Accessing data associated with the RepeaterItem on Command execution -

I want to access the data associated with the RepeaterItem in which an ItemCommand fired up. The scenario is, I have multiple RepeaterItems which Button controls in which the Command is set declaratively like this:
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater3"
DataSource='<%# ClientManager.GetClientEmployees(Eval("ClientID")) %>'
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1"
<SeparatorTemplate>,<br /></SeparatorTemplate>
The code behind is:
Protected Sub RemoveEmployeeFromClient(ByVal source As Object,
ByVal e As RepeaterCommandEventArgs)
' I want to access the data associated with
' the RepeaterItem which the Button was clicked.
End Sub

You can use e.Item.DataItem to get down to the data for the object, or you could store it in a hidden field.

Building on what Mitchel said, make sure you check to see that the RowType is DataRow. Don't want to do crap when you can't. The cast from e.Item.DataItem to your type would fail on the header or footer row.


Call Sub Procedure using Gridview Column Imagefield

I have a Gridview column called "Path" and when the user clicks on it I want it to pass that value of the "Path" cell to a sub procedure to execute the following code,
Currently the table is filled via SQL query and the "Path" is clickable but it wants to take me to URL which won't work for my situation. I also tried the Hyperlink column as well but was having the same problem. Any guidance would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
You could use a LinkButton instead of a HyperLink.
Set the CommandArgument on the LinkButton, you could use either the GridView.RowCommand event handler or a LinkButton.OnClick event handler to call your sub.
<asp:GridView ID="gridView" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnRowCommand="gridView_RowCommand">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Path">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbPath" runat="server" CommandArgument="<%# Eval("Path")%>" OnClick="lbPath_Click"></asp:LinkButton>
Then in code behind:
Protected Sub lbPath_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim linkButton As LinkButton = CType(sender, LinkButton)
End Sub
For reference

Get Updated Object when using ObjectDataSource and Repeater

I have a data repeater that is binding to an ObjectDataSource on a page. I have the select working but I am having a problem with the Update. When I call a Save button what I want to do is call the function specified in the UpdateMethod and pass it in a parameter of the changed object of the repeater. Problem is I can't figure out how to get the object back out of the repeater. I do not want to specify each individual field as an update parameter as that is really unwieldy and defeats the purpose of data binding. Any help on this would be great.
<%# Page Language="VB" %>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" ItemType="CompanyObject">
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" CssClass="clsLabel">Company:</asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtCompany" runat="server" Text='<%# BindItem.Company%>'></asp:TextBox>
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="WebApplication1.CompanyObject"
UpdateMethod="UpdateCompany" DataObjectTypeName="CompanyObject"></asp:ObjectDataSource>
Here is the code behind that I want to call:
Public Function UpdateCompany(ByVal company As tblCompany)
'Save the Value here except that company is always null
End Function
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
End Sub
You can't do that with a Repeater control: it doesn't keep a copy of the objects to which it was bound. It doesn't do two-way binding.
But other controls do. Check out the FormView, GridView, and DetailsView. For a full treatment of the subject, see here.
I'm not sure I completely follow what's going on here, and I don't have enough reputation to ask in a comment. Where is your save button? I'm guessing it's outside the repeater. Are you trying to save all the companies that appear in your repeater, or is there only one company anyway? What are you trying to get back out of the repeater? Just the company name that's in the textbox? A few more details may provide the help you're looking for.
Also, it might be helpful to add an OnUpdating event to your ObjectDataSource and handle that in your code behind.
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="WebApplication1.CompanyObject"
UpdateMethod="UpdateCompany" DataObjectTypeName="CompanyObject"
And then your code behind:
Private Sub Company_Updating(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs)
' use e.InputParameters here to pass in the values you need
End Sub
You can see here for an example of how to use InputParameters.
To answer your question, you should be able to use the following to get the value out of the textbox in the repeater:
Protected Sub Company_Updating(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As ObjectDataSourceMethodEventArgs)
If (Repeater1.Items.Count > 0) Then
e.InputParameters.Add("CompanyName", CType(Repeater1.Items(0).FindControl("txtCompany"), TextBox).Text
End If
End Sub
But I think a repeater is unnecessary for what you're trying to do here. A repeater is generally used to show a collection of items. If your goal is to simply show one company, couldn't you set the Text property of the TextBox control in your code behind?
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then
txtCompany.Text = yourCompanyObject.Name
End If
End Sub
This is not possible with the approach you are following.
We can for sure develop a custom Post Back to achieve the desired output.

Why is my CommandArgument Empty?

I have an ASP.Net page, which displays a list of options to the user. When they select from the list, it does a post back and queries a sql server. The results are displayed in a listview below the options in an update panel. Below is a snippet of the ItemTemplate:
<asp:LinkButton Text="Save IT" OnCommand="SaveIt" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DataItemIndex %>" runat="server" />
The DataItemIndex does not appear, so my commandargument is empty. However, the object sender is the button, which shows the item.
Why is the index item not appearing in the CommandArgument?
Could it be the post back? If so, why would it be the post back? Is there a way around it?
Sorry, from my attempts to solve it before, I posted bad code, but it still isn't appearing.
I found another work around in that the sender of the OnCommand is the link button, which has the CommandArgument. I will chalk this issue up to be an issue with multiple postbacks and javascript.
You can't use the <%= %> syntax inside properties on a tag with a runat="server" attribute. I'm surprised the code will even run. :)
You probably want to use the ItemDataBound event on the repeater, find the linkbutton and set the CommandArgument property.
Not very elegant, but here's a VB.NET sample.
Private Sub Repeater1_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles Repeater1.ItemDataBound
Select Case e.Item.ItemType
Case ListItemType.Item, ListItemType.AlternatingItem
Dim b As LinkButton = e.Item.FindControl("btn")
b.CommandArgument = e.Item.ItemIndex
End Select
End Sub
You're not setting it
You possibly want
<%# Container.DataItemIndex %>
<%= Container.DataItemIndex %>
<asp:LinkButton Text="Save IT" OnCommand="SaveIt" CommandArgument="<%# Container.DataItemIndex %>" runat="server" />
You were missing the "#" sign.
This site really helped me with this problem:
The issue I ran into was that I was being passed null arguments in the commandargument when I clicked on the button a second time. As the post above explains, this is because commandargument is only set in the databind event. So, to fix this, include a databind event in the page_load sub
Ex. (VB)
Private Sub BindSelectButtons()
'Purpose: bind the data to the select buttons for commandargument to be used
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To gridview1.Rows.Count - 1
End Sub
Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Rebind select buttons so that the commandargument refreshes
End Sub
Make sure View State is enabled
e.Row.EnableViewState = true;

Problem finding web control inside of Gridview TemplateField

Okay, so I'm having issues getting the value of a DropDownList that's inside of a TemplateField when updating my GridView. Originally I was using the RowCommand event to check the command name and then performing the appropriate task (update/delete), but I had problems with the event firing twice, so I switched it out for separate events (RowUpdating, RowDeleting). After doing this, FindControl is returning null every time. Just FYI, the gridview is inside of an UpdatePanel that has an AsyncPostBackTriggers for RowEditing, RowUpdating and RowDeleting events.
Here's my TemplateField inside of the GridView:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Type">
Text='<%# Bind("medDesc") %>'
SelectedValue='<%# Bind("medtype") %>'
Here is the code I'm using inside of
Protected Sub gvCurrentMeds_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles gvCurrentMeds.RowUpdating
Dim intRowIndex As Integer = e.RowIndex
Dim ddlMedType As DropDownList = CType(Me.gvCurrentMeds.Rows(intRowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("ddlMedTypeEdit"),DropDownList)
End Sub
I also tried using a recursive function to find the control (below), but it is still returning back null.
Public Function FindControlRecursive(ByVal root As Control, ByVal id As String) As Control
If root.ID = id Then
Return root
End If
For Each c As Control In root.Controls
Dim t As Control = FindControlRecursive(c, id)
If Not t Is Nothing Then
Return t
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
If you just want to know what the new value of the dropdown is, this is already provided for you in the NewValues property of the GridViewUpdateEventArgs object passed to the event handler.
In your example, e.NewValues["medtype"] should be the updated value.
You've already specified <%# Bind(...) %> on the dropdown, so ASP.NET will do the work of finding the controls and getting the new values for you - you don't have to plumb the control hierarchy yourself.

Loading a value on the insert command of a detailsview

In a detailsview, how can I prepopulate one of the textboxes on the insertcommand (When the user clicks insert and the view is insert).
I think this would work for codebehind:
Dim txtBox As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl("txtbox")
txtbox.Text = "Whatever I want"
Is this right? What do I need in the aspx (not as sure)? Also, I'm assuming the server-side code will go in the itemcommand or insertcreating event.
I have typed this in VB.NET but I am using C# (I can do both so on a language agnostic forum I might type the problem in another language). I am also using a SqlDataSource, with my parameters and insert/delete/edit commands all created.
I am trying to generate a random GUID (using the GUID object), which will be prepopulated in the textbox.
Also, is the postbackurl property of a button not another way of preserving form state?
I would update the field in the DetailsView to a TemplateField:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtField" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GUID") %>'/>
<asp:Label ID="lblField" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("GUID") %>'/>
Then you have two options:
generate your GUID and insert into
your datasource. This may have to be done with SQL since you mentioned using SqlDataSource
remove the binding and access the controls from code in the
DataBound event of your DetailsView
Private Sub dv_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles dv.DataBound
dim txt as Textbox = dv.FindControl("txtField")
txt.Text = GenerateGUID()
End Sub
I'm guessing you need to use one of detailsview events.
Hook up to ItemCommand, ModeChanging or ModeChanged events and fill your value there.
I am doing something like this as well. I am hiding the DetailsView and showing it when the user clicks a button.
pnlDetailMenu.Visible = True
Dim ColumnTextBox As TextBox
ColumnTextBox = dvDetails.Rows(0).Cells(1).Controls(0)
If Not ColumnTextBox Is Nothing Then
ColumnTextBox.Text = "Initial Value"
End If
