Website currently being viewed - http

I have 50 machines in a LAN and each of these have internet access. Can a program be developed using vc++ which will tell what are all the websites which is being opened by users in each machine?

You can easily accomplish this by writing an application which captures packets outbound on port 80 (and the associated DNS information). The problem is that this application must run on every client computer which you want to trace. The easier method, as stated by others, is to take advantage of your network architecture and tunnel all traffic through a central proxy which can record the same information.
There are many-many enterprise tools suited for just this task in the latter instance.

Route your internet traffic through a centralized proxy and monitor the traffic from proxy say using Fiddler, or something else. In case proxying is not possible, use Fiddler to generate data at known location and then collate it at required intervals.

Install a firewall, if you don't already have one, and use it to log connections.


How to make My PC work as Host Server?

I have an ASP.NET web application that has been hosted in IIS local Machine.
My Question is :
Is there any free or paid method that allows browsing this web
application from the internet as Host Server ?
The easiest way to to publish it directly onto the internet. You do run the risk of attackers then being able to attach your machine, so you will need to brush up on your security skills. It might be worth looking into one of the free hosting options from AWS, Azure or Google Cloud.
To use your local machine as a web server, first, configure it to use a static IP. Its been a while since I've done it on windows, but this looks about right
Next you will need to configure port forwarding on your model. You want to send all traffic on port 80 to your machine, using its new fixed IP address. If your using HTTPS as well, configure port 443 to go to your machine. There are too many different modem brands, all of which handle this slightly differently, to consider offering any more help on this. You will need to do some reading up on your particular modem for step-by-step instructions.
If your internet connection is using a fixed IP, then you can stop here.
If not, or if you just want a domain name, then its worth signing up for a dynamic dns service. I use No-ip, its free, it integrates with my modem and I haven't had any problems with it in the last few years. Once this is in place, you will be able to hit your webserver just like a real one. Using something like "
But again, be warned about exposing your machine on the internet. There are nasty people out there who love to hijack other peoples computers.
This should give you some guidance on port forwarding
Try I just logged in and it seemed happy. Otherwise, have a click through all the settings in your modem looking for ddns or dynamic DNS. There is usually a drop down of all the providers that it will talk to. And some providers have apps that you run on your PC , which is easier that working with the modem for some. (Or for models that don't support ddns.)

Accessing web-server in private network from arbitrary clients

I am looking for the best practice to allow accessing a web-server in a private network from a client running on an arbitrary machine (possibly on another private network). Here is the typical setup:
Web-server is running on a Linux machine behind NAT (not directly accessible by the client) and is being used for JPEG streaming.
Client my run on any device and cannot be directly accessed by the web-server.
An intermediate server (Linux machine) which can be directly accessed by both the web-server and clients (since it owns a static IP address).
The first solution that comes to my mind is using the intermediate server as a web proxy and creating a SSH tunnel between the intermediate machine and the web-server, however it requires clients to make changes to their proxy settings which is not an option in my case. The other solution which would possibly work is having the intermediate machine to forward HTTP requests to the web-server, though I do not know of any easy way to do so. Since it looks like a common case to me, I feel like there should be some service which does that. I am also open to other solutions which would offer transparent access to the web-server.

Why can't Fiddler detect traffic through proxy servers?

I had Fiddler open recently with no filters on, and I was running a program from my command prompt that communicates with a server (it's a simple in-house proprietary program).
Interestingly, Fiddler was not picking up this communication, which is mostly made up of REST API calls. I did some research and found this quote, from here
With regard to why you're not seeing this traffic in Fiddler--
assuming you don't have any filters set, this suggests that whatever
mechanism you're using to send the HTTP request isn't adopting the
system's proxy settings. This means, for instance, that your code
would fail if run on a corporate computer that requires a proxy server
to reach the Internet.
However, I'm wondering why this would be the case. As far as I understand, my computer still needs to send data from my network card to the proxy server's network card. The traffic isn't bypassing my network card - it simply carries a different address. Why isn't Fiddler able to see this?
The reason is that Fiddler works not by sniffing your network card but by installing itself as the system proxy. If you click start and type "Internet Options" and choose the tab "Connections" and the button "LAN Settings" you'll see that localhost:8888 is your system proxy. Now, most well-behaved clients (e.g. IE and Chromer) respect and use the system proxy but some don't. In particular Java programs have their own ideas about which proxy they will use and you would have to set that separately. For other programs which are just hard-coded to make their own direct HTTP request you cannot AFAIK monitor them with Fiddler.

How to Enable SOCKS to a SSH supported Server

I own a singular VPS hosting account at Hostgator and also a shaired hosting account. This question is mostly intended to gain knowledge, so I would so much appreciate a good explanation than a how-to.
I truly apolagise for mentioning their name but I had to say it so that someone who knows has the required information to help me.
With any type of their accounts, an SSH login is provided but, only with VPS Hosting root access to the same is available.
What I want to do
I want to create a private tunnel to encrypt my browsing data between external servers and my home PC so that my ISP cannot modify or read the data that belong to me.
If I have SSH supported by provider on the server side, does it mean that I have SOCKS5 too?
What else is needed for me to set-up my secure tunnel to find way out using my existing web server account?
If SOCKS5 doesnt come for shaired hosting servers for free or if its not possible, how can one use Socks5 with such servers and establish a secure connection?
SSH supports creating a SOCKS tunnel with the -D option. See for for more details on how to use it. But, this will only be a SOCKS4, not a SOCKS5 tunnel, which means that DNS lookups still will be done outside the tunnel.

Is there a network communication protocol whose use won't require an app's user to grant permissions in Windows Firewall?

I want my client program to communicate with a server without making the user add an exception to Windows Firewall in elevated mode. Is there a way to do this? HTTP? For instance, uTorrent and Google Chrome can both be installed by a regular (non-admin) user, and both programs network quite extensively - how do they do this? Am I missing something about how the firewall and/or ports works?
Yes there is a way. Assuming that your client program is the one running on the users machine and that your client program is the one initiating communication with the server then your client program generally would not need to require end user to open any exceptions in the windows firewall as long as you stick to using http over port 80. Http on port 80 is generally open for outbound traffic (initiated by the client) and therefor you could build your communication (and if needed your own protocol) on top of the http protocol. This is the typical scenario for webserver and webbrowsers (clients).
If you need the server to initiate the communication it becomes more complex and a lot of different approaches could be used. Choice of communication channels and structure should depend on factors like whether you would want to communicate to one client at a time or many (broadcast/multicast), do you need encryption, what are your needs for speed (throughput and latency), what kind of system are you trying to build and so on.
Many webapplications achieve an effect of a server initiated communication by using special techniques called polling, long polls, comet, websockets and so on. these work through http on top of tcp/ip on port 80. Other systems employs subscription mechanisms to be able to get notified through a third part if something new has happened. If you need server initiated communications please let me now and i will try to give a better explanation on the options.
