Jdesktop or Qt for better Desktop application - qt

I will make a desktop application. I searched on web which one is better. Can someone say positive and negative sides of these components.

I can add some information about QT:
QT is a well designed, portable library that covers nearly everything you'll need for a desktop application. QT covers GUI, networking, SQL, Graphics and more.
very extensive library
high performance
It's C++
special preprocessor / make tool needed.
Setting up a QT compile environment is a little bit more difficult than setting up a C++ compile environment. C++ is - especially if you are not used to it - very difficult and the learning curve is steep. QT helps alot with appropriate helper classes (QPointer, ...) and library magic (QObjects freeing children, ...) in the background. There are bindings to other languages as well. Just to mention a few - Jambi is a binding for Java and there's a binding for python as well.
For your decision consider the following things
which programming language do you know best
which libray reduces your amout of work for this application the most
how much performance do you REALLY need. C++ code can be very fast, but there's no reason to work with manual memory management and pointers if you don't need the performance.
which library offers you the look and feel you want to have for your desktop application
If you need portability: Do you want to "compile once run everywhere" (Java) or do you want to "run your app everywhere once you compiled it for this plattform" (QT)
Here's the link to QT-Jambi Wiki: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-jambi/pages/Home. According to Nokia: "Qt Jambi is the Qt GUI toolkit for Java developers"

Qt is the best cross platform GUI framework at the moment. It renders the widgets with a native look on each platform and it has a very easy to use API.
Using Qt doesn't mean that you have to use C++. You can program Qt in Java (Qt Jambi) or Python (PyQt) for instance.


Does Qt have general-purpose classes besides GUI-related classes?

I have recently regained some interest in learning Qt, but have the following doubt:
Does Qt have enough classes that are not GUI-related?
For example, Python is "batteries-included", .NET is definitely "batteries-included", and as far as I have seen, Android API also has a lot of classes to design and implement application/domain logic, not directly related to visual presentation.
The main reason I am asking is because I don't know C++ and don't plan to learn it deeply (too much time needed), so if I had to take third party C++ libraries all the time and struggle to use them inside Qt projects that would be a strong point against going ahead.
The intended use is mostly to create small desktop apps for personal use while gaining insight on software design good practices - a profession I am slowly migrating to.
I have already used some Python/Pygtk (without IDE) and WPF (in VStudio/ExpressionBlend). In both platforms, most of my work is related to scientific computations, image processing and interactive scientific visualization, and there are good libraries for that either in Python (Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, PIL, cairo) and .NET(AForge, alglib, System.Media.Media3D). I wonder if the Qt ecosystem is so complete in that regard.
Qt isn't a language in itself, so you can't compare it to Python or .NET. With that being said, Qt does provide general-purpose classes like containers, a Unicode string class, character set encoders/decoders, multimedia, device and file I/O, etc. All these modules are fully documented.
There are also some external modules available for Qt, like Qwt which provides widgets for technical applications.
For other functionality where something Qt-specific isn't available, you can obviously use another appropriate library. Like OpenCV.
Oh, and you can use Qt in Python too, through PyQt.
As far as I know, Qt doesn't have image processing libraries. For that, you'll need to use something like OpenCV. Qt does have libraries for loading most common image types.
However, Qt does extend beyond just GUI classes.
There is a database module that's quite convenient. The concurrency/threading classes are nice. I've enjoyed making use of the Qt Networking classes. The FileIO classes are alright.
These classes/modules are all useful for making platform-independent code. Things like image processing are mostly algorithmic and tend to be platform-independent by nature. So I think they fall out of the scope of the Qt framework. It shouldn't be too difficult, however, to simply find a library that does what you need and link that in to your project.
A lot of the Qt Core services that heltonbiker and Nikos C. mentioned, can be thought of as extensions to C++, a little like std. Although I often prefer the Qt implementations myself. But Qt has gone much further with their libraries, with the I/O, and web services etc...
The QtXML library provides reading and writing of XML files. Traditionally we had always used xerces, but the Qt XML library is almost as simple as .NETs.
The QtNetwork library offers TCP/IP and other networks services
The QtMultimedia library performs playback and recording of audio
and video content to the use of available devices like cameras and
The QtSQL library interfaces with SQL databases.
And there is much more than that. Although these are probably services that are used to most. The other benefit is that for the most part the implementations are cross platform. So for example using the I/O services does not require you to write separate code for Linux and Windows. That is a general rule, and there are exceptions. But I am sure most people would agree that any of the services they offer are easy to use, and well documented.
Happy coding.
Qt provides ample abstraction besides UI - it comes with a set of functionality enhancing features that come with certain usage paradigms.
Container classes - shallow copy by value, copy on write
Implicit sharing for containers and certain data types
Event driven, signals and slots
A powerful and usable metasystem
Platform abstraction for a lot of functionality, from file access to network and multithreading
Cross platform atomics (not that important since C++11 atomics)
Settings API
Undo API
OpenGL abstraction (not necessarily UI, custom graphics)
Basic image formats and basic image manipulations
Qt Declarative, a.k.a QtQuick and QML markup (usable for all kind of structure markup BTW)
Dynamic plugin API
Platform abstraction and portability - same code, multiple platforms
High and low level multimedia - audio, video
Sensors and serial port
Unit test
An outdated and hopefully soon updated OpenCL abstraction
Last but not least, a lot of 3rd party modules built around Qt fitting a wide range of applications
Honestly, all its missing is support for some more popular formats for file, media encoding/decoding and containers, some parallel and vector abstraction, USB, WIFI/NFC (in the works in an addon module) and it will be 100% versatile.
Note that you can also use Python with Qt, although I have no experience with that, Qt is a very versatile tool that allows for quick and easy application development - and since 5.1 supports pretty much the entire market, with the addition of Android and iOS to the list of supported platforms. It is very useful for creating custom use applications for creative or research purposes.
Although not perfect for every task, Qt is easily the "best of the bunch" of tools you can use in this regard. Unbeatable in terms of portability and very thorough, if not a little bloated for the set of functionality it provides. And finally, it is free, you can even develop commercial applications under LGPL as long as you link dynamically. All in all, it is well worth the investment to learn, the only downside is it lacks uniformity between the old C++ native APIs and the QML runtime, which is actively worked on and is based on JS, so the APIs are a bit different and some glue APIs are required to fuse C++ with JS and QML.
(just for the record, from the official site):
The Foundation: Qt Core Module
The Qt Core module forms the foundation of all Qt-based applications
with core non-graphical classes used by other modules.
Key Functions
File IO, event and object handling
Multi-threading and concurrency
Plugins, setting management
Signals and Slots inter-object communications mechanism
Reduce development time and cost by leveraging a complete set of application building blocks
Develop portable code from the ground up with cross-platform functionality

What are the pros and cons in C++ Qt vs Eclipse RCP for cross-platform GUI development?

I am going to develop a new GUI for an existing C++ application. The application works on Windows and Linux, and the communication with GUI is through client/server.
What are the pros and cons between Eclipse RCP and Qt?
Some pros of Qt:
C++ stuff will generally perform better; however, this is arguable.
Qt is the base of Meego, the mobile platform sponsored by Intel, AMD and others; however, its current momentum seems not too high to me. This means you can also create applications for various mobile and generally embedded devices
There are a lot of Qt-based applications out there.
It has a WYSIWYG designer.
Good for small to large projects especially because of QtQuick, which allows the creation of small applications in no time and with almost zero knowledge about C++
Qt has an amazing wrapper in Python called PyQt (there is also the PySide of course), which allows rapid development and slick prototyping. People often use PyQt (or PySide) for the UI-side of a Qt application because of that. You can of course combine with ease Python and Qt in the same application taking advantage of all their strengths (but also weaknesses). This allows relatively fast and smooth development cycles even for large projects
Some cons of Qt:
The code of Qt-based applications make use of some elements that are not part of C++, which have to be converted into C++ by a special preprocessor called moc (Meta-Object Compiler) prior to the actual compilation. You and your build system have to take that into account.
Nokia (former owner of Qt, since it acquired Trollech) has sold it to Digia. However, this does not imply their involvement in the development of the open source Qt has changed.
Some pros of Eclipse RCP:
Eclipse RCP is far more than a graphical toolkit:
It sports a plugin-based architecture that can help distributing functionality among different components (plugins) and keeping control over dependencies among such components (plugins). Eclipse plugin system relies on their own implementation of the Java component system specification called OSGi.
It provides a mechanism to enable decoupled application extensibility called extension points.
There are many Eclipse plugins that you can use in your application and many of them have distribution licenses that are friendly to commercial products.
It has a WYSIWYG designer.
Some cons of Eclipse RCP:
Eclipse uses a custom windowing toolkit called SWT; on each platform it relies on the native graphical layer. On Linux, it relies on Gtk+ (although it's also possible to use Motif), which in my experience (and other's) has performance problems, mostly with widgets that are updated at high rates. Actually many of us embed Swing elements in Eclipse RCP applications to overcome performance problems while keeping Eclipse's extensible architecture; this, however, can bring integration problems. There's a version of SWT that uses Qt as backend, but its incorporation into Eclipse's codebase seems stagnated since October 2010.
Startup time (understood as the time elapsed since the application is launched until it shows up a window) of Eclipse RCP applications can be very long.
If you intend to integrate C++ stuff with Java by means of JNI, be aware that some people find it difficult.
Eclipse has lots and lots of bugs. Eclipse's bugzilla is a very useful resource for the RCP developer.
The more you want you Eclipse RCP application's look&feel and behaviour to differ from Eclipse IDE, the more troubles you will get into.
Eclipse RCP development has a big learning curve, in my opinion.
Using Eclipse RCP for small projects is basically a suicide (unless you are restricting yourself to only creating a plugin or similar). It is meant for medium to large and very large projects due to the complexity of its infrastructure, resource requirements and the above mentioned steep learning curve.
Eclipse RCP is not for mobile development because...it's RCP (Rich Client Platform). If you want to go mobile, this is not for you.
Both their distribution licenses (LGPL/GPL/commercial for Qt, EPL for Eclipse) are flexible enough for most uses, in my opinion. Nevertheless, I am not a lawyer, so I may be mistaken about that.
And of course, other factors like the experience of the developers, their technical skills, the size of the team, concrete requirements, etc, should be taken into account.
BTW, I have much experience in Eclipse RCP but only theoretical knowledge on Qt, so I may be biased/mistaken in my statements.
Now that Qt has an LGPL license I would choose Qt any day of the week over Eclipse RCP.
I have used both to create fairly complex applications.
Since you can use eclipse to develop c++, I am assuming that we are comparing mostly swt/jface vs Qt, and not the eclipse development environment itself.
Some things I have noticed having used both:
1) Qt has better documentation and samples
Other than some half-baked examples on the web, I could find little useful eclipse documentation.
2) Qt has a lot more 'professional' users
There are many professional companies out there using Qt as their UI framework. Given it's three platform support (Windows, Linux, Mac), it is very flexible, and has a lot of backing.
3) Qt tends to be more complete and mature -
Using Eclipse I noticed that quite often the controls, and packages that were available were only partially done, and not quite complete. They were typically developed for someone's use, and only coded as far as that. Qt's controls were almost always a complete design.
4) Styling.
Both Qt and Eclipse render using local platform libraries, so your UI will 'look' like other UIs on the platform you are running on (i.e. Linux vs Windows). However, Qt also provides fairly sophisticated styling functionality that allows you to easily alter the look of any control, and gives you much more control over the look of your application.
With the new declarative language (Qt 4.7.*) you are approaching WPF level of control which is really amazing.
5) UI Designer:
Qt has a much richer Designer that allows you to layout your form, and do basic testing without having to compile any code. The designer also gives you the capability to add interactions between the controls on your form. Ex. Click this button - disable this option
Eclipse also has a form designer, although my experience with it is limited. I did try to use it a couple of times with very limited success. Finally I coded every form by hand through code. That is painful.
6) Interfacing with existing source code
If you don't have this problem, then you are very lucky. Because Qt is c++ based it integrates seamlessly with legacy C and C++ code. Integrating Java and C is not easy.
7) Drawing Libraries
I tried coding some hand-drawn shapes using the swt libraries and was forced to bypass large parts of the swt drawing library, because of the cludge that was in there. Using Qt to do something similar was no trouble at all.
8) Tree and List Models
Eclipse does provide some nice out of the box functionality for propagated data into trees, and lists and things. It is almost as good in Qt, although a little trickier to set up.
9) Application Layout
Eclipse provides some nice functionality to manage 'view's (dock panels), and 'perspectives' (workflows) that if you decide to use them makes life nice and easy. Qt requires you to do this yourself. Qt does have dock panel functionality, but when building a rich application you have to set this up yourself.
Extra Note:
Qt has also provided some extra libraries to support things like xml, etc... So this helps bridge the gap a little between c++ and java for things like this.

What's easier and cleaner? GTK or QT? [duplicate]

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Can someone suggest what's the best uses for those libraries today? Is it just GUI, or do they have database, XML, networking, threading, etc support too?
I was reading about them, and considered starting to learning/using one of them.
What is the most common one? What's the difference between them? Why would you choose one over the other?
As you seem to primarily target Linux, then the choice mostly depends on the programming language you want to use.
If you code in C, then obviously go for GTK+
If you code in C++, go for Qt, otherwise you will need Gtkmm (a C++ wrapper over GTK+)
If you code in Python, both GTK+ and Qt have bindings for the language: see PyGtk, PyQt and PySide (the one launched by Nokia themselves).
If you code in Java, Qt is no more a viable option imho as Nokia discontinued Qt Jambi (the Java bindings for Qt).
Also, Qt is more top-notch regarding its scenegraph QGraphicsScene API, its scripting engine built over Javascript Core (the engine powering WebKit), its state machine and animations framework, and the declarative UI.
GTK+ doesn't offer that much although you can use Clutter alongside with it.
If you're specifically looking into DB, XML (GTK+ has a parser for a subset of XML) and threading (GTK+ has GLib) features then Qt will offer all that in QtSql, QtXml and QtConcurrent.
All in all, I would say Qt is a sure choice. But GTK+ is very capable as well.
I'm not sure you will get a crystal clear answer for your question, which explains why some people keep preferring Gnome over KDE or vice-versa. Choose what works best for you.
PS: I you plan to also target Symbian, then go for Qt.
EDIT: Something that is also great with Qt is QtWebView: it brings Chromium into your Qt application to display web content. Others are embedding web content into their application using for instance Awesomium or Berkelium.
I've used GTK+, QT and wxWidgets before. Here's a brief summary:
For my first cross platform UI project I decided to go for wxWidgets mainly because at the time the license wasn't as restrictive as QT's (QT was GPL and only for Linux) and it had platform specific UI (unlike GTK). The project worked out well but there were quite a few glitches getting it to compile and run properly in other platforms - sometimes some events were fired up differently and such. Also GDI in wxWidgets was pretty slow.
Next I used GTK for a different project in python. For this I used the python bindings and everything worked out more or less smoothly. I didn't quite like the fact that the UI didn't look native on Windows and Mac and also when you launch a GTK+ app it always debug outputs loads of CRITICAL warnings which seem fine to ignore. :S
Finally, I did a very simple QT project now that Nokia has acquired it and was brilliant. The best of the three. First off, if you're not an old schooler who prefers VI or Emacs, QtCreator is brilliant. I really love VI and used it for years but I much prefer QtCreator for C++ QT projects. Regarding the library I also liked a lot the documentation and the APIs provided. QT has a concept of slots and signals which introduce new C++ keywords and a preprocessor. Basically, after reading a tutorial you'll get it easily and will start to love it. I'm now doing iPhone dev and it does feel a bit like Cocoa's/Interface Builder's UI paradigm.
Summary: I'd go for QT hands down. The license is pretty good and the SDK and documentation really nice.
I have never used GTK, but from my personal experience using Qt:
It is much more than a simple GUI. It's a whole application framework. I used to think of it as the Java libraries for C++. It provides all you mention -- database, XML, networking and threading, and more. It also provides things such as containers and iterators, and counterparts to a number of boost libraries.
The thing that impressed me most when starting to use Qt was the extremely extensive documentation. You get a program called Qt Assistant, which provides fully indexed and searchable API documentation on your desktop, as well as numerous code examples and tutorials. I found it made a big difference in searching the web each time for API info. Very quick access when you need to remember a method signature.
I am not sure which is most common; that's probably hard to measure accurately. They're certainly both popular. As Gnome is the default desktop of Ubuntu, and Gnome sits on top of GTK, it obviously has widespread usage. Of course, KDE is very popular as well. Nokia is heavily pushing Qt in the mobile space -- their Maemo OS, used on the new N900 for example, is soon to switch to Qt as the default toolkit (currently it is GTK.) I believe Qt will also soon become the default toolkit for Symbian OS.
I have not used Qt Creator, but I have heard many good things about it. It is a C++ IDE with obvious heavy integration with Qt. It also has fake vim emulation which is always nice if you like that kind of thing!
Qt uses qmake for build configuration. I found this much nicer than having to write your own makefiles. I do not know what GTK uses for building.
A couple of things I found a bit offputting with Qt at first was its big uses of preprocessor macros. The signal/slots system provides a nice mechanism for event/message passing in your application, but it does feel a bit like magic that may not be easily portable to another toolkit if you ever want to. Also, the moc (meta-object compiler), while I'm not entirely sure what it does, also feels a bit too much like magic going on behind the scenes.
All in all, though, I would recommend Qt, particularly if you are learning. It has really amazing documentation and a nice IDE, and busy forums. You'll be able to build C++ apps very rapidly with it, particularly with the QML coming in 4.7.
It probably depends on what you want to do. I would recommend Qt, because it's more than GUI, it has nice Python bindings (so does Gtk), and GUI libraries themselves are (subjectively speaking) more pleasant then Gtk.
Gtk is on the other hand more common in linux world, so you can probably get more help on the web. Reason for widespread of Gtk probably has more to do with Gnome and Ubuntu, rather then technical merits, but if you want you software to blend nicely with those two, you'll achieve that more easily with Gtk.
Qt for one sure has solid DB, network, threading support etc... It does a lot more then just cross-platform GUI (and it does most of it quite well).
I'd recommend it over GTK+.
Qt. It's not only object oriented, is "good" object oriented.
It's based on a "subset" of C++ that doesn't rely on the obscurity of C++ (but you are allowed to stick with them, if you fancy masochism ;) ).
It has a strong momentum now that Nokia bought it (actually Nokia did ~2/3 years ago). It's going to be in all Nokia AND Intel mobile devices (smartphones, netbooks, tablets).
It's the backbone of KDE, so it's very mature, but it's designed in a very flexible way, that makes it possible to support TODAY all the latest "cool stuff" that a more-then-just-GUI framework should have.
Go for it.
Just adding QT advantages to other answers.. QT has great documentation, its own IDE & GUI creator and enhances C++ with some new concepts like slots/signals (basically events).
I am not a GTK developer, so I can't compare those to the GTK world :(
It also looks like Nokia is about to use Qt everywhere, like on Maemo
If you want your app to run on iOS, Android, Blackberry, other mobile platforms, Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, use Qt.

Any really modern, good-looking desktop apps that are developed with PyQt/PySide?

I have started using Python for web development recently, it's kinda cool;
I have seen programs that are developed in QT/C++, which is good enough in terms of esthetics;
I have just noticed the new PySide project (which brings LGPL Qt license to Python and it doesn't support Windows yet).
In view of the above, I see the possibility of using Python + PyQt/PySide to develop cross platform apps in the future :) but I have several doubts right now:
Can PyQty/PySide be used to develop really complex/modern UI? Can somebody give me some points to have a look at some nice-looking screenshots of apps that are developed in Python+QT?
What about the performance of using Python + QT for a desktop app?
Thanks in advance!
Can PyQty/PySide be used to develop really complex/modern UI?
Desktop applications come in all sorts of varieties -- some nicely laid out, some extremely customized with virtually no semblance to a standard application for that OS. The same can be done with Qt/PyQt/PySide. As Alex said, there should be no visible difference between an application written with PyQt/PySide versus one written with Qt in C++. Any program written with Qt4 (using bindings or not) will, by default, look like a standard modern application.
Of course, there are features of recent Windows releases (and likely some on Mac OS X) that aren't supported immediately and by default in Qt, but you can almost always write some custom platform specific code for those situations where said features are truly important.
Can somebody give me some points to have a look at some nice-looking screenshots of apps that are developed in Python+QT?
The best and most open source program that I know of and which is written with PyQt, is Eric -- a Python based IDE.
What about the performance of using Python + QT for a desktop app?
For most applications the performance difference between a C++ Qt application and a PyQt application are not noticible. But if you really need performance, you can write certain parts of the application in C++ and make bindings available in Python so you can integrate the two.
TortoiseHg was re-designed using Qt and PyQt for its 2.0 release.
Here is one of several posted screenshots:
There is no aesthetic difference between the look and feel of C++ based Qt, and the PyQt and PySide wrappers on top of it. I use basically no desktop GUI apps so I couldn't point you to any implemented with any of these language/toolkit combos, but if you like the former, you'll be hard put to distinguish it in any way from the latter.
A bit late but for the record, apps such as Skype, GoogleEarth or the recent versions of VLC (media player & more) used the Qt libs.

GTK+ or Qt under Windows [closed]

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I was wondering which one should I consider if I need the software to be used on both platforms, WIN and Linux and why?
Packaging GTK and its dependencies on Windows is a full-time project in itself. Qt is much more easily distributed since it has no dependencies that do not come with Windows.
Qt has been cross platform from the start. GTK has not always been cross platform. Such fundamental decisions shape the overall design, and should be made before any code is written in my opinion.
I would comment more, but I'd be drifting into speculation, the above two things I know for certain.
Both are good toolkits that have their advantages and disadvantages.
One difference is the implementation language. Qt is in C++, and GTK+ is in C. However GTK+ has bindings for many, many other languages (perl, python, C++, .NET, etc) so it's not a huge issue.
An Advantage of Qt is that it offers a bit broader range of functionality built in (xml, database access, network programming, openGL, etc). GTK+ has basically all of these things within its orbit (e.g. libxml2, librsvg, libsoup, libgda, etc), but they're not as much of a single coherent package as Qt is.
My personal recommendation is to use gtkmm, the C++ bindings for GTK+. It offers a more comfortable object-oriented language to program in, and it provides nearly the same native performance as using GTK+ from C. (Disclaimer: I contribute to gtkmm).
GTK+ you can use almost in all programming languages, in C++ (using gtkmm) in C (gtk+) in C# (with Gtk#) in Python (PyGtk). Behind GTK you have Mono Framework which is great implementation of .NET Framework for cross platform purposes. If you want to use Gtk# you have great IDE (MonoDevelop) with a very powerful gui designer. You can take a look at www.mono-project.org. But still depends what do you want to build, you are looking just gui toolkit, or the entire framework? And the logic behind signals/slots are the same in Gtk+ and Qt, but if you are using Gtk# they are transformed in the delegates/events paradigm.
my $0.02:
I've used Qt off and on for the last 4 years, and it's hands-down my favorite toolkit of anything I've tried (Win32, MFC, Borland, Java, GTK). I used GTK for a few weeks to try it out, and didn't like it. Mostly that was because I think it's awkward to use C instead of C++ for GUI apps on a PC... I do embedded work too, and I'd never use C++ on an 8051, but for a big GUI app I much prefer it. If you're going to try GTK, I'd suggest looking in to GTKmm, although I've never used it myself.
You might also consider wxWidgets. I have never used any of them but when I was looking over the cross-platform toolkits it was the one I had decided to try.
They are both fine toolkits. I'd base my decision on the licensing. Qt requires that you pay for a license if you are using it in a commercial product wheras GTK does not.
Three additional points in favor of Qt:
Your project does not have to be GPL; there are many other open-source licenses available in the Qt GPL Exception, including BSD and LGPL.
Qt's default theme on Windows does a much better job of blending in than GTK's Wimp theme.
If you want to support Macs later, you'll have a much easier time with Qt.
I would prefer Qt. As today, Qt is Open-source and free under more permissive, LGPL license.
Qt is better ported for Windows and looks more native than GTK. Gimp on windows, for example, looks very strange, because most of its dialogs are not Windows dialogs. Qt can use native Window dialogs like Open/Save which makes it feel better as a framework. And yes, Qt is a framework, not only a GUI Widget. No, I am not advertising Qt here, as Qt have some strangeness for a windows user from development point of view, for example, Qt is Layout based while MFC / .NET are anchor based and Qt's Layout managers are sometimes strange. But if I have to choose between both GTK and Qt, I will select Qt. Also, now, Qt comes with very good IDE, Qt Creator, which is my default C/C++ IDE for all types of projects now (as Qt Creator can be used as such).
Qt 5.0 has won the war.
I'm not a huge fan of C++ (I prefer plain old C), but I must admit that the Qt framework is amazing.
Try to write a GUI program with GTK that runs on OSX, Linux, Windows (and soon iOS and Android) with native look-and-feel... Good luck !
I recommend to use Qt because:
It's cross-platform and and covers wide range of operating systems (including mobile)
It is opensource and has a fast speed in getting better
It has the a nice GUI designer and a very capable IDE (Qt Creator)
The API design is excellent and easy to use
It has a great documentation which is easy to read
It has the Qt translation system which enables you to have a multilingual app
The GUI layout system where the widgets resize themselves according to a layout makes everything much easier
The QML gives you the power to create fantastic GUI with great graphics and animations
It has great support for networking and connectivity(socket, SSL, www, IPC, ...)
It has QTestLib for testing the code
It has many language binding if you don't want to use C++
