Loops in SML/NJ - functional-programming

I'm very new to SNL/NJ and was wondering how I could accomplish the following:
while(counter > 0)
Something like this, but how do I decrement?:
foo(stuff,counter) =
while counter > 0 do bar(stuff) ??? // how do I decrement counter here?

I agree with the other contributors that you should generally use recursion instead of loops and mutation to do this in a functional language.
If you really wanted to use mutation and loops though, you would need to use a data structure called a reference which is a kind of "mutable cell". You allocate the reference with the ref function, passing it the initial contents. You access the contents using the ! operator. And you set new contents using the := operator. So the literal translation of your code above would be something like the following. As you can see, the syntax is really ugly and that is another reason why people avoid it.
fun foo (stuff, counter_start) =
val counter = ref counter_start
while !counter > 0 do (
bar stuff;
counter := !counter - 1

In a functional program, a mutable variable turns into a parameter, typically to a nested helper function.
Since in your example, the thing being mutated is aleady parameter, no helper function is needed. Your code becomes
fun foo stuff counter =
if counter > 0 then
( bar stuff
; foo stuff (counter-1)
Of course this code is still terribly imperative... The call bar stuff is executed purely for side effect. Not very ML-ish.

Short answer: You don't. In functional programming, you generally never modify variables, which means a loop is impossible. Instead, you can implement the same using recursion. Similarly, since you don't, generally speaking, have side effects, function calls only make sense if they return data. So bar(stuff) is probably not very useful. It has no way of affecting the rest of the application. In a functional programming style, your bar() function should be called on different data each time, and return something that the rest of the application can act on.
(ML does allow side effects in certain cases, but to keep things simple, let's ignore that for now)
What exactly are you trying to achieve? (What do you need to loop over, what do the functions do?
If you provide a bit more detail, we can explain more specifically how you should write the program. But as it is, your program simply doesn't make sense in a functional style.

I don't know ML, but this is some ML-like pseudo code:
fun foo stuff 0 = return ()
| foo stuff counter = (bar stuff; foo stuff (counter - 1))
I don't know how to "chain" commands in ML; the semicolon is just a placeholder.
Generally, you wouldn't loop. I would rather expect the usual higher order functions. When you get used to those, manually writing a loop will feel like coding assembler.
edit: fixed code according to comment


Multiple dispatch in julia with the same variable type

Usually the multiple dispatch in julia is straightforward if one of the parameters in a function changes data type, for example Float64 vs Complex{Float64}. How can I implement multiple dispatch if the parameter is an integer, and I want two functions, one for even and other for odd values?
You may be able to solve this with a #generated function: https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/metaprogramming/#Generated-functions-1
But the simplest solution is to use an ordinary branch in your code:
function foo(x::MyType{N}) where {N}
if isodd(N)
return _oddfoo(x)
return _evenfoo(x)
This may seem as a defeat for the type system, but if N is known at compile-time, the compiler will actually select only the correct branch, and you will get static dispatch to the correct function, without loss of performance.
This is idiomatic, and as far as I know the recommended solution in most cases.
I expect that with type dispatch you ultimately still are calling after a check on odd versus even, so the most economical of code, without a run-time penatly, is going to be having the caller check the argument and call the proper function.
If you nevertheless have to be type based, for some reason unrelated to run-time efficiency, here is an example of such:
abstract type HasParity end
struct Odd <: HasParity
Odd(i::Integer) = new(isodd(i) ? i : error("not odd"))
struct Even <: HasParity
Even(i::Integer) = new(iseven(i) ? i : error("not even"))
parity(i) = return iseven(i) ? Even(i) : Odd(i)
foo(i::Odd) = println("$i is odd.")
foo(i::Even) = println("$i is even.")
for n in 1:4
k::HasParity = parity(n)
So here's other option which I think is cleaner and more multiple dispatch oriented (given by a coworker). Let's think N is the natural number to be checked and I want two functions that do different stuff depending if N is even or odd. Thus
boolN = rem(N,2) == 0
function f1(::Val{true}, ...)
function f1(::Val{false}, ...)
and to call the function just do
As #logankilpatrick pointed out the dispatch system is type based. What you are dispatching on, though, is well established pattern known as a trait.
Essentially your code looks like
myfunc(num) = iseven(num) ? _even_func(num) : _odd_func(num)

Is there any real use of the forever keyword in Qt? [duplicate]

Why do some people use while(true){} blocks in their code? How does it work?
It's an infinite loop. At each iteration, the condition will be evaluated. Since the condition is true, which is always... true... the loop will run forever. Exiting the loop is done by checking something inside the loop, and then breaking if necessary.
By placing the break check inside the loop, instead of using it as the condition, this can make it more clear that you're expecting this to run until some event occurs.
A common scenario where this is used is in games; you want to keep processing the action and rendering frames until the game is quit.
It's just a loop that never ends on its own, known as an infinite-loop. (Often times, that's a bad thing.)
When it's empty, it serves to halt the program indefinitely*; otherwise there's typically some condition in the loop that, when true, breaks the loop:
while (true)
// ...
if (stopLoop)
// ...
This is often cleaner than an auxiliary flag:
bool run = true;
while (run)
// ...
if (stopLoop)
run = false;
continue; // jump to top
// ...
Also note some will recommend for (;;) instead, for various reasons. (Namely, it might get rid of a warning akin to "conditional expression is always true".)
*In most languages.
Rather than stuff all possible conditions in the while statement,
// Always tests all conditions in loop header:
while( (condition1 && condition2) || condition3 || conditionN_etc ) {
// logic...
if (notable_condition)
continue; // skip remainder, go direct to evaluation portion of loop
// more logic
// maybe more notable conditions use keyword: continue
Some programmers might argue it's better to put the conditions throughough the logic, (i.e. not just inside the loop header) and to employ break statements to get out at appropriate places. This approach will usually negate the otherwise original conditions to determine when to leave the loop (i.e. instead of when to keep looping).
// Always tests all conditions in body of loop logic:
while(true) {
if (!condition1 || !condition2)
break; // Break out for good.
// more logic...
if (!condition3)
// even more logic ...
In real life it's often a more gray mixture, a combination of all these things, instead of a polarized decision to go one way or another.
Usage will depend on the complexity of the logic and the preferences of the programmer .. and maybe on the accepted answer of this thread :)
Also don't forget about do..while. The ultimate solution may use that version of the while construct to twist conditional logic to their liking.
do {
//logic with possible conditional tests and break or continue
} while (true); /* or many conditional tests */
In summary it's just nice to have options as a programmer. So don't forget to thank your compiler authors.
When Edsger W. Dijkstra was young, this was equivalent to:
Do loop initialization
label a:
Do some code
If (Loop is stoppable and End condition is met) goto label b
/* nowadays replaced by some kind of break() */
Do some more code, probably incrementing counters
go to label a
label b:
Be happy and continue
After Dijkstra decided to become Antigotoist, and convinced hordes of programmers to do so, a religious faith came upon earth and the truthiness of code was evident.
So the
Do loop initialization
While (true){
some code
If (Loop is stoppable and End condition is met) break();
Do some more code, probably incrementing counters
Be happy and continue
Replaced the abomination.
Not happy with that, fanatics went above and beyond. Once proved that recursion was better, clearer and more general that looping, and that variables are just a diabolic incarnation, Functional Programming, as a dream, came true:
Nest[f[.],x, forever[May God help you break]]
And so, loops recursion became really unstoppable, or at least undemonstratively stoppable.
while (the condition){do the function}
when the condition is true.. it will do the function.
so while(true)
the condition is always true
it will continue looping.
the coding will never proceed.
It's a loop that runs forever, unless there's a break statement somewhere inside the body.
The real point to have while (true) {..} is when semantics of exit conditions have no strong single preference, so its nice way to say to reader, that "well, there are actually break conditions A, B, C .., but calculations of conditions are too lengthy, so they were put into inner blocks independently in order of expected probability of appearance".
This code refers to that inside of it will run indefinitely.
i = 0
echo i; //this code will never be reached
Unless inside of curly brackets is something like:
if (i > 100) {
break; //this will break the while loop
or this is another possibility how to stop while loop:
if (i > 100) {
return i;
It is useful to use during some testing. Or during casual coding. Or, like another answer is pointing out, in videogames.
But what I consider as bad practice is using it in production code.
For example, during debugging I want to know immediately what needs to be done in order to stop while. I don't want to search in the function for some hidden break or return.
Or the programmer can easily forget to add it there and data in a database can be affected before the code is stopped by other manners.
So ideal would be something like this:
i = 0
while(i < 100)
echo i; //this code will be reached in this scenario

Execute function in FLWOR without using 'let'

Let's say I create a map:
let $map := map:map()
How can I put something in that map without using let? Usually I have to do something like
let $map := map:map()
let $useless-var := map:put($map, $key, $value)
Seems strange that if I want to execute something and I don't care about the return value, I still have to store the result. What am I missing here?
Note: The important part is not map(), but the fact that I can't run a function without storing the result in some pointless variable.
One approach is to execute the functions as items in a sequence where only one item (typically, the first or last) in the sequence supplies the real value for an assignment or return, as in:
let $roundedX := (
return (
$roundedX * 10
If the function returns a value that you want to throw away, just use a false predicate, as with two of the functions above.
Of course, this approach is only useful for functions with side effects.
Don't use a FLWOR unless you need it. In my opinion FLWOR expressions are somewhat overused. I often see expressions like:
let $a := current-time()
return $a
...when it would work just as well to write:
See also: http://blakeley.com/blogofile/2012/03/19/let-free-style-and-streaming/
In MarkLogic 7 you can use the map constructor to generate maps recursively. I think this is probably what you want:
let $map := map:new(
(1 to 10) ! map:entry(., .)
Or you execute map:put as part of another sequence, or in the return statement before you return the map:
let $map := map:map()
let $not-useless-var := ...
return (map:put($map, string($not-useless-var), $not-useless-var), $map)
In plain XQuery (ignoring extensions like the XQuery scripting extension) there are no side-effects, so calling a function without using its return value is meaningless.
What you may be missing here is that map:put() returns a new map with an extra item added, it does not mutate the original map. So your $useless-var is not actually useless.
EDIT: Actually I'm not sure if MarkLogic's map:put() mutates the map. (If it does, that is really gross.) I was thinking of the proposed XQuery 3.1 maps (which I've used in BaseX) which definitely are immutable.
Since the focus of your question is about running a function without storing intermediate results, you might find the map operator (!) helpful:
local:build-sequence() ! local:do-something-to-each(.)
That's good for processing sequences. If you're thinking more about processing the result of something, the answer is likely in embracing the functional nature of XQuery:
Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but hopefully those help.

how to build string iteratively in xquery

I need the xquery structure which is the same with java code
string temp
for(int i=0,i<string[].length,i++)
for example, in xquery, I have string /a/b/c I need to something like
let $temp:=""
for $x in tokenize(string,'/')
return $temp
and it should return the following at each iterate
but somehow it seams that this statement $temp=concat($temp,$x) is not working. so what's the right syntax to do this? Thanks in advance
I think, you need to get the notion of declarative programming. You are trying to tell the processor what to do (like you would do in java) instead of describing the overall result. For example, if you don't use the scripting extension (which is only supported by some processors, e.g. zorba) you cannot use assignments the way you would use them in java. Think of it as the complete query describing one resulting document.
This stuff is hard to get in the beginning, but it brings huge benefits in the end (productivity, robustness, performance).
I would translate your imperative pseudo code into this one-liner:
You can test it on try.zorba-xquery.com. I really hope this helps. Sorry, if this is not the answer you were looking for...
The $temp=conct($temp, $x) doesn't accumulate because in XQuery, that's a new variable each time through the loop. Try the following (tested in MarkLogic but uses all standard syntax):
declare function local:build($prefix, $tokens)
if (fn:exists($tokens)) then
let $str := fn:concat($prefix, $tokens[1])
return (
local:build($str, fn:subsequence($tokens, 2))
else ()
let $string := "/a/b/c"
return local:build("", fn:tokenize($string, "/"))

What is the exact definition of a closure?

I've read through previous topics on closures on stackflow and other sources and one thing is still confusing me. From what I've been able to piece together technically a closure is simply the set of data containing the code of a function and the value of bound variables in that function.
In other words technically the following C function should be a closure from my understanding:
int count()
static int x = 0;
return x++;
Yet everything I read seems to imply closures must somehow involve passing functions as first class objects. In addition it usually seems to be implied that closures are not part of procedural programming. Is this a case of a solution being overly associated with the problem it solves or am I misunderstanding the exact definition?
No, that's not a closure. Your example is simply a function that returns the result of incrementing a static variable.
Here's how a closure would work:
function makeCounter( int x )
return int counter() {
return x++;
c = makeCounter( 3 );
printf( "%d" c() ); => 4
printf( "%d" c() ); => 5
d = makeCounter( 0 );
printf( "%d" d() ); => 1
printf( "%d" c() ); => 6
In other words, different invocations of makeCounter() produce different functions with their own binding of variables in their lexical environment that they have "closed over".
Edit: I think examples like this make closures easier to understand than definitions, but if you want a definition I'd say, "A closure is a combination of a function and an environment. The environment contains the variables that are defined in the function as well as those that are visible to the function when it was created. These variables must remain available to the function as long as the function exists."
For the exact definition, I suggest looking at its Wikipedia entry. It's especially good. I just want to clarify it with an example.
Assume this C# code snippet (that's supposed to perform an AND search in a list):
List<string> list = new List<string> { "hello world", "goodbye world" };
IEnumerable<string> filteredList = list;
var keywords = new [] { "hello", "world" };
foreach (var keyword in keywords)
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(keyword));
foreach (var s in filteredList) // closure is called here
It's a common pitfall in C# to do something like that. If you look at the lambda expression inside Where, you'll see that it defines a function that it's behavior depends on the value of a variable at its definition site. It's like passing a variable itself to the function, rather than the value of that variable. Effectively, when this closure is called, it retrieves the value of keyword variable at that time. The result of this sample is very interesting. It prints out both "hello world" and "goodbye world", which is not what we wanted. What happened? As I said above, the function we declared with the lambda expression is a closure over keyword variable so this is what happens:
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(keyword))
.Where(item => item.Contains(keyword));
and at the time of closure execution, keyword has the value "world," so we're basically filtering the list a couple times with the same keyword. The solution is:
foreach (var keyword in keywords) {
var temporaryVariable = keyword;
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(temporaryVariable));
Since temporaryVariable is scoped to the body of the foreach loop, in every iteration, it is a different variable. In effect, each closure will bind to a distinct variable (those are different instances of temporaryVariable at each iteration). This time, it'll give the correct results ("hello world"):
filteredList = filteredList.Where(item => item.Contains(temporaryVariable_1))
.Where(item => item.Contains(temporaryVariable_2));
in which temporaryVariable_1 has the value of "hello" and temporaryVariable_2 has the value "world" at the time of closure execution.
Note that the closures have caused an extension to the lifetime of variables (their life were supposed to end after each iteration of the loop). This is also an important side effect of closures.
From what I understand a closure also has to have access to the variables in the calling context. Closures are usually associated with functional programming. Languages can have elements from different types of programming perspectives, functional, procedural, imperative, declarative, etc. They get their name from being closed over a specified context. They may also have lexical binding in that they can reference the specified context with the same names that are used in that context. Your example has no reference to any other context but a global static one.
From Wikipedia
A closure closes over the free variables (variables which are not local variables)
A closure is an implementation technique for representing procedures/functions with local state. One way to implement closures is described in SICP. I will present the gist of it, anyway.
All expressions, including functions are evaluated in an environement, An environment is a sequence of frames. A frame maps variable names to values. Each frame also has a
pointer to it's enclosing environment. A function is evaluated in a new environment with a frame containing bindings for it's arguments. Now let us look at the following interesting scenario. Imagine that we have a function called accumulator, which when evaluated, will return another function:
// This is some C like language that has first class functions and closures.
function accumulator(counter) {
return (function() { return ++counter; });
What will happen when we evaluate the following line?
accum1 = accumulator(0);
First a new environment is created and an integer object (for counter) is bound to 0 in it's first frame. The returned value, which is a new function, is bound in the global environment. Usually the new environment will be garbage collected once the function
evaluation is over. Here that will not happen. accum1 is holding a reference to it, as it needs access to the variable counter. When accum1 is called, it will increment the value of counter in the referenced environment. Now we can call accum1 a function with local state or a closure.
I have described a few practical uses of closures at my blog
http://vijaymathew.wordpress.com. (See the posts "Dangerous designs" and "On Message-Passing").
There's a lot of answers already, but I'll add another one anyone...
Closures aren't unique to functional languages. They occur in Pascal (and family), for instance, which has nested procedures. Standard C doesn't have them (yet), but IIRC there is a GCC extension.
The basic issue is that a nested procedure may refer to variables defined in it's parent. Furthermore, the parent may return a reference to the nested procedure to its caller.
The nested procedure still refers to variables that were local to the parent - specifically to the values those variables had when the line making the function-reference was executed - even though those variables no longer exist as the parent has exited.
The issue even occurs if the procedure is never returned from the parent - different references to the nested procedure constructed at different times may be using different past values of the same variables.
The resolution to this is that when the nested function is referenced, it is packaged up in a "closure" containing the variable values it needs for later.
A Python lambda is a simple functional-style example...
def parent () :
a = "hello"
return (lamda : a)
funcref = parent ()
print funcref ()
My Pythons a bit rusty, but I think that's right. The point is that the nested function (the lambda) is still referring to the value of the local variable a even though parent has exited when it is called. The function needs somewhere to preserve that value until it's needed, and that place is called a closure.
A closure is a bit like an implicit set of parameters.
Great question! Given that one of the OOP principles of OOP is that objects has behavior as well as data, closures are a special type of object because their most important purpose is their behavior. That said, what do I mean when I talk about their "behavior?"
(A lot of this is drawn from "Groovy in Action" by Dierk Konig, which is an awesome book)
On the simplest level a close is really just some code that's wrapped up to become an androgynous object/method. It's a method because it can take params and return a value, but it's also an object in that you can pass around a reference to it.
In the words of Dierk, imagine an envelope that has a piece of paper inside. A typical object would have variables and their values written on this paper, but a closure would have a list of instructions instead. Let's say the letter says to "Give this envelope and letter to your friends."
In Groovy: Closure envelope = { person -> new Letter(person).send() }
addressBookOfFriends.each (envelope)
The closure object here is the value of the envelope variable and it's use is that it's a param to the each method.
Some details:
Scope: The scope of a closure is the data and members that can be accessed within it.
Returning from a closure: Closures often use a callback mechanism to execute and return from itself.
Arguments: If the closure needs to take only 1 param, Groovy and other langs provide a default name: "it", to make coding quicker.
So for example in our previous example:
addressBookOfFriends.each (envelope)
is the same as:
addressBookOfFriends.each { new Letter(it).send() }
Hope this is what you're looking for!
An object is state plus function.
A closure, is function plus state.
function f is a closure when it closes over (captured) x
I think Peter Eddy has it right, but the example could be made more interesting. You could define two functions which close over a local variable, increment & decrement. The counter would be shared between that pair of functions, and unique to them. If you define a new pair of increment/decrement functions, they would be sharing a different counter.
Also, you don't need to pass in that initial value of x, you could let it default to zero inside the function block. That would make it clearer that it's using a value which you no longer have normal access to otherwise.
