MySQL vs SQL Server 2005/2008 performance -

I intend to start developing an ASP.NET application and I am wondering which database to use. Performance is very important and the database should be able to handle without issues a database of about 50GB. I am wondering however, if a SQL Server license is worth paying for. I have looked for performance and scalability comparisons between MSSQL Server (2005/2008) and MySQL but I can't seem to find any good tests. Can you point me to some extensive benchmarks related to this subject?

MySQL traditionally is very fast if you are doing a lot of reads. For example in a web site there is probably a 100 to 1 read write ratio so MySQL works well. If you are planning a high transaction database then head straight to MSSQL. If money is no issue head straight to MSSQL anyway because it is a better product.

As mentioned, MySQL can provide high read performance (assuming simple queries with few or no joins) as long as you use the default table type.
However you also stated the database is 50GB in size, which suggests you may be looking for a database that will reliably store the information. Using the default table type MySQL is not a reliable database by any stretch of the imagination.
If you want a fast, free alternative to MS SQL then PostgreSQL may be a good choice - it is fast reliable, and has a more open licence (if you use MySQL for a commercial project you'll want to read its dual licence very carefully). The only downside to PostgreSQL is that it shares some of the same DBA guru requirements as Oracle, where as MS SQL can often be managed by a regular IT person, and MySQL doesn't need much management besides restoring the old backups everytime it decides to become corrupted and lose your data.


Should I consider migrating from SQL Server to Oracle for my ASP.NET applications?

We're upgrading our systems to support clustering and auto failover features. Our business runs .NET 4 applications, web apps and services on SQL Server Express. We can upgrade to SQL Server Standard, but the cost has motivated us to consider other options. Is it a legitimate option to integrate our .NET data layer with ODP.NET? After searching, I have seen a tendentious statement or two in the negative (viz) and yet it would seem that people are doing it anyway. What development features in the Visual Studio IDE will we lose? Thanks for your help!
Well, I'm now working since 20+ years with Oracle and MS SQL Server, having done a lot of projects. Some projects are running now more than 10 years, with all the updates, maintenance and so on.
My quick answer is: Stay with MS SQL Server. Go to Oracle only, if you have really GOOD TECHNICAL reason, or if you are planning really an ENORMOUS database, and if you have enough staff to handle all thge administration.
The main reason is that SQL Server is much easier to maintain; and it also integrates greatly into the Microsoft environment.
Oracle, in contrast, has a steep learning curve. The handling of Oracle is much more "manual" then MS SQL Server. Well, that's also a good thing, because you are in control of every small detail, but it also means that you need to learn a lot; or you need to pay experts. And it is not so easy to find people who really know what to do.
I really like both Systems, but for a rule of thumb, I normally suggest to use MS SQL Server.
I've been using .net with Oracle for years, and migrate away from it whenever the option is available.
If all your database code is in stored procs and you call it though the codebehind or a library and you use ansi sql your migration from ms sql to oracle will be fairly painless.
If you use TableAdapters, they re-write any sql you put in to the oldschool oracle 8 syntax like table1,table2,table3 then have a big where clause to do the join conditions. There's also some weird bugs where sometimes sql that runs fine over in SQL Developer won't work in the TableAdapters.
If you use Entity Framework migration should be pretty easy, but the MS SQL driver is much better then the Oracle one. There have been several queries I couldn't do though EF in oracle because of some of the various errors with the current driver.
If you need more info let me know.
Also if Cost is the main reason to consider migration, why not go with mysql?
Since you are already working in MS SQL, you must be habitual of the way it work, be it entity framework or any other data execution. Yes offcource, microsoft has very high license rates for it. But if you want to move to any other database, it is perfectly alright. I have personally used MS SQL and MySQL both. Initially you might face some syntax related issues, but do remember that logic remains the same for fetching and saving the data. Further it gives a benefit that you got to learn a new language and that too at the expense of far less money.

Can/should I run my web site against a SQLite database?

I'm about to build a new personal blog/portfolio site (which will be written in ASP.NET), and I'm going to run it against a SQLite database. There are a few reasons for this:
The site will not be getting a lot
of traffic, and from what I've read,
SQLite is able to support quite a
lot of concurrent users for reading
I can back up all the content
easily, just by downloading the db
over FTP
I don't have to pay my hosting
company every month for a huge
SQL2008 database that I'm hardly
So, should I go for it, or is this a crazy idea?
I'm not so sure about #2 (what happens if SQLite makes changes to the file while the FTP program is reading it?) but other than that, there is no reason to prefer one DB over the other (unless one of those DBs just can't do what you need).
[EDIT] Use an online backup to create the file for FTP download. That will make sure the file content is intact.
Even better, add a page (with password) to your site which creates the file at the press of a button, so your browser can download it.
It's just fine for a low traffic site as long as it's mostly read traffic. If it were me, I'd use SQL Compact Edition instead (same benefits as Sqlite- single file, no server), just because I'm a LINQ-head and the LINQ providers are "in the box" for it, but Sqlite has a decent LINQ library and managed support as well. Make sure your hosting company allows unmanaged code, or that you use the managed port of Sqlite (don't know its current stability though).
SQLite can handle this easily - go for it.
You should check, but I think that the Express version of SQL 2008 is free of charge.
Anyway, I've been working with SQLite from .NET environment, and it works quite fine (but I haven't done any load test).
And if you're not decided yet, you still can use a LINQ provider which will allow you later to switch from one database to another without rewriting your SQL code (I think to DbLinq, for example).
If you plan to backup you database, you must ensure first that it is not used at the moment.
SQLite answer this for you:
low-medium volume = okay,
high volume = don't use it
in your case its a-ok to use sqlite
Generally, yes.
But you should be aware of the fact that SQLite does not support everything that you might be used to from a 'real' DBMS. E.g. there are no constraints like foreign keys, unique indexes and the like, and AFAIK some (more advanced) datatypes are not available.
You should check for the various limitations here and here. If you can get along with that there's no reason to not use SQLite.
A rule of thumb is that if the site can run on one server
then SQLite is sufficient. That is what the creator of
SQLite, D. Richard Hipp, said at approximately 13 min
30 secs into episode 26 of the FLOSS Weekly
Direct audio link (MP3 file, 24 MB, 51 min 15 sec).
I'd say no. First off, I don't know who you are using for a provider, but with my provider (goDaddy), it's pretty cheap at $2.99 a month or so. I get 1 sql server db and 10 mysql dbs.
I don't know how much cheaper this can get.
Secondly, why risk it? Most provider plans include at least MySQL database. You can hook up with that.
In general, SQLite isn't meant for a high-traffic website, but it can do quite well on websites getting 100,000 hits/day or less. The SQLite org website gets more than 500,000 hits/day, and generates 2 million or more DB interactions/day ... all handled by SQLite.
Here are some things that will dramatically speed up SQLite's performance:
Index your tables
Use transactions for multiple commands instead of executing one at a time.
Learn about write-ahead logging
Do a Google search on each of the above with SQLite ... your DB performance will improve dramatically.
An SQLite DB can actually be faster than a MySQL, PostGRE, MS SQL Server DB, or other hosted server-based DBs for 2 reasons:
1). SQLite is usually stored on the same machine as the website, rather than a separate server machine, eliminating round trip network latency response times.
2.) For smaller read/write requests, the SQLite engine is executing far less code, which can also be faster.
For a smaller website, a smaller DB engine like SQLite could actually be faster and more efficient.
Are you using any SQL functionality? SUM, AVG, SORT BY, etc, if yes go use SQLite. If not, just use plain txt files to store your data. Also make sure that the database is outside the httpdocs folder or it is not web accessible.

What is Sqlite used for?

I don't know how authoritative this is but I found this:
and it doesn't seem good to have a lot of connections to sqlite. This seems to be bad for the web and most applications that have more than a few users. I'm having a hard time thinking of what sqlite would be used for when you don't need that many connections. Every program I can think of needs users, lots of them sometimes, so what would I use a database for that doesn't allow that many connections? I thought about prototypes but why would I use that when I can just connect to a larger database? Embedded apps maybe?
Thank you.
EDIT: Thanks everyone. I look at the page recommended below but an confused about something:
Under appropriate uses for sqlite it has:
Situations Where SQLite Works Well
SQLite usually will work great as the database engine for low to medium traffic websites (which is to say, 99.9% of all websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle depends, of course, on how heavily the website uses its database. Generally speaking, any site that gets fewer than 100K hits/day should work fine with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure is a conservative estimate, not a hard upper bound. SQLite has been demonstrated to work with 10 times that amount of traffic.
Situations Where Another RDBMS May Work Better
•Client/Server Applications
If you have many client programs accessing a common database over a network, you should consider using a client/server database engine instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great. Also, the file locking logic of many network filesystems implementation contains bugs (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work like it should, it might be possible for two or more client programs to modify the same part of the same database at the same time, resulting in database corruption. Because this problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it.
A good rule of thumb is that you should avoid using SQLite in situations where the same database will be accessed simultaneously from many computers over a network filesystem.
The Question:
I'm going to show my ignorance here but what is the difference between these two?
This is answered well by sqlite itself : Appropriate use of sqlite
Another way to look at SQLite is this:
SQLite is not designed to replace Oracle. It is designed to replace fopen().
It's good for situations where you don't have access to a "real" database and still want the power of a relational db. For example, Firefox stores a bunch of information about your settings/history/etc in an SQLite database. You can't expect everyone that runs firefox to have MySQL or postgre installed on their machine.
It's also perfectly capable of running relatively-low traffic, read-heavy websites. The performance of it is overall very good, it's more than the large majority of websites need for their traffic levels.
It's often used for embedded applications.
It can be very handy to use a database like storage when you have no access to a database service. So SQLite is used since it's just a file you store somewhere.
I also find that using SQLite is good for getting a prototype application together pretty quickly without the overhead of having a seperate DB server or bogging a development environment with an instance of MySQL/Oracle/Whatever.
Also easy to pick up and move the database to a different machine if you need to.
The iPhone uses it for call history, SMS messages, contacts, and other type of data. Like Ólafur Waage said, good for embedded applications on mobile device because it's lightweight. I have used it also on stand alone applications. Easy to use and available on most platforms.
Think about simple client or desktop apps that could make use of a db, like as a poor example, an address book. Rather than bundling a huge db engine like mysql or postgre with your deliverable, sqlite is very lightweight and easy to include with your finished app.
This FLOSS Weekly podcast episode talks with the creator of SQLite and covers among other things goes over the type of things you would use it for. Everything from file systems for mobile phones to smallish web sites.
In the simplest terms, SQLite is a public-domain software package that provides a
relational database management system, or RDBMS. Relational database systems are
used to store user-defined records in large tables. In addition to data storage and management,
a database engine can process complex query commands that combine data
from multiple tables to generate reports and data summaries. Other popular RDBMS
products include Oracle Database, IBM’s DB2, and Microsoft’s SQL Server on the
commercial side, with MySQL and PostgreSQL being popular open source products.
The “Lite” in SQLite does not refer to its capabilities. Rather, SQLite is lightweight
when it comes to setup complexity, administrative overhead, and resource usage.
For detail info and solution about SQLite visit the link below:
Thank you.
What the above two answers say. Expanding slightly on Chad Birch's answer, its teh calls to the SQLite db, and a rather poor implementation of sync() that causes FF3 to be so slow in linux.

SqlServer Express slow performance

I am stress testing a .NET web application. I did this for 2 reasons: I wanted to see what performance was like under real world conditions and also to make sure we hadn't missed any problems during testing. We had 30 concurrent users in the application using it as they would during the normal course of their jobs. Most users had multiple windows of the application open.
10 Users: Not bad
20 Users: Slowing down
30 Users: Very, very slow but no timeouts
It was loaded on the production server. It is a virtual server with a 2.66G Hz Xeon processor and 2 GB of RAM. We are using Win2K3 SP2. We have .NET 1.1 and 2.0 loaded and are using SQLExpress SP1.
We rechecked the indexes on all of the tables afterword and they were all as they should be.
How can we improve our application's performance?
This is just something that I thought of, but check to see how much memory SQL Server is using when you have 20+ users - one of the limitations of the Express version is that it is limited to 1GB of RAM. So it might just be a simple matter of there not being enough memory available to to server due to the limitations of Express.
You may be running into concurrency issues, depending on how your application runs. Try performing your reads with the "nolock" keyword.
Try adding in table aliases for your columns (and avoid the use of SELECT *), this helps out MSSQL, as it doesn't have to "guess" which table the columns come from.
If you aren't already, move to SPROCs, this allows MSSQL to index your data better for a given query's normal result set.
Try following the execution plan of your SPROCS to ensure they are using the indexes you think they are.
Run a trace against your database to see what the incoming requests look like. You may notice a particular SPROC is being run over and over: generally a good sign to cache the responses on the client if possible. (lookup lists, etc.)
Update: Looks like SQL Server express is not the problem as they were using the same product in previous version of the application. I think your next step is in identifying the bottlenecks. If you are sure it is in the database layer, I would recommend taking a profiler trace and bringing down the execution time of the most expensive queries.
This is another link I use for collecting statistics from SQL Server Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) and related Dynamic Management Functions (DMFs). Not sure if we can use in the Express edition.
Uncover Hidden Data to Optimize Application Performance.
Are you using SQL Server Express for a web app? As far as I know, it has some limitations for production deployment.
SQL Server Express is free and can be redistributed by ISV's (subject to agreement). SQL Server Express is ideal for learning and building desktop and small server applications. This edition is the best choice for independent software vendors, non-professional developers, and hobbyists building client applications. If you need more advanced database features, SQL Server Express can be seamlessly upgraded to more sophisticated versions of SQL Server.
I would check disk performance on the virtual server. If that's one of the issues, I would recommend putting the database on a separate spindle.
Update: Move to separate spindle or Upgrade SQL Server version as Gulzar aptly suggests.
make sure you close connections after retrieving data.
Run SQL Profiler to see the queries sent to the database. Look for queries that are:
returning too much data
constructed poorly
are being executed too many times

How Scalable is SQLite? [closed]

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I recently read this Question about SQLite vs MySQL and the answer pointed out that SQLite doesn't scale well and the official website sort-of confirms this, however.
How scalable is SQLite and what are its upper most limits?
Yesterday I released a small site* to track your rep that used a shared SQLite database for all visitors. Unfortunately, even with the modest load that it put on my host it ran quite slowly. This is because the entire database was locked every time someone viewed the page because it contained updates/inserts. I soon switched to MySQL and while I haven't had much time to test it out, it seems much more scaleable than SQLite. I just remember slow page loads and occasionally getting a database locked error when trying to execute queries from the shell in sqlite. That said, I am running another site from SQLite just fine. The difference is that the site is static (i.e. I'm the only one that can change the database) and so it works just fine for concurrent reads. Moral of the story: only use SQLite for websites where updates to the database happen rarely (less often than every page loaded).
edit: I just realized that I may not have been fair to SQLite - I didn't index any columns in the SQLite database when I was serving it from a web page. This partially caused the slowdown I was experiencing. However, the observation of database-locking stands - if you have particularly onerous updates, SQLite performance won't match MySQL or Postgres.
another edit: Since I posted this almost 3 months ago I've had the opportunity to closely examine the scalability of SQLite, and with a few tricks it can be quite scalable. As I mentioned in my first edit, database indexes dramatically reduce query time, but this is more of a general observation about databases than it is about SQLite. However, there is another trick you can use to speed up SQLite: transactions. Whenever you have to do multiple database writes, put them inside a transaction. Instead of writing to (and locking) the file each and every time a write query is issued, the write will only happen once when the transaction completes.
The site that I mention I released in the first paragraph has been switched back to SQLite, and it's running quite smoothly once I tuned my code in a few places.
* the site is no longer available
Sqlite is scalable in terms of single-user, I have multi-gigabyte database that performs very well and I haven't had much problems with it.
But it is single-user, so it depends on what kind of scaling you're talking about.
In response to comments. Note that there is nothing that prevents using an Sqlite database in a multi-user environment, but every transaction (in effect, every SQL statement that modifies the database) takes a lock on the file, which will prevent other users from accessing the database at all.
So if you have lots of modifications done to the database, you're essentially going to hit scaling problems very quick. If, on the other hand, you have lots of read access compared to write access, it might not be so bad.
But Sqlite will of course function in a multi-user environment, but it won't perform well.
SQLite drives the web site and others that have lots of traffic. They suggest that if you have less than 100k hits per day, SQLite should work fine. And that was written before they delivered the "Writeahead Logging" feature.
If you want to speed things up with SQLite, do the following:
upgrade to SQLite 3.7.x
Enable write-ahead logging
Run the following pragma: "PRAGMA cache_size = Number-of-pages;" The default size (Number-of-pages) is 2000 pages, but if you raise that number, then you will raise the amount of data that is running straight out of memory.
You may want to take a look at my video on YouTube called "Improve SQLite Performance With Writeahead Logging" which shows how to use write-ahead logging and demonstrates a 5x speed improvement for writes.
Sqlite is a desktop or in-process database. SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and their brethren are servers.
Desktop databases are by their nature not a good choices for any application that needs to support concurrent write access to the data store. This includes at some level most web sites ever created. If you even have to log in for anything, you probably need write access to the DB.
Have you read this SQLite docs - ?
SQLite usually will work great as the
database engine for low to medium
traffic websites (which is to say,
99.9% of all websites). The amount of web traffic that SQLite can handle
depends, of course, on how heavily the
website uses its database. Generally
speaking, any site that gets fewer
than 100K hits/day should work fine
with SQLite. The 100K hits/day figure
is a conservative estimate, not a hard
upper bound. SQLite has been
demonstrated to work with 10 times
that amount of traffic.
SQLite scalability will highly depend on the data used, and their format. I've had some tough experience with extra long tables (GPS records, one record per second). Experience showed that SQLite would slow down in stages, partly due to constant rebalancing of the growing binary trees holding the indexes (and with time-stamped indexes, you just know that tree is going to get rebalanced a lot, yet it is vital to your searches). So in the end at about 1GB (very ballpark, I know), queries become sluggish in my case. Your mileage will vary.
One thing to remember, despite all the bragging, SQLite is NOT made for data warehousing. There are various uses not recommended for SQLite. The fine people behind SQLite say it themselves:
Another way to look at SQLite is this: SQLite is not designed to replace Oracle. It is designed to replace fopen().
And this leads to the main argument (not quantitative, sorry, but qualitative), SQLite is not for all uses, whereas MySQL can cover many varied uses, even if not ideally. For example, you could have MySQL store Firefox cookies (instead of SQLite), but you'd need that service running all the time. On the other hand, you could have a transactional website running on SQLite (as many people do) instead of MySQL, but expect a lot of downtime.
i think that a (in numbers 1) webserver serving hunderts of clients appears on the backend with a single connection to the database, isn't it?
So there is no concurrent access in the database an therefore we can say that the database is working in 'single user mode'. It makes no sense to diskuss multi-user access in such a circumstance and so SQLite works as well as any other serverbased database.
Think of it this way. SQL Lite will be locked every time someone uses it (SQLite doesn't lock on reading). So if your serving up a web page or a application that has multiple concurrent users only one could use your app at a time with SQLLite. So right there is a scaling issue. If its a one person application say a Music Library where you hold hundreds of titles, ratings, information, usage, playing, play time then SQL Lite will scale beautifully holding thousands if not millions of records(Hard drive willing)
MySQL on the other hand works well for servers apps where people all over will be using it concurrently. It doesn't lock and it is quite large in size. So for your music library MySql would be over kill as only one person would see it, UNLESS this is a shared music library where thousands add or update it. Then MYSQL would be the one to use.
So in theory MySQL scales better then Sqllite cause it can handle mutiple users, but is overkill for a single user app.
SQLite's website (the part that you referenced) indicates that it can be used for a variety of multi-user situations.
I would say that it can handle quite a bit. In my experience it has always been very fast. Of course, you need to index your tables and when coding against it, you need to make sure you use parameritized queries and the like. Basically the same stuff you would do with any database to improve performance.
