MS SQL update to Integrated Security -

For debugging purpose, I backedup one of QA database and restored to local machine. Since it is in my local machine, I just want to connect to it using Integrated Security=True in my application. But I am getting following error:
Cannot open database "db1" requested
by the login. The login failed. Login
failed for user "DEV-LPTP-1784\ASPNET".
Any thoughts?

Delete and recreate database login you use. After db restore the database user has the same name, but inner SQL Server id is different, so SQL Server thinks that server login "DEV-LPTP-1784\ASPNET" is different than db user "DEV-LPTP-1784\ASPNET"

The user that ASP.NET is running under does not have access to that database. You can either grant that user access via SQL Management Studio, or change your connection string to use a specific username and password.


Login failed for user '' IIS

Im currently trying to deploy my .NET MVC Application to IIS 7.5.
There is a database connection problem that im trying to figure out. In localhost, everything seems fine, however, when I deploy my app to remote server, the app runs, without connecting to database. For example I have a VisualLeadController that has getMonthlyLeadsByYear() method that connects to database and retyrns data. When I try to execute it from brower by typing
It generates this error:
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ''.
The steps that I followed:
1-Removed integrated security=True from WebConfig connection strings
2- Changed applicationpool identity from applicationPoolIdentity to local system.
Still now working... anyone has any idea?
When deploying your web app to your remote server, you will need to use a SQL connection string that contains an explicit username and password associated with a SQL account. For example,
To use this connection string, you will need to first use SQL Management Studio to create a SQL login with a username and password, and give that user access to your database. Then log out out of SQL Management Studio and log back in using that user/password to make sure that it correctly can access your database. Hopefully then your web app should be able to connect to the database.

connect mvc3 application to remote sql server

i publish an mvc3 application on a webserver IIS7 and i want to connect my application with a remote SQL server ( different machine)
here is my connection string:
connectionstring="server=server;database=db;user Id=user;password=psw;user instance=false" providername="System.Data.SqlClient"
i m using entityframework.
i also added the user in the connectionstring to security folder under database in sql management studio with dbo rights.
the problem is i get an error : failed to open a session for the user
SQL exception (0x80131904)
Have you checked the user mapping for the login?
You can find the logins under the server folder security -> logins.
Check there is a login mapped to the database user. Select the appropriate login -> properties -> user mapping tab.
The fact that a user exists in a database, does not directly mean that there is a valid login associated with that user. Ensure that a login maps to the database user and that the user has the required database role.
After hours of research i just figure out that adding the whole groupe of computers (Domain\Computers) granted me the access to the database. i changed my connectionstring to use integrated security= sspi. From the beginning it was a Connection problem.

Can't connect to database on server

I cannot connect to my SQL Server database when running app on server.
Everything runs fine when debugging but when I run on the server as ASPNET the user is unable to login.
I created the dataabse in a test project then simply connected to this db. My connection string is
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Temp\Barry\fsr\FSR.mdf;
Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True
So this asp app runs on IIS 5 and when deployed the initial select works fine as my gridview that I have a binding to shows data but when I run the program (update the db) I hit the following:
[SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot open user default database.
Login failed.
Login failed for user 'hostxxxxx\ASPNET'.]
I am not creating this database programmatically as mentioned previously, simply connecting to an existing database.
The database is located on my c: - but I have added user ASPNET. How can I add this db to the program as a resource rather than reference a copy on c:?
My first question is this: If you have control of the server, why are you using an attached database. From:
There is no reason to attach if you can control the server. Attach the database to the actual instance in SQL Server, not with the bastardized version you have above. The bastardized version is useful on an ISP that does not give you access to SQL tools. Beyond that, it is more work than it is worth.
The second problem you have is authentication. There are a couple of ways to handle this. The easiest is set up a SQL user to access the database. If every user will have login credentials, you can keep the Windows Authentication method, but you have to turn off anonymous access, so every user GETS authenticated. As long as anon is a choice in IIS, it will default to anon and you will have issues. The third way is to impersonate a user for database access. I guess the fourth is open your database wide open, but I don't suggest destruction of security to make something "work".
If you have your database on a server, you need to use a server-based connection string - something like:
Data Source=servername\SQLEXPRESS;database=FSR;
Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;
Your user needs to have a login on the server, and a user in the appropriate database, in order to connect successfully.
See the web site for a huge list of possible connection strings - and what their settings mean and how you can change those.
You need to get into your database and assign the proper privileges to the account that is trying to access the database, which in this case looks like the built-in ASPNET account. Instead of the ASPNET account, you should use the NETWORK SERVICE account. You can change this through IIS.

Web.config Authentication Error

I am using SQLServer2005 and VS2008. My connection string in web.config is:
add name="library" connectionString="Data source=KMT; Initial Catalog=Library;Integrated Security=SSPI"
Here, KMT is my server name, Library is my database.
When I run my page through VS2008 localhost, it's fine. However, when viewing through IIS it shows an error message like "login failed for user, 'KMT/ASP.NET'". My sqlserver authentication mode is windows and it's ok in web.config. What will be the solution?
Using "Integrated Security" means logging in to the database with the identity of the user running the process. When you run the local VS web server, it runs as your login. But in IIS, the web server worker process runs as a predefined user account. Your worker process identity must have rights to your SQL Server and database.
Check the properties of your App Pool in IIS. If you are running as Network Service for example, go into SQL and create a new user, enter Network Service as the Windows user name, and grant that user rights to your database.
one of my friends helped me to solve this problem as
i executed the SQL to add ASPNET as a login to
my DB and setup DA permissions
exec sp_grantlogin N'MACHINE\ASPNET'
exec sp_defaultdb N'MACHINE\ASPNET', N'Database'
use Database
exec sp_grantdbaccess N'MACHINE\ASPNET', N'ASPNET'
exec sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'ASPNET'
here MACHINE is machine name and database is my database name.
but through this the ASPNET user has total
control over that DB.
VS2008 uses your credentials to authorize to the db, IIS is using different account.
Make sure the IIS account has enough permissions.
If you use Integrated Security=SSPI, the credentials of the current user (in VS that would be YOU) are used to connect to SQL Server.
From an IIS app, the user associated with the IIS service is used for log in.
Assign the IIS service a special user that's allowed to connect to SQL
Use SQL Server authentification to access the database, and stored username/password in the connection string
Were you planning to use the ASP.NET system account or the users windows account?
If the latter you need impersonation. That works if SQL and IIS are on the same machine, otherwise it is a double hop and requires a non trivial amount of work to set up delegation.
If the server is windows 2003 you can give the Network Service the permissions to access to SQL Server

"ASP.NET" error: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists

I'm able to execute a stored procedure which queries a Linked Server directly, but when I call the same sproc though ASP.NET then I get the following error:
Access to the remote server is denied
because no login-mapping exists.
When I execute it through SSMS, I am connected through my Windows domain account.
The site is ASP.NET with Forms Authentication on IIS 7 and SQL 2008 on my local machine.
The Linked Server is set up to "Be made using this security context" for all logins.
The login that you connect with to your initial database does not have access to the linked database. Why don't you use the account that the application impersonates to connect to the database in Management Studio, and diagnose the issue that way? If you know the login, just create it in the linked database as well with the required permissions.
If creating a new login on the linked server is not an option, create a mapping. If you read the fine print on the wizard, it says "for logins not defined in the list above, connections will be made" using the current security context. Which means that if you don't define a mapping, it will use the current credentials for the link.
There are two login/password pairs required. One is for the SQL server that has the linked server on it. The 2nd is for the 'thing' the linked server is connecting to.
There is an ODBC connection on the same machine SQL server is on.
This ODBC connection connects to an ORACLE db. During the ODBC setup a user name and a password were required: UN "XYZ", PWD "123".
When creating the linked server to this ODBC connection its necessary to add the user name "XYZ" and password "123". This is done on the security page of the linked server properties. Click "ADD" and in the 'Local Login' box enter the SQL server user name that the app uses to connect to SQL server. In the 'Remote User' box enter 'XYZ' and in the 'Remote Password' enter '123'. Finally select 'Be made using the login's current security context'.
