hoc.
I know two ways to avoid this problem.
1) Use List with special item renderer, which simulates columns (say HBox separated with rules), and header, which repeats the layout of item renderer. It's not very elegant solutions, but the resize is quite predictable. Also you can easily add sorting feature (by adding buttons to header), but I'm not sure if column resize is possible to implement here.
2) Use spark s:DataGrid from SDK 4.x. It hasn't got such resize problems AFAIK.

flex: relative sizing and performance

We are building a flex project and would like it to render faster. We do have situations where we reference parent module size properties to size current module containers, as well as current module size properties for a bunch of attributes including font size and element positions and sizes.
Would it help to create temporary variables for
a) pcw=parentcontainer.width, pch= parentcontainer.height
b) ccw=currentcontainer.width, cch=currentcontainer.height
and reference to pcw,pch,ccw and cch while doing positioning. Will that help?
Also given the bulk of the positioning will be done in mxml, will setting these interim variables in initialization function, allow them to be used in mxml such that they will resize as browser size is changed. Thanks for pointers
I'm not sure if you're using the term "Module" a a generic term to refer to a component, or if you are explicitly referring to classes of the Module class.
It breaks encapsulation if a container is aware of it's parents. In Flex, a parent is always responsible for sizing it's children; and a child should never size itself.
You had code like this to access the parent's height and width:
I can't imagine how saving the parent's height and width values would speed anything up.
I also find it hard to envision a situation where knowing the parent container's width and height is helpful. Often a container has more than one children. It is important to know how much size a component has for laying out it's own children, not how much space the parent has.
The appropriate way to size and position a component's children is to override updateDisplayList(). updateDisplayList() has two parameters: unscaledWidth and unscaledHeight; that is, in essence, the height and width of the component. You should size and position the component's children based on those two values.
Of course, doing so often relies on ActionScript; not MXML.
Your primary question seemed to want to improve performance. There are many factors involved in the performance of an app. Using ActionScript for layout instead of MXML could be one factor that may help improve performance. Minimize your use on binding is another thing that can sometimes help performance.
Have you used the Flex Profiler? Have you stepped through code? Does doing these things help you determine what exactly the performance issue is?
Unless your application changes it's shape a lot, there shouldn't be any problems laying out with Flex if you use proper skinning/component/layout standards.
Most of the problem isn't from Flex, but the code most people add onto their own application that renders the whole system slow. Make sure you brush up on Flash performance improvements (like data structures, limiting binding, proper architecture, object lifecycle, etc).

Flex - weird display behavior on large number of Canvas

I have a Flex app (SDK 3.5 - FP10) that does mindmap trees. Every node is a Canvas (I'm using Canvas specific properties so I needed it). It has a shadow effect, background color and some small ui element on it (like icons, texts...). It works perfectly until it goes over ~700 nodes (Canvas). Over that number it shows grey rectangles. If I turn off the DropShadowFilter effect for the Canvas, they are also gone, so I assume it's a DropShadowFilter problem.
The effect is simple:
private static var _nodeDropShadow:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(1, 45, 0x888888, 1, 1, 1);
_backgroundComp.filters = _nodeDropShadow;
Is it possible that Flex can't handle that much?
I think you're exactly right, flex can't handle that many drop shadow filters. They're very expensive. However, if you're using the built in skins, they create bitmap versions of the dropshadows that are less processor intensive. You'll want to set the style "dropShadowEnabled" to true to enable this effect. You'll have less control over this type of dropShadow, but you may be able to get it to do what you want.
For more dropshadow styles, read the style list of mx:Canvas here: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/containers/Canvas.html
Yeah, 700 is a bit much for Flex components. At this level you're going to need to write your own custom components that does the drawing & layout manually. Also I agree with using bitmapCaching to make sure the drop shadow filters aren't being constantly re-rendered.

Flex: What OpenSource Container Component should I use?

Please help me what container component I will use. Here is my problem, I have advance data grid with full of data about 300 by 300 row-column(data can be picture). Now I need a container that can zoom in/out, fit to screen capability and can drag around the component inside so that my data grid will be zoomable and dragable around the container(Easy for the user to read content inside my datagrid). Any suggestion for a container that fits on what I need. Thanks
You'll likely have to add some functionality to AdvandedDataGrid to do that sort of stuff. The grid only renders cells that are currently on screen (well, mostly) to achieve a decent performance level. If you enlarged your grid to show all cells and then embedded that into a container that managed scrolling, etc, it would likely be unacceptably slow.
But you could add event handlers directly to the grid to manage your new user gestures.
Maybe the dragscrollCanvas container, combined with scaleX/scaleY events on the datagrid in response to mousewheeel events for the zoom?
Not sure exactly what you need...
you need to use a custom itemRenderer for your datagrid field. There are some great tutorials out there...
http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/itemrenderers_pt1.html (is a series of
And if you know what you are looking for then I'm sure that you can find the right itemRenderer for your datagrid.
Then using your custom component you can move it around, zoom, etc.
If you are talking about the container that contains the datagrid checkout the flexlib mdi container. This container can have other windows inside of it then you can tile, cascade, fill, etc. This also supports dragging.
example: http://www.returnundefined.com/flexmdi/explorer/
webpage: http://code.google.com/p/flexmdi/
