Rediret from global.asax under medium trust -

I have this simple Application_Error method in my global.asax, and it does not redirect in case an exception occurs under medium trust. Can someone tell me whats wrong here.
This code works fine under full trust
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)

Apparently removing the false argument fixed this. It does generate a security exception when the redirect executes, but it redirects just fine


Session value set in Session_Start not available in Page_PreInit

I am having an intermittent problem with an ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms application.
In Session_Start, I store the master page file path in the session:
protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Not shown: get master page path from database
Session["MasterPagePath"] = PathIGotFromTheDatabase;
Then in my pages' Page_PreInit, I use that session value to set the Page.MasterPageFile
protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.MasterPageFile = Session["MasterPagePath"] + #"/MyMasterPage.Master";
This works 99% of the time, but occasionally something breaks, and Session["MasterPagePath"] is null. The users report that they have to close all of their active browser sessions in order to use the site again.
My understanding is that since I populate the Session["MasterPagePath"] in Session_Start, it should always be available in my pages' PreInit method. If my session had expired, it would always be repopulated by Session_Start before Page_PreInit is called.
Am I missing something here? Under what conditions could what I describe happen? I am using InProc session state for what it's worth.
I don't think Session objects added on Application_Start are available at control level. Application["myObj"] would be available but for all users.
More information about the life cycle here.

HttpContext.current.Session is cleared in error page

I have made a custom error page for my ASP.NET 4 application. I put the exception object in HttpContext.current.Session["CustomError"] but when the user is redirected to the error page HttpContext.current.Session["CustomError"] is null.
I do it in CustomError class constructor like this:
public CustomError(enExceptionType ExceptionType) : base(ExceptionMessage(ExceptionType)) {
HttpContext.Current.Session["CustomError"] = this;
when I step over the code Session["Error"] contains the error object.
any idea?
I removed custom error page from web.config and added this to glabal.asax:
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Context.IsCustomErrorEnabled)
by stepping through this function I noticed that when an exception is thrown this function is called two time, the first time Session["CustiomError"] contains the error object but the second time its null.
Instead of using Response.redirect(URL) (which I assume you have in your code) use
Response.redirect(url, false)
Why Server.Transfer(url)?
Transferring to another page using
Server.Transfer conserves server
resources. Instead of telling the
browser to redirect, it simply changes
the "focus" on the Web server and
transfers the request. This means you
don't get quite as many HTTP requests
coming through, which therefore eases
the pressure on your Web server and
makes your applications run faster.
Source here.
Please let me know if one of these works for you.
If you use a web config setting can you try adding ResponseWrite value to redirectmode var?
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="~/errors/GeneralError.aspx" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite" />
If this is still not working I suggest to implement this (I've done it in my application to log the errors in log files (for me as admin) and present a generic error to the user).
This solved the problem, but I would appreciate it if someone tells me why :)
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Context.IsCustomErrorEnabled)

Simulating RemoteOnly custom errors using Application_Error ASP.NET

I handle my errors using Application_Error in global.asax.
How to check if the request is from the local client to display more information about the error or just show the yellow error page. Something like "remoteOnly" that ASP does when handling errors using web.config.
After I posted the question, I went back to my application and played around a little bit then I found this. Now I'm using it.
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
// process error handling

global asax application_start application begin_request methods?

I have a problem. While migrating from classic pipeline mode to integrated pipeline mode at IIS 7.0 we encounter the problem :
Server Error in '/' Application.
Request is not available in this context...
We found solution for this problem at
As solution shortly ,in global.asax I must forward the application_start event to Application_BeginRequest event.
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { // sender has type 'System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory' }
Application_BeginRequest(Object source, EventArgs e) | {
// sender has type 'System.Web.HttpApplication' }
Or another solution is, Application_Start event can start later then Application_BeginRequest .
any suggestions ?
I have no option like choosing "classic mode "
Move the code to Application_BeginRequest or Session_Start. You shouldn't use the Request object in Application_Start anyway.
The Request object contains information that is specific for one page request. It doesn't really make any sense to do anything with this information in the Application_Start event.
So, change you app pool mode to classic.

common error page in ASP.NET

How to setup a common error page in ASP.NET website?
Also how to handel the error in Data Access Layer by common error page?
In my current project I'm sticking with Application_Error in the global.asax for showing the end-users a uniform error page in case of any unhandled errors. I added a sendmail call to mail certain exceptions to a mail address to get a better insight in what went wrong (you can't rely on customers/visitors to properly describe the problem).
After sending the mail and/or logging the problem I redirect users to a error.html with a generic errormessage.
In my DAL I try/catch most of the critical functions and show a warning/error accordingly (I return a status/message to show if for example a connection couldn't be made/timed out).
This is the pattern I tend to start with when starting a new app. Apologies this is in VB.NET ;)
In the global.asax Server.Transfer to your custom Error page.
Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Server.Transfer("~/Error.aspx", False)
End Sub
Then in your custom error page.
Private Sub Page_Load
Dim err As Exception = Server.GetLastError
End Sub
Now you can test the Type of the exception. You'll need to recurse down through the inner exceptions as the parent exception will be probably be a general web exception. Get your DAL to throw a custom typed exception and you can test for that and handle differently.
here i am explaining the way to implement a custom error page feature.
Step by step implementation
Creating Error Page : Develop an error page (the page that has to be displayed when error occurs) in the root directory. Lets think that the name of the error page is ErrorPage.aspx
Configuring Web.Config : write the following code in Web.Config
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~\ErrorPage.aspx"/>
Thats it!!! Now if any error occurs it will redirect to the error page. Now Sometimes we need to display the error. In that case we can write few lines of code in Global.asax
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception ex = Server.GetLastError().GetBaseException();
Session["LastException"] = ex.ToString();
As the exception has been captured and stored in the Session now we can show the message from the session. So we can write the following lines in ErrorPage.aspx.cs
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblDisplayError.Text = Session["LastException"].ToString();
And we will be able to see the error on the label of ErrorPage.
Hope it will work fine.
Pritom Nandy
