Printing receipt ASP.NET -

I'm currently making a project where I need to print out a receipt on a receipt printer.
At the moment i'm using the CSS mechanism media=screen , media=print to indicate what to print.
Problem is of course the header and footer which can't be removed, as it is client browser specific.
So i'm wondering if anyone has another suggestion on how to do the printing. Preferbly without using too much IO.

Generally speaking, if you need precise control, your best bet is to have a pdf, or other doocument format that is generated from the server, for your printing. (if the machines printing receipts are controlled, and have word, than .doc (html with an output type) is the easiest method. There are a number of third party controls for generating PDF from server-side code as well. Hope this leads you in a usable direction, since you didn't specify if you controlled the client machines in use.
One benefit to PDF is you can use it as a hard archive, as well as being able to email receipts as an attachment.

The header and footer information (Assuming you're talking about the URL showing up at the bottom of a page) is client-side and there is nothing you can do to change that from server side.
If all of your printing is going to be done from inside your company, you could have a group policy created for Internet Explorer printing to remove these company-wide. You could also just have instructions on your page on how to change these setting manually.
Another option is to print with a 3rd party application, such as PDF, or print it directly from the server if that option is available to you.

Do you mean the page header and footer?
If that's the case, wrap the header and footer in IDs and create CSS tags to target them and give them a much simpler styling, or you can use the CSS element display:none to remove them altogether in the print css.

You could load the content you want to print into an iframe, focus on it, and print that. That way you'll have exact control over what appears on the receipt.
It'd take a small bit of javascript, but I've had success doing similiar things when I wrote a custom contract printer.

It's not an ASP solution, but may help:
It's a java plugin that can bypass the header and footer stuff.


Reading a PDF back from an iFrame?

I have a PDF document that is getting generated on the fly, and rendered on the fly to an iFrame within a radwindow. Basically the document is already largely prepopulated, however the user will still have a chunk of information that they are required to enter. I've found a good amount of information about sending a pdf TO an iframe, but not much information about going the other way. I have a button within the radwindow that can access the iframe object, however I'm somewhat lost as to where to go from there.
EDIT: The PDF is an editable form. I'm trying to pull back the entire PDF document as is, after the client side makes their entries to the form.
I think you'll need to send the file to the user so they can edit it locally and instruct them to upload it.
The content-disposition header with value attachment can help with the first task and you can use RadAsyncUpload to upload it:
I am not aware of ways to tap into the PDF viewer plugin the browsers use to show the PDF. Perhaps there is API from Adobe or some other third party plugin but that would rely on them and is out of your control.
Perhaps the JS PDF viewer from FireFox has something: but I don't know how stable and usable it is.
As per what was described in the comments, I ended up using postbacks through the PDF's themselves along with 1 pixel fields to store data required to identify the documents. It's a little hacky, but functional. I'm leaving this as an actual answer as this is as close to a real solution to the problem I originally had. This has been up and running for close to 4 years in this manner, and thus far hasn't caused any issues. printing of the form

I am developing an online application in which I need to take a printout of the data entered in the form,but on that printed page,at right corner I am getting my page url (e.g. printed.
I don't want it to be printed on the printout.
Is there any solution for this?
The address, date, time etc is typically added by the browser itself and can be configured by the user. How this is configured differs from browser to browser, instructions can easily be found. However, to my knowledge there is no way for an html page to influence those settings. Instead you could generate e.g. a PDF file of the form and let the user print that. This should give a more predictable print out. Alternatively you could explain to the user how to change the settings to not print the header and footer.
See also Disabling browser print options (headers, footers, margins) from page?

is a negative text-indent considered cloaking?

I am using the negative-text-indent technique I learned to show a text-image to the user, while hiding the corresponding actual text.
This way the user sees the fancy styled text while search engines can still index it.
However I am started to think this sounds like cloaking since I am serving different content to the user vs the spider. However, I am not using this in a deceitful way. Plus it seems like this is a popular technique.
So is it SEO-safe or is it cloaking?
No, this is not cloaking. From what I can tell, you are not actually serving different content, based on whether (you think) the client is a crawler. The content you are serving is just interpreted differently by browsers than by a spider. If you are actually serving different content, why are you doing this?
I'd even go as far as say that it is good accessibility practice. Screen readers will still pick up on the hidden text, text browsers will show it normally, etcetera.
No, this is not cloaking. I think the key phrase in Google's definition is:
If the file that Googlebot sees is not identical to the file that a typical user sees, then you're in a high-risk category.
You're not serving a different file - the content of the file served to GoogleBot is exactly the same as the content of the file served to users.
Thomas is right - this is not cloaking. CResult's quoted text implies that Cloaking is serving a different files for crawlers and users. Meaning, for the context of crawling, Content = File. Thus, if you serve the exact same file, you are not Cloaking anything.
It doesn't matter if you serve off-screen text.
It doesn't matter how the content is presented to the user. It doesn't matter what is inside the file.
At least one blog interprets one of google's help pages as proof that google would not approve of negative indents.
Also, this post which supposedly has a quote from a google employee on the topic.
This is NOT cloaking. I use image replacement techniques all the time. It makes sense in the fact it's more accessible. If the text reads what an image says then that's fine. It is functional to the image. If however, you're cloaking a description of the image that is not otherwise on the image anyway, I'd be concerned about that. It's fine to replace things that read the same. I do use ALT text, but sometimes I'd rather have the image as a background on text and indent it off screen. It meets the same requirements. Display PDF in a web page

User click on a link button and it will direct them to a url that is dynmaically generated which a pdf file. The browser will prompt the user to either save or open it.
I want to know if it is possible to downlaod the pdf file to the server then show the pdf file in the web page. When i google on this question, 99% of top link are some third party component. Is it a way to do this without purchase any 3rd party component?
I use itextsharp, its a free open source c# port of the java itext library.
Makes generating dynamic pdfs in a breeze and there is lots of documentation/examples floating around.
I don't think that you'll have much luck without a 3rd party component. First, the issue isn't showing the PDF, it is generating it. For that, you'll need a library to help. Rolling one yourself would not be cheaper unless you have an enormous amount of unpaid time on your hands.
With respect to third-party controls, I recommend and use DynamicPDF from CeTe.
Yes there is a way to do this without a 3rd party tool, but it involves coding a PDF-to-html translator.
If this is something for a business, the RoI for the 3rd party control is that you don't have to spend hundreds of hours coding & testing this component, when you could buy one for just a few hundred dollars.
Now, an alternative is to code a page which displays the data in the same way which the PDF file generates it (this could actually be handled by RDLC). So that when the user clicks the link button, they are taken to this display page, from which they can download the PDF version if they want a local copy.
Regardless of how you generate the PDF, I have found a better user experience if you open the PDF in an IFRAME instead of the full browser window. You can give users instructions and maintain the browser navigation.
I think what you want to do is by going to:
this should in fact just show the PDF file?
What you need to do is change the Response type.
See here for how to do this with images.
Look up the Content-Disposition HTTP header. You can send back a value that requests the content be displayed inline instead of downloaded.

Parsing PlainText Emails from HTML Content (ASP.NET)

Right, in short we basically already have a system in place where the HTML content for emails is generated. It's not perfect, but it works.
From this, we need to be able to derive a plaintext alternative for the email. I was thinking of instantly jumping on and creating a RegEx to strip the <*> tags from the message - but then I realised this would be no good because we do need some of the formatting information (paragraphs, line breaks, images etc).
NOTE: I am OK with actually sending the mail and setting up alternative views etc, this is only about getting plaintext from HTML.
So, I am pondering some ideas. Will post one as an answer to see what you guys think, but thought I would open it up to the floor. :)
If you need any more clarification then please shout.
Many thanks,
My Solution
OK, so here it is! I thought up a solution to my problem and it works like a charm!
Now, here are some of the goals I wanted to set out:
All the content for the emails should remain in the ASPX pages (as the HTML content currently does).
I didn't want the client code to do anything more other than say "SendMail("PageX.aspx")".
I didn't want to write too much code.
I wanted to keep the code as semantically correct as possible (no REALLY crazy-ass hacks!).
The Process
So, this is what I ended up doing:
Go to the master page for the email messages. Create an ASP.NET MultiView Control. This control would have two views - HTML and PlainText.
Within each view, I added content placeholders for the actual content.
I then grabbed all the existing ASPX code (such as header and footer) and stuck it in the HTML View. All of it, DocType and everything. This does cause VS to whinge a little bit. Ignore It.
I then of course added new content to the PlainText view to best replicate the HTML view in a PlainText environment.
I then added some code to the Master Page_Load, checking for the QueryString parameter "type" which could be either "html" or "text". It falls over to "text" if none present. Dependant on the value, it switches the view.
I then go to the content pages and add new placeholders for the PlainText equivalents and add text as required.
To make my life easier, I then overloaded my SendMail method to get the response for the required page, passing "type=html" and "type=text" and creating AlternateView's as appropriate.
In Summary
So, in short:
The Views seperate the actual "views" of the content (HTML and Text).
A master page auto switches the view based on a QueryString.
Content pages are responsible for how their views look.
Job done!
If any of this is unclear then please shout. I would like to create blog post on this at some point in more detail.
My Idea
Create a page based on the HTML content and traverse the control tree. You can then pick the text from the controls and handle different controls as required (e.g. use ALT text for images, "_____" for HR etc).
You could ensure the HTML mail is in XHTML format so you can parse it easily using the standard XML tools, then create your own DOM serialiser that outputs plain text. It'd still be a lot of work to cover general XHTML, but for a limited subset you plan to use in e-mail it could work.
Alternatively, if you don't mind shelling out to another program, you could just use the -dump switch to the lynx web browser.
