client-server communication - networking

We have written a client-server programme. Programme is running fine when we run both client and server on the same machine on different terminals by calling gethostbyname( We have to communicate between different machine. So my question is, how to determine the IP of the other machine (server's), and how to find out the IP of one's own machine. Is it simply chosen as something we wish? How to get hostname of the server and one's own machine?

It's not clear what platform you are operating on but for Unix/Linux you can discover the IP addresses assigned to the interfaces on your system with the ifconfig command (you may need to be root to get to this, it's often found in the sbin folder), on Windows ipconfig will get you the same information.
Ideally you'd have domain name resolution set up on your network and would have a 'name' for the server, i.e. then you could use gethostbyname(""). For more information on domain name services (dns) you could do worse than start here:

You cannot get the IP of the other machine in some magical way; you either have to know it or develop some sort of broadcast protocol in your network app, where the server or clients broadcasts their IP.
Getting your own IP depends on your platform and what language you use.

If this is a client/server environment, so the client is going to need to know the server address.
If you are using gethostbyname, then the name resolution systems that are actually supported (DNS, NIS, etc.) will vary by OS and system configuration.
The most common configuration is to use DNS. In this case, it is worth noting that the server cannot easily discovery its own name on the network (or name itself). This is because the naming service that the client will use is external to the server. The server has a local idea of what its hostname and it's resolver's default domain, but they are not necessarily the FQDN that DNS externally maps to the server's IP addresses.


have to find the port number for a particular ip address

I need to find the port number of a server, I have the host name and the IP address.
Is this possible?
I need this as when I try to connect to this server through putty its throwing a Network error:Connection refused error, which may be because of the wrong port number
So you are looking for the port number the ssh server on that system listens on. Usually that is port 22 (well known ssh port), but you are right, this can be changed in the ssh server configuration. If so there are two possibilities yo have:
ask the administrator of the ssh server for the port number
make a network scan of the server which shows up all open ports. Note however that this can be regarded as offensive behavior and may be blocked in mid way.
But most likely you are facing another problem: some firewall blocking your requests or the ssh server not listening to request from outside at all.
And a side note: a server is a service, often listening on a port, you can interact with it typically by "speaking" a specific protocol. A system might refer to a computer running software, typically reachable via network these days. Many servers can be operated on a system. A system can be identified by its ip address. Many people confuse this and speak of a "server" when referring to such a "system" which is simply wrong and creates confusion from a technical point of view.

Access website over local network from other devices?

I have a website that I'm running locally at localhost:8000. I'd like to access my site from other devices on my network. I've tried to visit the site via my computer's internal IP address via: this doesn't work. Is this possible?
Three most probable things:
Check if there is a network route between the client and the server machine (commands like PING and TRACERT will help);
Check if the server machine has a firewall. If it does, there must be a rule allowing (opening) connections through that port (8000) in TCP;
Most likely, the problem is one of the two above. If not, there's one last thing:
Make sure the web server (the one that serves localhost:8000) is bound to listen to all IP addresses (not only
To know that, search for servername bind all ip addresses on google. E.g., for apache HTTPD, it'd be apache bind all ip addresses.
here is what I do in similar cases:
search rejetto hfs on google, it is single executable less than 1Mb size and download it into your server machine.
after starting it, follow menu->IP addresses. these are all your possible addresess on the server side.
these are your IP addresses to enter, and your port is 8000 as you mentioned.
most possible IP addresses you will find are in the format of following:
besided you will probably need to add a firewall rule for your server app.

what's needed to make hostname resolution work on a lan?

I am developing a networked application that runs on a few different computers on a LAN. One of the core needs is for the app to maintain a list of peers on the LAN with which it has communicated in the past, so that it can restore previous sessions. The naive solution would be to just remember the IP and store it in a table, but what happens when the IP of a peer changes?
Instead, I thought I'd store the hostname of the peers so even if the IP changes they will still be reachable via their hostname. (I know hostnames can change as well but that is good enough).
So my question is what exactly is needed to make hostname resolution work on a LAN with mixed Windows/Mac/Linux clients?
Without the use of a central authority the only reliable way to achieve this is through the use of zerconfiguration name resolution. This means that without a multicast router you will only be able to dynamically resolve peers on the same subnet as the resolving host. You could use something like bonjour for mac, netbios or ssdp for windows or avahi for linux but you can't assume that these are enabled. I may be overlooking some more popular protocols that perform this function well but I would personally throw together a quick udp broadcast name resolution protocol for your application. Take a look at these for some more ideas:
Zeroconf Name resolution
Universal local network name resolution method without DNS?
I would pick a specific udp port to listen on (lets say 12000) and then when you're ready to resolve hosts send a "hello" udp packet out to on port 12000 and all of the other hosts on your network running your app should reply with a packet containing their hostname, possibly other information.

How to tamper with source IP address on Windows

We meet a testing scenario which needs to tamper with source IP address of a Http request to simulate clients coming from different countries. Do you know any tool help on this?
Last but not least, our web site is built with ASP.NET.
In a test environment it usually isn't difficult. First read this SO question about virtual network interfaces.
If the server and client are on the same machine, all you have to do is figure out how to get your client software to bind to your virtual interface.
wget for instance has the --bind-address option to specify which local address to bind to. Web browsers are a bit more difficult to do this with; you may need to just run it in a VM.
If your server and client are on the same LAN, you just need to configure your router with some static routes to your client machine. In this case you probably don't need a virtual network interface, just set a static IP for your client machine; as long as the gateway is set up correctly it should be able to send packets to the server, and as long as the route is set up correctly the replies should find their way back to the client.
If the client and server are separated by an internet, it's rather more difficult. One option is to set up a network tunnel endpoint on the server and tunnel it to the client machine, which "knows" that it has the virtual network interface.
As noted in answers to the ServerFault question "Are IP addresses trivial to forge", you cannot easily forge source addresses in a protocol that required two way communication (e.g. TCP). Note that this "two way communication" is required at the packet level. You cannot just say "no problem, I want to send requests and ignore HTTP responses." To establish a TCP session, you need to receive data. Your best bet is to use a proxy server.
I am unsure if the IP standard allows for this, but if you are working in a Lab environment, where you don't need internet connectivity during the test, I can see it working under following circumstances:
Basically, I would set the server's network interface to use netmask and flush the rest of the routing table.
Then you could configure a client machine to take on any IP address as long as you use netmask And two-way communication should be possible.
Server[] <---> Client[x.x.x.x/0]
But please bear with me. I haven't tested this, so I could be wrong :-)
If you have access to your infrastructure, you can add an interface off the router and then place a static route on the router to that network.
Alternatively you can look into PBR (Policy Based Routing) and on the routers you can flag source packets and change the source on the fly, so your server will think they are coming from where you'd like them to come from.
Server-------------Router_with_PBR-------------Internet----- PC
SCR: Change SCR: to
But you have to ask yourself why do you want to see when packets come from different countries. Some countries have massive proxy servers that filter access ( "Great Firewall of China"), so the above tests will not prove much.
Your best bet then is using proxy servers or if your looking for a long term solution then setup a server (virtual is great for this) and use RDP for testing. I'm sure you can rent a virtual server somewhere for a month or two.
That's not possible. Because when you forge the ip address, the response is never going to come back, which is required for http.
The best way is to use proxies. See also this question on serverfault.
If you change your source IP address, that means no traffic from your web server will be able to reach back to the client.
You might be able to use some kind of proxy and/or address translation filter to do the remapping while still allowing two-way communication.

Create a Windows (win32) service discoverable across the network

In short: How to reliably discover a server running somewhere on a (presumably multi-segmented) local area network with zero client configuration
My client application has to locate the server application without knowing the server IP address. It has to work on a local LAN that may be split into segments with hubs or other switching devices.
I already have a working solution, but it is a bit cumbersome to get it working on multi-segment networks. It works as follows:
When the client starts up, it sends UDP broadcasts on its own network segment. If the server is running on the same segment, it works without any issues - the server responds with the appropriate messages.
If the server and client are running on networks separated by a hub / switch that won't forward UDP (the most likely case), then I have a server instance running on each segment, and they forward client requests to each other via TCP - but I need to configure this for the server instances (simple, but still a pain for tech support.) This is the main problem that I need to address. There are sites where we have hundreds of clients running on 5 or 6 separate segments.
The problems I'm facing:
1. Although my application installer enables the appropriate ports on the firewall, sometimes I come across situations where this doesn't seem to happen correctly.
2. Having to run multiple server instances (and therefore configure and maintain them) on hub/switched networks that won't forward UDP
Finally I need a solution that will work without maintenance on a minimal Windows network (XP / 2000 / Vista) that probably doesn't have Active Directory or other lookup services configured.
I don't want to tag on any runtime stuff for this - should be able to do it with plain VC++ or Delphi.
What approaches do commercial apps usually take? I know that SQL Server uses a combination of broadcast and NetBEUI calls (I may be wrong about this).
Thanks in advance.
You have a few terminology issues:
Where you say "network segment" you appear to mean "IP subnet". Devices on the same network segment can see the same IP broadcasts.
Where you say "hub/switch" you appear mean "IP router".
Where you say "won't forward UDP", the problem is actually "won't forward IP broadcasts".
Once we get past that, you have a few options:
Your servers could register themselves under a well-known name in DNS, if you have a DNS server that allows dynamic DNS updates. You should probably use a SRV record as specified in RFC2782. The clients then do a DNS lookup to find the server(s).
You could statically assign your server(s) well-known names in the organisation's DNS, perhaps with a SRV record as with the previous option.
Your servers could join an IP multicast group, if your routers support IP multicast. The clients then send their initial discovery request as a UDP packet to the (pre-ordained) multicast address.
If you have domain server, I would go with small service on it. You can connect with other services to it and use it as distribution point.
Why domain server? It is relatively easy to find it's name (DsGetDcName).
Other choices would include DHCP server, DNS server or something of that kind that needs to be filled by maintenance staff anyhow.
