Flex - Passing request data with URL fragments - apache-flex

I'm passing the following parameter as an url fragment to flex. (#groupID=2385)
This works great on the development box, but when I put it on the production server.. nothing.
Do you think this is a server configuration issue. I presume that flex is talking to the javascript file 'AC_OETags.js' to make this all happen.
Any pointers much appreciated.

Do you have access to "history.js", "history.css", and "historyFRame.html" on release? They should be packed into your release folder as well as the AC_OETags.js if you're using the browser history in flex.


Go IRIS http frameowrk, I can't get routing right

Ok, so first of let me start off by saying I know that with go I should really go for the net/http framework unless I have the knowledge to write my own or I explicitly tried that and it didn't work. However, I'm an idiot, and I thought I could save some time and headache by using a framework and I thought choosing one maintained by only 1 guy is a good idea. The framework is here:
But I don't expect you to read through all of it. However, it is based on top of fasthttp which some of you might have experience with (hopefully).
The problem I'v meet with this framework is with configuration of static content serving. For example, I have my index page being served:
iris.Get("/", serveHome)
which serves and html template over at ip:port.
I have static ressources listed as such:
iris.Static("/css", "./client/css")
Which basically serves the dir css over at ip:port/css
However, when I put this all up on a server and redirected mydomain.example and www.mydomain.example to ip:port using nginx (with an ssl&tls cert), this worked:
iris.Get("/", serveHome)
and served the index.html at mydomain.example. This didn't:
iris.Static("/css", "./client/css")
And now my website can't access any static resources, because its trying to access mydomain.example/css, which, for some reason, isn't pointing to ip:port/css.
Any clue why this might be happening, have you seen this behavior on any other http server before and if so do you have any pointers that might help me figure out this thing ? I'm at a loss and any advice, even if its just speculation, would be useful.
I know you're already porting this, but if i have to guess, i'd say the problem is the relative path you're using for ./client/css.
If you're compiling this and running it form your development environment, this pretty much will run under $GOPATH/bin and i guess your CSS files are in $GOPATH/src/path/to/project/client/css... then when the compiled server tries to find ./client/css from $GOPATH/bin... well, i guess you got it, it looks up in $GOPATH/bin/client/css. But that's just a guess, i'd need more info from your project to debug that.
Good luck with porting your project!

Error 2032 in Chrome using pepflashplayer.dll

I have a flex application that worked just swell until chrome got a new player: 21.0.1180.83\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll
The application must break when it loads parameters from the xml file. It hangs displaying the loader of the application and on the bottom is the "Error #2032" msg.
Application still works on my localhost and in onther browser but not on the production server (IIS7). This unfortunately also means its a bit harder to debug...
Some suspicions of what might be wrong:
If I disable the pepflashplayer it works again in chrome (on the old player) so I am confident its related to the player.
Could it be related to a crossdomain file? I only have the crosdomain.xml file on the subdomain (where the parameters.xml resides)
Could it be related to mimo type set in IIS for the xml
I also connect to web services. Additionally its a problem as it is http to https call. Could this be the issue.
Ok I solved it. The problem was in an old .actionscriptproperties autogenerated file that included a lot of obsolete references to various crossdomain.xml.
Seems this do not get cleaned on project clean, so a fresh import of the project was needed which fixed the #2032 error.
Hope this helps someone.

Running 'abc.swf' v/s 'abc.html'

(1)When I run the HTTPService code in Flex builder and use Ctrl F11 to run the application then the HttepService runs fine and returns the value. Here, it is run inside an html wrapper 'mypath\Learning\bin-debug\httpServiceissue.html'
(2)The same code when I compile through command-line and then run in Flash PLayer then it won't run. This time its running on its own without html wrapper around.
Also, setting '-use-network = false' in command line (2 approach) allows flash player to load this file. I know that setting flag false will restrict SWF's access to local machine (no network) and give it access to local resource, but then why it works in Flex builder inside the html wrapper (in 1 case).
Please share you opinion on this.
'mx:HTTPService id="rooms" url="myfile.txt" fault="httpFaultHandler(event)" resultFormat="e4x" result="httpResultHandler(event)"'
I'm not really sure, I've never tried to use the service in that way. It might be a security, or "sandbox" restriction, that unless you've got a "crossdomain.xml" you can't get to any resource that isn't in the same domain. Would the txt file be delivered by some kind of web server when you hit F11?
Good luck, please let us know when you find an answer.

Remoting in flex - Is service-config really needed? And What is endpoint url?

Rather than calling it a question, i would like to call it a discussion and the topic is Flex Remoting. Forms and blogs explaining remoting in flex always mention 2 things:
endpoint url
Now what i want to know is that
1. is service-config file actually needed if we need to bind our front end (which is in flex / air) with some database (mySql for instance). Coz i've done a couple of projects in flex and air and didn't use this config file. I used Flex 3. Though i used this config file in the projects i did in earlier version of flex 2.0 .
2. What actually this endpoint url does; could someone please explain it.
The way i implement remoting is like this:
<mx:RemoteObject id="remoteObj" source="MyPHPCls" destination="AMFPHP" result="remoteResult(event)">
<mx:method name="someServerSideMethod" result="onMethodResult(event)" />
Also if you could please tell me if the approach i am following to use remoting is incorrect.
Hope to hear from someone soon :).
The services-config.xml data is compiled, or hard coded, into your application at compile time. You don't need to use a services-config.xml file if you don't want to; but if you want to use RemoteObject, that data will need to be available to your SWF somehow.
Here is a good blog post on setting the services-config file at runtime.
The end-point URL is just a URL to a Remoting Gateway.

Flex Webservice in swf question

I'm trying to use for getting infomation from an WSDL file online. I have no problem running and testing in my FLEX 3 builder. However, After I export release build into SWF file. The program doesn't work even running local. IE/firefox said "transferring data from http://www.webservicex.net" on the status bar and doesn't response.
This is my code for webService tag:
<mx:WebService id="stockWebService"
fault="handleFault(event)" result="handleResult(event)"/>
I try to google the problems but cannot found the answer. Can someone please help me? Thank you very much for you time!
