Culture name is not supported -

I'm receiving "culture name 'uploads' is not supported" when my ASP.NET application start. Where do I have to view/debug to toggle the error?
A full-text search for "uploads" returns 0 entries in my project.

I've deleted this folder and it solved the problem:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\8dfb04ef\44bf70fb\uploads

Do not worry, it is not a real error.
When the runtime tries to find which resource assemblies exists, it tries to enumerate folders where compiled DLL files reside. It assumes the name of the folder is the culture name, so it tries to create a culture for it. Unfortunately uploads is a folder which is created automatically by ASP.NET, and it is obviously not a culture :).
The runtime ignores some predefined folders like "hash", but not "uploads". So we have to live with it.

I am getting the exact same error. ["culture name 'uploads' is not supported"]. I do not know what is causing it but I've been able to get around it by clicking [Debug|Exceptions (Ctrl-alt-E) and un-checking "Common Language Runtime Exceptions". I do not have an 'uploads' folder or file in my project and there is nothing in my project that has anything to do with multilingual support and the error fires right off the bat when I run my project ... looking at the call stack just walks me through a whole lot of mscorlib calls. I have no clue why it's even getting called.

JumpingLethalRampage, instead of unchecking all "Commong Language Runtime Exceptions," you could uncheck just "Common Language Runtime Exceptions > System > System.ArgumentException." You don't need to uncheck all CLR items.

It sounds like maybe you have some code somewhere that is trying to set the culture based on a URL pattern (this may be tracked down if it is possible to get a stack trace). For example, sometimes I'll set up multi-lingual sites with URLs like this:
I'll then have code in my base page that looks at the URL and attempts to set the culture based on the URL path. But if you tried to hit a URL like:
It would fail with an error like what you are seeing if you just blindly take the first path element and try to use it as the culture without checking it first.

If the application is it built upon DotNetNuke (and not a simple ASP.NET application), this kind of error generally occurs in DotNetNuke due to the issue described in Culture name '__page' is not supported.
If you are not using DotNetNuke, check your Application_Start code (in the Global.asax file). It might be setting the CultureInfo. Or check your web.config file for any invalid culture values.

Assuming that your search through the project wasn't restrictive (widest possible search in all files), then my guess would be that your browser has a User language set to a custom string - "uploads".
In IE, you can check via Tools -> Options -> Languages -> Add -> User defined language.


Demandware - Pipeline not found for current domain

I already made pipeline. Which is working fine. Suddenly it give error like
2015-12-18 02:39:08.091 GMT] ERROR system.core ISH-CORE-2368 Sites-SiteGenesis-Site core Storefront [uuid] [request-id]-0-00 [timestamp] "Error executing pipeline: Hello com.demandware.beehive.core.capi.pipeline.PipelineExecutionException:Pipeline not found (Hello) for current domain (Sites-SiteGenesis-Site)"
Does anybody know how to solve this?
In the event that your pipeline can not be found for the selected domain, please go trough and verify all of the following:
Double check Pipeline-Node naming
Pipeline URLs are generated by their name and your desired entry node, in this scenario, I would expect a file named Hello.xml in you cartridge's pipeline directory, and a start node named Start, would be accessed via {instanceURL}/on/
Try and force upload of your cartridges
Occasionally the files on the server will not be updated correctly when a save is made; to force an update, right click your project, click Demandware > Upload Cartridges
Check your Cartridge Path
If you are using a shared instance, or your instance is re-provisioned, you may need to check your cartridge path to be sure your custom cartridge(s) are still there.
Check your Code Versions
Occasionally you may increment / change your code version - if you do, make sure that the path you select in Studio is the one that you have selected in Business Manager.
Tech Support
Should you still have issues following the four steps above, please file a support ticket and the tech-support team will be able to provide you with more assistance.

Not able to download file name containing 'aspx' character in asp .net

Am developing asp .Net web application.
In one of my aspx file am using file to download using generic handler. Everything works great. But when am testing i felt a strange problem. That, if am uploading a image or document with file name containing aspx character for Eg; aspxphoto as file name.
Uploading doesnt have any any problem but when i try to download it is throwing error in Generic handler file as
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Can anyone help me why this problem happends and how can i fix it?
You will not be able to do this. The IIS handler wants to "handle" the ASPX. You should simply not allow it, or if you have to, rename it to .aspx.uploaded or something. If you allowed, it you could open yourself to hacking.
As another option, you may be able to create a virtual that implements ("no processing") - possibly using the HTTP Handler under the virtual and just disabling script / execute permissions (under handler >> Edit Feature Permission >> Script OR under Virtual >> Edit permissions >> Special >> Turn Execute off.
I would not recommend the last, since it will add complexity when migrating between test and live AND for recovery (DR).

How are parameters for ScriptResource.axd calls generated?

A client has custom firewall rules around their website to prevent any number of attacks. One of the custom rules blocks all requests (either GET or POST) including a double hyphen, in order to prevent SQL injection. While updating their website last night, we had an issue where on every page, one of the calls to the ScriptResource.axd included a double hyphen(--) resulting in access to the script being denied.
We had seen this issue previously and thought we had worked around it by using the ScriptReferenceProfiler in order to generate the list of scripts we'd need to combine in order to remove so many script references. That was working until the update last night when the issue reoccurred. (Interestingly, I reran the ScriptReferenceProfiler and all of the scripts it identified were already included in the CompositeScript listing so I don't know where this file came from.)
I finally created a new IIS virtual directory where the issue with the double dashes didn't occur, despite pointing to the same directory and codebase as the previous virtual directory. (I set the initial virtual directory to act as a redirect to the new one so the users wouldn't have to worry about updating links or bookmarks.) I can see from this post that the first parameter is generated via encrypting the assembly name and resourcename which explains the difference in the values between the two virtual directories.
But obviously, I'd like to avoid this situation in the future. Does anyone have any thoughts as to how to prevent double dashes from appearing in the ScriptResource requests?
For reference, this occurred in a VB.Net website running in .NET 4.0 on IIS 6/Windows Server 2003. Additionally, the script file being rejected was for an Infragistics control of some sort. (I turned off the firewall rule briefly in order to get the file and then re-enabled it. I wasn't able to tell from the script what role it played for Infragistics, though.)
The first parameter (d) is the assembly and the resource. For the assembly, this includes the name and version as well as the public key token if the assembly is strong named. If any of these change then the string for the resource will also change.
The second parameter (t) is just for the timestamp and this allows the resource to change if an assembly containing an embedded resource is updated without the assembly name or version changing even if caching is enabled on a site.
The encryption of the first parameter is based on the MachineKey so you could change the MachineKey to change the string that results from the encryption. This may help you to have a simple workaround for the issue when it does come up even if you don't control the names and versions of all of the assemblies that you use.
Related reading that may be of interest to you:
machineKey Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
How To: Configure MachineKey in ASP.NET 2.0
Debugging ASP.NET 2.0 Web Resources: Decrypting the URL and Getting the Resource Name

Unable to access resources in .net web project

How do I access resources in a .Net Web Project. I created a web project and then in App_LocalResources folder added a resx file "AstroWap.resx". Now how do I access values from that. The property My.Resources itself is not available.
Good reference reading to use resource files here
To create an access properties - right click your solution, select properties then click the link to create a resource file. You should see a excel type grid. Type your key value pairs in there.
To access it should be
The issue is probably how you have added the resource. It might have circumvented the auto generated code which gives you the above syntax
You can check if it has added the auto gen code by looking in your web project under properties -> resources.resx -> resource.cs.designer. The designer file is the autogenerated file and you can see the access code for the underlying resx file. This assumes you have used the default resx file as above. See image for example in solution explorer
In addition this SO question does give more options for accessing resx files if you have some project constraints. I appreciate not everyone can do the above due to team work practices etc.. It's just what I do. And it does work.
Use following code for it:
in aspx page.
If your page name is Test.aspx then your resource file must have name as Test.aspx.resx, otherwise you can not access the resource file value.

Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'MasterPage' exists in both 'c:\~\App_Web_ogmril5q.DLL' and 'c:\~\App_Web_ogmril5q.DLL'

I have 2 master pages inside one ASP.Net website. It work fine without publishing website. After publishing the website on the web server, one of the master pages works fine, but when I want to access the page that is linked with the second master page it gives me the above error. But the weird thing is that the error paths are in c\ drive of my computer.
When this has happened in the past [rare but I saw it once in production] you need to clear out the contents of your shadow copy folders for your application. These are usually in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files but the error path in your exception details will tell you where.
when copying one web page/user control to create another web page/User Control . After copying one userControl to create another, I neglected to change the partial class name in the .cs of the new userControl and the 'Inherits=' in the .aspx file. Fixing those class names stopped the error from occurring. I suppose the easiest fix to avoid this is to just create new userControls each time using the wizard rather than copying and pasting an existing userControl.
as ex
if we copied the main master page to create another master page, both of them will have the same inherit and that what would create the problem so change the class name and then change the inherit with the new class name or always add new items rather than copy and paste
There are various cs0433 errors that can cause this to occur.
Basically, if you like I did, try and compile the same project with different versions of Visual Studio, they may likely use a different version of the .Net Compilers and libraries.
Therefore, some built assemblies will be duplicated causing differing pointers to the same functionality, but with varying .Net CLR's
What solved it for me, was to recreate the folder from "Virgin Code Files", but with a slightly different name such as "Project1", "Project2", etc..
Then you can rebuild the project from scratch with the correct Visual Studio version, which for me was VS2019 and then "Bob's your uncle :)" No more errors.
Please accept this answer
