Resizing Image from a decoded ByteArray - apache-flex

I am trying to display a bytearray as a resized image. The Image is displaying correctly, but the sizing is off. Let me explain.
First I have the image data encoded so I need to decode the image data
// Instantiate decoder
var decoder:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
// Decode image data
// Export data as a byteArray
var byteArray:ByteArray = decoder.toByteArray();
// Display image
var img:Image = new Image();
This works. The image is displayed correctly. However, if I hardcode the image (img) height the resized image is shown correctly, but within a box with the original image's dimensions.
For example, if the original image has a height of 300px and a width of 200px and the img.height property is set to 75; the resized image with height of 75 is shown correctly. But the resized image is shown in the upper left corner of the img container that is still set to a height of 300px and a width of 200px. Why does it do that? And what is the fix?
The best way to illustrate the problem is by placing the image inside a VBox and show the borders of the VBox. From the code block above, if I change the image height and set the image to maintain aspect ratio (which by default is set to true but I add it here for completeness). the problem becomes clear.
// Display image
var img:Image = new Image();
img.height = 75; // Hardcode image height (thumbnail)
img.maintainAspectRatio = true;
// Encapsulate the image inside a VBox to illustrate the problem
var vb:VBox = new VBox();
vb.setStyle('borderStyle', 'solid');
vb.setStyle('borderColor', 'red');
vb.setStyle('borderThickness', 2);
I have been working on this problem for days and cannot come up with a solution. Any ideas? What am I missing?

The workaround I used is as follows:
I created an event listener for the img display object. Then after the img has loaded, I manually set the height and width of the image. I know what I want the height (preHeight) to be so that is hardcoded. I then calculate the width and set that as the image width. For some reason I had to use the explicitHeight and explicitWidth properties to finally get the sizing right.
I hope this helps someone.
img.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
private function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent) : void
img.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoadComplete);
private function onImageLoadComplete(event:Event) : void
var image:Image = event.currentTarget as Image;
var preHeight:Number = 0;
var h:uint = Bitmap(image.content).bitmapData.height;
var w:uint = Bitmap(image.content).bitmapData.width;
// Check height
preHeight = h > 170 ? 170 : h;
// Set the width
img.explicitWidth = (preHeight * w)/h;
img.explicitHeight = preHeight;


CSS: Element fixed to viewport height, scaled proportionally, centered

I have elements which have a set height of 100% viewport height. Inside of these are a background image which is also fixed to the same height - so the image's top and bottom are always visible, it's centered, and sometimes it's edges get cut off.
What I'm trying to add on top of this is another element which matches the same behavior of the background image (to place other things over the image, but ensure they always line up).
I have a working example using Javascript, but wondering if this same behavior could be replicated with CSS. The pinkish box is the element which I am scaling based on the viewport's size and it should always match up with the background image behind it.
And all the scaling logic is as follows:
var $window = $(window);
var base_width = 1600;
var base_height = 960;
var base_ratio = (base_width / base_height);
var contents = $('SECTION .content');
$window.on('resize', function() {
var window_width = $window.width();
var window_height = $window.height();
var window_ratio = (window_height / window_height);
var scaled_width = (window_height * 100/base_height) * base_width/100;
width: (scaled_width+'px'),
height: (window_height+'px'),
marginLeft: ('-'+scaled_width/2+'px'),

Delete white spaces on html5 video tag in Ionic

I have a video tag in my Ionic app, video element is added after click on a button.
function addVideo(videoId){
var path = $scope.getVideo(videoId).newVideoLocation.nativeURL;
path = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(path);
var container = document.getElementById('videoContainer' + videoId);
var video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = path;
video.setAttribute('id', 'video' + videoId);
video.setAttribute('poster', $scope.getVideo(videoId).thumbnailPath);
video.setAttribute('width', '100%');
Video is added successfully but there are bottom and top white spaces / bars:
After click play button spaces are no longer there:
I set border to all elements to know what is happening. Blue border is video tag:
It could be margin o padding however I set them to 0:
* {
border: 1px solid red !important;
video {
border: 2px solid blue !important;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
Any idea what is the problem?
After a lot of research I found a solution.
I start understanding what happened after read HTML 5 Video stretch post:
Video content should be rendered inside the element's playback area
such that the video content is shown centered in the playback area at
the largest possible size that fits completely within it, with the
video content's aspect ratio being preserved. Thus, if the aspect
ratio of the playback area does not match the aspect ratio of the
video, the video will be shown letterboxed or pillarboxed. Areas of
the element's playback area that do not contain the video represent
Then in google books I found and explanation how works video width, the book is call The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Video
If width and height are not same aspect ratio as original video it doesn't work. Set a 100% to width doesn't mean you want video to fit the container. So I decided to calculate width and height of the container and set to video element:
function addVideo(videoId){
var path = getTrustUrl($scope.getVideo(videoId).newVideoLocation.nativeURL);
// Create container element and get padding
var container = document.getElementById('videoContainer' + videoId);
var paddingLeft = window.getComputedStyle(container, null).getPropertyValue('padding-left');
var paddingRight = window.getComputedStyle(container, null).getPropertyValue('padding-right');
// Get only numeric part and parse to integer
paddingLeft = parseInt(paddingLeft.slice(0,-2));
paddingRight = parseInt(paddingRight.slice(0,-2));
//Get internal width of container and calculate height
var width = container.offsetWidth - paddingLeft - paddingRight;
var height = (width * 9 ) / 16; // TODO, if not 16:9 error
// Create video element and set attributes
var video = document.createElement('video');
video.src = path;
video.setAttribute('id', 'video' + videoId);
video.setAttribute('poster', $scope.getVideo(videoId).thumbnailPath);
video.setAttribute('width', width);
video.setAttribute('height', height);
// Append video to container
I don't see it straightforward... if someone know another solution let me know!

ImageView not resizing image

I want to use an ImageView to resize an image, however the image is not being resized:
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image);
System.out.println("imageview image width = " + imageView.getImage().getWidth());
System.out.println("imageview image height = " + imageView.getImage().getHeight());
The output is
imageview image width = 674.0
imageview image height = 888.0
However, the width should be 40. My ImageView is not attached to any scene and I also don't want to attach it, it shall only be used for image resizing. Is there any way to force the ImageView to resize its image, even though the ImageView is not attached to any scene? The reason I am using an ImageView for resizing is, that I want to resize an Image in RAM, without reading it again from the disk, please see this question for more details.
Thanks for any hint!
Using an ImageView for resizing seems to be very hacky.
A better approach is to convert your Image into a BufferedImage and do the resizing the old way. (JavaFx does not (yet) provide an internal way to resize memory images)
int width = 500; // desired size
int height = 400;
Image original = ...; // fx image
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(
SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(original, img);
BufferedImage rescaled = Scalr.rescaleImage(img, width, heigth); // the actual rescale
// convert back to FX image
WritableImage rescaledFX = new WritableImage(width, heigth);
SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(rescaled, rescaledFX);
Where as Scalr is a nice library for resizing images in native java. Obviously, you can use other/simpler methods of rescaling, but the image quality won't be that nice.

HTML5 Canvas as CSS background-image?

Is it possible to make the background image of a DIV a canvas that can be modified with getContext("2d")?
Well, you could place a canvas element inside of the div, maximize its height and width, set its position to relative and its z-index to a negative value.
However, if you want to use a real CSS background-image:... you would have to create your image inside your canvas. You could then use toDataURL to get a data url which you could use as value for your original background-image:
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var data = canvas.toDataURL();
var myElement = document.getElementById('myelement'); = 'url('+data+')';
If you don't want to create a new background but manipulate an existing one, load your original background into an Image object (or get a reference) and use drawImage:
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function(){
var src =;
src.substr(0,src.length - 1);
image.src = src;
Set the background-image of the div to this:
"url('" + canvas.toDataURL() + "')";
Edit: At that point, note that you are also free to do what you wish with the canvas, as the background-image will continue to contain only the image data that was in the canvas at the moment that you called canvas.toDataURL(). Feel free to discard or draw onto the canvas, as it will not affect your div's background at that point.
You can have a canvas inside the div with absolute css position, other elements have to have z-index greater than the canvas.

Flex saving canvas and dropped image

I have an image loaded from an url and added to canvas as child. Then I am drag and dropping another image on it which also uses the senocular transform so the image can be transformed on the canvas. I have coded in such way that the transform handles shows up only after it's dropped on canvas. The image shows up correctly. But I am trying to save the result image (that is the main image and the dropped image on top of it), I only end up with the main image that was loaded earlier. The dropped image doesn't show up.
Below is the code for handleDrop() that is fired on dragDrop event and prepares the final image. What am I doing wrong?
var dragInitiator:IUIComponent = dragEvent.dragInitiator;
var dropTarget:IUIComponent = dragEvent.currentTarget as IUIComponent;
var tool:TransformTool = new TransformTool(new ControlSetStandard());
var items:String = dragEvent.dragSource.dataForFormat("items") as String;
var img:Image = new Image();
var bitmap:Bitmap= Bitmap(img.content);
var tool:TransformTool = new TransformTool(new ControlSetStandard());
var component:UIComponent = new UIComponent( ); = img;
original=new BitmapData(bmd.width,bmd.height,true,0x000000FF);
Just because you added the image to the canvas doesn't mean it has drawn already. Either listen for the updateComplete event on the image or do a callLater to a function that then draws the bitmap.
