Flex slow first Http request - apache-flex

When i use loader.load(request); for the first time, my flex freeze for 10 secondes before posting the data (i can see the web server result in real time).
However if redo a similar POST with other data but same request.url, it's instantaneous.
// Multi form encoded data
variables = new URLVariables();
variables.user = "aaa";
variables.boardjpg = new URLFileVariable(data.boardBytes, "foo.jpg");
request = new URLRequestBuilder(variables).build();
request.url = "http://localhost:8000/upload/";
How can i see what is taking so long ?
Thanks !

Ok, this is an old question, anyway I find it searching for other things so quick adding this
URLFileVariables nor URLRequestBuilder are core classes in AS3, so I guess you're using some custom library to build your request. I don't know which library you use, but it seems that the purpose is to serialize some binary data to build a POST. Serializing usually takes some times the first time (lookup initialization and the like) and goes faster next, a well known example is Remoting in his different flavours


Reading JS library from CDN within Mirth

I'm doing some testing around Mirth-Connect. I have a test channel that the datatypes are Raw for the source and one destination. The destination is not doing anything right now. In the source, the connector type is JavaScript Reader, and the code is doing the following...
var url = new java.net.URL('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.15/lodash.fp.min.js');
var conn = url.openConnection();
if(conn.getResponseCode() === 200) {
var body = org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils.toString(conn.getInputStream(), 'UTF-8');
logger.debug('CONTENT: ' + body);
globalMap.put('_', body);
// This code is in source but also tested in destination
logger.debug('FROM GLOBAL: ' + $('_')); // library was found
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var _ = $('_');
var newArr = _.chunk(arr, 2);
The error I'm getting is: TypeError: Cannot find function chunk in object.
The reason I want to do this is to build custom/internal libraries with unit test and serve them with an internal/company CDN and allow Mirth to consume them.
How can I make the library available to Mirth?
Rhino actually has commonjs support, but mirth doesn't have it enabled by default. Here's how you can use it in your channel.
channel deploy script
with (JavaImporter(
)) {
var require = new Require(
new SoftCachingModuleScriptProvider(new UrlModuleSourceProvider([
// Search path. You can add multiple URIs to this array
new URI('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.15/')
} // end JavaImporter
var _ = require('lodash.min');
require('lodash.fp.min')(_); // convert lodash to fp
$gc('_', _);
Note: There's something funky with the cdnjs lodash fp packages that don't detect the environment correctly and force that weird two stage import. If you use https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash#4.17.15/ instead you only need to do var _ = require('fp'); and it loads everything in one step.
var _ = $gc('_');
Note: This is the correct way to use fp/chunk. In your OP you were calling with the standard chunk syntax.
Additional Commentary
I think it's probably ok to do it this way where you download the library once at deploy time and store it in the globalChannelMap, then retrieve it from the map where needed. It would probably also work to store the require object itself in the map if you wanted to call it elsewhere. It will cache and reuse the object created for future calls to the same resource.
I would not create new Require objects anywhere but the deploy script, or you will be redownloading the resource on every message (or every poll in the case of a Javascript Reader.)
Edit: I guess for an internal webhost, this could be desirable in a Javascript Reader if you intend for it to pick up changes immediately on the next poll without a redeploy, assuming you would be upgrading the library in place instead of incrementing a version
The benefit to using Code Templates, as Vibin suggested is that they get compiled directly into your channel at deploy time and there is no additional fetching step at runtime. Making the library available is as simple as assigning it to your channel.
Even though importing third party libraries could be an option, I was actually looking into this for our team to write our own custom functions, write unit-test for them, and lastly be able to pull that code inside Mirth. I was experimenting with lodash but it was not my end goal to use it, it is. My solution was to do a REST GET call with java in the global script. Your URL would be the GitHub raw URL of the code you want to pull in. Same code of my original question but like I said, the URL is the raw GitHub URL for the function I want to pull in.

Memory leak while sending response from rebus handler

I saw a very strange behavior in my rebus handler which is self hosted in exe. Right after sending response using bus.send method it adds up some memory consumed by process. I tried to look up object graph using memory profile and found that rebus is holding response message in serialized format somewhere.
Object graph was showing below hierarchy to the root.
System.Message --> CachedBodyMessage --> stream
Give me some pointers if anybody is aware of this thing.
I understand that a memory leak is a grave concern, but my belief is that it is unlikely that Rebus should contain a memory leak.
This belief is rooted in the fact that I have been running Windows Service-hosted Rebus endpoints in production for 1,5 years now, and several of them (e.g. the timeout managers) have sometimes been running for several months without being restarted.
I'd like to be absolutely bulletproof sure though, so I'm willing to investigate the issue you're reporting.
You're mentioning "CachedBodyMessage" - judging by the names of fields inside System.Messaging.Message, it sounds like it's something within MSMQ. To try to reproduce your issue, I coded the following test:
[Test, Ignore("Only works in RELEASE mode because otherwise object references are held on to for the duration of the method")]
public void DoesNotLeakMessages()
// arrange
const string inputQueueName = "test.leak.input";
var queue = new MsmqMessageQueue(inputQueueName);
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new string('*', 32768));
var message = new TransportMessageToSend
Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> { { Headers.MessageId, "msg-1" } },
Body = body
var weakMessageRef = new WeakReference(message);
var weakBodyRef = new WeakReference(body);
// act
queue.Send(inputQueueName, message, new NoTransaction());
message = null;
body = null;
// assert
Assert.That(weakMessageRef.IsAlive, Is.False, "Expected the message to have been collected");
Assert.That(weakBodyRef.IsAlive, Is.False, "Expected the body bytes to have been collected");
which verifies that the sent transport message is collected as it should (will only do this in RELEASE mode though, because of the way DEBUG mode holds on to object references within scope)
I'll try and run the TimePrinter sample now and leave it running for a while to see if I can reproduce the issue. If you stumble upon more information about e.g. exactly which objects are leaking, it would be very helpful.
Thanks again for taking the time to report your worries to me :)
I've modified the TimePrinter sample so that it sends 50 msg/s and includes a 64 KB random string payload with each message, and I've tracked the memory usage for almost four hours now. As you can see, it does not look like memory is being leaked.
I'll leave it running the rest of the day, just to be sure.
Maybe you can tell me some more about why you suspected there was a memory leak in the first place?
As you can see from the trace, it has now been running for 7 hours and thus more than 1,200,000 messages containing more than 70 GB of data has been sent and consumed by the same process. If cached message bodies were leaking, I am pretty sure that we would have been able to see something rising on the graph.

progress bar while creating excel file asp.net

I've got a ASP.net page that create an excel file using eeplus library (http://epplus.codeplex.com/). my problem is that I create a really big file. It take times to be done and showed to the client. I search a way to show a kind of progressbar of the creation.
for the moment, the client click and wait til the file is created, so I cant really showed something.
What you're trying to do is actually pretty complicated. You might just want to show a spinning wheel gif or something and save yourself the headache.
However, if you're feeling adventurous, read on.
To use a progress bar, you need to create a way to measure how much % complete your task is. This usually involves some kind of incrementer that gets measured against the total number of rows/column/whatever that you're creating. I don't know what language you're using, so here's some pseudo to help you out:
var totalRows = 100;
var processedRows = 0;
var progress = 0;
while( processedRows < totalRows ){
progress = processedRows / totalRows;
So there's your basic mechanism for tracking progress. On the client, you'll need to set up a way to poll the value of the progress variable. This gets messy because you'll quickly learn that you need a way to isolate the progress variable for every individual request. Its up to you how to implement this -- there are lots of ways to do it. One solution I saw stored the progress value in a static dictionary keyed by username so that it could be easily polled by the client with webmethods.
A quick solution would be to use the Ajax.NET UpdateProgress control. Just display a GIF that spins while the server is processing.

Optimizing a set 20 webrequests with threads

This is for ASP.NET. I want to improve the time it takes run my function, today it takes around 20-30 seconds, more towards 30secs than 20secs though. That's running on one thread making 20 webrequests.
I'm thinking threads that do all the 20 webreqeusts, in order to quickly find the result or just go through the data (IE do all the 20 requests not finding anything).
Here's how it works.
1. I'm using html agility pack to fetch htmldocuments. 2. Then I parse them for information 3. Lastly I add that information to a dictionary OR I move on to the next webrequest until I reach 20 requests made.
I make at most 20 webRequests, at minimum 1. I have set the function to end when the info I'm searching for is found. Sometimes the info isn't there hence the 20 webrequests(it goes through all the data).
Every webrequest adds between 5-20 entries to the dictionary. This is then compared with the information I sent to it, if it's in the list I get the Key back, otherwise it returns 201. If found it gets added to the database.
*A:*If I want to do this with threads, how many should I create? 20 One for each request and let them all loose to do the job? Or should i create like 4 of them making at most 5 requests each?B: What if two threads are finished at the same time and wants to add info to the directory, can it lock the whole site(I'm using ASP.NET), or will it try to add one from thread A and then one result from Thread B? I have a check already today that checks if the key exists before adding it.
C:What would be the fastest way to this?
This is my code, depicting the loop which just shows that 20 requests are being made?
public void FetchAndParseAllPages()
int _maxSearchDepth = 200;
int _searchIncrement = 10;
PageFetcher fetcher = new PageFetcher();
for (int i = 0; i < _maxSearchDepth; i += _searchIncrement)
string keywordNsearch = _keyword + i;
if (GetPostion() != 201)
InsertRankingData(DocParser.GetSearchResults(), _theSearchedKeyword);
.NET allows only 2 requests open at the same time. If you want more than that, you need to configure it in web.config. Look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480507.aspx
You can the Parallel.For method which is very straightforward and handles the "how much threads" for you. Of course you can tweak it to set how much threads (or tasks) you want with ParallelOptions. Look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd781401.aspx
For making a thread-safe dictionary you can use the ConcurrentDictionary. Look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd287191.aspx

Drupal node.save and JSONP

I am having an issue with call Drupal node.save using MooTool's JSONP. Here is an example.
Here is my request:
callback Request.JSONP.request_map.request_1
method node.save
sessid 123123123123123
node {"type":"blog","title":"New Title","body":"This is the blog body"}
Here is my result
HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
I got this working before, but i used AMFPHP and was able to send objects to drupal. I am assuming that this has to do with Drupal expecting an object, but since it is a GET it gets transformed as a string. Is there any way of getting around this with out hacking the code?
Here is my code:
$('newBlogSubmit').addEvent('click', function()
var node = {
type : "blog",
title:"New Title",
body :"This is the blog body"
var string = JSON.encode(node);
var sessID = _sessID;
DrupalService.getInstance().node_save(string, sessID, drupal_handleBlogSubmit);
My Drupal Service JS Code:
DrupalService.prototype.node_save = function(node, sessid, callback){
var dataObj = {
method : "node.save",
sessid : sessid,
node : node
DrupalService.getInstance().request(dataObj, callback);
DrupalService.prototype.request = function(dataObject, callback){
new JsonP('http://myDrupalSite.com/services/json', {data: dataObject,onComplete: callback}).request();
I am trying to connect the dots, but not too familiar with Drupal, but i would guess all I need to do is turn the string back into an object. Any ideas where I should be looking, or if there is an existing patch?
A first question could be why you use mootools since Drupal comes with jQuery and use it extensively throughout the different modules and Drupal core itself.
Anyways I don't know mootools so can't help you there, but if your request in ending in a internal server error, you have a problem with your drupal code or your js code. So even if I knew exactly what you were doing, I couldn't tell you the problem without looking at the drupal code for your http://myDrupalSite.com/services/json callback.
In general, what you want to make sure is:
You make a POST request, as drupal will cache get's and the semantic of this, is that you are posting data - the node - to the server.
Your data should be sent as post params, this will make them end up in the PHP $_POST variable
Your callback should validate the data and act accordingly, creating a node when the data is intact. You don't need session id's since the script will have the same session the browser has.
I've answered a similar question in detail, which was about altering a field instead of saving a node, but much of the work is still the same. You can take a look on the post, although this is with jQuery and not Mootools.
