Mathtran from website -

I would like to build a website in ASP.NET, which would display many equations. I would like to generate them automaticly, so I need to use some library, that would allow me to generate images from TeX or LaTex dynamicly. For performance resaons, I would like to have it running on my local server.
I tried to used MimeTex with the Eq2Img project from CodeProject, but I was not satisfied with the quality of the images, and couldn't find any options to customize it.
Now I'm trying to use Mathtran, but as the official FAQ says: "You'll need a Unix or Linux server with TeX, Python and dvipng installed.".
My question is: is someone sucessfull in using Mathtran running locally with ASP.NET application, or can give some other solution to the problem?
Thanks for any answer!

You can roll your own solution pretty easily. Feed your source to LaTeX to create a DVI file. Then use dvipng to create a PNG file, and then show that in your web page.
Edit: more detail and other options available from WikiBooks.

The FAQ also says: "The software that provides this service is open source, and can be downloaded and installed on your own web-server or desktop machine (Unix/Linux only at present)." Since you can definitely get TeX, Python, and dvipng for Windows, you just need to replace whatever Unix infrastructure Mathtran is using with similar Windows parts. Most likely the developers of Mathtran just haven't had the need to use a Windows server themselves, and the wording "at present" suggests that they would likely accept a patch to make it work on Windows too.

Can you use the MathTran web service per


R and Rstudio Docker vs Binder

My problem is that I can't use R-studio at my work place as the IT does not support it . I want to use R and R-studio that installed on my personnel laptop on my company laptop ( using a modern browser which is behind firewall ) . Some of the options I am thinking of two two things
should I need to build a docker for R and R-studio (I see base images are already available) , I am mostly interested in basic R , Dplyr (haven ,xporter, and Reticulate ) packages .
Should I have to use a binder . I am not technical person and my programming skills are very limited can any one suggest me way .
What exactly are the difference between using Docker option vs Binder ?
I know I can use R-Studio online and get my work done but with the new paid account I am running out of project hours and very slow sometimes . Thanks in advance
Here are some examples beyond the modern RStudio MyBinder example:
The modern RStudio MyBinder example has been set as a template on GitHub so you can use
The first one is for a special use of a package not on conda. And I started that one from square one.
The other two were converted from content by others to aid in making them Binder-ready.
You essentially list everything you need from conda in the environment.yml along with the appropriate channels. If you need special stuff not on conda, you need the other configuration files included there.
Getting everything working can take some iterations on adding things, letting the image get built, and testing your libraries are available. Although you seem to think your situation is not overly complex.
The binder launch badges you see are just images where you modify the URL to point the MyBinder federation site at your repository. Look at the URL and you should see the pattern where you put studio at the end of the URL pointing at your repo. The form at site can help with this; however, most often it is easier to just adapt a working launch badge's code copied from elsewhere. The form isn't set up at this time for making the URLs for launching to RStudio.
Download anything useful your create in a running session. The sessions timeout after 10 minutes, although RStudio usually keeps them active.
Lack of Persistence and limited memory, storage, & power can be drawbacks. The inherent reproducibility and portability are advantages. doesn't work with private repos. If you have code you don't want to share, you can upload it to the temporary session, using the repo for specifying the environment. You could host a private binderhub that does allow the use of private git repositories; however, that is probably overkill for your use case and exceed your ability level at this time.
GitHub isn't the only place to host repositories that can be pointed at the MyBinder system. If you go to the page and click where it says 'GitHub' on the left side of the top line of the form, you can see a list of the sources at which you can host a repository and point the system to build an image and launch a container with that specified image.
Building the image from a source repository takes some minutes the first time. Once the image is built though on the service, launch is typically less than 30 seconds. Each time you make a change on the source repo, a build is necessary. Some changes don't cause the new build to be as long as the initial one as some optimizing is done to only build what is necessary after a change. Keep in mind there are several members of the federation around the workd and if traffic on the internet gets sent to where the built image isn't yet available, it will be built from scratch again first.
The Holepunch project is out there to offer some help for users working in the R ecosystem; however, with the R-Conda system that is now integrated into MyBinder it is pretty much as easy to do it the way I described. Last I knew, the Holepunch route makes a Dockerfile that isn't as easy to troubleshoot as using the current the R-Conda system route. Dockerfiles are essentially a last ditch configuration file that MyBinder can handle. The reason being the other configuration files are much easier and don't require knowing Dockerfile syntax. MyBinder aims to offer the ability to take advantage of Docker offering containers with a specified environment without users needing to know anything about Docker.
There is a Binder Help category for posting to get help at the Jupyter Discourse Forum. Some other examples of posts already there may help you troubleshoot.
Notice of a common pitfall
Most of the the configuration files for making a repository Binder-ready are simply text and can be edited right in the GitHub browser interface, without need to git or even cloning the repo locally.
Last I knew, there are two exceptions to this. The postBuild and start configuration files have settings that allow them to be run as scripts and these get altered in a way they no longer work if you edit them via the GitHub browser interface. (This was my experience when last I tried. Your mileage may vary or things may have changed now.) To edit those, you have to have git available on a system you have and pull one from some other source. Then edit that on your machine that has git working & add it your repo and push it back up from your local computer.
(If this is a problem, you can post in the Jupyter Discourse Forum Binder help category and you and I could coordinate where I fork and edit those files in your repo to your specifications and then make a pull request to update your source of the fork with those changes.)
If you are using Jupyter notebooks extensively then it may make sense to use Binder
But if you simply want to use R and Rstudio, then all you need is docker. A good resource is

How to run a shiny app as a standalone application?

I've some shiny app and I want to execute and to make it standalone application (it will be awesome if it will open via chrome).
I can't upload the app to the Net and I want that also co-workers without R studio or R
will use this app.
because of the security company - I can't download any software except R packages.
I saw here a few solution, but all of them included any software download.
I have done some research on this issue. The commenters are basically correct: you need the R binaries in some way, either a portable R or an R server. But there are solutions that allow it to bundle those with your code and hide the details from your users.
On option is to wrap your app along with
a portable R into a container application like Electron. The electron-quick-start project tries this.
The RInno package provides functions to bundle your app and R portable into an installer app. Every user runs the installer on their system once which will install your app, the packages and the code. But in the end users may not see the difference to other apps. They get a link in the start menu and that's it. I did that successfully. But it did not work out of the box. I had to adjust the output manually in several places.
A second container solution works with docker. That is what ShinyProxy does. See also this blog.
The package shinyShortcut (I quote) "will produce an executable file that runs the shiny app directly in the user's default browser".
Important to note: I haven't tested most of them. From reviewing the solutions I often get the feeling that these solutions might make releases somewhat complicated because there are always manual steps involved.

Ubuntu, Qt and licencing

We have a website that we are planning to distribute in a device. It is basically a big web site with lots of pictures and information. The web site is already built using some flash and javascript. I am thinking on using ubuntu for this. My plan is to install ubuntu( server, maybe!) without a graphical enviroment( Gnome, KDE, etc...) and start a browser like firefox using X servers. I have already tried this using
xinit firefox
It works and loads firefox fine. I am also thinking to build a Simple UI that will be launched at start. This UI will have a button to start this website and maybe other programs.
I hope I made myself clear.
I would like to know what do you guys think about this? Does it sound like something feasible? Do you think its a good idea to do this way? Do you have any suggestions?
It terms of licensing I don't understand well. I know ubuntu is licensed mainly under GNU GPL and I know is open source. I know that you are required to have any modifications available. However I am not sure if that includes the source code for the web site or any other proprietary application that i create and include. My understanding is that you only need to have open source any changes made to the OS but not any configuration after it has been installed.
What about Qt which is liscenced GNU LGPL v. 2.1? Do i need to release the code for the UI i make or is it only the code for any changes made to Qt itself?
Thanks in advance to anyone that reads this. I have read a lot on this but I am not so sure i got it right. I would like to know if I am at least in the right path.
Any help will be appreciated.enter code here
Ubuntu is GPL - if you make any changes to the Ubuntu (or rather linux) kernel itself then you have to offer those changes to anyone you distribute Ubuntu to - that has nothing to do with any applications or data you use on the operating system.
Qt is LGPL - you can use Qt to make any application you want without releasing anything about your application. You only have to release any modifications you make to the Qt source code yourself - which you are unlikely to do.
You don't need Qt for any of this, you can have a browser run full screen at startup in Ubuntu (or any other linux), and you can have a simple start page which will also start other local apps with just html - this may be a lot easier.
There are also "kiosk modes" for most browsers which limit what features and tool bars are present so you can prevent users quitting the browser or loading/saving other data.
Finally check out xubuntu - it's a version of ubuntu with X but without Gnome or KDE
IANAL, but with LGPL you can dynamically link to Qt and not be required to license your own sources under LGPL.
The general rule of thumb is that your end user should be able to take code of LGPLed component, make modifications to it, and have your proprietary code work with it. This also means you can link statically to LGPLed code if you provide at least object files of your own code, so they can be relinked.
For linux I suspect the answer is yes as well, but I can't say anything specific.

Tools Commonly used to Program in R

I apologize if this has already been asked a different way but I couldn't find anything getting at what I wanted.
I am really getting into R from other packages (SPSS). As I learn about what truly can be done, I realize that there are additional "tools" that I need. This gets me to my question.
What setup do you have for developing R code? I can't see myself actually developing r packages anywhere in the near future, but I do see myself wanting to manage my r projects effeciently, as well as create reports and presentations in LaTeX.
For context, I develop my R code in Eclipse for Windows, but I have had a real hard time successfully setting up Latex/Sweave and Github plugins.
Lastly, do you develop code using Windows or something else?
Many thanks in advance for any insight you can lend.
Emacs has everything I commonly need:
ESS (for R),
AucTeX (for Latex),
similarly rich 'modes' for other languages I use (C++, make, shell, ...),
plus a lot of other modes you get quite used to as e.g. dired for directory/file browsing or org-mode as planner/to-do list,
the SVN integration is very good too
and there are probably a number of tools within Emacs I am now forgetting.
Works in text mode as well as graphical mode, and works essentially the same (incl ESS and AucTeX) on several operating systems (Linux mostly and Windows when I must). On Debian/Ubuntu all this is prepackaged and tends to work out of the box as well. For both Windows and OS X, Vincent Goulet has package very handy bundles, see here.
The 'daemon mode' is outstanding too -- I keep the same main Emacs session running and just connect and re-connect to it even when accessing the machine (via ssh or directly) from different computers.
Also see the EmacsWiki for more tips around Emacs.
Back to Emacs and R in particular. The R FAQ says it pretty well:
6.1 Is there Emacs support for R?
6.2 Should I run R from within Emacs?
and I like the affirmative and resounding answer to the second question: "Yes, definitely". I fully concur.
I'll second the suggestion that Emacs compliments R nicely, but let me share what the "killer feature" is for me.
Using Org-mode with Org-babel, I can write whole reports with inline graphs produced from R in raster and vector format which compiles seamlessly into a PDF report via latex. I can also view the graphs while editing, similar to a WYSIWYG editor.
I just wrapped up a major report with over 70 inline graphs with little effort, no editing external files, no issues maintaining naming between figures in my report and external files, or forgetting to recompile the latest version of a figure. Org & Babel does it all.
Example of inline R with Babel and PDF output, see the first example in multiple formats:
This is probably more relevant for package development, but it is also worth mentioning the roxygen R package that allows in-source documentation of your code. Note that even though you can't see yourself developing R packages anywhere in the near future, a package can be a very handy way of grouping related functions you develop and maintain, consistently documenting the code and keeping track of updates, even if you do not plan to distribute it.
I use a mac, and my most important tools are:
the command line, for running R
git, for keeping track of changes
github for publishing my code, bug tracking and collaboration
textmate for writing R code
Has anyone tried RStudio? It's the shiny new editor for R.
I use windows... (don't say it).
I like Notepad++ and NPPtoR. Makes it pretty easy to send things back and forth.
I use Eclipse on Windows and Linux. I compile LaTeX code (with Sweave) on Linux and I haven't bothered yet to set up the whole process in Eclipse. I need to pdflatex and bibtex files several times anyway, so I just have a terminal window with the specific string of commands handy. I tried ESS and Eclipse and they're very similar in functionality (and in my opinion the best two editors out there).
I use Eclipse / StatEt on Windows, and it Rocks !. For LaTex/Sweave I use MikTex which works well for me. For help setting things up check out this document and this post.
Other Tools you may find useful include;
If you want to build R Packages on
Windows, then get the RTools
Creating Documents, you may want to
check out odfWeave,
LibreOffice (was OpenOffice) and
the MSOffice ODF plugin
I have also
dabbled with Git but also didn't get
very far on Windows, but that was a
while ago.
For Presentations in LaTex
I recomend Beamer
I use Eclipse for both R and Latex while working on research papers. The plugins for both are very mature now. The nice thing is that you don't have to switch application while writing papers. I used different combination before but I found this to be the best.
I just got home from our local R User meeting (find one near you here) and of the 20 or so people there, all of us used a different program or tool to write R code in. I think that goes to show the diversity of the tools used to write and edit R code is just as diverse as the R community itself.

How can I enable auto-updates in a Qt cross-platform application?

I love applications that are able to update themselves without any effort from the user (think: Sparkle framework for Mac). Is there any code/library I can leverage to do this in a Qt application, without having to worry about the OS details?
At least for Windows, Mac and user-owned Linux binaries.
I could integrate Sparkle on the Mac version, code something for the Linux case (only for a standalone, user-owned binary; I won't mess with distribution packaging, if my program is ever packaged), and find someone to help me on the Windows side, but that's horribly painful.
It is not a complete solution, but a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) tool for creating packages for auto-updates and installing them is available at This tool does not deal with publishing updates or downloading them.
This was written for use with a Qt-based application but to make the update installer small, standalone and easy to build, the installer uses only standard system libraries (C++ runtime, pthreads/libz/libbz2 on Linux/Mac, Win32 API on Windows, Cocoa on Mac, GTK with fallback on Linux). This simplifies delivering updates which include new versions of Qt and other non-system libraries that your application may depend on.
Before considering this though, I would suggest:
If you are only building for two platforms, consider using standard and well-tested auto-update frameworks for those platforms - eg. Sparkle on Mac, Google's Omaha on Windows or auto-update systems built into popular install frameworks (eg. InstallShield). I haven't tried BitRock.
On Mac, the Mac App Store may be a good option. See though.
On Linux, consider creating a .deb package and a simple repository to host it. Once users have a repository set up, the system-wide software update tools will take care of checking for and installing new releases. The steps for setting up a new repository however are too complex for many new Ubuntu/Debian users. What we did, and also what Dropbox and Google have done, is to create a .deb package which sets up the repository as part of the package installation.
A few other notes on creating an updater:
On Windows Vista/7, if the application is installed system-wide (eg. in C:\Program Files\$APPNAME) your users will see a scary UAC prompt when the updater tries to obtain permissions to write to the install directory. This can be avoided either by installing to a user-writable directory (I gather that this is what Google Chrome does) or by obtaining an Authenticode certificate and using it to sign the updater binary.
On Windows Vista/7, an application .exe or DLL cannot be deleted if in use, but the updater can move the existing .exe/DLL out of the way into a temporary directory and schedule it for deletion on the next reboot.
On Ubuntu, 3rd-party repositories are disabled after distribution updates. Google works around this by creating a cron-job to re-add the repository if necessary.
Shameless plug: Fervor, a simple multiplatform (Qt-based) application autoupdater inspired by Sparkle.
Shameless plug: this a relatively old question, but I thought that it may be useful to mention a library that I created recently, which I named "QSimpleUpdater". Aside from notifying you if there's a newer version, it allows you to download the change log in any format (such as HTML or RTF) and download the updates directly from your application using a dialog.
As you may expect from a Qt project, it works on any platform supported by Qt (tested on Windows, Mac & Linux).
GitHub repository
Though it works a bit differently than Sparkle, BitRock InstallBuilder contains an autoupdater written in Qt that can be used independently (disclaimer, I am the original BitRock developer). It is a commercial app, but we have free licenses for open source projects.
I've developed an auto-updater library which works beautifully on Mac OS X, Linux and pretty much every Unix that allows you to unlink a file while the file is still open. The reason being that I simply extracted the downloaded package on top of the existing application. Unfortunately, because I relied on this functionality, I ran into problems on Windows as Windows does not let you unlink an open file.
The only alternative I could find is to use MoveFileEx with the replace on reboot flag, but that is awful.
However, renaming the working directory of the application works on Windows 7 and Windows XP. I haven't tried Windows Vista yet.
I have found WebUpdate to be quite useful, though it's written with the wxWidgets. But don't worry, it's a separate app which handles your updates. The steps to integrate it are pretty simple - just write two XML files and run the updater. And yes, it's cross-platform.
The advantage of it is it will automatically download and unzip/install all you required and not just provide a popup with a notification about a new version and a link to download it. Another thing you can do with it is customizable actions.
Project's main page is here, you can read the docs or take a look at the official tutorial.
The blog post Mixing Cocoa and Qt may solve the problem for the Mac platform.
You can use UpdateNode which gives you all the possibilities to update your software. It's using a cross platform Qt client and is free for Open Source!
Just did some further analysis on that and really like this solution:
Free for Open Source!!! Even the client is Open Source:
The client is already localized in several languages
Very flexible in terms of updates. You can even update single non-binaries.
Provides additionally a way to display messages though the client.
Ready to use binaries & installer for all common Linux distributions, single Windows binary, as well as installer and a solution for Mac (which I have not tried, as I don't have a Mac)
Easy to use web service, nice statistics and update check is integrated within few minutes
I am missing a multi-user management in the online service. Maybe they will do it in future - I will definitely suggest that in their feedback portal
The client is a GUI client only - so, you will need to shrink it down to run without a GUI frontend (maybe only necessary for people like me ;-) )
So, bottom line, as this solution is quite new, I think there is lot of potential here. I will definitely use it in my project and I am looking forward for more from them! Thumbs up!
This is an old question but there is not Squirrel in answers which is BEST SOLUTION , here is what I'm doing in qt 5.12.4 with qt quick "my qml app" you can do this in any other language
I'm doing this in windows there is mac version of squirrel too, I don't know about Linux
download nuget package explorer release
open nuget package explorer and add this directory 'lib/net45' it doesn't matter you have a .net app or not, I did this for my qt application otherwise it won't work.
add all files into this folder specify your version in the metadata
save nupkg file
download squirrel release
add squirrel to windows environment path
open cmd and cd to directory of nupkg file
squirrel --releasify file_name.nupkg -> now inide releases folder, there should be setup.exe file which will install app and other files.
to create new version do 2,3,4,7,8 again if its an update it will create delta file which is only needed file to update, put this files into your service directory for example in updates folder of your website which you need to disable directory browsing in IIS , and to auto-update application you need to call Update.exe which is in parent folder of application root directory appdir/../update.exe --update after application restart app should start with new version
you can find documentation for squirrel in and nuget package explorer here and you can use only nuget.exe too if you don't want to use nuget package explorer which can be used for dynamic generation of versions, which can be download from
That easy. Now you have auto-update app which will download updates from the server and auto-update app. For more info you can read documentations.
note: for iis uses
I suggest you read on plugin and how to create and use them. If your application architecture is modular and be split into different plugins. Take a look at Google Auto Update utility We use this.
Thibault Cuvelier is writing a tutorial (in French) to develop an updater. I know the explanations are in French (and everyone is not understanding French), but I think this can be readable with a web translator like Google Translate. With this you will have a cross-platform updater, but you need to write it by yourself.
For what I know, the only part of the updater that is explained in the tutorial, is the file downloading part. In the case this can help you, refer to the tutorial, Un updater avec Qt.
I hope that helps.
OK, so I guess I take it as a "no (cross-platform) way". It's too bad!
I have found a solution that can be automated with built-in self-extracting patches and updates. for windows. I have started using their sdk. take a look at the massive documentation here, the sdk is called securesdk and comes with their app, SecureDelta sdk. does a great job on any kind of files, better results than lzma-included delta updaters
