JQuery jVal plugin running out of space on form - asp.net

I am using the JQuery plugin jVal. This plugin validates user input. If the user makes an error the input box is turned red and a fly out message says what is wrong. This works great for forms where there is one Label and one input per visual row. This falls apart when you have multiple labels and inputs per row. IE the fly out error gets confused with the underlying information. Is there a way to have just a * next to the field having the error, then display a summary of the all field errors in a different DIV. I am open to other JQuery plugins that would give me validation and the presentation I am after.

The jQuery validation plugin allows you to customize it's error messages -- plain text, no fly-outs. The default messages can also be changed as well -- either in the backend code or by configuration (using the messages option).


How to make form like example

there is this site https://www.delinski.at/ and it has a nice form where you can pick some values from dropdowns like Date, Number of Persons etc., and then submit the form. It redirects and I see the values on the redirected page link as parameters (if I have changed the defaults).
I searched for and tried several Form Plugins which all do not seem to work - most recent one (Form Maker) lets me design the form as I want but at the end I realized when I click on Submit, the values are not transfered to the target page (confirmed by Form Maker Support as work as intended). It's confusing because actually that should be a basic funciontality of a HTML form, right?
So I want to know if there are plugins where I can get a similar look&feel like the example given above.
That site is a Static Site Generated framework not WordPress. That site would also be very expensive to build cause that is all coded, and very well:)
You are not actually seeing a form there at all that is just how PHP natively uses the URL to navigate via a button.
Almost all the form plug ins for WP use the database write now and do not pass the parameters of the entered form as a php _ POST with a redirect.
I kind of think what you really are looking for is a faceted search feature
One of the best that comes to my mind is https://facetwp.com/demo/cars/?_vehicle_type=truck
Notice the car icons those are actually search buttons:) Of course you will have to build a template to do that neat stuff on the SSG site you linked but...
here is a really informative write upon how it works to get started.

New UI SiteEdit Implementation

I have implemented New UI SiteEdit in Tridion 2011 SP1. When I have created a page without components in it ,I am able to edit the page. If I am inserting the component I am not able to edit the page. Please help on this issue?
When changing a Page in New UI (Experience Manager or XPM), the page is checked-out. What you might be seeing for other users is expected behavior--other users should not be able to edit the page in the CME or within XPM.
Also, you should be restricted from editing content page for even the same user that has a different session (e.g. viewing the page from another browser).
When editing the page with the same user and session, you should be able to add multiple components. The page is checked out. Editing content on the page should be "editing components," rather than the page itself.
Let us know if you're seeing something else.
This can be a result of having an syntax error in your inline editing commands (i.e. the JSON syntax inside HTML comments). Normally you would use the OOTB building blocks that generate this for you, however, in some extreme scenarios, this syntax is written out by hand. I suspect that you may have the latter scenario. Verify your component and component field command syntax.

Django: Hiding necessary forms on template page

I have a Django application which takes the lat/lon from a user's coordinates via HTML5 geolocation and places these into form fields via jQuery. Markers are then placed on a map using these coordinates. This works very well.
The problem: I want to hide these forms so they're invisible to the user, but these still need to be "on the page" so they can receive the information. So excluding these via the Django forms file won't be acceptable.
I tried one method which hid the form field but left the form label. I'd like to hide the entire row from the user and remove the space where the form field exists while it still remains in the background to receive the info.
Is this possible? Not sure if it requires a CSS trick or a something built-in to Django.
Any help or insight appreciated.
Give your forms an ID and in CSS set display: none for these IDs. Alternatively, use a common class instead of separate IDs.

tinymce with asp.net, ValidateRequest=false in page, is it dangerous?

I am using tinymce editor in asp.net page. It was configured fine but when I tried to write soem text in editor it raised error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client with timymce" I searched and came to know it was bascailly scan of input message form script and sql injection attaks.
To remove this error I put ValidateRequest=fasle in page heade in aspx page. Now I am sure input is not beign validated but is it unsecue now ?
Please guide me what type of threat it has now and what safty measure I can take to prevent it. The editor is being used for compose and store emails. I just read on some sites that client side script attaks are possible from input. Please guide and help.
I believe this answer is along the lines of what you are looking for.
Basically, you have to make sure you html encode/decode all the input fields where applicable. In reality, you cannot completely avoid it, unless you disable the validation. But if you are, make sure you take steps to avoid direct use of the input.

Why is search functionality not working on this page?

we deliver micro-site content for our client. Our content is injected into a wrapper that is supplied by another developer.
To deliver our content we host the wrapper as well as the content. The user can access this at
http://fundcentre.[redacted].ie/ (try a search for '[redacted]')
For the other content that is not ours, the other developer hosts a similar (though slightly different) wrapper and delivers the content. the user accesses this here:
http://www.[redacted].ie/ (try a search for '[redacted]')
The wrapper contains a search box, which does not work for us but it works for the other developer. I took a look at the network traffic with FireBug but it appears that when I do the search from the wrapper that we're hosting, I'm getting a "407 Proxy Access Denied" error. My guess is their proxy has a problem with the fact that the search is being conducted from a page hosted outside the scope of their proxy.
It was also suggested that there were javascript errors on the page that were preventing the search from executing but I can't see any. Also, I don't think I'd get as far as the proxy error if that was the case.
I don't really understand this stuff too well though, so could somebody with a bit more experience please take a look and maybe shed some light on this for me? Thanks.
The problem appears to be that the search box and the button next to it (the magnifying glass) are both causing the whole page form to submit after they try to set the page URL to the search URL. When you type into the search field and hit "Enter", the outer form that's wrapped around the entire page is submitted. When the magnifying glass is clicked, it tries to load the search results but because it's an image button the click also causes the outer form to be submitted.
I'm not exactly sure how best to fix it, partly because I think the entire page design should be thrown out. But if you're stuck with it, it might be possible to get it working by ditching that in-line Javascript on the button (since it's not working anyway) and then wrapping the search stuff with its own <form> directed to the search page. Having a <form> within a <form> is bad mojo but that's hard to avoid in a design that puts the whole page in a <form> to start with.
Alternatively, you could try handling keypress events on the search input to detect "Enter", and have that handler and the code on the button both return "false" to stop the outer form submission.
edit — as to why that works on the other site, well it appears to me that there the outer form really is the "search" functionality somehow, as they don't have the click handler on the search button at all, so all it'll do is submit the outer form anyway.
edit again — also, I never see that "proxy" issue. The search from your page works fine for me if I first fix the inline Javascript on the button so that it ends with ; return false. That actually may be all you need to do.
It could be a problem that your tags' action are pointing to different scripts. One is pointing to "Home.aspx" and the other to "/Default.aspx".
The two links are in different subdomains, so maybe you would like to change the action of the subdomain so it contains the full location of the action (ex. "http://www.newireland.ie/Default.aspx")
