Consuming .NET Web Service with Dojo Javascript Library -

How do I consume a .NET Web Service using Dojo? I believe I have the web service serializing its output as JSON but I'd like an example if anyone knows of one. Thanks!

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Can we use rest api in ASP.Net?

I am new in Rest Api and I am using this api in SharePoint but I just wanna know that can I use Rest Api in Asp.Net with web forms.
Please let me know if we can do this or not ?
Yes you can do it it's simple you can get help and learn about your first WEB API from here.
[REST Web API][1]
you can access it via third party tool also like PostMan and etc.
OFC that you can. There is a framework called ASP.NET Web API.

How to integrate .NET web application project (API) with Apache Cordova Project?

So this is the issue:
I have a .NET project that includes 5 Web Application Layers.
One of them is API.
I Recently added a Cordova project as well and I'd like it to communicate with the API Layer.
Is there anyone who knows what to do?
I use visual studio 2013.
You can use normal jQuery Ajax calls to make requests to the API. or just normal JavaScript ajax
I hope that answers your question.
If you're talking about calling into Web API web services from a Cordova app, you may find the Breeze.JS framework useful to help you. You can either just used the client library or use some server side code in addition to client code to help get you up and running and exposing new web services as well.
Otherwise it is simply a matter of making web service calls to the server from your JavaScript code but the specifics will depend on exactly what you're trying to do and what client UI/utility framework you are using.

What are options for VB-ASP applications for consuming .NET web services?

I have a traditional ASP application which is expected to consume a .net web service.
What support does ASP provide for such a scenario?
I rememeber VB script supporting a transaction attribute at the start of the page.
Can i use the transaction to include the web service call as well?
Any pointers would be appreciated.
I would recommend writing a COM or COM+ component in C#, and having it do all the web service work. That way you get the benefit of all the tools available to modern programs while still being able to use it from ancient ones. You can even get transaction support that way, which I don't think you'll get from the SOAP Toolkit, since there was no distributed transaction support in SOAP at all back in 2002/2003.
Got a good pointer on consuming webservices in classic asp
Now need to try transaction support......

ASP.NET chat client

What's my best bet for implementing a simple chat client (2-person) in an ASP.NET 1.1 application? I'm using ExtJS for the front-end so if it integrates well with that it would be great.
It's possible using web services and AJAX but you'll have to hand code it all if you're using 1.1.
if you just look for free see this

How can you create an ASP.Net 2.0 web service that consumes and produces JSON objects?

I would like create a web service in ASP.Net 2.0 that will supports JSON. Is there a way to do this without WCF and .Net 3.5? Can anyone point me to a good article or sample code?
I need direction on what is the best method, using the .Net 2.0 framework, to communicate JSON objects to a client. Is it possible to do this without serializing the object to a string and then deserializing on the client?
use JayRock!
JayRock will work with .net 2.0
You can't do it with standard 2.0 without serialization.
WCF is great, but requires .net 3.5.
Check out this article on MSDN that describes quite a bit about JSON and from an introductory level.
You can utilize WCF for your website, The WCF JSON endpoint can even generate javascript client proxy for the service.
Check out this post
REST / SOAP endpoints for a WCF service
A download sample can be found
I found this API for LINQ to JSON very helpful and easy.
