How to convert ASP.NET website to ASP.NET web application -

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 Website (visual studio lingo), but the site continues to grow and is looking rather cowboyish among other things. I'd like to see this get converted into a Web Application (namespaces and all).
Is this something that can be easily done in Visual Studio? If not, are there any other tools out there that could create all of the namespaces, etc. automagically?

Well, it turns out that the option "Convert to web application" does NOT exist for "websites". The option "Convert to web application" does exist only for "web applications" !!!!
[emphasis mine]
So, here's the deal, to do the
conversion, you need to:
Add a new "Web Application" to your VS 2008 solution (File->Add->New
Project->C#->Web->ASP.NET Web
Afterwards, you copy all the files in the old "website" to your newly
created "web application", and
override any files created in it by
The next step is the most ugly, you need to "manually" add the references
in your "website" to the new "web
application". I thought the VS 2008
PowerCommands toy would do this for me
as it does copy references from other
project types, but it didn't. You have
to do it by yourself, manually, and
you have to be cautious in this step
if you have multiple versions of the
same assembly (like AJAXToolkit in my
case) or assemblies that have both GAC
and local versions or so.
Keep repeating the last step and trying to build the "web application".
You'll keep getting errors like "
'....' is unknown namespace. Are you
missing an assembly reference? ". Make
sure you have none of those except the
ones where '....' is replaced by the
IDs of the server controls you use. In
other words, keep adding references
and building the project until only
the errors that exist because of
Afterwards, go to the "web application" root project node in VS
2008 solution explorer, and right
click it, then you WILL find the
option "Convert to web application".
What this option does is actually
making small changes to the "#Page"
and "#Control" directives of pages and
controls, and creating the required
Try building the "web application" again. If you get errors, see what
references may be missing and/or go
click the "Convert to web application"
again. Sometimes, if there's any error
other than those caused of missing
DESIGNER files, not all the
pages/controls will have those
DESIGNER files created for them.
Fixing the non DESIGNER problem and
clicking "Convert to web application"
again should do the job for this.
Once you are done successful VS build, you should be ready to go.
Start testing your web application.
Optionally, you can right click the
"web application" root project node in
VS 2008 Solution Explorer and click
"Properties" then go to the tab "Web"
to set the "web application" to a
virtual folder in IIS (you can create
new virtual directory from there in
VS). If you want to use the IIS
virtual directory that the old
"website" used, you need to remove
that from IIS first.
Update: When testing your pages, pay MOST ATTENTION to classes in
"App_Code" folder, especially those
with NO NAMESPACE. Those can be a big
trap. We had a problem with two
extension method overloads in the same
static class that had no namespace,one
extends DateTime? (Nullable)
and calls another overload that
extends DateTime itself. Calling the
other overload as extension method
passed VS 2008 compilation and gave us
a compilation error ONLY IN RUNTIME
(With IIS). Changing the call to the
other overload from calling it as
extension method to calling it as
normal static method (only changing
the call in the same class, calls from
other classes remained extension
method calls) did solve this one, but
clearly, it's not as safe as it used
to be in VS 2005. Especially with
classes with no namespaces.
Update2: During the conversion, VS 2008 renames your "App_Code" to
"Old_App_Code". This new name sounds
the "web application" model, all code
will be in one assembly. In runtime,
the web server does not know what web
project type you are using. It does
take all code in "App_Code" folder and
create a new assembly for it. This
way, if you have code in folder named
"App_Code", you'll end up with RUNTIME
compilation errors that the same types
exist in two assemblies, the one
created by VS, and the one created by
IIS / ASP.NET Development Server. To
avoid that. leave the "Old_App_Code"
with the same name, or rename it to
ANYTHING EXCEPT: "App_Code". Do not
place any code in such "App_Code"
folder and prefereably do NOT have a
folder with such name in your "web
application" at all.
I know this since before but forgot it
now as I have not used "website" model
for long :(.

Walkthrough: Converting a Web Site Project to a Web Application Project in Visual Studio at MSDN
If your website application grows.. it's better to split it into several projects. Conversion from Web Site project to Web Application project won't help much.

If you're having problems getting your new Web Application Project to build check the File Properties in Visual Studio of all 'helper' classes. For a project I was converting the Build Action was set to Content whereas it should have been Compile.

I've now successfully migrated one Website project to a web application and there is quiet a few gotchas to look out for.
Having ReSharper at your disposal helps a lot in refactoring the aspx files.
Set up your solution and create an empty WebApplication
Copy all file over
aspx files in website projects don't have a namspace. Wrap your classes in the appropriate namespaces
During copying, all my pages in subfolders got renamed to my project name and the foldername, so I got 40ish public partial class FolderName_Projectname : Page If neccessary rename all files using Resharper or manually.
If you encounter multiple errors like "There is already a member Page_Load() defined", this is most likely due to incorrect class names und duplication
After adding a namespace
Replace CodeFile in all aspx pages with Codebehind and especially pay attention to files i your subfolder. Make sure Inhertis="" doesn't contain the relative path. Your namespaces take care of everything. So the correct format is Inherits="Namespace.classname".
If your class has a namespace NaSpa and a filename foo.cs it would be Inherits=""
After you have prepared all your files (don't forget your master pages), run "Convert to web application". If you encounter errors afterwards, rinse and repeat.
If you encounter errors of the sort "TextBoxName can't be found are you missing a reference", make sure you did not forget to sanitize your aspx pages. A good indicator is to check the automatically generated designer files. If TextBoxName does not appear in there, the conversion did not succeed completely.
Resolve any missing dependencies.

Create a New Web Application in VS 2010.
1. Using Windows Explorer copy all your files into you project folder.
2. In VS 2010 solution explorer show all files.
3. Select the files and folders - right click include in project.
4. Right click the project solution explorer and select Convert to Web Application.
There are quite a few small differences, such as the App_Code folder will get renamed to old_app_code - that surprisingly doesn't cause any errors. The TypeName on your object data sources and the inherits on the #Page tag might need the [ProjectName]. prefix appended globally. For example if your type name was "BusinessLogic.OrderManager" and your project name is InventorySystem you would need to change it to InventorySystem.BusinessLogic.OrderManager. Also a few display changes, such as required field validators don't default to red font anymore, they default to black.

I was facing the same problems initially. After following the Wrox Professional ASP.NET 4.0 book, I found the following solution for my case.
I first created a new web application. Copied all the website files into the web application folder. Right click on the application, and click conver to web application.
You might ask why you need to convert a web app into a web app. The answer is, that when you create a website, you simply code the .cs file where-ever required.
A web application, however declares .design.cs (or .vb) and a .cs file for the code and design section automatically.
NEXT: Remove all manual references, like 'Inherits' attribute in the PAGE directive, to other files in your website, since name spaces WILL take care of referencing the classes centrally.
I also faced a problem, since I had not included OBJ and BIN folder in my project.
If you think you are missing your BIN and OBJ folders, simply click the 'Show All Files' icon in the Solution Explorer and then right click on the missing folders and add to project. (to make sure they compile with the project.)
As #deadlychambers points out in the comments: You can search everywhere by doing a "Ctrl + Shift + F" and then search for Inherits="(.*?)". This will find all occurrences and probably save you some time!

the default ASP name space does not seem to work anymore. So I cannot seem to call my User Controls.ascx pages from outside the page. Giving them a namespace and changing the default from ASP to my namespace seemed to work.


Localization of Custom Controls in a redistributable assembly

I'm trying to build a redistributable assembly containing several custom controls (CommonControls).
My environment: MSVC 2010, ASP.NET (WebForms) .NET 2.0/3.0/3.5
The problem: Compiling everything with a Web Deployment Project won't work if I localize CommonControls via App_GlobalResources.
Here is how I build the CommonControls assembly:
I use a WebSite containing the .ascx and .ascx.cs files:
and a Web Deployment Project with the following settings:
This will create "CommonControls.dll".
That assembly is to be used in a different ASP.NET WebApplication as follows:
First (minor) problem: Adding CommonControls as a dependency will not automatically copy the satellite assemblies for the languages. Copying them manually to the correct output path seems to work though (for DEBUGGING).
Main problem: The Main web application is also localized via App_GlobalResources and built with a Web Deployment Project:
That build process will fail with
ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object.
Both deployment projects create a file named "bin\App_GlobalResources.compiled" and I guess those 2 files cannot coexist peacefully within the same output-project.
Is there any elegant solution to localize both CommonContols AND Main using ASP.NET built-in localization?
Note: The project I'm working on has to be compatible with Apache+Mono, so my project-settings (screenshots above) must be exactly like this to work correctly (already tested all other variations).
I fixed it. It was (probably) caused by outdated assemblies in the Bin folder used by the WDP (seems to be a good idea to manually clean that folder from time to time).
I also copied files from "CommonControls\Bin" to the final output (via pre-build event) which is not necessary and causes everything to break (satellite assemblies for translations are automatically copied by MSVC).
While my problem+solution might not be that helpful to others, it's at least a tutorial how to build a re-distributable assembly with some custom-controls out of a bunch of user-controls.
All outputs of the custom-control assembly must be merged. Otherwise we will end up with 2 "App_GlobalResources.dll" files (won't work)
It only works with a "Web-site project", not "Web application"
User-controls must use the "CodeFile/Inherit" tags, not the deprecated "CodeBehind" tag (get rid of all those ".designer.cs" files!)
User-controls must have a "ClassName" tag that differs from the control's name (I appended "Internal" and renamed the class(es) in code-behind)
Embedded resources (images, scripts...) are not directly supported in a "Web-site project". I use an additional LIB for that

Copying/Moving App Code to New Project

Ok, I am in the process of breaking apart of intranet application (VS 2010 Web Site, ASP.NET Web Forms with VB code behind). During this process i'm trying to convert some of our our app_code files in to WCF rest service in a new project. However, when I copy or "add existing" vb files into the new "services" project. I get tons of errors including...
error BC30002: Type 'XXX' is not defined
warning BC40056: Namespace
or type specified in the Imports 'System.ServiceModel' doesn't
contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the
namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public
member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.
From what i've read it may (or may not) have something to do with Assemblies and references that I just have very little knowledge on. I have added the namespaces from the current web.config to new project's web.config, and the files are identical. So there is something in the background that needs to be added to the new project I just don't know what its.
So one of the errors i'm getting = "error BC30002: Type 'MailMessage' is not defined." Which is a namespace that is added to the web.config, which apparently isn't being picked up??? IDEAS?
I've come across a similar issue - not sure what the reasoning behind it is, but I got around it by creating a new .vb class with the same name as the one you want to copy, then copy and paste all the text from the old one to the new one. Save it, then it seems to like it - it didn't like me copying and pasting the actual file, nor did it like me adding existing files.
Hope this helps :/
This issue seems to be tied to the the differences between Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects. Eventually I had to add different namespaces on the new project level.
Here is more info about WAP vs WSP....

converted web site to web application, works without namespaces

I converted a web site project to a web application using this guide
In the guide it says that I have to add namespaces to my classes but I did not do that. The classes I have in the Old_App_Code directory are not placed into namespaces and the application runs just fine (tested on different machines). Is it because there is something special about Old_App_Code or am I missing something? Thanks.
You are misinterpreting what the guide is saying, it is NOT saying that you need to add namespaces to get the code to compile, but rather that the conversion process does not add the namespaces into the code files by using the folder/file naming constructs.
The guide is further underscoring the fact that when you add new items (i.e. classes) in a web application versus a web site; the namespace is automatically added to the code file, based upon the folder structure and file name of the of new class.

What makes an ASP.NET project an application vs library?

I am inheriting some ASP.NET code (I am an OS guy, not a web dev (yet ;-)). The solution has been re-factored and there are multiple projects (libraries and sites) in it. Aside from the libraries, there are two projects (called MAINSITE and SUBSITE). Only MAINSITE is being used as the official site (as an site), and MAINSITE has a depency on the code in the SUBSITE site, but doesn't use the site itself. I am trying to figure out how to clean this up and convert SUBSITE into a library.
My quick question is, whenever I debug the MAINSITE (set as default), it runs two processes: MAINSITE and SUBSITE. And so, at the very least, how can I avoid this? Is there a quick/temporary solution to this?
My detailed question is this:
What makes an site an site? For instance, in C the difference between an dll and exe could be defined (superficially anyway) as the presence of a main, and potential export information for the library (among other things, of course). If I were to convert an exe to dll I might:
1. remove the main code
2. make sure the public interface was correct (and exported correctly)
3. convert the makefile to build a dll rather than an exe.
Can someone point me to some similar steps for to .net lib?
1. get rid of index.aspx
2. get rid of web.config
3. any *.cs files to remove?
4. how do I change the properties?
5. any gotchas?
Thanks so much for your help.
Details: Visual Studio 2008/.NET 3.5
There are many, many components to make an application run as an ASP.Net application. However, in terms of your actual Web Application project, there's really not that much difference between it and generic library code except for the fact that much of your code relies on the existence of the HttpApplication runtime.
Any code that utilizes the System.Web (especially System.Web.UI) is going to be suspect in terms of having this dependency. For example, all the code in page or webcontrol event handlers (Init, Load, PreRender, etc.) relies on the fact that there is an HttpHandler (running inside an HttpApplication) raising these events. If you run the same WebControl out of a library that's not in an ASP.Net project, none of this will ever happen and the control will be useless. However, that exact same library would be quite functional if executed in the context of an ASP.Net process.
It really boils down to what process you're running the library in. In most cases, ASP.Net processes are spawned by IIS, although it is possible to host an ASP.Net process in other types of programs as well.
There isn't a simple 5-step process for converting a web project to a library unfortunately. But as a rule of thumb, webcontrols, .aspx and .ascx codebehind aren't going to convert.
For a more detailed look at what makes code into an ASP.Net program, see Rick Strahl's "A Low level look at ASP.Net".
If you go to "File" > "New" > "New Project..." and then click on the (assuming you're using C#) "Visual C#" in the list on the left, you're given the ability to create a "Class Library" project. You can extract all the relevant code to one of these and then reference in in your "MAINSITE".
You will need to reference it in the "References" section of your MAINSITE project and may need to import your library project using the import keyword.

Problem Converting Web To Web Project In VS2008

I have converted my old VS2008 Website to Web Application, now everything was working before I tried to convert it. But now I don't seem to be able to reference my Classes? For example I have a BasePage class that every .aspx page inherits like so
public partial class SomePageName : BasePage
But now I get this message? And the same for all the other classes?
The type or namespace name 'BasePage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
How do I find out which 'using' directive I am missing and whats an assembly reference?
The conversion namespaced your classes. Perhaps it should be NewlyAddedNamespace.BasePage?
Locate the class BasePage in your project using the object explorer.
In object explorer you will be able to see the complete name Something.Somethingelse.BasepAge
Do mass search and replace to the complete name.
In Solution Explorer (available on the View menu if you can't see it), you will see that your web application contains a node marked "References". Right click on this and choose "Add reference", and when the dialog box appears, on the Project tab you be able to add a reference to the other project which defines this BasePage class. This then becomes an assembly reference when compiled.
You probably already have the using statement you need from before. Previously, this would have been picked up by the presence of the necessary DLL in the bin folder of the web project. It works differently for a web application.
How to convert in a Web Site Project - will get you started - it is for VS2005 but will still be applicable for Visual Studio 2008.
You might want to take a look at the difference between the 2 types of projects. That said, website projects generally are not created with namespaces, I would guess that "BasePage" was in you appCode folder and has now been converted into a different namespace. You just need to line you your namespaces and everything should work correctly.
What you could try is "Convert to Web Application" in Visual Studio. It is available in the context menu of the new Web Application project in Visual Studio.
There's another possible issue. You might need to set the "Build Action" to "Compile instead of Content. Right-click the .cs file, bring up the properties and make sure the Build Action is compile.
