Severe Flex issues - apache-flex

I seem to be having difficulties getting the trace function to output anything to the console in either Eclipse with the Flex Plug-in, Flex Builder, or even FlexBeans (the Netbeans plug-in for Flex). I have removed and then reinstalled the Flash player 10 debugger version for both Firefox and IE, rebooting after uninstalling them and then after re-installing them. I have removed all old versions of Java and updated to the most recent version.
mm.cfg is configured correctly to allow the trace actions to appear in flashlog.txt
I tried removing the Flex Plug-in for eclipse to re-install, and now that I re-installed, I cannot create new Flex projects. I would rather not uninstall Flex Builder for fear that it will also behave strangely.
ANY ideas would be useful. Ideally, I need the plug-in to work, but any way I could get tracing to output to the console (in ANY IDE) would be better than what I have now.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Flash debugger for both Firefox and IE"; are you referring the debugger versions of the Flash Player available here?
If not, you definitely need those installed in order to be able to write trace() output to the IDE console.

I'm almost positive that this is not the issue, but it has confused me on a couple of occasions.
The Debug Application (as opposed to Run Application) keyboard command is different on Mac and PC. I use both and have gotten them mixed up, which results in my Running when I think I am Debugging, which of course leads to know trace outputs in the console.
Most likely not it, but doesn't hurt to mention it (I hope) :)
-- Evan

How are you testing the debugger? Have you tried going somewhere like with lots of ads that generally still have their traces in? Or are you just testing it with your own swfs? Have you installed the projector debug version? How is eclipse / flex configured to launch test swfs? Is it in the browser, or in the stand alone player? Do you have any weird mxmlc settings?
I assume you've followed all these instructions?

This is actually a combination of issues. The minor issue was that one application was interfering with Flex Builder Plug-in. The major issue had to do with a setting which had gotten changed on the Flash debugger.
If you right-click the running SWF and then click Debugger, you can (essencially) tell the VM where to listen for trace actions. This had been set to another machine on the network, and not my local machine. As soon as that was switched, everything restored itself.


Clear AIR Mobile application data in IntelliJ

I'm developing a mobile AIR application using IntelliJ.
When debugging in Flash Builder there is an option to clear to application data on each (debug) launch of the ADL (see screenshot below) However, I can't find this setting in IntelliJ or some ADL parameter to force a clear on each new debug session. I was wondering if such an option exist in IntelliJ or ADL.
A little background: I'm using the PersistanceManager in the application to store some user settings and I want to be able to start the application without the saved settings from my previous run. Using this setting in Flash Builder does the trick, but I'm having no luck with IntelliJ.
Not sure, never had to do that before, but I believe that if you do a "clean" before rebuilding, that should clear out the PersistanceManager.
Yes im still trying to find a solution for this.
The reason this happens is because when you are testing on the device, for some reason IntelliJ sends an uninstall command to the device so it wipes clean everything.
I tried to run my own compiler arguments, but the uninstall command has higher priority so i can't cancel it yet. I think a good solution could be using ant tasks:

Flex-built SWF's no longer work, error 2048, 2046, 2032

I'm really confused about this problem, and I'm pretty new to Flex. Basically, anything I try to build with mxmlc fails to run now, giving me the above three errors depending on what I do. It was working 30 minutes ago, I've been spending that time trying to figure out what has changed. I redownloaded the Flex SDK, cleared my assetcache, have cleared Firefox's cache. (I'm using Linux.) Even if I compile with -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=false, since it seems like #2048 is a RSL problem, it still refuses to run.
Another strange thing, if I keep
in my flex-config file, then firebug tells me that my swf file is trying to access a copy of that in the app's folder, giving error 2032. And if I stick the one I have in frameworks/rsls/ then it gives me error 2046. I don't know how it could not be properly signed, unless Adobe magically changed a signature and didn't update their flex SDK.
Any help will be appreciated.
On Linux I sometimes get these errors. It seems that the Flash Player cache sometimes get corrupt. When I delete the asset cache I then have to reboot in order for things to work again. Not fun. I filed a bug a while back but without having a consistent way to recreate the corruption I can't help them reproduce the issue. Please file a bug if you have a consistent way to reproduce the issue.
Okay, more weirdness. Simply restarting Firefox seems to have allowed the applications to work again. Facepalm
Today I experienced that problem in one browser but not in other. I have Ubuntu 10.04 and in google chrome 6 I received error #2046. In FireFox and Opera everything worked well. The problem has been solved when I reloaded my chrome browser.
This is an off the cuff answer, maybe not correct, but I encountered a similar issue recently and discovered that the issue was that our app was not compiling the Flex libraries into the SWF. Because of this, in some cases the Flash player would for whatever reason decide that the cached Flex libraries (.swz files, aka Runtime Shared Libraries or RSLs) were incorrect versions and so would refuse to load them, giving similar errors without explanation. These cached libraries are separate from the browser cache, they are cached for the whole OS. You could try explicitly linking the Flex libraries into your SWF to troubleshoot the problem. If it goes away, that's a useful clue.

Flex Builder 3 not debugging

I've recently bough Flex Builder 3 and I am completely dissatisfied with its reluctance to debug. It manages to debug a few times, but after that, it just doesn't want to "connect to the debugger".
There is no easy fix for this. You now have to join the rest of us waiting for Adobe to update Flex Builder with a fix they say they have.
You can find the long sad story here:
Basically, this is an issue that has been around for months. Adobe says it has a fix - however - they've not released that fix yet. Adobe reports it's a threading issue...
For the rest of us (waiting for this) - if you need to move forward you can:
A) Live with the problem (painful)
1) Note that in the bug text there are several attempts to work around this - sometimes people find ways to soften the issue - but no one reports a full fix
2) Note that people trying the LocalHost fix - sometimes report a gain in productivity - but in most cases they do not.
B) Switch SDKs from 3.2 (or 3.3) to 3.1 ---- No one knows why - but it fixes the problem (you can then include the SWFs you need for 3.2 directly
C) Develop on Mac [Not a smart ass answer - honestly - for whatever reason this bug is not on Flex Builder for the Mac]
Join the bug discussion - on Adobe's site - it's still active as people are still waiting for the fix.
Make sure you have the required Flash Debug Player.
If that doesn't help, you might have to re-install Flex Builder.
Are you running it on windows vista? It may be this issue:
The page is about silverlight, but I ran into the same issue a while back with the flex debugger, and had to add the following to my host file (which windows defender removed): localhost
This is expanded more upon here:
I've had similar problems but every-time it refuses to connect to the debugger i have justed downloaded and reinstalled the flash debugger and it works fine. It's a pain but until adobe do anything what can we do?
Have you the tried FlashDeveloper ide? you can build flex project with it and it quite frankly alot better than flex builder for code writing (not ui work).
Hope this helps
I'm not sure if you have the same symptoms, but I came across a similar problem on one of our development machines after installing Flex Builder 3. When trying to run our app in debug mode, flex builder took a long time to launch the app and eventually timed out, displaying some message about not being able to connect to the debugger.
I found this solution which worked a treat. While Flex Builder is trying to launch the app:
Go to the browser page containing your app/swf, right-click on the swf to bring up the flash context menu.
Select Debugger
Select Other Machine
Enter in the text field
Click Connect and hopefully it works.
NB: If Flex Builder tried to launch the app in Firefox, the page never appeared. It was only when it launched in Safari that I was able to access the browser page and the flash context menu.

Flex Builder 3 debugging trace output

I have installed Flex Builder 3 and Flash Player 10 on my machine.
I don't know where the trace output goes because I just don't see it (I tried debug and output windows).
Also the breakpoints don't hit.
Salut Omule :)
If you press the Debug Icon(the bug thingy) or go to Run > Debug you should go to the Debugging perspective.
If might be handy to install the Flash Tracer plugin for Firefox to see your traces from the browser.
First you need to make sure you have the Debug version of Flash Player 10. You can do that by checking is Debugging is true using this test.
You can view traced messages in the console (Menubar - Window - Console).
But since you said that breakpoints are not hit, I guess the problem is somewhere else. Make sure that you are debugging instead of running the app (select Debug from the Run menu or just hit F11 while at the corresponding mxml file).
If that doesn't help, and if you are on Firefox, try uninstalling the last addon that you installed. Some addons (including older versions of google toolbar and adblock plus) have known to block swfs from connecting to the flex builder's debugger.

Why does Flex Builder fail to connect the app so often?

Flex Builder often fails to connect to the app that it's supposed to debug. After a minute or so it times-out and says that it couldn't connect. The only way I can get it to stop doing this is by restarting Eclipse.
Very annoying. Anyone know why this is?
I'm using FB 3.1 and Firefox on Win XP.
Many thanks!
This became an issue with Firefox 3, and the general workaround is to start disabling Firefox extensions until it works. I've found that the AdBlock and IETab extensions interfered with Flex debugging; once those were disabled in Firefox's Add-On Manager, things got better.
See this bug report on Adobe's website for much more information.
I think it may be because it's full of bugs. I haven't worked with it on windows but on os x it reeks. You have to restart the whole os to get it back to normal sometimes.
