is there an SQLite-based wiki? - sqlite

I would like to find out if there is wiki software that runs on SQLite.

Sure is.
Instiki (What Is Instiki) is a basic
Wiki clone so pretty and easy to set
up, you’ll wonder if it’s really a
wiki. Runs on Rails and focuses on
portability and stability. Supports
file uploads, PDF export, RSS,
multiple users and password
protection. Some use Instiki as a CMS
- Content Management System because of its ability to export static pages.

Fossil, which is a DVCS with many other features (including a wiki) is built on top of Sqlite (in face, made by D. Richard Hipp who wrote Sqlite ). It can be found at:

According to the SQLite Users Page, the CVSTrac program is using SQLite as its internal database structure (you have to follow the link to the CVSTrac site to see the details). I'm sure there are others by hunting around the site.

Wiki::Toolkit can use SQLite as its database.

Mediawiki does, but it is only in the development stage.

Any of the Django ones should be able to, because Django is flexible about which Database backend it uses and SQLite is one of the options.


Umbraco alternative?

I've been trying to learn how develop websites with ASP.NET as well as setup a personal website to use as a online porfolio/resume. With my website I've decided to not try to reinvent the wheel and thus decided to use a premade ASP.NET based CMS.
After reading a lot of reviews I settled on Umbraco, but now I'm seeking out alternatives. I like Umbraco a lot but I keep running into problems. Since installing it on my host I haven't made any changes through the file system, or database directly. All changes have been through the admin site. Yet somehow I kept getting it into some state where I could not delete a datatype, and now I'm having problems removing or renaming one of my templates. I've searched for Umbraco forums for solutions and usually find that I have to run some SQL script workaround on the database to clean things up. This kind of thing is really not something I want to fiddle with for my personal site.
Has anyone else had a lot of problems with Umbraco like I have? Are there other free CMS systems out there that are more reliable, yet similar to Umbraco? Specifically I really like how Umbraco gives me total control over the HTML generated by my site. Simple is also better in this case. I'm not trying to create some kind social network/community portal/forum/blog site. There won't be multiple people logging onto this site or anything like that.
I've been reading a bit about N2, which I'm now starting to consider. I like that it's more developer based and that you setup page types through real .NET classes in Visual Studio. Again I don't want to attempt to build my own CMS from scratch, but at the same time I really don't like how hard it is to see what's going on under the hood with most other CMS systems.
I haven't used N2 so I can't comment on that, but alternatives you can consider are Orchard or FunnelWeb, both are on MVC 3 and Razor.
If you're wanting a blog that is mostly just a blog then FunnelWeb is a good option.
I'm currently writing a comparison between Orchard and Umbraco if you're interested as well.
I think you'll be happy you stuck with Umbraco. I was so frustrated with Umbraco when I first started working with it for the exact reasons you stated above. The issue with not being able to delete data types could mean that it's connected to something (IE: document or media type) somewhere and if you force delete it (IE: via the db) you could really mess up your install. <- speaking from experience.
I'm absolutely in love with Umbraco now though. I am completely confident that I can build just about anything I need with it now.
I think that my best piece of advice I can pull from my own experience is make sure that you've got your site architecture planned out thoroughly before starting to build it out in Umbraco. You don't want to be fiddling around in there afterward changing things and that's where you can really get yourself into some hot water.
Have fun!
if you want a minimal .net mvc4 cms with good performance check out puck
it adds very few concepts on top of what you need to know for .net mvc but it does require .net4.5 (and therefore VS2012) to work with.
it also uses localdb out of the box but if you don't want to install that just attach the database mdf file to regular sql server and change the connection string

Wordpress pages and version control

We are a software development company and are using Wordpress for static portion of the web site. Naturally, all our workflow is built around version control: multiple developers -> continious integration -> staging -> deployment.
Our challenge with integrating Wordpress into our workflow is that its database is stuck like a bone in the throat: you cannot put it into the version control, easily roll back, promote from staging to production etc.
I am wondering what people do in similar situations? I would like to find a way to integrate WP into the development workflow and not the other way around :-)
Clarification we want to "develop" and test pages on the staging system and when ready then move them over to the production as part of the version upgrade process. We don't want to do full replication of the staging database to production.
That's a common question and one that I've worked on tackling. I've written some code to address these issues albeit the code's not ready for distribution. Basically the idea is to create scripts to import the content and then version control the scripts. (Actually my approach uses a custom import/export format designed to be easy to hand-modify, but the idea is similar.)
Anyway, there are some related questions over on StackOverflow's sister site WordPress Answers:
Questions tagged with the term [staging]
Questions tagged with the term [deploy]
Per the clarification, this would probably be helpful too:
Is there any way to draft a revision of a published page or post? What workarounds have you used?
Hope this helps.
I've just hit the same problem. For now we are using MySQL dump files to export/import database content, but it gets ugly with several people working on the database changes.
Since the team that works on the project is all internal and consists of just a few people, I'm thinking into the direction of locking the database dump file in VCS. Subversion had this functionality built-in, but we are using git, which, I think, is conceptually opposite of any kind of locking.
Probably we'll have a workaround script with pre-commit hook to check for the existence of a lock file next to the dump. The person who committed the lock file will be the only one allowed to commit the dump. Once he finishes the work, he will need to commit the removal of the lock file.
It sounds ugly, I know. But I've thought about it for a while and don't see an elegant solution yet.
If you're only using WordPress for static content, then any tool/methodology for version controlling databases should work - for example, work the mysql command line tools into your CI and deployment routines.

how to manage a team to make a site using drupal?

we have a team and want to make a site using drupal.
as i see all the changes will be saved in database. so how we can have a version control?
should we use of a cvs that take care of databases?
if yes, how can i make a db cvs server?
Yes, use git. As far as the database goes, you're best off using update hooks to capture schema changes in code. If you're using cck you're not going to be able to do that reliably. It's a bummer really.
to port views, content type, contexts you can use
Devel have tool to make record macros
But realy there is no universal tool for this.
You should utilize Git for team development work for code.
As far as version controlling a database, you are not going to want to do that. It is a lot of headache.
You can move a lot of the stuff that normally goes in the database into the code instead. If you use the strongarm module along with the features module you can save settings, content types views and much more as code and put it into your VCS.

Serailising Umbraco settings to the file system and packaging changes for deployment

Does anybody know of an easy way to serialise Umbraco settings (Document Types, Media Types etc) to the file system in order to manage that data within source control?
Note: changes to settings made on the file system need to be easily integrated back into the CMS database.
Also, does anybody know of a way to package up settings from a development environment for rolling out to staging and live environments?
Looking back through my unanswered questions, providing updates where possible.
For reference, you can use uSync to serialise content from Umbraco:
There is no method currently other than rolling your own package to do it but it should be relatively straight forward using the API. Check out the "Backing up Document Types" article as a starting point .
Your second point about deployment was something discussed in an open session at the Umbraco Codegarden this year and no conclusion was made that was a one answer fits all.

How do I query the CrystalReports CMS database?

Is it possible to query the Crystal CMS database and get meaningful data back? The data appears to be encrypted.
I am running Business Objects Crystal Report Server version 11.5
Actually what I discovered I needed to do was use the administration tools available from the Administration Launchpad. I was not responsible for installing Crystal and did not even realise this existed. The query builder and also the "Report Datasources" feature that were available from here was exactly what I needed.
Use the Query Builder tool to query the CMS: http://[server]/businessobjects/enterprise115/WebTools/websamples/query/. For more information about the query language, see
The properties that are returned by this query are store in a serialized state (I'm guessing binary and encrypted) in the Properties field in the infoobject database table (I can't remember the actual name of the table).
I had a similar problem on my workstation at the office. It sounds like you need to reinstall (that's what worked for me). This is a known bug according BussinessObjects (I had to call them and use our maintenance support). Hopefully you can find more information by searching for, 'Crystal Business query corruption' instead of calling them if the reinstall doesn't work for you.
They told me the data is not encrypted, but occasionally components don't install correctly and the queries come back in a binary form that is all garbled.
Good luck!
There are also several third party solutions out there that naturally layer "on top of" the CMS or Central Management Server to abstract the proprietary storage format into human-readable form. We develop a native database driver to the CMS which can be found at
full disclosure: I'm the main developer and founder of Infolytik.
My experience is that the data is not encrypted but that it is not really readable. Your best option is to use the Auditor Universes to build you some reports. You can also check out the SQL that the auditor Universes are uses as a baseline for constructing additional reporting.
