The Eclipse Flex plugin deleted my project, any way to recover it? - apache-flex

I just tried to use the Eclipse "move" function to move my project. Instead of Eclipse moving it, Eclipse deleted my project. I have most of it backed up, but I will lose a few hours of work if I cannot recover it.
Does anyone know how to recover it?

I'm not sure this will work if you deleted the file, but Eclipse does have a history by default that should have your code in there. This helped me out when the power went out and it overwrote my file with gibberish
EDIT: Ok, I looked in Eclipse, try right clicking the folder and there should be a replace with local history option somewhere in there. See if that'll help.


How to solve this error? - 'Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition for axml file

Am new to Xamarin and is currently building a very simple app using the tutorial from Youtube. Am just in a middle of the video when I got this error even tho I carefully followed all instructions. And even the instructor in the video was able to run his app successfully
Here's the code where I'm getting the error:
var view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.SignUp, container, false);
For me it is caused by namespace changes. After I corrected the namespace in project properties, then I can build again
I just deleted my newly created axml file, rebuild, add it again, and this time, clean and rebuild.
Everytime I added a new axml file, I clean and rebuild. That's all, thank you :).
Actually this problem occurs when your ResourceDesigner.cs file has not yet mapped the file that you added to your resource directory.
The easiest way i would suggest to handle this situation is you comment the code you are trying to write and clean build your project and it will work like a charm.
Good luck!
In my Resource.Layout.toolbar, Resource was ambiguous between Android.Resource and Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Resource. Instead the one that works for me is [Project name].Droid.Resource. Clean, deleted bin/debug and now it's fine
Resource.designer.cs was excluded from project. Solved by including back.
In Xamarin.Android this problem can be resolved by saving other axml/xml file. Many times cleaning solution, deleting bins/obj doesn't working for me.
In my case my Main file was configured in the Build Action as AndroidResourceAnalysisConfig and then change property to AndroidResource then Build my project and it works.
I had a lot of "XXX" does not contain "XXX" errors like this after a git reverse operation. Very annoying.
I tried all the solutions I could find, all without luck. Finally I magically fixed it by going to the Android project properties, Android Options, then unchecked "Use Fast Deployment (debug mode only)". I then built the project and it worked. Then I went back and checked that option so it was back to normal, and everything is fine.

Xcode 4 stuck on "Scanning for working copies"

I just archived and submitted a project. When I go back to open the project it hangs on "scanning for working copies." I can navigate around but am unable to view the project files.
It is really just a linking problem.
Select your project and make sure you have 'Identity and Type' open. This is in the right side Editor bar(toggle open and closed with 'View' button).
You can change your Location and Full Path there. You just need to check that your project is linked to the correct directories.
Hope this helps anyone.
Copy and delete the whole file and paste it in some other directory (or I guess you can put in same directory). Now open it again. I also had same problem. Actually my project was in SVN, so I deleted the directory and again checked out the entire file and opened it again. Now at least that error message is gone.
I am also new to xcode(4.3) .. sorry if my english is not good ...
Open up a more trusted Source Control App, like SourceTree, and refresh all of your working copies, then Xcode, will behave.
The problem seems to result from incorrect linking or damage to the version control repository. Other answers suggested deleting the repository or removing it from xcode under the Window -> Organise menu. I suggest you try these options and the suggestions in the other answers. However none of these worked for me and my xcode was still displaying the "scanning for working copies" message and intermittently locking up.
Deleting xcode from the Applications folder and reinstalling it from the app store then importing my project fixed the issue for me. I also suggest you dont use version control for your project unless you really need it.

Strange behavior of CHM project

Anybody can help me with a strange problem I am having with my CHM based project?
I took an existing CHM file and deconstructed the file using WinCHM. After that I added some new pages and compiled the project. The CHM file was created and everything looked great so far.
After that I put the entire folder (where the original CHM file was deconstructed) into SVN. When I opened the folder the next time I see that all the original formatting from the html pages is lost.
I cant seem to find a reason why. The css files are okay and i have not changed that at all. I know that finding a solution to this (or determining the problem) may not be easy for you guys with so little information.
But can you guys at least tell me what the problem might be?? We are talking possibilities that is all.
Somehow you are in different directories when running, so CHM compiler doesn't get a proper understanding of the CHM root ? E.g. you now run a batchfile via a shortcut instead of changing to the proper dir ? (either by cmd.exe or direct link?)y
If that is not it, try looking at it with some other CHM viewer (easier on non Windows, but e.g. kchmviewer builds for windows exist too). Sometimes they give more error information (but sometimes only in the console window)
Then update your question with what exactly went wrong.
The answer is so simple that I am surprised that it did not occur to me. The directories stylesheets, scripts and images are not in the same folder as the html files. These should be in the same folder.

Flex Builder not building new source code

I have imported an existing project into flex but any changes I make to the source are not being built and displayed when I test run the application. The original files which are in the bin-debug folder dont seem to be changing at all.
I have tried cleaning the project, deleting the bin-debug folder even reinstalling flex builder, but nothing has solved the problem.
I've read this post which was about the same problem but none of the advice helped.
Any advice would be appreciated.
When you imported the project did you do a default import (copies everything into your workspace) or an "Existing Projects into Workspace" import?
If you did the default (listed as "FlexBuilder/Flex Project" under the import source) then you might be changing the wrong code. If you're looking in the original project's location for the SWFs to run then you're in the wrong place, as the SWFs you build will be in the new location.
One quick way to test to see if your code is actually being compiled would be to intentionally put a compile error in there. If the compiler chokes on it then your code is being compiled.
There's another thing you can try. I just ran into a weird issue where FB was caching a compile error, and even after fixing the file it still showed the error. Even after doing a clean, restarting FB, etc.
I found a place where FB caches information for the project, and for some reason it wasn't clearing things it should. It's possible your project's cache got messed up and it's messing up the compile somehow. You can try deleting it (might need to delete and re-import your project though).
The cache is at:
I just made a blog post about this, in case you'd find it useful.

Flex doesn't build anymore?

I have been working on a project for a long time now and there have been numerous situations in which I cannot seem to build.
I try 'clean', then I try building again.
Whether I do this manually or 'automatically' via saving it doesn't help anything.
This particular time I have no idea what to look for.
Can anyone shed some light on what the heck is happening?
Very frustrating.
The main issue now seems to be the following error:
File not found:
I understand that it can't find the html file, but i can't force it to rebuild it, no matter what i've tried.
What do you mean that it won't build? Is there a build error?
If you have a compiler error, Flex won't build and you'll always be running old code when you debug, so make sure you take care of your source folder errors.
I suspect this is happening because "something" happened to your bin-debug folder.
The fastest fix is to simply nuke the entire folder, then rebuild - FlexBuilder will recreate it for you.
Sometimes a hung instance of FlashPlayer or your testing browser can cause this. Kill them in you task list (or other-OS equivalent)
you just need to do a "clean" before doing a rebuild. it should regenerate the html template file.
I've seen this same thing happen a few times. Everything's okay and then it just stops building. Clean doesn't fix anything and usually anything object I add in the MXML file suddenly isn't visible to the AS code.
There's probably something solveable but after fighting for a while I found it's quicker to just create a new project, copy everything and rebuild.
